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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Nov 1958, p. 6

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a a SEE a i i) Wi% OY HE iG i a k 4 3 #7 o EZ hy LE Hah Ia A easy armas eX 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, RSA i Al THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1958 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult | EMMERSON INSURANCE | ~~ YUkon 5-2421 ROOFING PORT PERRY OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds | of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs picked up 'for disposal, WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER" Phone collect: Uxbridge b4l, Woodville 82-r-11 Ed. Peconi july30, 1969. Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly ior fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 30, 1959 RR gg_=th pr trhtrt Singer Sewing "Machine Co. OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. for Sales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) Call Crest Hardware PORT PERRY - YUkon 5-2211 trl GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden AIR -- LAND -- SEA -- BUS Information, Reservation, Tickets, Air Lines, Railways, Bus, Steam- ships, Hotels, Tours, Cruises. "Consult F. G. CROSBY, Travel Agency, Uxbridge Ont., P.O, Bor 864, Phone .128 or 290W, Office at Howard Shier's. No service charge, Nov. 28 ed A FRANSES BC RAR LAL RA ea USE THE 8 eT CLASSIFIED Rate--3c. per word. Minimum charge 60c. -- to local advertisers G RP SEM REA EUS LEN Fea ALEX Halk oh aH A FOR hi QUICK RESU ys YU 5.2331 A - 1 Ll Se HELP WANTED (Male) -- Young man with a car for sales and service in Port Perry district. Apply in per- son or by_ letter to Singer Sewing Machine Co., 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, Ont. ST.F. ~ WANTED -- Live Poultry. Best prices paid. M, Flett, Bethany, R.R. 1. Telephone 7-r-13 collect, Dec. 18 Garnet V. Gray, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Every day except Tuesday Phone 100 for Appointment South from Post Office Uxbridge, Ontario May 16/59 HOOEY'S PAINT and BODY SHOP® Repairs, Painting & Body Work Phone Yu 95-2113 dec 25-568 ROO OSOS ORI OROSOZOSOROZOSOROROZOSOROROROROZ020 WE ARE PLEASED T0 ANNOUNCE the appointment of a new REPRESENTATIVE for ANNAN & COOK Limited, Realtors MR: MARVIN NESBITT of Nestleton, Ontario telephone Blackstock 44-r-11 A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Toronto AX 3-7922 'Pefferlaw 3-r-b Markham 815 Blackstock 44-r-11 Nov. 20 BRUCE V. MACKEY Barrister and Solicitor Saturday's at 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Phone YUkon 5-2127 Dec. 256/58 Good Gravel, Etc. "PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen washed sand and stone, also good YUkon 5-2341 Port Perry loam, q f Jan. 31/50 Call YUkon 5-7982 Highest Prices PAID FOR LIVE POULTRY I. Turner OSHAWA, ONTARIO Call Collect RA 3-2043 Nov. 27/58 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2226 Dec. 26, 1958 Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry, Ontario Dec. 18/58 MANN & MARTEL LIMITED " Greenbank Village, on Hwy, 7 & 12 Eight room brick house, attic, good garage. Low down payment, $2500. LAKEVIEW APARTMENTS--For rent, modern apartment consisting of living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bathroom. Available Nov. 1st. Apply R. A. Gibson, Phone YU 65-2478. T.F, ELECTRIC TRAIN FOR SALE-- at 1 price. Nearly new Revell Elec- tric train, HO guage. Engine and two cars, tracks and transformer con- trol. Phone days YU 5-2331, nights YU 5-2663. tt. PERSONAL FEEL OLD? Feel Years Ostrex Tonic Tablets re- Only 60c. Nov.27 WHY Younger. vitalize thousands past 40. At all druggists. Large United States and Canadian Manufacturing Company requires District Manager for Durham county. Exceptionally high earnings. Guar- anteed repeat business. Automobile essential. Agricultural background most important. Sales training givea. Reply, to Box 84, London, Ontario. . Nov.27 TO RENT, FURNISHED--In Port Perry, 6 room well furnished bunga- low, Oil furnace, full bathroom, phone, town watr included. $60.00 per month. Adults. Phone YU 56-2233. FREE FREE FREE PRESTONE ANTIFREEZE With your new SNOW GRIP TIRES at FRANK HOSKINS, Blackstock, Phone 2. MAN WANTED FOR SALE--6-way Lloyd carriage, yellow and white. Like new. YU5-2136, "FOR SALE--Girl's eat, size 10, color wine. Reasonable. Apply Mrs. Clayton Love, YU 5-2088. NE --.----. 'Auction Sales MONDAY, NOV, 24--Auction Sale of Reg. Shorthorn- and Reg. Jersey 'Cattle, the property of Stanley Taylor, Lot 17, Con. 1, Cartwright, 1 mile North and 2 miles East of Burketon. Terms Cash, Sale at 2,30 p.m, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, SAT., Shorthorns, Hogs, Tractor, Threshing Machine, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, the property of Mrs. Alma Pudsey, Lot 6, Con. 8, Cavan, 2 miles West and 1 mile South of Cavan. Terms Cash. Sale at, 11.00 a.m. Note--this is a large sale, so must start promptly at 11.00 a.m. Furni- ture will be sold first at 11.00 a.m. Ladies will be serving lunches. Ted Spencely, Art Thorn, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. "SAT., NOV. 20th--Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Im- plements, Hay, Grain, the property of Jack Kivell, Lot 24, Con. 6, Darling- ton, at Solina, Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Art Blanchard, Clerk. ki TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. N i fi o Public Notice is hereby given to the Electors of the Village of Port Perry that 1 require the presence of ! the 'Electors in the Basement of the | Publie Library on Monday, November 24th, 1958 at 7.30 p.m. for the nomi- nation of candidates for the office of Reeve, Councillors and Public School Trustees. Nominations must be in writing and signed by two elec- tors. In the event of a poll being required votes will be taken on Friday, the 5th day of December, 1968. J. F. RAINES, Clerk. Village of Port Perry. Prince Albert To be an official representative in this area enrolling memberships in a Farm Service Club. No experience required. Car important. Write gi- ving details and phone number to Farm Services Division, Sales Mana- | ger, Box 817, London, Ontario. Nov. 27 Caretaker Wanted At Sunday School the theme story was read by Linda May. All sang "Happy Birthday" while Bruce Mar- tyn, Bryan Beacock and Lexie Love dropped their pennies into the wee red { church. Stiive to attend our W. A. meeting next Wednesday, November 26. A display of left-over articles from the bazaar will be for sale. Many Christ- mas suggestions--a knit sweater for a grandchild or an apron for a favorite NOV. 22nd--Auction Sale of] were distributed for same. Discus- sion .regarding the telephone euchre again in our minds as a result three members offered their homes for Nov. 29th -- Florence Smith, Eva Hunter, Grace Beacock. A. different lunch system has been arranged: for these parties, Some parcels of cotton arrived for cancer dressings to be: delivered by Pat Love. ~ Members seemed agree- able to hold their annual Christmas party December 8 and invite a friend. Dues were now collected. Repeating the Mizpah closed this portion of the meeting. Programme conveners:-- Christing Farkinson and Joy Newn- ham entertained us. A delicious lunch was served by Elizabeth Skelding, Electa Vance and Kay Rountree. Mr, and Mrs. N. Wilson, were guests at the .Dearborn-Bradshaw church wedding at Point Anne, Ontario, last Saturday. Lexie Love was happy to have sev- eral little friends to her birthday party. Mrs. A. Brown and Larry Stont the week-end in Tonnonwanda, N.Y, The Women's Association met on October 29th in the Sunday School room. - Mrs. McKerihan presided and hy "Take My Life and "Let It Be" open- ed the meeting. Scripture from Mat- thew 25 was read by Mrs. Beacock of Group 1, and the Topic "Our Reason- able Service" by Mrs. B. Smith. During the business period the dif- ferent committees reported. A motion carried that it be left in the hands of the Chulch Board to tender for care- taker for the winter months, There was some discussion ré a turkey sup- per. Ladies save your Betty Cracker , box tops. Two visits were reported.' After the business session we were pleased and grateful to have Mrs, Braham of Scugog come and tell us of her trip to Jamaica. This was much appreciated by the goodly num- ber of ladies. - to have Rev. Mr. Braham come and have supper with us. This was served by group one. . W. A. members please take notice that this week we have received a kind invitation to spend a social even- ing with the Head Memorial W. A..on' November 27th at 8.00 p.m. to reply will you please consider this ' promptly. SEE | The men of our Church are busy | floor. Sunday School was held up- stairs on Sunday. . All are pleased to learn that $65 was the amount received from here for the children of Springhill, N.S. Mr. Sid Willerton and son of Scar- boro were last Saturday visitors at the Ernie Willerton home, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris weve last Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, It was also very nice 'In order these days redecorating the basement i Cedar Creek i) on Saturday afternoon. The wedding supper was held at the Quinte Hotel, Belleville. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Wilson, 'Brooklin; accompanied the Willertons. Mr, and Mrs. Manson Woods and boys, Manchester were Sunday sup- per guests at the Cummings home. Mr, and Mrs, Harris were, Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mis. Lorne Duff, Shirley. The Norman Birkett family, Rag- lan, were Sunday evening visitors at the Spencer home, Mrs, Kilpatrick and George visited Mr, and Mrs. Fred Michaelis, Toron- to, on Monday. ! Mr. Charles Parm and his brother Jim, Toronto, ate visiting Sam Parm for a few days. Manchester Mrs. Gladys Archer was the guest of Suiton friends for the past week. Mrs. Wannankhoff entertained a- bout twenty-five guests last Wednes- day evening in honor of Miss . vce Hermans, whose marriage takes pli.ce next week. Joyce was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts for which she charmingly expressed her thanks and appreciation. Miss Eunice Roach spent a recent week-end with" Miss Donna Smith, Bethesda. The euchre party. sponsored * by "Cubs" parents at the Hall on Satur- day evening was well attended 'and all 'attending had a jolly evening. High score for ladies, Mrs. J. Dem- ara, second, Mrs. A. Roach; gentleman A. Roach, second, Geo. Leach; consolations--Mrs, Vernon and Orval Stone. The next euchre to raise funds for the "Cubs" will be .| Nov. 20th, We regret to report Mr, Jno. Stew- art in Port Perry Hospital. His many friends wish him a speedy .re- covery. Mr. Chas. "Coombe has taken the contract to build a new Municipal Of- fice and the job is underway. airs fo All Makes of Cars Licensed Mechanic - Complete Repairs -- All Work Guaranteed Ken Fralick Corner of 6th Con, of Reach and Hwy. 7-12 Phone: Scar. AT. 2-0961 e.o.w. dec. 25-68 : CHAS. A. - BRADLEY & SON INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Wall Papering a Specialty - YUkon 5-7887 Port Perry Whitby MO. 559 TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. VV FREE ESTIMATES -- by Hour or Contract. Tenders for the position of care- taker of the Prince Albert United Church will be accepted by the sec- retary up to and including Dec, 1st, 1958 stating monthly salary. Ben Smith, Secretary. © Nov, 27 Phone Mrs. Ewing, YU 65-2070. 'ANGORA WOOL Wool. Knitted Collars. Corsages of all kinds. Christmas table and man- tle decorations made to order. Audrey Kent. Phone YU 5-7343, Port Perry. LOST -- Strayed from Wallace's Furnace, storms, good garden, close to school and church. Priced to sell quick. Prince Albert--$5,000 down. House with 3&-acre of land. All conveniences, 4 bedrooms, hot air furnace, electric hot water tank, good building lot. See this one first. 0. J. BOE, Agent Port Perry, Phone YUkon 65-2079 Vigor Oil Co. Ltd. New Reduced Prices in Ele , : PREMIUM STOVE OIL ............. FUEL OIL Cee sstraninsanee CEERI TIT) Setar iaairrininn QUALITY ven 20¢. Per Gallon vviern NOW 16% ¢. Gallon. terse sessinbanane FOR DELIVERY PHONE § Oshawa RA.5-1109 i patsure, 7th con. of Reach, Hereford Steer, about 700 1bs. Anyone having linforn 'mation please phone Len. Hance YU 65-7813. FOR SALE -- Large G.E. Range in A-1 condition. Phone YU 5-7328. LOST --Set of keys on ying. Gener- ous reward if returned to the Port Perry Star Office. WANTED -- Good used horse. - Phone YU 65-2706. FOR SALE--Basswood and Cedar Lumber, 1" and 2". Beacock Bros. Phone Blackstock 17-r-4. FOR SALE--Orders taken for name plates for home, office and mail boxes. Wood fibre and plastic foam flowers in basket or pot for home or hospital. Phone YU 5-2198 or write Mra, James Russell, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Oil furnace, complete. Controls ete. Jack McKinnon, Phone YU 65-2023. FOR RENT --4 room apartment, newly - decorated. Centrally located in Port Perry. - Phone Sunderland rocking 937-3." WANTED -- Used Baby Stroller. Non-shedding Hand Spun Angora. Electric | ~auntie. : Mr. D. McTaggart spent the week- end with his brother in Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Luke and boys of Haniilton, spent the school holiday, November 11th, with Mrs. C. Luke, ,and including Mrs. I", Stanton and | Mrs. McKerihan. . All enjoyed a lovely motor trip on the beautiful Monday. Monday night' fifteen members of { G.N.S. Club met at the home of Doris Jeffrey. President Florence Smith opened the meeting by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Minutes read by the sceretary- Doris Jeffrey. Treas- urer Kay Rountree reported on our financial standing. A donation of | money had been sent to the Com-! munity Memorial Hospital Auxiliary for doll draw. Ten books.of tickets ' | Lewis Stinson and family, Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Martin of Port Credit and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houden of Grant Valley were last Tuesday afternoon. callers of Mrs. Kilpatrick and George. Mrs. Roy Blain and Doug of Osh- awa visited Mrs. Bruce Cummings and Jackie and Karen Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin White, Port Perry, and Mrs. Frank Harris were Thursday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Kilpatrick. Wm. Steele was able to return home on Saturday from Port Perry Comi- , munity Hospital wheére he had been 1a patient for ten days. Mr. tended the Dearhorn-Bradshaw wed- ding at Pointe Anne United Church Adverise The Classified Way Township of Reach SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TO WIT: . BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Reeve of the Township of Reach and bearing the date 18th day of August, 1958, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Reach will be held at the Township Hall, Manchester, at the hour of two o'clock in" the afternoon on the 23rd day of December, 1968, unless the taxes and.costs are sooner paid, Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale has been published in the Ontario Gazette in the issue of Sept: Gth, 1968. Description of land to be sold: Eliza Swanick-- North half Lot 8, Concession 12, Township of Reach. ' DATED at Manchester, this 16th day of September, A.D, 1958. GRANT CHRISTIE, Treasurer, Township of Reach. | Dec. 11- 58 dec 4 County of Ontario SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TO wIT- BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of thé Count of Ontario and bearing the date 15h day of August, 1968, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Ontario will be held at the Court House, Whitby, at the hour of ten o'cluck in the forenoon on the 9th of December, 19568, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is here- by given that the list of lands for sale has been published in the Ontario Gazette in the issue of Septembaér 6th, 1968. Copies of the said list may be_had at my office. Dated at Whitby, this 8th day of September, A.D., 1968. WM. G. MANNING, Treasurer, County of Ontario. 3 re of #6 cain and Mrs. Ernie Willerton at-| TRIPP CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Resionce--Won Tiipp YU. 5-2582 and Joe Tripp BU. .5-2680 Phone YUkon 5-2532 (Office) WE BUILD HOMES. -- Large and Small and 'buildings of all kinds Repairs and "Remodelling ood Materials and Workmanship Guaranteed. ~ Our 'House Designing Service is at your disposal. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER Port Perry, Ontario Phone YUkon 5.7391 Fiban PAE TE L555 high

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