i) 6--~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1958 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE | YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge 641, Woodville 82-r-11 Ed. Peconi july30, 1959. Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Oat. Re -------- Singer Sewing Machine Co. OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. for Sales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) Call Crest Hardware PORT PERRY YUkon 5-2211 tfl gs Good Gravel, Eic. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also good loam. Call YUkon 5-7982 Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry, Ontario Sept 4, 1968 REAL ESTATE __FOR SALE OR WANTED Ranch land, Farms, Homes, Commercial, Summer Properties. MRS. MARGARET BALLARD Phone 124, Sunderland, Ont. Rep Olive Howe Broker. Sept. 4, 1968 YUkon 65-2341 GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen Port Perry oct 80, 68 Aug. 80, 1969 | + St. S. Phone RA 8-1211, » How St; Port-Perry, Ont.---- Highest Prices PAID FOR LIVE POULTRY I. Turner OSHAWA, ONTARIO Call Collect RA 38-2048 Nov. 27/68 WANTED -- Live Poultry. Best prices paid. M, Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Telephone 7-r-13 collect, TF FOR SALE -- $2600.00 down. 7 room 1% storey frame" house, 4 piece bath, hot water heating with oil, hardwood and inlaid linoleum floors, screens and storms. New garage, centrally located. YU b-7931. TF Sand, Gravel Excavating, Backfilling, Top Soll, ete. ROSS SANDISON R.R. 4, Port Perry Phone Yukon 5-7759 Sept. 26/68 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG, ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2226 Oct. 2/68 MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABL IN THIS AREA ' APPLY TO: CUSTOM HOLDINGS LIMITED % Jones & Greer, 2 Barristers & Solicitors 66 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ontario, Telephone RA. 65-3626. tt. PLANNING ON TOURS FOR THANKSGIVING Make your reservations as soon as possible, Thanksgiving in New York $89.60 F. G. CROSBY Travel Agency, Uxbridge. Phones 128 or 290, Uxbridge, Ont. Sept. 18 TYPEWRITERS--Remington Port- ables, 4 models. Free demonstration, at $1.00 down and $1.00 pei week, up to 209% off on demonstrators. Osh- awa Business Machines, 329 Simcoe evenings RA 65-9748. Sept. 26 Hardwood Cuitings HARDWOOD CUTTINGS-- Large Truck Load delivered anywhere $10. Call Oshawa RA 65-1626. Oct.9 PERSONAL WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets re- vitalize thousands past 40. Only 60c. At all druggists. y FOR SALE--Norge Refrigerator in good condition. T. J. Wilson, Bige- FOR SALE--Rangette, control ele- ments, new condition, also Baby car- ringe & Kiddie car. Phone YU 65-2200. FOR RENT--b6 room house, hot and cold running water in Manchester. Phone YUkon 65-7841. FOR SALE -- Several good used hay balers for sale. Power Take-Off and Engine Models. - Oliver Beach and Son, Phone 111-W, Uxbridge, Ontario. Oct. 9/68. WHEN YOU THINK OF ADDING MACHINES and TYPEWRITERS THINK OF THE PORT PERRY STAR AGENTS FOR SMITH-CORONA ADEA A DR RR ES AG EE 114 A & x5 REI rs RAI RR <a atria rE sc we Rate--$e. per word, Minimum charge 60c. -- to local advertisers : ar SS TT Sy Hr La Se mY bi 2 as Soa BEAST Si Sg - RESULTS FOR SALE--1953 Chevrolet sedan, in excellent condition, radio, wind- shield washers, all new tires & tubes. $900.00, Will accept trade, Phone YUkon 65-2226. STRAYED -- 2 year old Holstein Heifer. Ear, tag No. 16807U8. Due 'October 2nd. Strayed from pasture Lot 11, Con. 8, Reach Township. Any- one having information please phone collect to Bruce Holtby, Port Perry, Phone YUkon 656-2029, Sept. 26 APARTMENT FOR RENT--3 room apartment with bath, heated. Down- town. Phone YUkon ©6-7946. FOR SALE--Lloyd Baby Carriage, white. In good condition, $16.00. Mrs. Clem Jeffrey, Phone YUkon 65-2343. WANTED--Cleaning woman wanted one day per week. Phone YU 65-7676. FOR SALE--21 inch TV, Admiral, first class condition, $76.00. Also Kelvinator Refrigerator, 7 cu. foot, $66.00. Phone Blackstock 93-W. FOR RENT--Room and Board on Cochrane Street. Phone YU 65-2628. FOR SALE--1951 Ford % ton Pick- Up, equipped with radio, heater, bum- per guards, directional signals, ladder racks and tool trunk. Frank Hoskin, Phone 2, Blackstock, FREE DEMONSTRATIONS Have you seen the new, larger John Deere 440 INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS with all the latest features? It is not a farm Tractor, but designed and built for tough Industrial punishment. A- vailable with Angledozers, Front Loa- -| ders, Backhoes, Rear Winches, Side- booms and other equipment, it out- performs everything in its price class, Phone or write us for FREE demon- stration on your job, at your conveni- ence! No obligation whatsoever. CONDIS SUPPLY COMPANY INDUSTRIAL JOHN DEERE TRACTOR . Sales - Service - Parts - Rentals 434 Birchmount Road, East Toronto. Notice fo Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF BESSIE LEASK, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Bessie Leask, formerly of the Town of Whitby, but latterly of the Town of Uxbridge in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of May, 1968, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of October, 1968, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. DATED at Whitby, Ontario this 11th day of September, 1958. VERON KEMP ROWE, by his * solicitor DAVID J. CUDDY, Q.C, 111 Dundas St. West, Whitby, Ontario. Ee] FARMS PORT PERRY - SUNDERLAND AREA We have a good selection of farms --manhy with lowdown payments.-- Contact HOWARD McMILLAN, Greenbank, Ont. PHONE YUkon 656-7441, J. A. WILLOUGHBY & Sons Limited, Realtors County of Ontario SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TO WIT: : } BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of the Couniy of Ontario and bearing the date 19 day of August, 1958, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Ontario will be held at the Court House, Whitby, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 9th of by given that the list of lands for sale has been published in the Ontario Liazeise in the issue of September 6th, 1968, Copies of the said list may be had at my office, September, A.D., 1958. WM. G. MANNING, dec 4 County of On December, 1968, unless the taxes and |i costs are sooner paid. Notice is here- ||| Dated at Whitby, this 8th day of I Treasurer, | tario. Township of Reach SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TO WIT: BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Reeve of the Townshi of Reach and bearing the date 18th day of August, 1958, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Reach will be held at the Township Hall, Manchester, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on the 28rd day of December, 1958, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale has been published in thé Ontario Gazette in the issue of Sept. 6th, 1968. Description of land to be sold: Eliza Swanick-- : North half Lot 8, Concession 12, Township of Reach.' DATED at Manchester, this 16th day of September, A.D. 1958, GRANT CHRISTIE, Treasurer, Township of Reach, Dec. 11-68 | : Auction Sales SAT., SEPT. 20th--Auction Sale of Household . Furniture, the property of Miss Edna B. Spence, Prince Albert, Ont. Sale at 1.830 p.m. Terms Cash, Cec. Heayn, Clerk, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. TUES., SEPT. 23--Auctlon Sale' of Hereford Cattle, farm machinery, fur- niture, etc., the property of Arrhle W. McMillan, North % of Lot 16, Con, 10 Eldon Twp., 4 miles north and 1 mile east of Hartley. Tefms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Neil McEacheran, Clerk. _ REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. WED., SEPT. 24th--Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain Pigs, Household Furniture, Pinto Po- nies, Bees & Equipment, the pro- perty of Jack. Forester, Lot 21, Con. 14, Reach Twp., 2 miles east of Saint- field on' County Road 6. No reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.830. Geo. Edwards and Earl Innis, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. THURS., SEPT. 26th--Farm Sold, Auction sale of 60 Shorthorn & Here- ford Cattle, Matched Team, Pigs, 2 Tractors, Dion Thresher, Dion Ensil- age Cutter, Implements, Fowl, Fur- niture, Grain, the property of Char- les L. Wooldridge, Lot 16, Con. 7, Mariposa Twp., 1 mile South of Hwy. No. 7 at Oakwood. Lunch will be served by Oakwood W.A. Sale at 11.00 a.m. Furniture to be sold firat followed by Implements. Terms Cash. Farm Sold, No Reserve. NOTE This is an important and large Auc- tion Sale. Please note starting time and be early, Wm. Weldon, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WED., OCT. 1st--Farm Sold, Auc- tion Sale of 30 Shorthorn & Hereford Cattle, Fowl, Ford Tractor, Imple- ments, Hay, Grain & Furniture, the property of Albert Lowick, Lot 16, Con. 8, Ops, just East of No. 7 Hwy,, at Cunningham's Corners, 4 miles South-east of Lindsay. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Laughie Keeler, Clerk. i TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SBALES-- - THURS, OCT. 9th -- Farm Sold, -Auction-#Rle-of-40 Hereford &.Short- | horns, MH. Tractor No. 44, M.H. Clip- per Combine, Implements, Hay and Grain, the property of Keith Fergu- son, Lot 17, Con. 11, Reach, 1 mile North of Greenbank and 1% miles East of No. 7 & 12 Hwy. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 pm. Roy Scott, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., OCT. 11th--Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, 60 Acre Farm and Household Furniture, the property of Mrs. E. Wittaus, Lot 14, Con. 14, (Reach, % mile East of Saintfield. da. Sale at 1.80 p.m. Clerk. September meeting of W.A. was held on Wednesday evening with 19 ladies attending. Meeting was in charge of the west group who con- ducted the devotional period. Meet- ing called to order by Mrs. Eagleson and asked all to join in singing of Theme Song and hymn "Take My Life and Let it Be" was sung. Scrip- ture passage from Matt. 26 was read by Mrs. 1. Harding. A vocal duet, "Whispering Hope" was sung by Car- ol Butt and Joyce Cookston in their usual capable manner. A splendid basing her thoughts on the Parable of 'the' Talents. "A reading entitled "Do 'Not Judge" was given by Mrs, Fishley. Hymn "Faith in Thy Name" closed the worship period. Mrs. G. Stone the vice president, then took charge of meeting for the business. Minutes were read and ap- proved and offering of $4.66 and pen- ny collection $1.07 was received. thank-you note. Mrs. Reynolds gave the treasurer's report that $71: had been turned in from sale of church \ approximately $525.00. Mrs. Keen gave -a report on the recent wedding The W.A. was invited to cater to the Jack Forester sale on Sept. 24 and arrangements made for the lunch. Mrs. B. Wanamaker announced the Penny Draw on Saturday for the Hos- pital Auxiliary in Port Perry. Hymn "He Liveth Long" closed the 'meeting, A reading "The Patch Work Quilt" was given by Mrs, Fishley and a con- test by Mrs. Reynolds. Lunch was served by west group and social time spent. ; : g Mrs. Couch of Prince Albert spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Boe. Congratulations to Mrs, Couch on celebrating her 90th birth- day Monday. . Anniversary services will be held Sunday, Sept. 28th in Seagrave church at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.- Rev. Cooper of Greenbank will be guest speaker. World-Wide Communion Sunday will be observed on Oct. 6 at 9.30 a.m. Rally Day will be held in Sunday School on 'Oct. 6th at 10.30 am. A special program is being. arranged. Mr. and Mrs, E. Butt visited Mrs. A. Bradley in Stouffville. on Sunday. Mrs. R. Stinson. of Bowmanville spent Sunday with her daughtér Mr. and Mrs, M. Bruce, They Mrs. I, Williams and daughter of Goderich is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Moon. Mr. Lake of Tor- onto is spending this week at Mr, A, Moon's home. 3! Mr. and Mrs, I. Scott of King City spent a week-end at home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Wanamaker. Mrs. Annie Will and Miss Jerry Hill of Scarboro, 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Wanamaker of Port Perry spent Sun- day at home of Mr. and Mrs, B. Wana- maker, } Pine Grove topic was given by Mrs. Eagleson, Corresponding secretary read one|Q plates making a balance 'on 'hand of | reception. : By .motion it was decided | that the proceeds from wedding re: | ception be set aside to start a fund |$ i for a new organ. It was decided that |< the parsonage board would purchase | the narrower blinds for parsonage. | ®®OPSSe¢ visited - Mr, Ellicott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rendell Ellicott of Brough- am on Sunday," ar i Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie spent Tuesday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Herman Kerry, er a : Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Wesse of Maple, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie visited Mr, and Mrs, Brock Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballard, Mr. and Mrs, Manson" Woods of Toronto, Miss Beatrice: Wild,' Miss, Hannab Wild of Woodbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golden and Mrs, Stislen Jef- fery of Victoria Corners, Mr. and Mrs. John Locke and family were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, E. Ballard. by Mrs, Keen and prayer offered | 000990o@o0o MOVED TO NEW LOCATION VISIT OUR NEW and MODERN CANADIAN TIRE STORE V WITH A NEW AND UP-TO-DATE SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT 24 Spruce Street, Uxbridge, Ont NORTH FROM POST OFFICE, PHONE 75 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 10 P.M. Canadian Tire Associate Store BRUCE FOOTE, Proprietor UXBRIDGE, ONT. - J READ " O01 3 E.O.W, 7 "NOW IS THE TIME! TO ORDER YOUR COAL or OIL SUPPLY FOR THE WINTER! Call YUkon 52581 To-Day TTRFuELS] 2/0) 2, ", IT STANDS FOR QUALITY & SERVICE TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE,. CLAM WORK ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. -' FREE ESTIMATES -- by Hour or Contract. 'TRIPP CONSTRUCTION LIMITED --- Residence--Wm. Tripp YU. 6-2582 and Joe Tripp YU. 56-2680 Phone YUkon 5-2582 (Office) | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brennand and family of Streetsville, Mr: and Mrs. Geo, Handel and family, Mr, and Mrs. Borsk and Gail and Mr, Howard Han- ford all of Toronto visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Handel. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hood and sons of Toronto, Mr. Herb Hill and Mr. Early of Elliott Lake visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hill, : Mr. and Mrs, Jack Johnson and Lloyd visited Mr, and Mrs, Stan Slack on Sunday. % A few attended the pletures' and |§ Talk of the Turnbull Sisters of Good- 'wood Friday night. ; P Terms Cash. Owner moving to Flori-! Mr. and Mrs. Ron Duckworth were Wm. Weldon,' Sunday evening guests of Mr, and | Mrs, Wendell Alcock of Silom. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer.! Mr, and. Mrs. Ellicott and family "rom PLOW SHARES, CAST and fa PHONE 2 SALE DUCTALLOY, MAKES OF PLOWS Hoskin . BLACKSTOCK el a. ¥ a Port Perry, Ontario WE BUILD oT Large and Small and buildings of all kinds ~~ Repairs and Good Materials and Workmanship Guaranteed. , Our House ; Designing Service «. isat your di : . . h x "0 x im . sist b Wie a A or EATERY 8 7 gad 1 * Remodelling Phone YUkon 65-7391