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Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Apr 1959, p. 5

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a % FINALE WE 2 : ia Tr pers ie -------- cept I En er on 4 Se iter ie Thursday, April 28rd, 1959 ~ THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE Clipped Comments ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN As every husband knows, when it comes to shopping it's the woman of the house who counts. : Four dollarg out of every five spent in Canada on domestic purchases are spent by the housewife. Win her po- sitive support for the national "Buy District Churches 1 Scugog, Manchester and Prospect Last week Tuesday, oud + Notes and Comments | : Cities More Ugly £ "Professor Stephenson of the University of Toronto who is an historian as 'well as .an architect . describes. the materialistic the Island went Derick Cordell for Baptism. Derick Bowling and reports a very enjoyable is living with his foster parents Mr, and successful evening. It is a good and Mrs, Cooper in the Manchester idea to pause from our feverish acti- (area. At all three Services we had Zlstra and Patsy Holtby of Prospect. Our prayers go out for Mr. John Pearce and the family; and our love to you Murray Holtby, with the hope for tranquillity. Families seek beauty in escaping from the place in which they live and work. | erecting the sky-scraper office block, the { tier upon tier of apartment dwellings with their. cubicled spaces for dwelling units, ha and the whole heart of the region ringed with stereotyped row on row of cémmon one floor houses. iY He concludes his article with this para- } JE graph: eIi%, : ; oo Love of place and beauty are at the root | of good city design. - In these days of un- { precedented productivity, calculating ma- chines, and talk of functional efficiency, "unloved 'and unlovable cities are being built. It is almost certainly true that the good life can only be achieved if there is a primary affection for people and beauty, It is sad to see the flight from the city every week-end when great columns of vehicles, like mechanical ants, transport people to- ward the receding wilderness and a longed' hoping that everyone of these girls, ing the practice on Thursdays will together with their Leaders will take get better results. : their place in the Church. There are quite a number of our boys and girls whom we do not see very often at Church and Sunday School. I won- der if our Leaders could not make the Sunday Programme just as interest- ing as the mid-week! May be, some of the fault lies with us Leaders. If it does, let us repent, and do some- thing constructive, and have all our boys and girls in Church and Sunday School. Your Minister is calling a conference soon of all our Leaders in this important work, for he firmly believes that much can be done. one and all to come and worship with us on Sunday. level of our unemployment are 'the best proof of that. But we are de- cidedly not of the opinion that noth- ing can be done about it. . We are convinced that where a real and sustained effort is made to get the "Buy Canadian" message across to the housewife she will not be in- different to it. An excellent example of the kind of thing we have in mind is contained in a recent issue of a widely-read em- ployee magazine produced by one of "| Canada's largest manufacturers of steel. A two-page, well-illustrated 'spread' directed at the housewife tells the story of a can of tomato juice. Su- perimposed on a relief map of Canada there is a series of pictures. These show the steel plant where the tin plate for the cans is made; an opera- tive in the plant of the can manu- facturer; the farmer who grew the tomatoes; the plant where the cartons and labels for the cans are made; the canning factory where the juice is issues which Professor Stephenson's arti- cle raises in his critical essay. Port Perry,-our own town, is in many ways quite a beautiful place. Few main streets have the natural attraction of ours with its gentle sweep to the lake bordered with majestic trees, the houses set well back from the street, the.lawn bowling green and the small but artistic memorial library. We are in the process of adding to our high school and there will be other additions ahd buildings, Is it possible for us to give a little more thought as we build to those important things that lie outside the realm of the compromising dollar sign ? Is it possible for us to show our love of of beauty in the way in which' we. direct and control the town's growth? These are important questions now with import- ant implications for the future. lence. ~The really unfortunate thing about all ---- this is that it has made it too easy for us to confuse meéans as ends. The success . dy pa Se. )) n J, ¥ P. ei WI os netic popes Em a RL Beef on be up sain A : i to our way of life and having built them ® 45 good a3 won. | , : Joa onsels ; te Beeps chearfy Oi recently published in the magazine of the 0, way of But can it be done? Many people | after, they all went to Scugog 'Head' | would like to have our Junior Choirs [and bright, and to you Mrs. Webster hd ; R Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora-- find need to 'escape from ho wiki doubt it. The average woman, they | Church for lunch. After having an'lead us in song on Mothers Day, |Sr. who has been in all winter. Al 0% ) or) . tion. * rh our basing Jisnetnrey of PU uila- say, is not remotely interested in|evening of fun, there were approx. which will be Sunday, May 10th, Spe- | who can, are asked to donate blood hy : hi He observes that the dominant eleménts mes which hwo accordanne where the things she buys are made, | thirty-five dollars to help our Guides cial Orders of Service have been or- [for the Red Cross Clinic in Uxbridge ; A ) in our cities are the 'great business build- ith pringipls dort lk wig i As a rule, she couldnt care less, says and Brownies. I am sure that prac- dered, and arrangements will soon be |on May 18th. There will be cards Snes fi ings which reflect the basic concept that hid pring 310 th ¢ R . Industry. tically every girl on the Island that made. Please note that our Senior | available on Sunday which you may {le 9 f the city is a place given over to Aho mak: an Fir an t ose OL mere economy We do not under-estimate the force | 18 eligible, belongs to one or the other Choir on the Island will meet this|fill out. Here is one product which NAH 47 i ing of money and. th building of 'secular and efficiency, of this argument. There's a lot to it. | of these groups, and their mid-week | week Thursday at the home of Mr.|cannot be made synthetically, and only t (AE in y anc-the igo! Joouk Town. planners and builders would be o | Bttendarice is almost perfect, W d Mrs. John Beckett. Maybe, hav-|you can give it. W i) "symbols, In the city we take pride in well advised to think about some of the The volume of our imports and the 6 18 almost pe . e are an rs. John Beckett. aybe, hav-|y an give it. e do invite you A Xx Next Sunday, we shall have FOUR Services, and all will be on Daylight Saving Time. Our Evening Service will be in the Scugog "Head" Mem- orial Church- at 8.00 pm. We look forward to a very good congregatjon. Our Theme last Sunddy was "Jesus comes alive", and the Text "He show- ed Himself alive". The Minister commenced with a quotation from Dr. Winnifred Bryce, Missionary Doctor to India: "You cannot do much with men who are hopeless." Here are a few excerpts: "It is most difficult to champion a cause that is not popular. Yet that is what Jesus wants us to do. Quite often we must touch the last round before anything is done. We all need the experience of behold- ing Jesus alive, if our enthusiasm Epsom Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brawn and Trudy and Miss Patsy Bailey wero evening guests recently with Miss Effie Brawn, Miss Greta Brawn, Chas. and Wesley Brawn at Mount Carmel. Mr. Neil McEackern of Argyle vi- sited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, M. Bailey and family, Sympathy is extended to Mrs, Ar- thur Taylor on the passing of her mother Mrs, Walker Kydd, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor and Doris spent Monday afternoon and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Next Monday evening several of the girls are to be initiated into Guides, and the mothers are invited to.come and witness the ceremony. We do want our boys and girls to be Christians. We would not want to live where there was no Church. Let us do as Mary and Joseph did, ana GO WITH THEM to Church on Sun- days. But please be sure to turn on Hollywood, in a very real measure, has done much to set. the pattern for the Am- _. erican way of lifé. - Is growth fromthe "Arizona after of God has been down the valley of in the U.S.A. humiliation and apparent defeat, yet The Community Club held a very spending a long holiday 'of thetwen 1 cetitury to the at Hollywood' glories in: he power of tf ; your clocks one hour on Saturday |He rose victorious, So can you. So successful euchre party and business rE a tenet ce ip AA : ed BF Hello ome gla- EL oy Analy the shippers, | night before going to bed, or you|the first requisite for Church Mem- meeting last Friday evening. The and impag aap Ey Sa oUF OBIS and sex which Hollywood has [2s ousemen and truckers who "fin | might come in time to hear the Bene- |borship stil vemains, THE COMING necting executive, were all returned as ; Back 8 satly: ays. of the first mo- so blatantly exploited . , . All these are au distribution of the fin- | diction being pronounced, as has hap-| ALIVE OF JESUS in our lives. Jo- follows. President, Roy Leach: Ist ¥ Fo rR cada IG a ate a 3 Wr ey, 3 . § 'Q, Je 1 a i i v fe : . q ! . f vies known then as the flickers, the todd- merely means and not ends in the complex -- "When you do your shopping", says Jeitid many yy before We ai sus comes alive to us in the fe ow: Vice-Pres., Doris Taylor. 2nd Vice- ling industry was a: ind of burlesque or life of humanity, But Hollywood has r hrs been waiting for omr New Schedule ship of His suffering. He came alive Pres., Herman Kerry; Secretary, El- the message, "do you ever consider all the work which has gone into the ma- to go into effect before having a Church Parade of all our Cubs, Scouts, after His crucifixion on that First Sunday Morning. Because of our succeeded in selling them to us as the very travesty of a really serious business. But ; A ei : symbols of life for which we should" and LE: ¢ it didn't 'stay that way very long. With va Taylor; Treasurer, Issac Cather- wood. Several other decisions were ad EL : nufacturing and marketing of the vast | Brownies and Guides. We are sure] very hopel imes, Christ i : Ppt beak : aah : bi : . } y hopelessness at times, Christ is| made. | oie ined the, Isr nish. AE strive. 'jarray of products. on display in our| that by the third Sunday in June, given a chance to become alive in us. The Prize winners were Mrs. C. Ar 01 ~ gold Abas It is. for these reasons that Jacques Tai- stores? they all will have their uniforms. This will not interfere with the regular Services, and Sunday Schools, as we shall have them at the last Service, namely at 11.15 a.m. on the Island. The whole spirit of the disciples was changed when He came alive again in them". } Our warmest congratulations to Helen and Clifford Redman in the birth of another lovely little boy. Hap- py birthdays to Edith Johnston, Gary Manns, Richard Appleton, and Carol Barry of the Island To Nancy Gail Leach of Manchester; and to Harm Cook, Mrs. D. McCullough and Mrs. D. Prentice. Gentlemen winners were Mr. R. Taylor, Mr. Archie Parrinder and Mr. Hardy. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Robt. Taylor and Mr. Harold Percy. Another cuchre and danee will be held Friday, May 1st. Everyone's support is appreciated so come and bring your friends. America had known and knew until it; too, was surpassed by 'the motor-car industry. f <p ~ But while:the motor-car changed the hab- K . py | its of 'the people, the movies worked on : their values, The two together have pret- ty well determinedethe American way of life. ibdoppanio Foal And now télévision, which stands i re- "Here, for Instance, is what goes on to put that can of tomato juice on your.grocer's shelf and here are some of the people involved. When you 'Jchoose an imported brand ahead of a Canadian one you jeopardize their jobs. On the other hand, when you! choose a Canadian brand you your dollar to work in Canada, ing Canadians working." As we say, we find it hard to be- ; : 2, |lieve_that this_kind-of common-sense Er Tin appeal will leave the Canadian house. oie ; Fo 1 . ; wife cold. On the contrary, we are | District Doings ten, tu re SLX : : hoe dt TR : = SE oo aware of how much depends on her, . ze . she will not be slow to respond. In- one at anytime. Fireworks may only deed, there is already some evidence be let_off-by. ehildren-on-private pto- to support this view, perty under the direction of someone The pri d ma me hi Piles and quality of Canadian- . Where a group is planning a fire- progite tomato Jules compares v. uly En Sat Da om Cig avomally with imported brands, and ry a 3 \ Tove (ole beied from the township § tame can be said of a thousand-. nih ar + ~ Bi other products. rss oti bylaw could cost y ensuring that her purchases, as a a up to $300 far ag Possible, bear the "Made-in. 8_pey . Canada" label, the Canadian housewife will be contributing greatly to the fu- ture prosperity of both her community and her country, And, it may very well be, to the continued employment of her own husband, son or brother. --~Canadian Statesman, ti, the great French Film director, who is presently visiting Hollywood describes the place as fantastically unreal. When he © was asked if he were coming to Hollywood to make pictures, he replied, "I could never make pictures in" Hollywood ; everything : here is done toa schedule." ~~ Perhaps, Jdcques Taiti will go back to . France and make a film on Hollywood. 'What a subject it would make for an artist ~ of his genius! The Services last Sunday were well attended, especially at Manchester, where the Sacrament of Baptism was put administered. Mr. and Mrs. Claude keep- | Beach of Toronto, presented their son lation to.the movies much in the 'same 5 A manner as instant coffee-does to the real | thing, continues to dominaté and influence our lives, 'r. & T on oe | TO TERMINATE SERVICE bound rails'two minutes before a Van- ~ AT GOODWOOD STATION |couver-boiind flyer re : bo At the Uxbridge Township. Council |, SeT8¢ant John Hutchinson, of East he 1a Goodwood Monday. + Gwillimbury Township ' police, raced aeting he n Hooda cd id i five miles:to the stretch of rail where communication was received from rocks were Bpotted by a brakeman on Board of Transport Commissioners for a southbouttd fréight train; 'He warh- Canada in regard 'to. the: foodwood |, |' ne hthtin agent hérg who relayed Station: 5 read ph wi the message to thé township police at 1. The Canadian Nationa Ww i : are authorized to rémove the caretaker Quegnavile >. at Goodwood, Ontario, ; 2. The - question" of removing the station building at Goodwood, . Ont, is reserved foi further consideration and order of the Board, » en After a brief discussion, the council decided to leave the question for the HISTORY began with incorporation in 1910. MOVIE PLANNED IN In the 49 years BOWMANVILLE The escape of German prisoners of war. from the prisoner of war camp here in 1943, and their attempt to sa- botage a US aircraft carrier at Brook- TOWNSHIPS TO BUY NEW TANK TRUCK, ESTABLISH CHARGES The Fire Tanker Committee with representatives from the townships of Uxbridge, Scott, and Reach, met with since then Stelco has: eer mmo Made 34,122,000 tons of steel : Sg vethg 1 wis agragl Uns not lyn may he dramatized in a film. This representatives from the Uxbridge J ROORILY Panis FOR \ | the present, "PR yay revealed by Lie Gordon and Roy [Fire Department lao Friday. For 4 Paid $933,000,000 to employees ; | A ! Hiegresent, Krost, who, with Miss Lee's husband, | It was agreed at this meeting that| For the past year a Movement has I TY | ilk } 4 i of West- [the purchase of a new truck for the |DPeen underway at Brooklin to estah- A | Don Haldane are directors es p lish a new public library building t i i i MAKE SURVEY. OF - |minster Films, a new Canadian com- [tank was necessary. The committee ott he: ots of oh y ng to Paid $244,000,000 to government in taxes; | ROR } EATION FACILITIES IN pany with headquarters in Toronto.. has since inspected several good used population. Coy Stexgrewiis | Yet, | RCE A Fi | "The Haldanes have had considerable [trucks in Uxbridge, Port Perry and], 0 on sequently there have ; TT SYINDSAY . © "| experience in film work in Canada and | Stouffville," but at the time of the be or Mo for new hooks Spent $1,765,000,000 for materials and services; Il RID ; "Y with a view to presenting a com: | Hollywood. - : Mr, Krost has. a.long couficil meeting, no decision had been The existing library in the base. bh a EE. plete picture of the recreation situa- background of expgrience in films in | made. ! . ment of the township hall, is now too tion and problem in Lindsay, Ald. (Britain. At the same meeting the following I 'oe' ' I td , rat ied Invested $330,000,000 in plant and raw material | | he . small to acco , | Gordon Pepper, Chairman of " the] - Kutt Jirgerfs is expected to play charges were established if the tank of books hin. wid the hundreds sources. I 0 | Council Recreation committee inform- | t}e-lead role {ii the proposed film, bas- truck was called outside the munici- Under the Public Libraries Act of I ANS ed members of Council last Monday [ed on the life of Vice-Admiral Kuenitz | palities of Reach, Scott and Uxbridge Ontario, a new library board wag re- I fi i } that an overall survey is to be made |of the German navy, who mastermin- | townships: . $10.00 for the first hour cently appointed with Teeher Down 98 I SA a | this Summer in Lindsay, - |ded 'the escape. . Fans G0 ol and $5.00 for each addjtional hour A5 | chairman. Other members are Mus, The above figures show how Stelco has tributed t | i ' WN { The survey will fnclude data on y : ' well as the rate of Bs a Der hr. lp M. Holliday, Lylia M. McBrien, 1e above higures show how Stelco has contributed to I Ws what the recreation program'is at the for four firemen. ates to become] pr. Holwell, Miss E. McKeown the wealth and progress of Canada. I JHHA i present time, what has been accomp- | STIFF LAW ON FIREWORKS effective immediately. As. and W. Manning, . : prog : il SHER : lished and what can be accomplished. {IN PICKERING TWP. A grant of $1680 was approved at DEA . The survey will include data on all| A stiff, but a bylaw designed for the March meeting of Whitby town- | ARR ™ types of recreation ffi Lindsay, private safety of thoge using fireerackers was | = ES ship council. Co ; | AL and public, FEY | passed by Pickering Township eotiriedl | + y The Present csi is open two | ff } 5 THE A hy ria last week, Ti PE AT ays each week. Tuesdays and Sat- {| EE : re L I PUN . : Fireworks aré not to be soid to any DONORS urdays, at 3 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 pm. STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA A . 4 =<JIORE ROCKS ON LINE; child under the age of 12 years. They The librarian is Miss E. McKeown,' LIMITED i POLICE CONTINUE PROBE are not to be 'displayed in store win- NEEDED in attendance to assist members to re . . i i} | CNR police continue 2 search for{dows, except where imitations re aks, = récommend book MONTREAL ~~ GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO RRL i i ; Py] 3 : "to. Tr 1 A ; " he Fi plgecd maths, on the a ve a fio Lari With funds in hand, plans are now ' 9 - REE | = CNR mainili LAiniig ald 4: ] alo Da . such being made to erect a new library RE of Newmarket last week for the sec-| Victoria or Dominion y or. suc a $ EE 3m set out in statutes. building for Whitby Township School ee . x ond time im two dave gy £4 gi AAI L ah Lot No. 1. Search is being made for | J¢° ; hak Friday night 18 rocks, each the size recrackers are not to be let off area No. 4 , % 4 g i of a fist, were kicked from the north-|on township streets or roads by any- y: su ocation. Ck 09 FY, ecriones teeny TE --

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