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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Nov 1958, p. 5

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a a RN THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 19585 . Central Ontario Women's Lustitalos Installation Highlights of District 8 | 5 Hold Meeting ag Rebekahs 8 : > i The five lodges in District No. & = The value of education lies in the on during the past year were outlined pd CREA , : were duly installed by the installation Ri hia alt cat NX Ley asa: arg struggle to get it--"do too much for by Mrs. L. Lymburner, Port Colborne, REIS 8) . a ; J Ag team from Maybelle Rebekah Lodge FAVAY "SINE INRTANWERY people, of any age group, and they | chairman of the new hand-book com- A, £ > d No. 348, Port Perry. Sister Luella will do nothing for themselves" said mittee, who led a conference on W.I. . § 3 . a Kennedy, District Deputy President Roe 2.4") Mrs. LK. Armstrong of Armitage, work. She stated the conference was 1 of District No. 8, presides over her chairman of Central Ont. Area, Wo- held to discuss problems and try to RY, ~~ N i 3 | X iy h office with much dignity and grace. , men's Institutes, holding its 56th con- [find a solution. "What do we do in { Her officers were as follows: UXBRIDGE, ONT. vention this week in the Royal York [our community to justify our exist- ¥ H a 7 ! - District Deputy President--Sister -- - opel: sation 18 SWBIP be encour hice; She asked. ¥ ) 13 : } Luella Kennedy Thurs. - Sat. NOV. 20-22 « vegtion 19 Bmp the neon? (continued next week) A : A : agement of right habits, the fixing Deputy Marshal--Sis. Grace Love of good habits until they become part ' . ST. THE BOWERY BOYS, in of one's nature and are exercised au- --e ¥ ; 28 ; Deputy Warden--Sis Minnie Diamond I h M tomatically" said Mrs, Armstrong, Deputy Ree, Sec.--Sis. Marj, - n i (4 oney speaking on the convention theme; Ladies' Wednesday Night Bowling NOVEMBER 12th-- North Stars--dl Education; all activities by which the individual is developed. "Manhood, not scholarship, is the first aim of education" she said "Education is the whole process by which generations exchange whatever they have to ex- Wanamaker : Plus: FRANK LOVEJOY, in Cole Younger, Deputy Fin. Sec.--Sis Lucille, Gray NW Lal & is Deputy Treas.--8$is Dora Dowson Two views of the new marine hoist | sible to lift it clear of the water for handled easily. That which is shown District Chaplain--Sis Florence Kittyhawks--32 at J. Orde Marine on Lake Scugog, This hoist was designed and construct- ed by Mr, Harold Holtby, Port Terry. The hoist has a sling or cradle which slides under the boat making it pos- minor repairs and cleaning as_well -as removing it entirely for winter stor- age. By the same method it facilitates the launching of the boats. Boats of considerable size can be in the picture -is a three ton craft. The need for such a hoist has been felt for some years and boat enthus- iasts will greatly appreciate the con- venience. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary was held on Monday after- noon, November 17th, in the library. The attendance was not large, but we were glad to greet a few visitors, and we hope they will come again. The President, Mrs. M. B. Dymond, was in the @f§air, and as always the meeting was obened with prayer. Af- ter a few words of welcome to the guests, and the members, Mrs. Dy- mond spoke for a few moments ve- garding the work of the huxiliary. We would just like to state here that Mrs. Dymond has been our President since the inception of the Auxiliary, now in its seventh year of service, and we feel honored indeed that she is willing to carry on for another term. Mrs, Wm. Chapman, our treasurer, read the minutes of the last meeting 99, and the disbursements were $1701. 30. However, there are outstanding bills amounting to approximately $300, so our bank balance is really quite small. } The books have been audited by Mr. R. J. Harper. Mr. Harper does this work for us gratis, and we very much appreciate this courtesy on his part. As it is some time since we men- tioned the sewing committee we would like once more to tell these ladies how sincerely we aprpeciate the wonderful | the en-| work they are doing. For lightenment of the public we might state that a small group of women do all our mending and much of our sewing of new articles entirely free of charge. deal of money, and we do thank them. Having the hospital linen mended in this way saves us a great | was for the hospital. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of 150 towels and 140 wash cloths. The auxiliary received $200 from the estate of the late Emma Falconer. With this money a suction pump and table were purchased for the nursery and a plaque was placed on the table in her memory. - The principle money-raising ventures is the penny draw held during the summer, the Doll Festival held in Dee. In October Mrs. Dymond opened her home to the public for a very lovely tea and the ladies are holding dimin- ishing teas the receipts go towards purchasing a recovery table. Each venture was very successful. The nominating committee brought in the following slate of officers for the year just commencing: President--DMrs. M. B. Dymond. 1st Vice-President--Mrs. S. Rodman 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. B. Wanamaker Ree.-Sec.--Mrs. Wm, Chapman Cor. " Reesor PNG's Chair--Sis Ethel Whitter Lola Bruce Ins. Guard--Sis, Out. Guard--Audrey Geer Guards--Sis. Sis. Myrtle Rennick, Norma Jeffrey Pianist--Sis. Flossie Ploughman Soloist--Sis. Joan Aldred Team Capt.--Sis. Nettie Aldred - The first installation was at Gener- aska Lodge No. 131, Port Hgpe, Si: M. Yeo was duly installed as N.G. and Sis, Win Sadler as Vice-Grand. There were 49 present, and thé ofticers pre- sented Sis. Kennedy with a corsage of roses, and a bouquet of mums. Later in the evening Sis. Kennedy was pre- sented with a iovely flower dish. At the close of the meeting a delicious pot-luck lunch was served. Maybelle Lodge 348, Port Perry was installed on Oct. 7. Over 100 mem- bers were present and the officers presented Sis, Kennedy sage of gladiolia. Sis. grove was installed as N.G. Nettie Aldred as Vice-Grand. Alpha Samells assisted the Marshall. As this lodge is home for Myrtle Snel- Sis. Bombers--31 Mustangs--31 Jets--30 Sunderlands--25 Lancasters--I11 change. About 1200 are expected to attend the convention, which continues until Friday. They represent 18 districts of eight counties of the central area, Spitfires--39 Mosquitoes--37 Helicopters--35 Flyers--33 Hurricanes--33 Gunfighter in Technicolor 2 shows at 7 and 9.30 MON. - NOV. 23 - 25 with 254 branches and a membership | Scores over 210-- of about 8000 women, Provincial W. I. A. DeNure--306, 230; A. Snooks--- WE E D. The High Cost of 2 shows at 7 and 9 p.m. A | 33.2 RRR RRR AB AASIR AR RRRRRRR AB AASNAAAARAARS AR ANAK ASABSSARNARASARA RAR ARRRA PP BOI PP HP Seo SAAS AA NN ASN with a cor- and Sis. Deputy . membership is 15000. 286, 218; C. Harper--261, 225; L. Car- In welcoming the delegates, Mrs. negie--254, 239; J. Armstrong--248; Armstrong introduced Mrs, George R. Dusty--241; M. Sweetman--236; E. Burt from Erindale branch, a W.0.| Brunton--230: N. Howsam--228, G. member for 57 years and still very Taylor--227; S. St. John--222; N. JOSE FERRER, in active. She also made reference to ' Howes --220; M. Geer--218; E. Luke Loving the late Dr. Marion Hilliard, who was' 218; W. Bateman--218; M., Cook--- the convention guest speaker last 211. vear, and whose mother Has been: a Triples over 600-- long-time member of the W. IL . A. DeNure--1731; C. Harper--673; A broad range of activities carried L. Carnegie--650; A. Snooks--649. © FOR STYLE THAT WILL STAND UP Ih . TOCKE SHIRTS Men's Sport Shirts, The Fifth Annual Doll Festival is our next money-making project, and we still need several dolls or dona- Sec.--Mrs. L. Martyn our District Deputy President, it was Treasurer--Mrs, D. Crozier fa great pleasure to present her with Press Reporter---Mrs. Geo. Holmes | a four picce silver tea service. The ff The following contributions are grate- | club room was_very inviting and Ir asty % and also gave a resume of the work of the past year. As a report of our various activities has appeared in the' see our new £ jess from time to tine we shall not, tions towards the purchase of (hem fuliy acknoy edged: chicken salad rolls, cookies, were IS TOOKE repeat ourselves. to any great extent,' As heretofore the dolls will be dis- Blackstovk United Churel served 5 J lished played in the window of Messrs. Greer ns ed Lhureh served. 4" i but we do feel hid have accomp n p a I Street. Port Perry, | W. Alc, $ 5.00 Heather Lodge No. 334, Orono, was o ain 50 ors . ; 7} Era deal during he past yeh & Kelly, Quean Strect, Fort "'" Greenbank United Church installed Oct. 11th. Sis. V. Neilson auaa 3) p 5) The operating-room was ecquipped but owing to renovations we are a W. A. 590 was Inckalled oe Noi. and Sis. Iron ai! : Lg esting annrednre. 1 i } edt « A: sium corre 00 was ins as N.G. ¢ Sis. : 3 with green linen, costing approximate little later than usual getting thew Manchester United Church Heron as V.G. About 61 were pre. SPORT SHIRTS Plaids- Several New i ly $700, another $300 was spent on on display. However, we hope this WwW. A. 25.00 gent and Sis. Kennedy was presented . 3 30, .. : CY ; - . p CAL 00 Sis. \ $ s i] ed Biel equipment, 3-considerables. will not Aoteh Bape ER Port: Perry United Church with a beautiful carnation corsage, 4 li ws 4 05 5 05 i he mount of linen was purchased for is he og " Fou U inl * W. A: imines 100.00 | snd also a bouquet of carnation. A ¥. 1 88, Dt. , . & ward use, ie patients ere Yemen: iv oe ae pani a Oy mach Blue Ray Chapter, Order of very pretty silver cake plate was pre- es I & A bered individually at Christmas and covery ta om Spans do much the Bastern SEs... 5.00 sented to Gi. Runely, andl far vi J) ] $6 05 d 7 05 3 | $14 Basted] and i on: : ie hare 6 Pees Bar ir after- Shirley W. A. oon, 3.00 freshments, a delicious salad plate, " all . 4 PL ; Mrs. Donald Crozier, our treasorer, wi ake place on y , Anonymous ....ceeiiiiieeinenans 10.00 yolls, and cake and ice-cream was o o ii read her usual monthly report and noon, December 13th, at three o'clock, | cerved. ot NE - J Luks then gave a resumé of the moneys A shower of towels and wash cloths; Before concluding our report we : Voces 70 : mm pup yA received and paid out during the year. sponsored by Mrs AmbroseKing und take --this opportunity --of thanking I Atha 20. : Usha chose 0 vers 1a ens arka Coals = The total receipts amounted to $2179. Mrs. Norman Kerry in October, 1957 avery individual and society who has T0100 ne or on no i. - X . | helped us during the past year. Our | dL: campen Lhe sf i $19. 95 and $21. 95 " t= = TTT friends are. many, but we need every | OMe: 166 members were present. Sis. : and ! : fA : & OOOO OO OSORIO OSC ORONO SOROS OSOSOS OS ORS OS OSMOSIS DRACO RORORORCS ; : Lena Harper was installed ds N.G. |g Dozens of new styles and gay colours . . . 3 eT SHe OC one of them. As we all know the 1 Sis. Agnes Kirk V.G. A cor |* Is. check . I ol cludes in nest i Koln e 2 needs of a hospital are endless, .yot | 8M Sis. ¢ ges K ) : 25 te aE: plaids, checks, stripes ane p an shades ©. : . , be i ' Por} Perry High Cchool | we also know that it has been a great Tae p vy . : De \ More and IN Canadian and imported fabrics. Look them over Children S Snow 4 33 en : .| Sis. Kennedy, and also ¢ ; 3 2 en Goreveendl (sas i ¥ > blessing, to have ga hospital of our beautiful hammered aluminum tray. i -try them on and see for yourself why n : ; 5 \ | very own. The installation team had a photo- | & Tooke PLAYDAY Sport Shirts are famous for their 1 " > . IH | ° rR K) 5 Ve 4 L The Auxiliary is starting another | grapher take a picture of them before | #f flatccring Get All comy lly wishable, of course, ; 3 year with enthusiasm, confident in|the beginning of the meeting. TFol- 4 > > 4 the knowledge that the public will [lowing the installation, the members 4 E root . Esta : : ir lining hall, and : i > stand behind its every endeavor. went upstairs to the dining hall, : Jenman' S wea ers or Y) amas . 0 4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, at 2.:00 p.m, ) 3 sat down © a chicken pie supper, J Jed 4 ' salads and fancy cookies. M $6 50 b 95 g 50 i $ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th at 8:15 p.m. Men's Thursday Our final installation was held at en, ° 7 ° ' ° ! Men's Ties il. 0, L " 2. 0 Beehive Lodge 125 at Bowmanville. MR. KEITH LOUGHEED, B.A. S00 SN Foe D» G -- . Nl iuest Speaker: ] There were 85 present 1 Sis. J mn - 5 present, and Sis. Jean Th R bh Valedictorian--MISS MARY LOUISE PICKARD Night Bowling Rice was installed as N.G. and Sis. [ff WUIMIMION RUDDEYS Bow Ties $1. 09 An > . Mary Vinkle as Vice-grand. Sis. 4 COMPLETE RANGE 4 . € Vice-Chairman Principal, Chairman, Standings-- Kennedy was again presented with | $5 25, p ) ) _--- | y 7 4 q Sidney Chandler. Grant MacDonald Edgar Johnston. : . lovely mums, and later in the evening |g | P 7 95 M S h h C + «© b 4 ¥ 9 : Yelena Penneansanseaussresessany > with a beautiful brushed aluminum 4, (311 S ants ° t en S u ux an oats i SH, @® -- . , Boa, ou on is. Nettie Ald-|¥ -- N i RH p " sdb 4 ® DOGDO tray. Degree Capt. Sis. Ne 4 GREY. BLUE 19. 95 d 29. 4 of AZ Ce ack Cra, 35 red surprised her team when she call- vl x : 4 an 4} {3 1 ed them all to the centre of the floor, | W k k " . Ran: Archers N and after some very lovely remarks, |g (1) Soc S, 3 pairs $2.10 Several colors all sizes 3 X [ ] e / i. . presented them each with a picture of | & GREY | ! iN 4 . ES \ a Legionaires ..........ccccooii. 30 : 3 ing the | RE ; 2) 'Vv \ \ Howard Motors 2% the installation team. Following ii 4 : & 3 ; Gooteis Comm 29 meeting, delicious . sandwiches; cake Men's White Shirts 5 PAR bi Bsr nranisiunarnssnssornnes se rais A | 4 40% and cookies were served. I, di 0 ] S: | | 4 Bh Mdigors In Sis. Kennedy called a District Meet- adies Urlon dweaters JA The Annual Meeting of the Onfario Riding Progressive 1 i . ing Nov. 4. Over 50 were present $3. 95, $4. 95, $5. 05 $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 AR . de ah wt TET ffs PHONE shes ' from all lodges in the district. Sis. : 3 Conservative Association will he bold in the High Triple-- Clara Beatty of Cannington, Past President of Rebekah Assembly of Ontario conducted a quiz on Rebekah work. Sis, Kennedy entertained Sis. Beatty and several of Maybelle Offi- B. Young--722 High Single-- H. Edenborough--293 Triples-- Ctanfield's, Turnbull's Penman's Underwear Boys' Orlon Pullovers 3.75 Men' s Orlon, Red, Black, "Town Hall, Sunderland etna utes sue een ne 0 ur 0 a FRIDAY, DECEMBER bth, 1958, B. Young--722; H. Edenborough--|cers at a luncheon at her Mother's 637; J. Franssen--634; J. Owen--641; | Home before the afternoon session. . ' C. Boyd--621; B, Healey--0614, Evéryone participated with great 36. 30 Good range al 8:00 P.M. enthusiasm and the afternoon was very profitable and pleasant. Supper was served by Maybelle Lodge in the club room, and a number of the visit- ors stayed for the regular meeting in the evening. Singles Over 240--- H. Edenborough--293; B. Young-- 290, 244; J. Owen---280; B. Weeden-- 258; J. Fransgsen--271; D. Carnegie-- 244; C. Williams--243; J, Waldins- perger--242; W. Graham--241, J. L. SWEETMAN, President. PETER BROBIE, Secretary-Treasurer PORT PERRY A LL II Phone YU. 5-2521 i a g SRN

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