Ye ,, waned CI Scientists tell us that there is a web of diaphanous thread-like par ticles that permeate the universe wrapping everything, planets, sun, all in a finely spun mesh of intricate design. This is to us a phenomenon aut which to marvel. Every day we learn a little more about our workl and its neighbours in space. Yel can we ever hope to uncover and under- stand one tenth of the workings of this great system of universes 7 Most of us think it unlikely. Over all, under all is the Great Unknowable. We were somehow born out of Its hounty. We will somehow return to Its glory. This we believe. At Christmas time we remember a Man who was born to show us and to teach us more about the wonder of life and more about real rever- ence for life than most of us conld learn if we were all put together. We quarrel over His divinity or lack of it hut we all agree about His teachings Iiven the people of religions as diverse as the Buddhist and the Mohammed- han agree about His respect for life and His sincerity. We, who call our- selves Christian disagree in many wavs about His birth but we come at Christmas time to a fresh understanding in our own lives of His leaching. In spite of constant criticism to the contrary most of us see more in Christmas than material things. We give presents, most of the time, out of love. Many times gifts are given where there is real sacrifice made in order to procure the gift at all. It is the other side of the coin and it is there as well as the superficial side. But the true Christmas of Christ's teaching is more than this. It is Christmas every day throughout the vear. Each act, each thought worked out in love and care. Fun there may be, tears and sorrow, but there ought not to he anxiety if we really believe in God's carve. "My yoke is easy and my burden is light" does not mean there will be no trouble but it does mean God's_grace is sufficient for us. We haven't yet learned how to have "peace on earth goodwill to men". In this respect Christianity has failed. Yet it is such a little while since Christianity was born and the task is so great that perhaps we ask too much, too soon. It takes a great dedl of decent living every day of every vear to increase the sum total of right living for all. Hunger, disease, criminal practices, greed and cupidity are with us still. We struggle with them every day. We do struggle. This is our glory. Our failures are great but our achievements are great also. The art of printing alone was an achievement that has helped to tell Christ's message to a greater num- ber of people faster than man at one time could ever have imagined. This is only one of many you can name. "God works in a mysterious way His wonders to perform." His peace He gives unto us if we are willing to take it in spite of wars and rumours of wars. "Merry Christmas!" The Management and Staff of the Port Perry Star Uty,