: An ah 3 SE ERA REL HH as, Rt k i ¥ ? 5 sae 3 ; | aay 8 2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER £22, 1068 A . ! ; plates. The receipts from turkey |Lunch was served and a social hour | regarding the dish washing, bring it | pathy to the Lackey family in pss- for the business part of the meeting. 4 VE supper were $782.26 but all the bills | enjoyed by all. next meeting. ing of their mother, Mrs, Thomas |Our treasurer Mrs, Geo. Harper gave| : : hadn't yet been paid. Several thank-| A few words of appreciation were| Scugog Home and School will meet | Lackey. a_report on our turkey supper, which 4 THe Woman's Association held their | you notes were read by Mrs. Tait. |spoken by Mrs. G. Beare and Mrs.|next Wednesday at the Centre school. showed a substantial net proceeds for November meeting on Wednesday Mrs. Clements asked for the vote of | Cooper of Greenbank and Mr. Bra-|All adults are invited to attend. "This |\, Utica W. A. our work involved, and the work of 4 evening in the 8. 8. room with the |money for payment towards new ham spoke on behalf of the young |is an organization to help your own : ladies from Greenbank W.A. as their | stove for parsonage. Mrs. McNeil | People telling of the Rally to be held | children, so don't fall down on your The monthly meeting of the Wo- the community, We then discussed guests. With the President Mrs. announced the Christmas party for in Greenbank church Sunday evening, | duty. men's Association was held at the {Plans for the Teachers' Banquet to be Keen in charge, the meeting was |Dec. 12th, then introduced Mrs. Bra-|Nov. 30th and we hoped all the young | Scugog Grace Choir will meet {home of Mrs. Handel. The devotion- | held on Nov. 20th. The Bazaar notice called to order and the Theme Song |ham of Scugog. In her very pleas-|people of the district would attend. |Thursday. evening at the home of |al period was taken by Mrs. Walker. |at a later date. Meeting closed with and hymn "Faith of Our Fathers" |ing manner Mrs. Braham 'gave an| Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mark of Scar-) Edna Beckett. Please be on time at| We had the hymns, Topic Lesson, A : all repeating Mizpah Benediction. A was sung. Prayer was offered by |illustrated talk of their trip to Flori-| boro visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 8.30 sharp. ; Scripture, Creed and Theme Song. :|4alicious lunch rved by Mrs iy : Mrs. Clements and Scripture verses |da and Jamaica recently. This was|B. Wanamaker, ; : iy i i ch was se y . x : : from Luke 8: 1-10 were read by Mrs. | most intresting and everyone enjoyed | ' My, and Mrs. M. Bruce and family |. Oue.ipres ent Mrs. Storie presided | Ballard and Mrs, Handel, : i Nodwell, The topic was ably given |the colored slides which showed the|yisited Mrs. Stinson in Bowmanville | Utica : : Cd LR : i by Mrs, A. Bruce taking as her sub-|beauty spots as we) as many histone Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, B. Mitchell visited : : $0 : 3 - ject "Lost ant Found". Hymn "Fight |sites of these countries. Hymn 'Take oh =n 5 Bh Ro the Good Fight" closed the Worship | My Life and Let It Be" and Benedic- is Pisses) Joh B. Foghorn in and Mea O- Rul Suiday yen Vegetables take on a fresh period. Mrs. Keen welcomed every |tion by Rev. McNeil closed the meet-| 0} potter, Sorry Mrs, Lillie Tait| Mr. and Mrs. K. Dyke atid family one present and [Roll call taken by|ing, A program consisting of a duet| js gil] confined to Port Perry Hospi-|of Manchester called on Mr, and Mrs. Secretary Mrs. Butt, reporting sixty by Rosemary Nodwell and Maureen |tal and Mr, T. Harding is not improv- | M. Storie Saturday evening. ladies present. Treasurer Mrs. Rey-|, Wo = 0" Quiz Game entitled |ign as well as"his friends would like| Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Taunton p nolds reported $51.00 realized from ww. i it" was conducted by Mrs. G.|after his recent operation. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cro- the recent wedding reception and otis" w r i" '| Mr. and Mrs, Knight of Toronto|sier Sunday. $279.00 turhed in from sale of church | Wanamaker and Mrs. M. Bruce. oi gunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry| Visiting Mr, and Mrs. B. Brown on . : Barnes and family. Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs, K. Vre- new taste with... denburg of Toronto. : . Don't forget the euchre Saturday p evening, November 22nd at Utica Joyeux Noél! Frohlich Weihnachen! Vrolyk Kerstfeest! Scugog News Community Hall. oh J Mr. and Mrs. G. Harper visited Mr, Wesdlych Swiamt! Vesely Swyat! Buona Natale! Gace Uited Church W.A. met last| nd Mrs. Gibson of Taunton, Sunday. * £rol Macks Flavors ) Merry Christmas! bi , at e parsonage. President Mrs. Sam Fisher called on Mrs. F. ie Winto toga Best Sellers" arj, Aldred presided. Mrs. Braham Kendall, 8 endall, Sunday. ) DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA Yeas in by of the Devotion por-| mye community extends their sym- ; 409 Huron Street, Toronto _ No matter what language you speak, it's hard to be merry pny and Moy Mol Hig read a oy iS . 3 at Christmas time if someone you love is in the Sanatorium. Pfs sang aa Uo This Days. > " Help us make Christmas bright for our patients in sanatoria by During the business portion, there is 3 ; 2 ; : 5 , buying . . . ~ to be a supper on Nov. 26th with the } . . ] 2 ' : - : remaining portion of ladies catering. i . a fon : ' Reports were given regarding the Christmas Seals money made during the year. Next id | meeting is to be- election of officers. AA : N ) Lunch was served at the close of the ee Christmas Seals are being mailed out to most homes in meeting. in Ontario County this week. Your purchase of these seals will 1st Scugog Brownie Pack met after rl help TB patients and our year round program of case-finding, school on Honda. he girls are oy A about ready for their enrollment. health edGeation, social service and rehabilitation. Brown O41 posed & lok of teste end the girls are very excited about get- If you did not receive your Seals, please write the ONTARIO ting into their uniforms, At the next TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION, 757 Grierson Street, Oshawa, iste the Sore m y 4 and we will be happy to send them on to you. will go smoothly at the real enroll- ment. Remember, brownies, if you didn't bring your note from Mother » LJ > ® New colours, new high 2 fashion upholstery, new [4 higher efficiency engine now & gives you 48 miles per gallon. New heater distribution control will give you even more comfort this winter. % World-wide popularity of the i Renault Dauphine makes all 0g these new features and more 2d .s available at a new low price. . x ; Going to Europe--ask your i eC Renault Dauphine dealer ' Se { about our overseas delivery ig and repurchase plan--low : b x depreciationrates. | HH HEN 00200 B 1K -- "SALES, PARTS AND SERVICE | A 4 FROM COAST TO COAST aC A : Iu 1 ' b i | HL | 3 Bo le ha giving. They hav i f he me people have a flair for giving. They have a talent and taste 2 " 2 . LYK] * . | HA for choosing the most exciting Christmas presents. They give the | 13. 3 4 good things that make living more pleasurable. Many of these : people will give modern electric appliances this Christmas --and- : ' 3 they'll insist on having them ready for use on Christmas day, 3 because they know these 'appliances will make Christmas (and 8; oy every day for that matter) a new and exciting experience. SU f 2 --_-- Ni | J So, this year, do a little hinting. Just say you'd like something \ g 5 . Tm Wd 14 wonderful for the household --something the whole family can ABO ». | i " # ' ------ oe ---- pe k } 9 ) . i ; : " - -- 5 enjoy. And don't be surprised if you get a superb, modern automatic isp i : | tt ; {As 3 ; $b | electric appliance to help you "live better electrically"--the safe, = HE ez ~ .. clean, modern way, | Hal lf f : i L of J NEW LOW PRICE cbr re a | : : 5 P.0.8, TORONTO, y " : ! : Beare Motors Limited ELECTRICITY DOES so Mm of *? A Yukon 5+7861 ; tian . mrt PORT PERRY' ri Yl. Gi ha YE : a Es = ion 1! ' - as -- - Raa on fad a -- ge fo ~~ wo : ia APPR SR, SLL TR Th A Sar A pr} hein a gn ay (in TING Ki Sgt SO A A a ho Niwa . . 5 4 : : g v : PEE ) x : Hib 2 sie A roa ye |