ain] ERR EIN, 2 WIR RP FR A BEAR ae Ba Tl 8----THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1958 Gathering at the display of this year's entries in the Better News- papers Competition at the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associations con- vention in Toronto last week, are, left to right, Bert Smith, CWNA conven- tion chairman, the Port Credit (Ont.) Weekly; Fred W. Beattie, the Ann- apolis Royal (N.S.) Spectator; H. E. McCormick, (new) president CWNA, the Montreal Monitor; G. Cecil Day, immediate past president CWNA, the -* Liverpool (N.S.) Advance; Helen Marsh, the Daphin (Man.) Herald and Press; Lucien Fontaine, president, Association of French Weeklies and publisher of the L'Abitibien, Val d'Or (Que.) Demerit Point System Planned for Ontario Drivers A further step to protect safe dri- vers from chronic violators of the Higliway Traffic Act and the Crimi- nal 'Code will be taken when the Ontario Department of Transport in- troduces a driver demerit point sys- tem later this year, A. G. MacNab Registrar of Motor Vehicles told de- legates the "Road Safety Work- shops "hss in Toronto recently. The safety conference is being spon- sored by the Highway Safety Branch of the Ontario Department of Tran- sport, "To gain maximum benefit from the experience of 21 other jurisdic- tions in operating demerit point sys- tems, representatives of both the-Ont. Department of Transport and the De- partment of the Attorney-General have, for the past few months, made close studies of these systems," Mr. MacNab said. "From these studies we have a ten- tative point value proposal which is being studied further. Upon the ac- cumulation of six points for convic- tions, a warning letter, is to be sent. When a driver reaches nine demerit points he will be called to the Depart- ment for a hearing, which can result in either probation or immediate li- cence suspension. Mandatory sus- pension occurs at 12 demerit points. speed limit by more than 10, points will result from 'convictions for hicle, motor manslaughter, driving (8s while intoxicated or while ability is|% impaired, obtaining a driver's licence | & by fraud, and driving while under|§ suspension, carry the maximum point | total of 12 and mandatory suspension. | Leaving the scene of an accident will | § carry nine demerits. Convictions for | & careless driving and exceeding the |¥ speed limit. by 80 or more] earry five demerit points. Three |} points are assessed for exceeding the | i failure to yield the right of way, im- | & proper passing, failure to obey a|3 stop sign or signal, and failure to re- | . port an accident in which someone is | injured or killed or where property | # damage amounts to $100 or more. Two | #* ~~ CAWKER BROS. UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK YUkon 5-2221 "The o Patil Butcher" ys Fresh Home-made Sausages . . Lb. Lf S. P. Cottage Rolls ..........Lb. 55 Rump Roast of Beef .........Lb. 75 FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING PORT PERRY exceeding the speed limit by 10 m, p.h. or less and all other Hoving vio- lations. a. "The accumulation of demerit pts. : will take place over a continuing but total period of two years, in that, two B years from the date of a conviction carrying demerit points, those points are to be deducted from that driver's record," he said. been completed by the University of North Carolina on the subject of de- merit point systems and while a pre- liminary report has been presented to the American Association of Mo- tor Vehicle Administrators, the final report is #cheduled' for presentation at a conference in San Francisco later this month, Mr. MacNab pointed out that representatives of the province 8 a ) Serve Country Club Ice Cream : 8 A two-year research project has i often for an easy, tempting dessert. WEEK-END SPECIALS "Orange Layer Cake" 3 { GERROW"S BAKERY Phone YUkon 56-2172 "Jellied Doughnuts" G. M, Gerrow 0 0 CO SOLO OO, Oc ERLE. SE EM = (H a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark and Mr. "Convictions for c¥imi ctiminal negligen- | will be present to review this report . ine rove Mr. Lacey will take the service |and Mrs. E, Ballard visiting Mr. and involvini |; tid" Tirementd n . sexi Bindeo Mrs. John Locke recently. ce involving the Bee of a motor ve-!in the light of Ontario's requirem ( Elsie S. : Drygola Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Sharrard a ' had Sunday Supper with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hill and family spent last week-end with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hill. Mr. A. Handel spent a few days in Toronto and attended the Ex. Congratulations to Mr. Charlie Trinka for winning a Bursary from Port Perry High School. W. A. are invited to Goodwood Bap- tist Church Friday evening Sept. 12th Mr. Neil Carling is home after spending a few days in Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Davis of Al- tona visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lehman of Claremont. Mrs. A. Rothwell and Derik visit- ed Sunday with Mrs. Totoff. Mr. and Mrs. Pickles of Uxbridge spent the long week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Erickson before sailing for England. LIVE BETTER Electrically .... with an..ELECTRIC Tenders Tenders will be received Hospital Board, Port Perry, done at the hospital. (a) For the re-roofing 'Wanted by the Community Memorial for the following work to. be of the North wing of the hospital with aluminum roofing similar to the South Wing. TEACHER OF SINGING Voice Production, Technique, Diction, Interpretation. Pupils enrolled Wednesday, September 17th 6 to 8.30 p.m., St. John's Presbyterian Church Hall. at 8.15, to hear the Turnbulll Sisters. (b) For additional office 8 : 3 3..8 . \ . pace to be built adjoining the They are Missionaries from India. Mr. and Mrs. Ellicott attended the WATER . A : . ® Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Slack visited |10th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. = present office. Further particulars upon inquiry at the © STYLE cr one evening last week with Mr. and |and Mrs, Donald Mantle at the home HEATER = Mw = hospital. - Mrs. Jack Johnson of Mr. and Mrs. Percy' Mantle at Be- 7 J i : ' oF CI All tenders to be submitted to the Secretary of the Com- Four students are attending High thany on Saturday evening. ¥ Corpict ity M ial H ital B d bef & t. 30th - mun emoria ospita oard on or befor: . . > School this year from Pine Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ellicott and family <e, -- ¥ p ® Peni. S08 E, Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Gourlie spent ! visited relatives in Oshawa Sunday. A A AAA A A I SS THEATR UXBRIDGE _ FRIDAY-SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12-13 b ] / Dad School Surveys Show STUDENTS' GRADES GO When They Switch To Typing! SUBJECT English History Sclence Algebra Spanish Physical Education REPORT CARD C+B |B C |c+B|B+ C |B |B C B A GRADE FINAL beat. Toronto to London. ...... Toronto to Kingston....... Toronto to Montreal.. ives Toronto to Sault Ste. Marle...... And besides os Sea Day No wonder the ! Dauphine is fast becoming the choice - of Canadian motorists. See how little it costs to visit these places, Drive a RENAULT TL awupbhine and save $$$ on gas 44 miles per gallon $1845.00 Driving all day for less than 1¢ per mile is gas economy that is hard to Renault 115 miles 165 miles 347 miles 494 miles $1.04 *31.48 $3.12 °$4.48 *Based on 40¢ per gallon of gasoline. gas economy, you wil find comfort and superb sty hine, Drive a Pushing a free lest-drive BEARE MOTORS LTD. ELVIS PRESLEY, in "Jailhouse Rock" 2 Complete Shows at 7 and 9 p.m, MONDAY - WED. 8 DAYS SEPTEMBER 15-17 The most talked-about picture of the year. Spectacular drama in the great tradition of Civil War Romance. M-G:M prosenls in MCM CAMERA 65 MONTGOMERY CLIFT » ELIZABETH TAYLOR « EVA MAREE TT REINTREE COUNTY wee NGEL PATRICK o LEE MARVIN with ROD TAYLOR + AGNES MOOREHEAD o WALTER ABEL « JARMA LEWIS « TOM DRAXE NOTE--Due to extreme length of this feature there will be SANT PORT PERRY, ONTARIO one show only each evening starting at 8 p.m. We open at { 7.80 p.m, . 44 Sales, Service and Spare Parts Outlets in Ontario g World's Greatest HOMEWORK , -- S------ -- a os HELPER! 000000 ) ' of F LJ 4 J ' wn : They've added ROL A Smith-Corona means better" * : 4 grades now... better jobs later! And e Allthe ~ SEMI- PRIVATE COVERAGE this Silent-Super has most of the s Most-Wanted ¢ P i features of full-size office typewriters. - ¢;09 go FREE of Extra Cost 3 Features! ¢ udabAor the iols foly Sma 3 Bowne kg. 5 | 0 SEE .+. to their Ontario Hospital Insurance "Holiday" 3 : housand Ontario employers bl : This man's employer is one of over eight thousan p CARRYING 2 uor +4 portable . who have Soho semi-private coverage through Blue Cross for thele CASE 3 Ty : employees--the plan designed to cover the tl dione in rate 0 s Exclusive Page o between standard ward and semi-private care for an numbet ; * Gage to Winina 0 8 of days, < problems. : Individuals, too, can enrol for this completely ' o Easytyplng...rug. new Blue Cross service effective January 1, s qed dependale o 1959. Add Blue Cross semi-private coverage t : 0 sorvks, : your Ontario Hospital Insurance--one payment - = ® Choice of 5 decor- © can be made. to cover both plans. z PRM oe oN ' C - hone YUkon 5-2881 PORT PERRY, ONT. . 3 Blue Cross Plan for Hospital Care 5 000000000000 oo ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO