Here is more Big News -- it's the all new VICTOR DELUXE VAUXHALL SEDAN -- it has all the luxury, performance and - stylish good looks that you could ever want. ~ GARBAGE COLLECTION VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY Notice is hereby given that the Garbage Collector will start at the following time and place during the summer . months - THURSDAY--at 8 a.m. will start on Queen at corner of Lilla - and work along the south side of Queen towards Simcoe street. : FRIDAY--at 8 a.m. will start at the north side of the business section. Clause 8 of the Garbage Contract dated February 1st, 1959, reads as follows; "5, "The Contractor shall not be required to take more than two containers of grass or weeds, which with contents, weighs not more than 65 pounds each, in addition to other garbage." June 2, 1959 : J. F. RAINES, Clerk ---- HAVE YOU A QUESTION ON UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE OR EMPLOYMENT? In this column we publish questions about unemployment insurance and employment, together with answers ing the snack bar, cabins and gas station is operated jointly by you and your husband, he might be considered self-employed and not be eligible for benefit from the time you opened any part of the business to the tourist trade. At any rate, any work done and net profits realized must be de- clared to the local office and hg should enquire there giving full parti- culars. Q. -- Can a person who drives g school bus file a claim during the summer holidays 'and receive insur- ance benefit for that period? A.--Yes, provided he is ready, able, and willing to work during the holiday period and he is not being paid holiday pay. Q.--I understand that the Umpire is the final authority on all questions concerning claims for unemployment | insurance benefit. How is he appoint. ed? A. -- The Umpire is appointed by the Governor in Council from amongst the judges of the Exchequer Court of Canada and the superior courts of the provinces of Canada, Q.-- I am a single girl and am now in receipt of unemployment insurance benefit. I will be getting married shortly and wonder if I will still be able to draw benefit if I am unemploy- ed at that time. received from the Unemployment In- surance Commission, If you are uncertain about any point do not hesitate to send us your ques-' tion. We will obtain an answer and publish it in this column. Following are some questfons with answers which may be of interest to you: Co . Q--Last summer my husband and I operated a tourist business -- snack bar, cabins and a small gas station. The snack bar, which I alone operated, opened in May, but the cabins and gas station did not open until the be- ginning of the tourist season. How- ever, if my husband were to sell gas on one day a week--Sunday--until it opened for full-time business, and did nothing in connection with the snack bar, would it affect his benefit? He has been collecting unemployment insurance benefit since last November. A.--If the entire business, includ- | "any money. , local office that I should not have re- A.--You will be eligible for bese "tit, following marriage, providing you , continue to be available for employ- You should get in touch with. i your local office as soon as possible | ment. after your. marriage and arrange to have your name changed on your un- employment insurance records, Q. = Recently, while drawing un- employment insuance benefit, I worked for a week building stockroom shelves for a store keeper. I owed him a $46. bill and he agreed to mark this paid in return for my work. I "did not report this to the local office as friend told me the work did not count as I had not actually received I have been told by the ceived benefit for that week and now I have to pay back the $30. I do not think this is fair as I didn't realize that I had to report this work. SELLING TO BEAT THE BAND... sco Look around you . .. Pontiac's. distinctive twin-grille is everywhere. Naturally, Pontiac dealers +. are celebrating (offering the best deals in history during Pontiac's : Popularity Payoff*). Pontiac sales are breaking all records, - . because dolar for dollar it's Canada's greatest new car value. : " What other car offers you Vista- Lounge interiors . . . 50% pa larger glass area . . . up to 66% longer brake life . . . 7 extra cubic feet of trunk space...a choice from six improved, eco- nomical V8 engines and Canada's most powerful 6 cylinder engine . . . improved transmissions and suspensions . . . and of course all the pride and glamour of Pontiac's trend-setting Canada! Proof, you say? ) the band because it is the buy of the year! design? Compare, and you'll agree, Pontiac is selling to beat OK Pontiac's Popularity Payoff is your local Pontiac dealer's way of saying thanks for the tremendous vote of confidence you have given him and the products he sells. In other words, he is offering you the deal of your life on a brand new beautiful Pontiac right now! Ses him for sure, chotre Gb Deane 94g Plc. ~~ PONTIAC . Die tray P-1739D oo SES BEAR BE SS Ray ~ Bob Archer Motors YU 5-2462 A~-- Although you may have acted in good faith, you received benefit to which you were not entitled and the money must be repaid to the unem- ployment fund. It is not good policy to act upon information given by un- authorized persons. When a person is in receipt of benefit, any work other than routine household chores, must be reported to the local office where it will be determined whether or not it affects the payment of benefit. Q.-- I am receiving regular employment insurance benefit at the present time but my benefit will be exhausted in July. I have been told that if I am still unemployed, I will be able to draw seasonal benefit from December 1, 1958 to June 28, 19569. Is this correct? A.-- No. Seasonal benefit Is pay- able in the period from the beginning of the week in which December 1 falls to the week in which the following May 16 falls, both inclusive. You would qualify for benefit in this per- iod but the maximum time for which you could be paid will depend on the length of time you were paid under your previous claim (that ended in July). Seasonal benefit will be paid this year to June 28; but that date ap- plies to this year only. Q.--My claim was disqualified re- cently but I was informed that I cold appeal to a board of referees. Who appoints the members of these bds.? A.--Members of boards of referees |$ are appointed by the Commission af- ter consultation with organizations representing insured persons (usually trade unions) and organizations rep- resenting employer groups. Chair- men of boards of referees are appoin- ted by the Governor in Council. Bds. of referees are impartial bodies, chairmen and members not being em- ployees of the Unemployment Insur- ance Commission. un-, THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 11th, 1960--8 T PERRY 81 : ELEANOR'S FLOWERS In Port Perry (Next door to The Canadian Bank of Commerce) Potted Plants African Violets Flowers for every occasion Telephone YU 5-2295 A A CCC RA OSORORCRCROROR CY fa a a a a I We are pleased to announce that W. Red) Wurster has joined Port Perry FFarm Equipment and will handle sales and service for INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TRACTORS and FARM EQUIPMENT. "RED" has had ten years experience in shop work, specializing in engines and hydraulics. We are pleased to handle your repairs and service problems. 'Port Perry Farm Equipment z Phone YU 5-2241 GGG EEC EEC rE Orr Oro or orl LLL LoL Loo Loo VV VTIVTITTIIPIP0T0P00000OTPOO0OT00TITOOOOCO0OOeL ? CO OC ORO OR OSORNO SSSR OSOSOSC SCION AW BROC DEPARTM! ENT STORE SOO ~~ INCREDIBLE NEW VINYL PLASTIC FLOORING GIVES YOU SPILL-PROOF FLOORS! HORECAST | DOOOO OE D6 DOVE VINYL PLASTIC FLOORING BY Gold Seal » TRADEMARK EIA It's spill-proof, stain-free, even foot-proof! The makers of famous ¢ i / Gold Seal floors now bring you vinyl plastic flooring with all these incredible advantages! How? Beautiful "Forecast" colors are factory-sealed forever beneath rugged, crystal-clear vinyl plastic. Grease, mirror-smooth surface. And even your feet never touch the deep- down beauty. So "Forecast" vinyl beauty is actually spill-proof, stain-free, foot-proof, too! LOOK . .. YOU GET ALL THIS WITH "FORECAST" VINYL... ® WIPES CLEAN, NEVER NEEDS SCRUBBING! WALL-TO-WALL BEAUTY WITHOUT SEAMS! © MIRROR-SMOOTH SURFACE, WON'T STAIN! LONG-WEARING VINYL PLASTIC! SPILL-PROOF, FOOT-PROOF VINYL FLOOR! BY-THE-YARD UP TO 12° WIDE! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! Hurry! See new "Forecast" "The Vinyl Floor of The Future" 1508 af designs and Ht i grime, detergents, solvents, acids can't harm this CONGOLEUM FORECAST 12 feet wide 6 and 9 feet wide Crests eiriinnes $1.99 sq. yard cusnnsests aries $1.79 sq. yard CONGOWALL, .ooccoevnn.., 69¢ running foot CONGOLEUM RUGS 0 © $12.95 BORDERLESS RUGS in all sizes Other sizes in proportion REGULAR CONGOLEUM ARMSTRONG QUAKER FLOOR 2 and 3 yards wide ........................ en 98¢ 1 yards wide ........oovvvon.nn. $1 26 sq. yard Port Perry - Phone: YU 5-2521 2000009