8--~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, Announcing the Opening of - COMET TELEVISION & RADIO SALES and SERVICE Blackstock, Ont. Repairs to Television, Radio (home and car) Record Players Electric Appliances Phone Blackstock 113 for fast, efficient service NOVEMBER 18, 1969 / J Guarantee on parts and labour OPEN EVENINGS ONE ART PERRIN RT ARORA TE AREY ERENT UST RST Pink Seal "PINK SALMON - 1 Ib. tin 49c¢ Best Buys g Cadbury's INSTANT CHOCO 1 Lb. Tin 53c¢ 2 for 29¢ Libby's Fancy Cream Style 15 oz. C 0 R N tin Aylmer Fancy Betty Crocker MUFFIN MIX pkg. PUMPKIN "2 2 for 35¢ Ogilvie | 29c¢ ~ FRUIT CAKE MIX Bo -61¢ Combination Pack ® | JAVEX Liquid Bleach 2x 2.3¢ VAY elm Bota Breeze Detergent cof ii 7 3¢| Both for 49¢ Meat Produce Swift's Fresh Everyone's Favourite! PORK SHOULDERS : 33c [Fancy 6 at. basket 49c Fresh McINTOSH APPLES - PORK BUTT ROASTS th 43c Select, fine Hiavoured Fresh BUTT PORK CHOPS 49; [BANANAS - . w1ge Sweet, tasty PEPPER SQUASH 2 ror 25¢ Delicious Maryland SWEET POTATOES Solid heads GREEN CABBAGE - = 10¢ BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS GREEN PEAS, 12 oz. pkg. ..... Fresh Young LAMB'S LIVER - Swift' ww. 2c s Premium - Sliced - ) 23c Macaroni & Cheese w. 9¢ Pickle & Pimento pkg. Duich Loaf E. D. Smith's 20 oz. tin CHERRY PIE FILLER 33c 2 for 43¢ Simoniz pint tin VINYL WAX - - - B69 | cop FILLETS, 12 oz pkg. 270 Lynn Valley 48 oz. jar =~ | RHUBARB, 12 oz. pkg. .._..._______ 3l¢c BLENDED JAMS - 69c |orANGE JUICE, 6 or. tins 2c Chickens -- Frying or Roasting -- 242 t03%2 aver. --29' Ib. ~~ Dowson's Food Market oe YUkon 5.7942 vee DELIVERY Port Perry 3 Prince Albert On Sunday Rev. E, 8. Linstead de- livered a suitable sermon based on "Remembrance" which was in keep- ing of the week. At Sunday School, Supt. Mr. E. Martyn requested all observe the two minutes silence in memory of the fal- len and disabled veterans, Mr. But- son, Mr, G. Hunter, Christine William- son and Steve Brain. all contributed to the birthday church. They too re- ceived their buttons. The Woman's Association held their annual bazaar and tea in Port Perry library Sat., Nov. 1. The time of two-thirty arrived when the president Mrs, E. McKerihan cal-' led the gathering -to order and wel- comed everyone present, then intro- duced Mrs, A. [Robertson who in a' few well chosen words opened the bazaar. . The colorful array of aprons, child- ren's attire, home-baking table, deli- cious candy display all greeted the prospective buyers. Finally majority of ladies and a few men folk paused in the snack section for a cup of tea and met old friends. Mr. McTaggart visited .Mr. Geo. Sheldon of Sunderland, recently. A fall meeting of the Sunday School executive and teachers met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. Martyn on Wednesday night. Earl presided. Grace Wilson read the secretary's mi- nutes and Treasurer's report from Stelln Heayn in the absence of Bob. Several business items were brought to light. Main discussion regarding the plans for annual Xmas concert booked for Dec. 16th. A liberal lunch served by the hostess ended the meet- ing. Mr, and Mrs. H. Wilson' and little son, Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilsons. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding, Osh- awaw, enjoyed Sunday with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Skeldihg. Mr. and Mrs. D. Southwell and baby, Oshawa with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Htayn over the week-end. BYE DOIN & n Obituary JOHN JAMES PARR In failing health for some time, John James Parr passed to his re- ward Sunday, Nov. 2, 19568. Parr. On Dec. 25, 1898 he married Emily i Hyland and their lives were spent |¥ farming in Cartwright until 1948, when they retired and moved into the | § village of Blackstock, but his heart | still remained with farm "life. He | , was a life long member of the An-|§ ' glican Church, Surviving are his wife; two dau- ghters, Mae (Mrs. A, Pritehard), Tor- onto and Velva (Mrs. H. Bailey) of Blackstock; one sister Sarah. (Mrs. M. Weldon), Uxbridge; one brother Albert, Grand View Manitoba; three grand children, Merlin Bailey, Wih- nipeg; Neil and Catherine Bailey of Blackstock. He was predeceased by Mary (Mrs. T. Smith); Fanny (Mrs, A. Lummis); (Robert and William. Funeral service was held at the MeDermott-Panabaker Chapel, Port Perry on Wed.,, Nov. 5th. Canon Chaperlin officiated. Interment was in St. John's--Anglican Cemetery at Blackstock. Pall bearers were Melville Griffin, |8 Lorne Griffin, Roy Taylor, Harold . McQuade, John Beacock and Milton | §8 Fisher. Friends were present from Wye- 5 bridge, Toronto, Winnipeg, Uxbridge, | There were beautiful flow- | $$ ers from Canadian Acceptance .Cor- £5 poration, Toronto, Christie Brown Co., it Union Cake Department of Christie |g Brown, Toronto, Neighbors, friends 4 Oshawa, and relatives. HEARERS ERS REE RSI a Mr, Parr i was born in Darlington, Oct. 11, 1861 | §$ a son of the late James and Martha | 5 2. CAWKER BROS. : ¢ Devon Sliced Bacon, 1's . . ....59c. Ib. Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls . .43c. Ib. ; Home-made Sausag e...... A5.1Ih. I In... | Oyslers, 8oz. jars ..........T3c. each FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY. MORNING UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK "The Family J Butcher # - YUkon Sez) PORT PERRY | NOW IS THE TIME -- 1 wn) to order or buy your CHRISTMAS CAKE 'Week-End Specials Fruit Salad Layer Cake. Coffee Roll. Chocolate Eclair. GERROW'S BAKERY Phone YUkon 5-2172 G: M. Gerrow tO Era OROPOPOROROROSOROGOSOROPOPOROSOROROROROROROPOSOPORORO SSS SST eS SS SRR RRR ROPORORIROR 5 i |} Attention Diabetics! { Reserve NOVEMBER 19th at 6 p.m. for the ANNUAL DIABETIC: DINNER , = at St. George's Parish Hall, Centre Street, Oshawa. ~The speaker of the evening will be Chas. Best CO-DISCOVERER OF INSULIN DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING EVENT! Tickets limited. $2.00 per person Available at Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt, and family, i Admission for program only a : : Y Oshawa with Mr. Vickery and the 4 bros only: . t 7.30 p.m. Silver collection. ® Beacocks. a 4 ® Ineveryway so beautifully right ! § If you've been looking at new cars, hunting for one that fits your needs (and your garage), then the man to see is your Ford Dealer! He's got a car that's beautifully right in every way! Its styling is elegant without being extrava- gant. It's nimble in traffic, a dream on long drives. "It's trim on the outside, spacious inside, with extra head and leg room all around, Economy just starts with. Ford's low price. A powerful Six gives up to 109, better mileage. The standard V-8 now thrives on regular gas. And Ford's standard oil filter stretches oil changes to as many as 4,000 miles, See your Ford Dealer and take a discovery drive in . the car that's beautifully right . . for you! . The Custom 300 Sedan, lowest riced of all Ford models, puts elegance within the reach of any budget. The Sunliner looks smooth and : rides smooth, too, with Ford's »2oN automatic ride control. : (Omtatn features Qlustrated or mentioned are "Standard" on some models, optional at exira con on othe)