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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Sep 1958, p. 10

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he meme oon Ca i WA ity I a A 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1958 arate sear ar Tm ------------------ SOAR CAWKER BROS. Devon Sliced Bacon, 1's ...... 1b. 6% Boneless Prime Rib Roasts ... 1b. 75 'Boneless Plate Pot Roasts, . Ih. 35 DELIVERY EVERY UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK "The: Family Butcher" PORT PERRY ANA ARRAS AAARRAR RR ARAN RAN FREE TOWN MORNING . POROBOSOROSOROSORINIROEOEONOROR EOS YUkon 5-2221 AA AN ASA aa roa at et at at a tt a A ao on 2 2 -. en CREA Je oecesecese we ee woes See se eee. oe ob £38 a a 8 BUREN ON NRW aa 1 This Week-end Specials Whipped Cream Goods "HONEY CREAM LAYER CAKE" "LEMON PIE and TARTS" ' GERROW'S BAKERY p, % p, \ > } Ashburn Sunday School and Church services were held at Burn's church on Sun- day, Sept. 14th at [0.156 and 11.30 a.m. Mr. Maxwell, of Bonar Presbyteri- an Church, Torontd, was in charge of the morning worship. On Sunday, Sept. 21st a join Rally Day service will be held at 11 a.m. In the even- ing at the young People's meeting, Miss Peggy Graham of Toronto, will be the Speaker, The Sept. meeting of the W.M.S, was held at the home of Mrs, Russell Richardson on Wed., Sept. 8rd at 2.30 p.m. with a good attendance, The meeting opened with the sing- ing of Hymn 270 "Breathe on me Breath of God". The scripture les- son was read by Mrs, R. Paynter fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs, B. D. Armstrong. The minutes were read and the roll call answered by members with the word "Harvest". An invitation was read from the Beaverton Auxiliary for two members to attend their Thank-Offering meeting on Oct, 9th. Mrs. Luther Bradley was in charge of the Study assisted by Mrs. W. Knight and Mrs. N. Anderson. The meeting closed with prayer by ye by Mrs. Richardson and a social half hour enjoyed. The annual Thank-Offering meet- ing of the W.M.S. will be held on Wed. evening, Oct. 1st at 8.15 with | Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, as guest speak- ers. Everyone is welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen, of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Suther- land, of Utica were Sunday visitors | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton, - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Wayne and "Allan spent the week end with friends at Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton attended a party at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers, of Epsom, on Satur- day evening in honour of the Rogers 40th wedding anniversary. On Tuesday evening, Sept. 2nd, a number of friends and relatives ga- thered in the basement of Burns' Church to honour Kenneth Heron and his bride to be Diane Sykes of Tor- onto. : A short program in the form of a minstrel show given by the boys of Ken's Sunday School class made everyone forget their troubles. It consisted of a number of negro chor- uses and solos, interspersed with riddles and jokes. Mr. and Mrs. R. Goase, Whitby, on Wednesday evening, when Mrs, Goase entertained friends, for her brother Mr. A. Bentley, We welcome Mrs. W. Kelsey of ; London Eng. to Canada. She is visit. ing her mother Mrs. Ackney. Gwen's many friends will be very happy to see her, : Mrs, Kendall and Larry calling at Mr. J. Ward's Whitby on Sunday, The | Utica friends of Mrs. Ward will be glad to know she is feeling fine after her. sojourn in the hospital. Manchester Mis. Jim Torrens and Kenneth have returned to Kingston after two weeks with her brothers Wesley and Harley Johnston, Mrs. Marion Cooper, Toronto, visit- ed friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston re- turned Saturday from a two weeks vacation in the Canadian West. Murs, Dolly Roberts spent the week end with the Witherspoons at their cottage on Davis Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie were in Oakville on Saturday attending the wedding of a nephew, A unique operation is under way on ton. Lillian Ward home with her mother over the week-end. Several car loads from Greenbank attended the ball game at Winona on Saturday. The supper at the Head tea room last Friday evening was well attend- ed, 'and was enjoyed. by all present. We were very pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. Preston' Smith of St. Thom- as, North Dakota with us. Mr, and Mrs. Smith are visiting Mr. and Mrs, S. Arnold for a few days. Mrs. L. Martyn was in Stratford last week where she attended the | Stratford Theatre presentation of King Henry 1V. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowson left this week for Cleveland, where they will spend a few days. Mrs. Chas. Reader is still in the Oshawa Hospital following an opera- tion last Friday. Her many friends hope that she will soon be able to be home again. : W. A. members of the Head Church are reminded that our bazaar will be held on Nov. bth, so let's all get our articles in on time, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Mr. Alan Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. I. Tra- vell and Mrs. A, Ashton were guests with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman last Sunday, and Mr. Chester Rodman of Markdale called on Mr. and Mrs, Rod- man last Monday. Mr, and Mrs. H, Hargrave and fu y= ; " mily spent last week-end with Mr. and" Mrs, C. Graham. ies . . ' Mrs, Knight. : he Oswald Croxall f The bar 374) Phone YUkon 5-2172 G. M. Gerrow - Mr. or Kerr t Ken- | the Oswald Croxall farms. The barn, % 9a Dainty refreshments were served Wy par Ree hen Juries Mr | 72 x 45 on the north farm has been Hie J cc 0 OO Mmmm. 8 Kerr biiofly: vefarred to th pais ta lifted in tact from its foundation and ba! ; 3 is being moved approximately one half - | ft ken by Kenneth in all the activities |'s] - i | {oo communis, pact in the he neh oe te to be et onal) GHOIGE i] ) . N iz = ; a0 ie FREE . a Hi By Sehicsl and Young home farm. Mr."Joe Harrison of Mt. ry HUNDREDS OF i Giveaway! The bay come wer thn gre SL iting olde, io | || NW ALL Tae fy. i rears g ' | fh contests sented with a shower of many beau sino: 1912. 3 FABRICS TO VA tiful gifts which included an electric Mrs. Fred Christi d Paul ar Z This Brand New coffee percolator from a number of py highs and avl-hre ~ gz an OLDSMOBILE friends of the Myrtle Community. Kenneth and Diane both evpressed their heartfelt thanks for the gifts and invited everyone fo visit them at their home in Waterloo where they intend to live following their marri- age. oy A delicious luncheon was served and a' social time enjoyed by all. visiting relatives in Winnipeg. Mr. Andy Bentlay, Grand Forks, N. D., called on Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier, on Thursday. Greenbank away Sunday morning in the person of John McKitrick. One of our oldest citizens passed CHOOSE FROM Y. TIP TOP CLOTHES GIVE YOU THE TIP TOP (¥sthes You get the BIG fabric choice this fall in TIP TOP Tailored To Meas- ure suits, Literally hundreds of new all-wool British fabrics are ready and' ° Sorry to hear that Mrs. Thomas Utica Bushby has been ill. Hope she will YOU'LL BE OVERJOYED to win this beavtt- fo all entering X ful OLOSHOBILE Super "a, Daruxe son be enjoying her usual good health a. o «0 YO GH _enterin : Holiday Coupé with Whitewall Tires, Heater, Gas and Murs. Jack Ye n - in. 3 . ' 9 Licence... All you do for an opportunity fo win this fabulous Grand Prize la ¢ OMgn and 2A of Bow. | dgdin our Contest Liquid Rouge -- Ni nd "noturol o.. in 3 Tlottering shodes will tailor for you a superb suit that is guaranteed to fit you right. Come in today. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Camplin visit- ing 'Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rodd last Friday evening. manville visiting Mrs. Ackney one afternoon last week. , Mrs. Suteliff visiting her daughter get your free, easy contést entry form at any RED & WHITE Food Store and follow the simple contest instructions . . . Remember, EVERYONE complying with the rules of the Contest will recelve a regular 59¢ bottle of Neva Tangee LIQUID ROUGE... a new way fo natural radiance--in a choice of 5 Hiattering shades--absotviely FREE , oo Antler NOWI 4. o 'e Basyl. eis Fund Mrs. S. Bray for week-end, Mur. and Mrs. Gordon Blair and fam- : ® . = " : Mrs. Fielding Sr. attended Man. | ily were supper guests of Mr. and chester Ann. Services. . Mrs. Stuart Dick, Sandford, on -Sun- Mr. and Mrs. C. Larlie Ward, Mi- | day. | ) ) = (©) = ! Buy These Contest Brands Save 30 igh P---- mico calling on Mrs. Ackney on Mon- Miss Helen Lee was home for the ® day. week-end. yn CORN SYRUP - Best Buy Catelli 16 om p $m §Q¢ MACARONI kg. 2fr31c Best Buy - Save 6c Salada 60 bags 73c¢ 43c 83c Mr. Andy Bentley of Grand Forks, N. Dakota, reviewing old scenes of his childhood, and ealling on old friends." We were glad to see "Andy" looking so well and hope he visits Utica again in the near future; it is Sunday visitors at Stanley Foster's 8 years since he has been here. were Mrs, Charles Pilkey of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kendall visiting also Mrs. Foster's sister from Hamil- Mr. and Mrs. E. Reynold spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Spehcer. Mrs. W. Phoenix came home from the hospital on Saturday. : BREEZE "ji bie BREEZE Wits * lu BREEZE "iis Biv Tc Off Pack of 4 Bars $1.29 LIFEBUOY SOAP 3c Regular size Lux Liquid Soap 2 rr 23¢ Bath size Lux Liquid Soap 2 r 33c Large pkg. SURF DETERGENT 43c Giant pkg. SURF DETERGENT 83 RINSO ope. 38C Large pkg. RINSO Ge Of ga, LUX LIQUID Large tin 43c LUX LIQUID Giant tin 83 .WISK Large 43c WISK 10c Off Giant -- 2 ') 1 George Stone's Men's Wear PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Open Friday Till 9. Saturday till 6 TEA BAGS QUALITY MEATS Fresh - Lean - Boneless PORK LOIN ROLLS &7c Fresh, Lean, Beef Plate, Boneless POT ROAST » 45¢ Swift's Skinless - 1 1b. pkg. Brookfield SAUSAGE + 47 ¢ + 33 PREMIUM BOLOGNA FRESH PRODUCE Ontario Select Heaping | Solo BLUE GRAPES , 69 BE X Joh L 8 qt. basket QC § MARGARINE Lh. Pkg. J For 53c Juicy - Fancy No. 1 Grade . ! Sood Laide || de off Bartlett PEARS back 6 qt. basket MARGARINE th. Pkg. 23c Tasty, Nutritious' ah one 39c ' . Fm BEST Buy ~~" 1 | SWEET POTATOES 3 bs. 2 5¢ Your Dollars go further when you buy | [ENGLISH CHINAWARE ; OHIONS Yellow 3 9 - Chevrolet Trucks. Every Dollar delivers | n every package --a - 10 1b. bag C : : : ; - al: | more miles --- more loads -- E X T RA 2.47 i | Crisp, mouth watering mo is New Blue Detergent i Ontario McIntosh " ie © more profits - for you! y 5! . anc ra y ' Slum Special 79 APPLES 6 at. basket 7 5¢ With Chevrolet, far fewer dollars deliver you So) - ke os 0 mn 0 om om oh much more truck... bring you extra-value - fo "Features" features that other trucks just don't offer. A +7 Birds Eye Frozen Foods Birds Eye Frozen Dinners--' Chicken, Turkey or Beef, ea. 69¢ Birds Eye Frozen Orange Juice, Red & White Choice TENDER PEAS, 20 oz. tin, Wagstaffe's RASPBERRY JAM, 24 oz. jar Dyson's Plain : Chevrolet cuts running costs too. You get more | miles, more profit from every gallon of gas. And 1: Chevrolet gives you back a bigger slice of your investment when trade-in time rolls rink i 4 for 57¢ _ 43¢ A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CT-2064C 1 see your Chevrolet dealer today . . . st 6oz tin : 29¢ | DILL PICKLES, 24 oz jar ------. 8 for $1.00 ; : : : your investment! y Bi » : York Brand -- 16 oz. jar 4 3 ; ; : Hah ' Sa BREAD & BUTTER PICKLES 2 for 353c ; PICKUPS . . . Your | pANELS ... chevrolet | CAB AND CHASSIS... 2 Contest Beano Johnson's One of these ghelce of k- majdls, offers the bi ost panel Models In avary Wight. RIE A110 EB 7 Aunt Mory's | LEAR LIQUID WAX, 16 oz. Hi ........ $9 Chevrolet with 50% mare load. | [Ad re he | BY. to 35,000 Ins. . A in BLIND e te oice * | BC. ! ? \ : ; i COFFFE CREAM STYLE CORN, 20 oz. tin 2 for 33c money-makers | Shoda : "» | A 76 uy | srightfor | Se | nn | oc Co | H AY 3 ! [] ' rs { CAE FREE ENTRY FORMS at all.. HEIN | tm ie i, | hairs sit | ats mighi in S i your Job! 12 fost long. of 32,000 pounds. thousand pounds. 8 Dowson's Food Market FREE DELIVERY ~~ YUkon 5-7942 - HOWARD MOTORS YUkon 65-2161" PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ~ Port Perry we Pree IIE

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