¢--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH bth, 1959 Port Perry Public School Carnival Last Thurs. saw the Public School Children flock to the Mémorial Arena for their annual Ice Carnival. Mr. Roy Cornish, Principal of the school, and his staff were in charge. There was a fine turn out of child. ren and a good many parents also at- tended as spectators. Everyone seemed to enjoy the afternoon. Many interesting and comic cost- umes were in evidence and prizes were given for the best in many clas- ses. There were also a series of races which were enjoyed by both the boys and the girls, rl ------------ Letter to the Editor: (THE AVENUE) In our town there's a road, It's called Union Avenue. It just lies there holding snow With nothing else to do. Where are those men? Where is that plow? I'm sure I heard it say, I surely cannot hold this load Until the first of May. --Resident on "The Avenue" 3 Days Training Program The Port Perry congregation of Je- hovah's Witnesses are making prell- minary plans to attend a three-day training program in Newcastle, it was announced Sunday night. Mr. Leeman Nixon, presiding min- ister of the group, in discussing this announcement, pointed to the chal- lenge to Christian thinking and Christian works in the rising tide of materialism. "The. object of the program," Mr. Nixon said, "is to equip every one of the preaching fellowship of Jehovah's Witnesses in the practical use of the Bible as a help in fortifying the spir- itual morale of our community." " Mr. Nixon said that Jehovah's Wit- nesses are enrolled in ministerial training of at least five classes week- ly. "The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, sponsors of the three-day Newcastle refresher program, have set the theme of the assembly as 'Be a Teacher of the Good News". The program is scheduled for March 6-8 in the Newcastle community hall. Prince Albert At S. 8S. Supt. Mr. E. Marytn an- nounced that Mr. Robt. Heayn owing to future plans had resigned as trea- surer. Therefore Mr. Bob Snelgrove will fill this vacancy. Two of our young girls Lynda Tripp and Jean 8Snelgrove have assisted as pianist in a capable manner. G. N. 8. Club plense meet at the home of Esther Heayn next Monday night. ~ t Several fathers and sons attended the Bcout Banquet and church ser- vices recently. Mr. and Mrs. M. Luke and two little sons of Hamilton, visited Mrs. C. Luke on Saturday. Mrs. Edith McMillan and daughter of Peterboro, visited the former's sisters Mrs. Collings and Mrs. W. Somerville a week ago Sunday. Mr. J. Kiezibrink and all the family also Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunter, Mr, and Mrs. G. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bea- cock all enjoyed being guests at the Kiezibrink-Hammers wedding in He- bron Christian Reform Church, Osh- awa, Saturday This week the W. A, has a quilting -- on, for pattern, at the home of Mrs. Newnham. All eppreciate hearing the Caw, Caw of the crows. Who will see the first robin? THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) % Rev, E. W. Fuller, B.A, L.Th, Rector Sunday, March 8th-- 11,80 a.m.~Morning Service Wednesday, March 11th-- 10.00 a.m.--Mid Week Lenten Service. < 8ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. Simpson Black, B.A, B.D. Interim Moderator Sunday, March 8th-- 10 a.m.--Morning Service 11 a.n.--Sunday School . PORT PHRRY UNITED CHURCH Rev, E. 8. Linstead, B.A, Minister Sunday, March 8th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday Sehool 11 a.m.--Sunday School for Nur- sery, Beginners, Kindergarten, and Primary Classes. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE ~Minister:- Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D. Sunday, March 8th-- 10.156 a.m.--Scugog Church 11.16 a.m.--Scugog Head 8.8. 11.16 a.m.~--Manchester Church 1.16 p.m.--Prospect Church. '8.00 p.m.--Scugog "Head" Church We give you all a cordial welcome to |: come and worship with us. Vv Adoption HONEY--Frank and Marjory are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen son, Richard Edward. - Engagement "Mr. and Mrs, Wreford H. St. John announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Shirley Ann, to Charles Hayden Brignall, son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Brignall. The mar- riage to take place at 2.30 o'clock on Saturday, April 4th in the United Church, Port Perry. Card of Thanks We would like to express our thanks and appreciation for all the lovely gifts given to us at the shower by Scugog Island folks, "We would also like to thank Mis. Faye Dowson for the shower given in our honour and everyone there for all the lovely gifts received. Shirley & Jim Grieve. Card of Thanks 1 wish to thank Dr. Kandel and Dr. John Diamond, also the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital for the care and attention shown my late wife and myself while in hospital, i Chas. Reader. Card of Thanks In the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heatfelt thanks .and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of a dear husband and fa- ther, William Starr. We especially wish to thank Rev. Mr. Delaney, Dr. John Diamond, the nurses and staff lat the hospital and the ladies of the Port Perry Baptist Church for the lovely lunch served following the fun- eral service. Mrs. William Starr & family Wp E'S GENERAL STORE PRINCE ALBERT, ' ONT. TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE, 48 oz. tin. ......... . ...49¢. '$ BRUNSWICK SARDINES ............. IN § ("1 13 'SAVE 6c. ON PEANUT BUTTER and 'RASPRERRY JAM. SNACK TIME SPECIAL. SAVE 6c. ON DOMESTIC SHORTENING, OPEN EVENINGS--CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS For Free Delivery Phone YU 5-2492 - Coming Events At Home Mr, and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey will be at home to their relatives and friends on the occdsion of their 86th Wedding Anniversary, on Sunday, March 8th from 2.80 p.m, till 4 p.m. and from 8 p.m. till 10 p.m, 4 Monster Bingo Monday night, March 9th, 1969, at 8 p.m. in the Red Barn, Oshawa. 20-- $20. games; 6--$80. games; one jack- pot of $160. and two jackpots of $260, Door Prizes. Admission $1.00. Bingo and Suit Draw The Lions Club of Port Perry will hold a Bingo at § p.m. on Saturday, March 21 in the Port Perry Public School. The draw for the Easter Suit will be made at this time. All proceeds in aid of Lions Club Charity Work. Friday Night Jamhoree Dancing to - Radio' Artists Chuck Fortune and Band from Toronto Pa- lace Pier. - Features Jimmy and Johnny, the Shey Bros.; Phil Exton; Chuck Fortune Quartette and guests Red Barn, Oshawa. T.F. HAT SHOW The Fidelis Class of Greenbank ig presenting a Hat Show in the Church Basement on March, 11th at 8.830 pm. Mrs. McEacheran of the Hat Shoppe, Port Perry, has person- played by local models; also the lat- est FUR STYLING shown by the Primrose Fur Co, of Toronto. During the evening there will be musical se- lections and prizes. Lunch will be served. Admission 650c. March 6 St. Patrick's Tea AND BAKE SALE in the base- ment of St. John's Presbyterian Church on Saturday, March 14th at 2.30 p.m. Everyone welcome. marl2 Utica Community Hall, on Satur- day, March 7th. Music by the Melo- deers. Admission 76c. per person. Everyone welcome. ' St. Patrick's Euchre Of the C. P. & T, committee will be held in the 1.0.0.F. Hall on Saturday, March 14th at 8.30 p.m., sharp. Door and Euchre prizes (fowl). Lunch. Admission 50c. per person, Mar12 Jr. Farmers Revue Choir presents "Jr. Farmers' Revue". Director--Mrs. Elsie Dobson. On March 6, at 8.16 p.m. in the Port Perry Public School, sponsored by the Port Perry United Church Choir. Ad- mission 76¢. and 86c, St. Patrick's Euchre The C.W.L. will hold a St. Patrick's Euchre on Tuesday, March 17th in the Catholic Church Hall at 8.30. [Re- freshments, door prize, admission 60c. » PT PTT TTT TTT TY TINT TPT TIT TIT INS » The Consumers' Gas Company mar- ked the conclusion of work of their 19- mile Lindsay - Peterborough natural gas transmission line Saturday, Feb- , | ruary 28th, 1059, The 8-inch line, which took less than six weeks to complete and cost $647, 000, provided winter jobs for between 260 and 800 men, Meanwhile construction of the Pe- terborough city section was begun on Tuesday, February 24th, and set a target for a mid-March conversion date. The construction of the city seétion at a cost, to the Company, of $240,000 '| is included in the program laid out by Consumers' Gas when they officially took over from the Peterborough Uti- lities Commission in January on pay- ment of a cheque for $1,802,000. Contractors sharing the city gection oontract are Mid-Canada Contractors Limited, R. B, Summerville Company Limited and Majestic Contractors Card of Thanks Mr. Chas. Reader and family wish to express their sincere thanks to Rev. Mr. Braham, the Head W.A., relatives and friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, messages of sympathy and kind acts during their recent bereavement. Card of Thanks I would like to thank all my friends for cards, letters, gifts and kindness shown to me; also my two daughters who 'have: been so good, nurses who were so very- kind during my short stay in hospital; also Dr. Rennie and Dr. Diamond. Many thanks to all, Mrs. Arthur Leighton, Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our dear baby, Kimberly Ann. Harold and Norma Forder. In Memoriam ROSS--In loving memory of a dear wife Ella Ross, who passed away, March 8th, 19567, : She suffered patiently and.long, Her hope was high, her faith was strong, \ The peace of Jesus filled her breast every Friday night. Admission 78.' ally selected the creations to be dis- - Ontario County Junior Farmers'|: Lindsay - Peterhoro|~ Gas-Line Completed | And in his arms she sank to rest. Lovingly remembered by husband, sons, daughter, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. In Memoriam AKNEY--In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Mar- tha Akney, who passed away March 8, 1968. Though her smile is gone forever And her hand we cannot touch; 'Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much. Sadly missed by Hazel, Ray and family. In Memoriam VINE--In memory of our dear bro- ther, Ralph Kenneth, who passed a- way, March 8, 1953, in his 14th year. Dear Ralph you are not forgotten, As the years roll swiftly along; Memories of old sweet yesterdays Oft wake in the lilt of a song. Or perchance it's a sudden fancy, When evening shadow's near, And we vision you in the doorway With your old sweet smile so dear. Thus our sad hearts still remember Forever while life shall last; For you were one of God's noblest Too soon was your short life past, But somewhere back of the sunset Where loveliness never dies; We know, dear Ralph, you're waiting Midst the beauty of heavenly skies. Sadly missed by sister Eleanor, Reg., Gordon and Thelma Middleton. | God called him without warning; In Memoriam VINE -- In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Ralph Kenneth, who pasiéd away, March 8, 1958, At early morn when all was stil God gave his great command, - And silently he passed away Into the better land. : Our farewells were never said, But what a glorious morning When we meet on that bright ' strand! hy: Mother, Dad, Wilfred, Helen, Charles and Trudie, |. In Memoriam GORRILL--In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Samuel Gorrill. Though your smile has gone forever And your hand we cannot touch, We have so many memories Of you, Dad, we loved so much. Sadly missed by daughter Hazel, son-in-law Jay, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Manchester Mr. and Mrs, R. Andrews, Oshawa, were, guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. Roach, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crosier, Elliott Lake, were with his parents here for a few days last week. Helen Munro, Bethesda, spent the week-end with Eunice Roach. Harley Johnson, of Ottawa, was at | his home over the week-end. Brian and Gerald Crosier and friend, Toronto, were with Mr, and Mrs. W. F, Crogier, on Sunday. . The W. A. is sponsoring a Schneider meats party on March 19th. Films will be shown and the Rev. and Mrs. Braham will show pictures of their trip to Florida and Jamaica. Greenbank W.A. The regular meeting of the W. A. was held in the Sunday School room on Feb, 24th. Mrs. Stan. Foster presided for the devotional part of the meting. Mrs. Gordon Blair led in the responsive reading of Psalm 27. The Seripture lesson was read by Mrs. L. Blakely. "O Master let me walk with Thee" was sung. Mrs. Foster based her topic on the theme "Service to Others", and Mrs. J. Cook gave .a reading "A little Pilgrim." "Go la- bour on" was sung, and Mrs. R. Dusty closed with prayer. The business part of the meeting was opened with the theme song. The president thanked the group in charge for their splendid devotional. Mrs. Beare thanked the W.A. for the cards sent to Mr. Wallace, and reported that he was improving nicely. It was decided to have a community turkey supper on March 18 and each family to bring food to meet their re- |. quirements. Each group is to be res- ponsible for a number on program. The president closed the business part of meeting with prayer. ) mar 12 oon ensues ma ue a0 se ae 5 wa Se Seo Soo S00 0 0 So 0 RS The Annual Meeting of the COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL will be held at the - PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY, Thursday, Evening, March 19th, 1959 THE PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING aoe en aa nee e te a ea ee Seto ea en a aan otestest BUNTING BAGS, FINAL CLEARANCE SALE at The Elizabeth Shoppe + MARCH 6th, 6th, and 7th, ONLY Half Price Articles include: COAT SETS SNOWSUITS and JACKETS LADIES' CAR COATS, 12 to 18 SUB-TEEN and LADIES' SKIRTS, BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE. GET ONE FREE. MANY OTHER ARTICLES including MITTS, JERSEYS, JEANS, PYJAMAS and SWEATERS, all at a FINAL LOW. PRICE TO CLEAR Sale Merchandise Cash Latest Jazz group on' the Canadian scene is the Mike White Imperial Jazz Band whose Dixie-lahd rhythm spans the country each Wednes- day night in alive radio broadcast on CBC's Dominion network. Un. . heard of two years ago, this sextet now has a nightly stand in a down- town hotel in Toronto's Basin Street, and guests on television Jazz shows such as Music Makers '69. . There was talent galore displayed in our auditorium last . Wednesday night. And under the guidance of the teachers the pupils showed us a very enjoyable evening. : In Uxbridge, our drama group com- peted in the inter-school Drama Fes- tival last Friday night, Sutton took the top honours with Whitby close be- hond. Sutton again was honoured by one of their girls receiving the best actress award. But our Murray Ross, did not fail us and came away with the best actor award. Causeway Bowling But sad, sad day exams begin this| Lanes . Monday and continue through until HARE HES : next Friday : QA uu x Open Bowling V FRIDAY--7 to 9 p.m. SATURDAY-- 7 to 11 p.m. Family Doubles, Friday--9 to 11 Everyone Welcome L/EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIP IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE This is an unique opportunity for an aggressive person or comp- any to become the exclusive distributor In this county for an out. standing new and indispensible product manufactured by : HONEYWELL CONTROLS LIMITED The prospective distributor must be In a position to purchase an initial stock in. the amount of $1,204.00. There will be only one dis- tributor appointed for a county and the territory is fully protected under contract. Furthermore, the company would supply, at no charge, all necessary advertising material, sales promotion, dem- onstration kits and local and national advertising. The amazing public BcEopiphce of this product" makes it one of the best sellers to come along in the last few years, Names of present distributors will be submitted upon request (o parties who_are sincerely interesteq. Inquiries welcomed : from business concerns as well as private individuals. This may be the opportunity you have been waiting for. Applications will be handled in strict confidence, .If. you feel that you can handle this proposition, write today without obligation, giving your name, address and phone number to: -- VEGA SALES COMPANY LTD. 'Dept "F" z 4800 Dundas Street West Islington, Ontario PERSONAL LOAN Our Personal Loan service is organized N . to meet the wide range of needs of a wide range of people. . Personal Loans are avaiiable at any one of - our more than 800 branches . , . for any worthwhile purpose . . , for from one to three years . . . A loan is readily repaid through regular monthly deposits, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE wn SE, | CNBC Hilltop Herald = |e - bY 1} Port Perry Branch: J. R. Helm, Mgr. ® "0 PY