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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Feb 1959, p. 5

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+ ee ~ Standings Chamber of Commerce Port Perry Agricultural Night Dinner o it THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY bth, 19508 St. John's Preshylerian Church Guest Speaker, JOEL ALDRED, of Radio & TV Men's Thursday Night Bowling He DeLuxe 21 Goofers 21 Blars ....cminrimeirnn al Meteors : 19 'Howard Motors ..............7..18 * Leglonaires ............c.... 17 - ! "Black Jacks .......conirrernnnn 16 Midtown ".....ocuvenerensiinninnn: 12 Whiz Bangs ...... were sariire 8 Archers ironies, . 6 Juniors 6 CANORIR (irs iviviinsigiioione 4 * High Triple-- ; J. Franssen--686 High Single-- M. Appleton--287 =~ ---- High Triples over 600-- J. Franssen--685; Bruce Miller-- 673; D, Butt--668; B. Young--664; I. Boyd--640; Gary Sweetman--627; C. Lown--621; B, __Crowder--621;. Bill Owen--620, High Single over 240-- ® ® M, Appleton--287; Bill Owen--286; C. Lown--268; G. Sweetman--268; Bruce Miller--262; M. Crowder--260; C. Franssen--249; A. Farmer--246; C. Boyd--248. ' SUGGESTION AWAITED A female columnist- advises the "woman of the house" to "face Jan- uary" by going right out and buying herself a new hat, : Husbands whose wives take her. ad- vice will no doubt now be grateful for any suggestions that will make it easier for them to face February . . . Ladies' Wednesday - g 8 Night Bowling AUDREY DENURE BOWLES A 729 TRIPLE - - Scores over 210: N. Howes 275, A. DeNure 274, 267, Betty Collins 268, L. Carnegie 264, D. Freeman 262, 227, L. Mark 246, A. Spears 244, J. Venning 237, L. Nott 232, M. Jeffrey 281, A. Wakeford 227; M. Wakeford 224, G. Pargeter 223, N. Scott 220, 218, E. Bailey 220, M. Healey 219, E. Brunton 217, 8. Uewnham 216, Triples over 600: A. DeNure 729, D. Freeman 680, N. Howes 608, L. Car- negie 604, E. Bailey 604. JANUARY 28th-- Ln CATHY HEWITT ROLLS A HIGH SINGLE OF 317 DE PPE PDIP PPT PT PIPPIN Flyers Spitfires Kittyhawks Helicopters North Stars Sunderlands ... Mustangs Lancasters Mosquitoes oi Hurricanes .......iooeeena1B Scores over 210--C. Hewitt 817, 216, W. Bateman 270, E. Bailey 252, 282, M. Edenborough 247, 234, A. Wakeford 238, M. Sweetman 237, L. Carnegie 286, 288, D. VanCamp 232, L. Nott 232, A. Mark 231, J. Garrard 230, D, Ven- ning 222, E. Luke 219, A. DeNure 213, E. Brunton 212, E. McLaughlin J11. - Triples over 600--C. Hewitt 688, E, Bailey 638, M. Edenborough 623, L. Carnegie 614. Phones: Scar. AT 2-096] fy dec24sp9 CHAS A. BRADLEY & SON | Decorating Contractors INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Wall Papering a Specialty - 363J Brooklin, Ont. Whitby MO 8-3659 ~~ } ~ 1 KEEP WARM WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR FUEL NEEDS WITH GOOD Quality Coal or Oil » Ve aa PHONE - -YU 65-2681 ' 2 YU 5-2331 Wedding Invitations Thermo-engraved (used leering Thermo-Engrdving looks and feels like hand engraving, but costs about half as much--and it's ready within the week. Thermo-Engraving' eliminates the cop- . per plate that makes hand engraving 20 costly and time consuming. Select - from our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers, 11 distinctive styles of Jettering. Weddings priced as low as $9.00 for 50 and $13.50 for 100, com- plete with double envelopes and tissues. Come in and see our complete cata. logue! Matching announcements, at home cards, enclosure cards, etc. Put Poy Btn The modern way to be : traditionally correct The Bouquet Invitation Line ~ PORT PERRY Ladies' Monday | Night Bowling Feb. 2nd, 1959-- 'Pines--28 Firs--18 Poplars--23 Chestnuts--16 Walnuts--19 Elms--16 Willows--19 Oaks--14 * Maples--19 Spruces--138 Cedars--18 Birches-- 9 High Single-- Joyce Emmerson--264 High Triple-- \ Dhel Bentley---662 Over 200-- Joyce Emmerson--264, 212; Dhel 'Marion Lawrence--244; Marie Smits --241; Mary Amell--236, 221; Alice Cook--232; Mabel Cook--222, 209; Lorraine Raines--221, 208; Emily Ba- dour--220; Florence Davey--215; Au- drey Chapman--211; Ethel Hutchin- sen--2006; Elma Vernon--202; Ann Mulder--201. Pp Prince Albert On Sunday all present at church were privileged to hear a worthwhile sermon from our minister Rev. E. 8. Linstead. . At this season when flowers are most limited at our services we truly appreciated the beautiful basket of mums placed by the relatives from the funeral of the late Mrs. M. Beatty. The G.N.S. Club will gather at the home of Joy Newnham next Monday night. . We trust for a full attendance. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson and son, Oshawa with "his brother Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance<had thelr .| daughter and husband, the Simons of Pickering. " Mrs. M. Pugh attended the funeral of her grandmother Mrs. Gostick, Stouffville. Little Dale Case had his tonsils re- moved on Saturday in Port Perry Community Hospital. Mrs. Mulvey has also been a pa- tient in same hospital. A Happy Birthday to John Jeffrey for Feb. 12th, and to Paul Luke for Feb. 18th. Prince Albert W.A. Wednesday, January 28th was a lovely day for the first W.A. meeting e New Year. With a good at- tendance, Mrs. McKerihan - presided and meeting was called to order by Hymn 570. Mrs. Skelding and Mrs. Vance were in charge of the Devotional session, reading portions from Deut. 6 and Matt. 22, and the Topic, "The First Commandment." - Following the Secretary's report, several thank-you notes were read. The Treasurer's report was grati- fying, showing 8 good year's activi- ties. Kitchen committee reported having purchased a new sponge mop, new broom needed. Motion of Pat and Jean that $3.40 be paid. This for toques purchased to go in the bale. A motion carried that a thank-you letter be sent to Mr. Earl Martyn for delivering our bale to the Fred Victor Mission. .The sale of antique cups and sau- cers in Church cupboard was discus- sed and Mrs. Love was apointed to be the one to contact. A book 'was on hand "Inspirational Talks for Women's groups", presented to W.A. by Mesdames Martyn, Hunter and Smith, to be used at our meet- ings. Mrs. Hunter ably gave a talk introducing this book. - Now followed election of officers for 1959, conducted by Rev. Mr. Lin- stead. Mrs. Smith of the nominat- ing committee gave the report. The office of President required filling. 1st vice, Mra. Snelgrove; 2nd, Mrs. Pugh. By motion this report was ad- opted. Mrs. Smith was nominated, but said she would rather not accept, with her other duties. Mrs. E. Mar- tyn and Mrs. Robertson were also nominated but wished their names '| withdrawn. Finally, Mrs. Smith ac- cepted the office for the year. She asked that someone else replace her on the Hospital committee. It is now Mrs. Vance. Slate of Officers for 1959 '| Past President--Mrs. McKerihgn President--Mrs. Ben Smith 1st Vice-Pres.--Mrs, - Snelgrove 2nd Vice-Pres--Mis, Pugh Secretary--Mra, Luke | Asst. Bec'y--Mrs. A. Brown Treasurer--Mrs, Norman Wilson 'Asst. Treas--Mrs, E. Martyn Pianist--Mrs. G. Hunter Fruit and Flower Com. -- Mrs, W. Bentley--260, 243; Ann- Dowson--269 | Martyn (convener), Mrs, Skelding, Mrs, Luke , Kitchen Com,--Mrs. Pugh, Mrs. Vance and Mrs. H. Jeffrey Parsonage Rep.--Mrs, L. Beacock, Mrs, Vance Missionary Con.--Mrs. G. Hunter Visiting Com.--Mesdames W, Brown, Doupe, W. Martyn, W. Somerville, Hunter and Beacock. The meeting closed with Hymn and' the Mizpah. Four visits reported. A successful hot roast Beef supper was served by groups 4 and 1, Another to be held the latter part of Feb. Groups 2 and 3 serving, Ashburn Sunday School and Church services were held at Burn's Church on Sun- day, Feb: 1st at 10.15 and 11.30 a.m. with Rev. B. Black of Uxbridge, in charge. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed. During the service Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and Mr. Alfred Fisher rendered a duet "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning". The following officers were elected for the Sunday School for 1959: Supt.--Mr, Edgar Heron Assist. Supt.--Mr, Douglas Ashton Secretary--Mr. Neil Johnston Treasurer--Mr, Luther Bradley - Assist. Treas.--Ross Batten Pianist--Miss Joy Bradley - The World's Day of Prayer will be held in Burn's Church on Friday, Feb. 18th at 38 p.m. with Mrs. J. H. McKinney, of Brooklin, as speaker, The weekly meeting of the Y.P.S. was held in the basement of the church on Sunday, Feb. 1st at 8.15 pm. The meeting opened with a seng service led by Grant Parrott. The worship service was conducted by Faye Heron. Rev. C. Nelson, of Oshawa, gave a most inspiring mes- sage to the Young People. Next Sunday, Feb. 8th Mrs. R. Gulliver, of Brooklin, and Gerald Pascoe of Mt. Zion will take part in the program. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Doble and family; Mr. James Doble all of Tor- onto, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Doble. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland and daughter of Utica, were Sunday vi- sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ash- ton. . E Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heron of Waterloo, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron. Mr. K. Heron had charge of the services in Chalmers Church Uxbridge and Qua- | ker Hill on Sunday. Local Jr. Farmers Enter T.V. Competition The Ontario County Junior Farm- ers' Association has entered the 2nd annual Inter-County T.V. Competition to be held over Channel 3, Barrie. The series will be seen on Monday, Feb. 9th, 16th, 23rd, and March 2nd, at 5.30 p.m. The Counties of Ontario, North Sim- coe, and York are competing. Each group will present a ten minute pro- gramme which they themselves have written and produced. The Ontario County program "Sa- fety in the Home" will be presented on Monday, Feb. 16th at 6.80 p.m. The topics to be used by the other counties will be Safety in the Barn and Tractor Safety. The Junior Farmer Inter-County TV Competition over C.K.V.R., T.V., Chan. nel 8, Barrie, is one of several such competitions now being held through- out the Province of Ontario. Apple Crisis Met With $25,000 Promotion A $26,000 apple promotion has been launched by the Canadian Horticultur- al Council, with federal government assistance, to help move a large sur- plus crop. Promotion ends April 16. Ontario and Quebec, with crops last fall of 6,000,000 bushels each, had the biggest apple harvest in 40 years, The Nova Scotia crop was small, but Brit- ish Columbia had a near record crop. The result is that, particularly in Ontaro, there is insufficient demand and a large part of the crop will spoil if it cannot be sold in the next few months, MTT Apples are low in price and in plen. tiful supply, so that few imports have entered Canadian market. BEE EEE EEE OE CCC A DD DDD DB Dn RA A A A A A a A A A A a a a a a aa a aa a aa oa aaa aa aga an ang alll The federal government has consid- ered ways and means to help apple growers out of their difficulties, One j offer was a season's end deficiency payment for apples if each grower's sales could be established, The grow- ers wanted no' subsidy, preferring sales stimulation that would help de- 'velop a strong industry in future, - A national promotion first was dis- cussed last summer in Montreal, at the International Apple Convention. All _ apple producing provinces were in fay- or of the scheme and, with federal assistance, funds were raised for its execution, Greenbank . GREENBANK W.A. The regular meeting of the W.A. was held in the Church basement on January 27th, at 8 pm. Mrs. 'E. Hook opened the meeting with a poem entitled "What is the Coming Year". The Seripture lesson Deut. 6 verses 1-9 was read by Mrs. C. Ward. Hymn 571 "Standing at the Portal" was sung, followed by President--Mus. George Beare prayer by Mrs. E Lee. based on the first Commandment was given by 'Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Boe gave a reading on "The roads we travel". * The devotional closed with hymn 41 and prayer by Mrs. Hook. > The business part of the meeting opened with the theme song. Mr. Cooper - conducted the ceremony fo the installation of officers. . } Donations were made to the March of dimes, Care and the flower fund. The president closed the meeting with prayer. Officers 1959 1st Vice-Pres,--Mrs. A. Couves 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. Reg. Foster Rec. Secretary--Mrs. M. Raines Ass. Secretary--Mrs. Roy Leask Treasurer--Mrs. H. Baylis Cor. Secretary--Mrs. C. Ward Pianist--Mrs. A. Harper Ass, Pianist--Mrs. E. Till The topic, Midgets Win First Round of 0.M.H.A. Play-0ffs Port Perry Midgets win first round of O.M.H.A. Play-offs by out playing Brooklin 13-6 on the round. " Port Perry lost the first game in Brooklin 6-3 on Monday, Feb. 2nd but really came back strong on Wed- nesday night and won the game 10-1. Ken Boyd played a stand out game in the net. Backed up by a real strong defence of Pickard, Carnegie, James, Burnett and Morley Davidson. Ivan Luke led the scorers with 3 gonls; Wayne Powell with 2 and then came singles by Gary Geer, Ed Teno, George Carnochane, Gary Porter and James Burnett, Watch for Posters for Second Ser- ies against Uxbridge, So geod | for babi yo) 9) evaporated mil 7 i w i) cook. with too, write for Marie Fraser's free New Evaporated Milk recipes. DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto | i i : oF a: | fi PAA ® 4% AAA AAA AN aa aa > EOE CELLO LE OOOO DEPARTM aaa ©» &> Sr . y AAA a aaa Ja als) ENT STOR ROOD YY Li © IX © 2 & & Aa 4 TOO® vow PVN PP | | | the mement ~~ ° Lis feet find the floor-- aaa aaa aay 4 0 OZ OEE GIO EEE DA OOOO oo SOO NN Pussyfoots Sage PV OOOO YY YY YIN AA A A a a a a aa a a 4 oa aa a aa du aly As soon as baby tries to stand alone- make sure his pliable little feet are sup- yorted by the poner shoes - at y Savage. Check these features: o tongue opens right to the roomy toe, for ease in putting on, taking off. esmooth,. soft inside- won't chafe tender feet. o Flexible, sueded leather soles with light, non-slip 'Children's Oxfords Straps, patent or brown ....... $4.95 Children's Boots, $2.95, $3.50, $3.95 Growing Girls' Shoes . . ...$5.95, $6.95 Boys' Oxfords, up fo size 3 ..... $5.50 Boys' Oxfords, Sisman, 4.50, 4.95, 5.95 Youth's Oxfords, up to size 8 ....6.95 Men's Overalls, Men's Blue, $5.50, $5.95 Work Pants, ......... $5.50 and §5.95 | Blue, Green, Grey, Bask Blue Jeans ....................$3.95 Work Shi irfs ......... $2.95 and $2.95 OOOO OOOO0Oe POV OO OV VY Ore DEON On Aaa a a a J PYOOOOOOVOOOOP® © POV OO V VY VwN VOVVOOOOTOOO® SEND E GE VOVOVVOVVOVVVVVOVOVOOVOO0O® Wear OEE PON heel. . We have a full stock of Savage Pussyfoots. Our staff will take time to fit your baby carefully, correctly. Port Perry Phone: YU 5-2521

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