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Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Apr 1959, p. 8

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6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 28rd, 1969 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs INSURANCE Garnet V. Gray, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Rate--38e¢. per word. Minimum charge 60c. -- to local advertisers YU 5.2881 Classified Advertising copy must be in by 11 a.m, Wednesday Every day except Tuesday FOR SALE--Holstein Cow, rising BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. . = A be J WED., APRIL NG Action Sale may be consult Phoue 100 for Appointment b years, due May 25th. Apply Geo. Barrister and Solicitor Accounting Ser vice uction Sale f 80 Beef Cattle, A.C. Tractor, 1% ; \ Kight. YU 5-274, : . ally i an h 3% wi 5 EMMERSON INSURANCE South from Post Office . Saturday's at 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Complete bookkeeping for small ton Impl ts, Grain, Hay, 8 - YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY Uxbridge, Ontario FOR SALE--Cedar Strip Boat, 16, At residence, Caleb St. Port Perry, businesses. Income tax returns pre-| THURS, APRIL 23--Auction Sale' Furniture, the property of John 'A. - May 16/69 GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden v -- afi with fibre glass bottom. Good for fishing or pleasure. Steering wheel, 1956 Scott-Atwater motor, 16 h.p., re- mote controls, used 20 hours, trailer with winch. $516.00. Call RA 3-2619 Phone YUkon 5-2127 April 28 <4 FOR RENT -- Heated upstairs |, pared. Financial statements prepared. Bob Clancy 184 Bond St. West, Oshawa. Horses, 23 Sheep - Lambs, A.C. Trac- tor, Implements, Hay, Grain, the pro- perty of John A. Moore, Lot 5, Con. 9, East Whitby, 2 miles East of Raglan; Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m, C.! of 80 Shorthorns & Herefords, 2 Preston, Lot 28, Con, 12, Cavan, on No. 28 Hwy, at Scotts Corners. Terms | Cash, Sale at 1.00 pm. Ted Spen- cely, Clerk, + 3 TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. TUES., APRIL 28th--Auction Sale Singer Sewing Machine Co. or see it at 160 'Wilson Road, 8S. Osh- ' apartment. 3 large rooms, living awa. + TF. room, bedroom, kitchen and large FOR SALE--Large modern Elec- Pathroom. In private home. Adults Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen YUken 5.2841 Port Perry * April 80/69 Ph.: Bus, RA 65-0897. Res. RA 3-7605 : Heayn, Clerk. : BEN RHEBERGEN, Rgp. Port Perry, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | of Cattle, MH. Tractor, Implements, - Hay, Grain apd Furniture, the pro- ) , : YU 65-2748; perty of Mrs, Crawford English, Lot . . tric Range. Excellent condition, phone °Pl¥- Mrs, M! T, Beare. Phone YU : L . OSHAWA SERVICE DEP, 1 ne, Bee Ea or 395 opto ape fr Ln FOR RENT--Lakeview A artment. SAT., MAY 2nd, 1959--Auction Sale " R 0 0 F I N G Rales, Service, Ren Repairs,| FOR SALE--8 piece dining room Modern apartment ion, of liv. qu = of household furniture, the property|" ™ Ted She Realy, iri suite, oak; also desk and chair; day P 8 v ! T ACKSON, Auctioneer. Needles, Oil, (in stock) |, d. YU 6-2076 ,ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms, o1iCe Io Lreal OX'S [of Mary E. Cann at her residence, | OF ALL KINDS : i bathroon & utility room. Also apart- John 8t., Port Perry. Sale at 1.30. SAT, APRIL 25th -- Farm Sold, Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, FOR BALE--9 piece walnut finish- ment with one bedroom. Phone YU| In the matter of the Estate of Terms cash. C. Heayn, clerk, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Holstein Estimates given on all kinds Crest Hardware ed Dining Room Suite, perfect condi- 65-2478. . . TF. Catherine Mason, Deceased, . TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | Cattle, Hogs, Implements, Hay, Grain of work. tion and reasonably priced, YU 65-2726, FOR RENT -- Attvachi 5 All persons having claims against| = Burners, the Fropey of Evert : PORT PERRY YUkon 85-2211 ; = Attractive self-con- the Estate of Catherine Mason, late 1 i 1 atson, Lot 20, Con. 9, tby Twp, EARL WALLACE YOR SALE--Girl's Bicycle in fair tained 2 bedroom apartment. Apply |of the Village of Port Perry, in the |p oxo "ri Pill 80--Auction Sala) J South of Myrtle C.P.R. Station, tf1 condition; also boy's grey tweed suit, W. J. Carnegie. YU 6-2513. TF. | oops Ontario, Widow, who died [°F Cattle, Furniture and Equipment, {jut SOW Sale at 1.00 pm. Fur- Port Perry Ont. 2 pair pants, size 12, good as new. | nly of Ontarle, Widow, whe including 20 head of cattle, the pro- as (100 Dan. A REAL ESTATE $8,600. down buys a 5 room bunga- low on Casimir Street, Port Perry. on or about the 28th day of March, A.D., 1959, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of May, 1859, full particu- lars of their claims. Immediately af- ter the sald date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among niture sells at 1.00 followed by Imple- ments and Live Stock. C, Heayn, Clerk. : TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., MAY 2nd--Farm Sold, Auc- tion Sale of Farm Stock, A.C. Trac- FOR RENT--In Port Perry, newly decorated apartment. 4 rooms plus bath and laundry. Phone Sunderland "93-r-3. perty of Orr Venning, Lot 16, Con. 3, Cartwright Twp.,, 1 mile south and 134 miles east of Blackstock. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.80 p.m, Chas, Ven- ning, Clerk. ' TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. YU 5-2618, FOR SALE--Girl's Bicycle, almost like new. $20.00. YU 5-2126, FOR SALE--5 roomed frame house. All conveniences. Cochrane St. Port Mrs. Wm. Carnegie. APEX TV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs PASTURE FOR RENT ' J : : Thres Machin le- Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 65-2282 | New oil furnace. Good garden, Room! Perry. YU 5-2239. April30 Frank Kendal. YU. 5-2602 the parties entitled thereto, having ei ying avi, Tuy of ( for building lot. Minutes from down- | FOR SALE--Dry rails, stove wood regard only to claims of which they Frank Gibson, Lot 17 & 18, Con. 10 Leslle McDonald, Service Man |, =" length, $10.00 per cord; alsp 1946, 3/4 PEREONAL shall then huve notise. Reach Twp, 1% miles East and; % Dec. 81/69 | Got a house to sell . . . ton Fargo truck, new racks, uns WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, : : ; yy mile. South of Greenbank, Terms Call Mann & Martel good. Blackstock 17-r.3, Younger, Ostrex Tonic Tablets re-|this Oth day of April, 1959, LVS BITTE ei po - Cash. No Reserve, as farm is sold. vitalize thousands past 40. Only 69c, : * ' y ' Your local representative FOR SALE_1951 Vauxhall 6, ideal At all druggists. Apr.23 MESSRS. GREER 2 Ay an "ere Sale at 1.80 p.m. B : Dead Farm Stock 0. J. Boe [car or young man, ony 2600 me, ADRD Box 181, Port Pers, Ont | WME HAE § . . just nicely broken in, new clutch at . . pr. Solio tor 5 yt : Seagrave, Ont....Phone Port Perry 22,000, 1 pr. new tires, brakes relinea, T d V h f : Highest prices paid for dead or YU 5-2079 spotless, volkswagen grey, many ox. e een 0 crippled horses, cattle, hogs, accord- ing to size and condition. Small ani- mals removed free, Member of Toronto Real Estate Board Free estimate on Farms, Houses, Lots and Cottages. TF Phone Collect, Uxbridge 541 ~-- Head Office, Woodville 32-r-11. SWAIN tras, call Uxbridge 489, (62 Plank St.) before Saturday. FOR SALE--If you need hay see Dick Steer, Manchester. 40c. a bale. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estates of John Archer Thompson and Melissa Archer Thompson, deceased CLEAN OUT AND DEEPEN COMPRESSOR WORK Plywood Masonite { FOR SALE -- Quantity of Cobbler All persons having claims against Ed Pp H and Sebago Potatoes grown from 500 Simcoe Street South the Estates of John Archer Thompson ({ CAR) -D 0 . 7 : * ecom Seed Cleaner S oriigiad Sas Brice Adiion, Pans} - -- glory and Melissa Archer Thompson, late' oors a july 30/69 ARGYLE, ONT. Blackstock 76-r-11. -- ' of R.R. No. 1, Burketon, Ontario, who NOW OPERATING July 18 died off or about the fourteenth and Arborite Make your appointment early. FOR SALE--Two bedroom Bunga- thirteenth days of November, 1958, Fo : We carry your grass seed needs. | oO": Heavy wiring, hot and cold wa- respectively, are hereby notified to id oo : D d F Si k Give us a chance to serve you and we t¢F on tap. Ideal for retired couple. Su erior Aluminum send particulars of same to the un- 2 Floor Tile ead Xarm Sock |; try to please you. Phone Black-| Cash. YU 65-7996. pel dersigned on or bifore the eighteenth ptock 89-r-11. Apr.80/59 Off Y day of May, 1059, after which date A ; ili . ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS QUANTITY USED BRICKS ers xou the Estates will be distributed, with eling lile Ticked wp Promptly CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN Te. each, YU 5-218, Full 1" thick self storing doors at|regard only to the claims of which - g t : or wastes foriiss Sous sali Aa BALED HAY for sale. Stowart| $49.60 the undersigned shall then have no- Insulation. Fic - ff a mane Ea Rodman. YU 5-7794. Apr. 16 Manufactured by Multi-Lite. tice, and the undersigned will not be ~ . gl Re MARGWILL FUR FARM Barristers, Solicitors and liable to any person of whose claim Also Double Track Self Storing Tyrone, Ont. Notaries Public FOR SALE--Building site on Bige- Windows--$18.00 and up. they shall not then have notice. -.Aug. 80, 199| Bank of Commerce Chambers |low Street North. 286' frontage. For | Famous Ap. Shade Awnings-- DATED at Toronto this tenth day GOOD PRICES -- BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED 5 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa information phone YU 5-7726. Apr.23 $32.00 and up. Apr23|of April, 1959. : Telephone RA 3-3446 TF - Phone: RA. 5.7477 ELDON THOMPSON and . FOR S8ALE--1960 Studebaker. Ra- MARGARET ADALINE HENRY, : SEPTIC TANKS dio, directional signals, heater, in] ~-- ia | Executors and Administrators, ; SPRING IS HERE running condition. Price $150.00. < by their Solicitors, JOHN BALLARD cleaned by Phone YU 65-2374. Apr.23 Used Car S & Tr ucks Ryan, McAlpine & Ryan, PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank cheeked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Phone--=-YU 5-2491 1865 Danforth Avenue, Toronto 6,.Ontario. 'We Have Buyers! We Need Properties! FOR SALE--1954 Ford Coach, ra- dio, heater, clock, fender skirts, slip covers (new), good tires, body in good condition. Mileage 36,200--$900.00 or Brock Motor Sales Are PHONE 73 i Houses, Farms, Small Holdings A : S ] ~~ re an ar Li i No With closest offer. Bruce Espie, YU 6-| SUNDERLAND -- ONTARIO. uction Males : : ' 2374. Apr.23 ' " ISTINOW W1 PAZ] FOR A BETTER i tr Try| TUES, MAY 12th -- Farm Sold, : - FOR SALE--'46 Dodge, Good run- ETT 4 Auction Sale of 60 Cattle, 50 Hogs, REAL ESTATE Howar d McMillan ning order. Radio. $65.00 or best| A General Motors - Chevrolet - 2 Horses, 2 Tractors, Impléments, | B 11 d - GREENBANK offer. YU 65-7537. Apr.23 Oldsmobile Dealer Threshing Machine, Buck Rake, Hay, Margare da dar YU 65-7441 BALED HAY FOR SALE 1957 Dodge Mayfair sedan, supér au- Grain, the property of Allan Rich, Lot 23, Con. 8, Mariposa Twp., on No, 7 Hwy., 3 miles West of Lindsay or 2 'miles East of Oakwood. Terms Cash. Sale at 12.30 p.m. This is one of the outstanding auctions of the year. All sells without reserve. Wm. Weldon, and Geo. Greenway, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. tomatic transmission, power steer- ing, power brakes, custom radio, a 2-tone turquoise and ivory. 1856 Ford 3-seat 4-door station wag- on, V-8, with automatic transmis- sion and custom radio, color red and white. 1957 Pontiac 4-door sedan, good tires, radio, a lovely turquoise ang ivory color. Phone: YU 5-7540 BUILDING LOTS -- skirting Port BROKER ., J. A. "a LISTINGS WANTED WILLOUGHBY Farms, houses, vacant land, ete. SONS LTD., REALTORS Perry. Nice dry lots for. building. ¥ Full price $500.00. Apply Margaret Phone 124 or 49 Sunderland, Ont. 46 EGLINGTON E, TORONTO Ballard, Broker, Sunderland, phone Spring Catalogue Sent Free | June 80/69 May 26/59 124 or 49. Apr.30 . THURS., APRIL 30 -- Farm Sold, 1956 Ford tudor, automatic, custom |Auction Sale of 20 Cattle, Equipment radio, good tires, a light green |and Furniture, the property 'of Orr color. : Venning, Lot 16, Con. 8, Cartwright 1954 Oldsmobile Super 88 sedan, hy- | TWp., 1 mile South and 1% miles dramatic drive, custom radio, wind- | East of Blackstock. Terms Cash. No shield washers, 2-tone. Reserve. Sale at 1.30 pm. Chas. 1964 Chevrolet coach, radio, 2-tone|Venning, Clerk. = ; red and ivory, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. 1952 DeSoto sedan, fluid drive, radio 1950 Chevrolet coach. 1948 Oldsmobile, 1947 Plymouth Low Cost G.M.A.C. terms to suit - your budget USED IMPLEMENTS Woods steel threshing machine on rubber, works perfect. LH.C. 13-run single disc seed drill, Take Notice To whom it may concern be it known that from this date (April 2nd) forward I, the undersigned, will no longer be responsible for debts con- tracted in my name by my wife, Mary |. Margaret, she having left my bed and board. Apr.23 Earl Holdershaw. SAT., MAY 2nd--Auction Sale of 3 AX Household Furniture, the property of ; Mrs. Mary Cann, at her residence on John St. Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.80 p.m. C. Heayn, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., APRIL 25th--Auction Sale of Furniture, Refrigerator, Washer, Chesterfield, the property of Mrs, Ann TIME TO START Gardening let us Rotary Till it for you. Nothing too small. "Fine... Tl sed. them vight home" Welcome words at mealtime! Usually a phone call or two among the neigh- DO THAT INSIDE : bours rounds them u - FULFORDS YU 5.2793. in very good condition. a Pp: 'REPAIR JOB May 14 d-wheeled Otaco manure spreader on J. Beleh, in the Village of Omemes, How miny cold meals and frayed tempers and rubber, in very good condition. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.80 p.m. No "moments of uneasiness have you been spared be. cause your telephone was handy ?. .. How many man-hunts** when small ones haye wandered off ? Cockshutt -4-wheel spreader on cut. | Reserve. down rubber tires. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. FREE ESTIMATE 7 WANTED -- PART TIME WORK M.H. 13-run single disc seed dri)l with | ~ ighbouizly coma 4 A evenings removing and cleaning storm grass seed ne The teleplione helps make a neighbouirly commus ol COURTESY -- SERVICE windows, raking grass, ete, Phone We carry a complete line of i nity--helps us all to live more securely, to get more YU 65-7365. May 7 John Deere farm equipment things done, more easily, | _& PHONE TO-DAY YUkon 5-7891 LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER C0. LTD. . Yes, your telephone is a wonderfully 16w-cost, wonderfully efficient servant. a THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA John Deere Low Cost credit terms available, if needed For A Better Buy! Better Try. BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 73 tH Sundérland LISTINGS WANTED -- homes, farms, large and small, old and new; also rentals, Whitby and North to Lake Simcoe, W. T. Lamson [Real Estate, Myrtle Station. Apr80 3 rf a Te hace We ; : . Heap St ny A pe A ryt . ) SER SX Re BN 05 3 lk cn i

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