Lud gr Naa AAA NTA ERR a 3 SANA EAE ST) as Fh OE I AR NESE Trg bs REV LTEAN A RENAE RNG RI REARS NOV Rua A Sa 3 Set AN Mads i a8 i 3 / 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1050 ha Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Crosier, Stan- ; WHS, ' a i : Congratulations to Mr. Charles |vigited the family of the late Mrs. |4req i Re in. A 8 : € 800 Tainan i GR) 3 youngsters who enter school ob-|8g8in. Another year or two at school | # : TA wy x es To Wh Bl dibthes Trenka on passing Mechanical engin' | Wm, Stylse. She was Mrs. Gourlie's | iy their junior matricultion, and just | might open new doors to desirable | {3 oS Repair (plastering) Ceiling. st " " | eers examinations at University, with | Bridesmaid. 10 or 12 f d job opportunities which are now out |& ER % di Inany felgnes of Ms Jon First Class Honors. His standing one| Mur. and Mrs. Manson Woods of Tor- Sor oh Fitba iia p di bh ig 9 Ha Painting School tender to include two coats, ingide SR csee are nappy to how SHC 18 T€-1 ¢ the first 6 in a class of over 70. |onto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra.| = i inh : § ; and: out. I . i il covering satisfactorily from surgery|™,, Greening of Brooklin, Mr. Simp- | g. Ballard. : Lhe staggering weight on the scale| Ip seeking ammunition, Burents 8 SHE ; A 3 in Oshawa General Hospital, son 'and mother of Uxbridge, Mie. . can be clearly pictured when we see should remember that no one brand is | & 3 ey in the future because they lack sutti k ) . FOUNTY CLUB ICE CREAM . i ott Re nab JONG T§ i ; a any. i. atthe 1 Gallon Pack $2.00. £7) Gallon Pack $1.00 Bricks 31¢ Zi induriy 'have. one. home the. mor Oshawa "WEEK-END SPECIALS ih education you have, the better chance oN aa Ne Sw Manchester Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crosier with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Sammels, visited Mr. and Mrs. Vyrtle Crosier, Toronto, on Sunday, A bus load of Publje School students enjoyed a trip to Peterboro on Monday. Dr. A. G. Christie and Mrs. Christle are in England for a few weeks. Mrs. Shephard, Toronto, was with her daughter Mrs. Marie Stone and children over the week-end. Mr. -and Mrs. Arnold (Roach and daughters and Mr, and Mrs. Theo. Stevens, Walter and Jim were at the formers Cottage on Boskung Lake for the week-end. Mrs. Helen Taylor and Brenda re- turned home to Serpent River after three weeks at her home here. Pine Grove There will be no Sunday School or Church next Sunday owing to Decora- tion at Uxbridge Cemetery. The 8chool Picnic will be held on Friday at 65.830 p.m. All are welcome. Pleased to report Mrs. Erickson has returned home from the Hospital. Ledrew and son of Uxbridge and Mr, Webster were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rothwell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark and fa- mily had Sunday supper with his mo- ther Mrs. Charlie Clark, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Borsk, Mr. and Mrs. Hanford Sr., Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanford Jr. of Toronto, Mrs. Hanford from sngland and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Low of Utica were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. A, Handel. Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Sharrard on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hart and family spent Sunday with her mother Mrs, Smith of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris and boys spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hart. Mr, Robt. Nesbitt and David had do is to make what he considers a Lloyd Ball Sunday Supper with Mr. and Mrs. |small sacrifice -- leave school. Too often the scales are tipped against Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie, Mr. ! education, and Mrs. Robt. Gourlie and Mr. and tended the Locke -. Barton Wedding | ¢ on Saturday. It is shocking when we consider Mrs. Jack Petrie of Newmarket at- that, every year, thousands of young Canadian men and women are willing to make this "small sacrifice", Ac- Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie visit- cording to the Dominion Bureau of ed Mr. and Mrs. John Rice and also gatigtics about 30 out of every hun- On Staying in School This is the time of year when many parents develop a worried look and be- gin an anxious search for ammuni- tion to convince their teenagers to stay in school. g best Buy Stokely's 10 Tins (9) nn Best Buy -- While, Gini, Honey Spice and Golden -- Family Size ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES 3 rw. $1.00 Feature -- "In Brine" -- 15 oz. tin LIBBY'S KERNEL CORN 7 ro $1.00 Through harried eyes, they watch their young man weigh the value of education against the thoughts of work and the ready cash which is within easy grasp at the nearest fac- tory or other place of buginess. obtain a job, money and the things it will buy, and to gain a new measure of independence in what appears to be an adult world, all the boy hag to Sunbeam Bakery Features BIRDS EYE Ontario - Crisp Yellow Flesh - No. 1's 'Lip-smacking Treat Large - Jumbo size 'WATERMELON NEW CARROTS Garden Fresh JADISHES FROZEN FOODS Produce Garden-fresh - Good size HEAD LETTUCE :- Honey-sweet PEACHES 25¢ Nutritious - No, 1's - 20 oz. cello pkg. Mix 'em or match 'em Birds Eye Green Peas, Cut Com, Squash, Spinach ______ Meats Swift's Fresh Milk-fed Shank Half 10¢ - Qt. box Veal Leg ROAST Knuckle Removed Veal Rump ROAST Meaty Rib Loin Veal CHOPS Dollar Day Feature lb. : - 9c 2 vor 25¢ Swift's Sliced 3 pen. 23 Rindless - 14 1b, 35¢ pkg. Eversweel BACON Swift's Premium : Pure - 1 1b, Skinless, 35¢ 1b. ALL Breakfast SAUSAGE Swift's, 10 oz. cello, 35¢ pkg. Premium WIENERS THREE \ ; Dowson' Food Market = men 0 50 ed Ri Rd PORT PERRY ONTARIO RED WURSTER | Representative YUkon 5-792 eee pELvERY Port Perry Th § re $1.00 1.00 that, under the above conditions, of the 480,000 pupils who enrolled in grade one in 'all elementary schools in Canada in 1957 just 129,000 will ob- tain their junior matriculation and a mere 51,600 will successfully complete high school. Our country cannot afford this ap- palling waste of brain power. We are living in a very complex age, and everything points to more complexity in the future. To be able to meget the challenge which this age presents, we must make full use of our most valuable asset--human resources. A growing awareness of the need for more education is reflected in in- dustry where educational standards over the past 10 years have been be- coming higher and higher, This trend is bound to continue. The job Which is open today to the yourigster with a grade 10 education may be "closed tomorrow to those at this levél, and it may be that the young man or wo- 'man who has taken such a job has traded the future for a few dollars. The complex age which offers them so much now may leave them behind you have of securing permanent em- ployment and of being promoted to supervisory positions. It is true that some men and women with comparatively little formal edu- cation hold high positions, but they are usually self-educated, a process which sometimes involves great per- sonal sacrifice. Their number is di- minishing, and they would be the first been easier if they had had more for- mal education. Moreover, it is almost to admit that their road would have might be wise for the young man or woman who is determined to leave school to pause for a moment and an- they should ask themselves, "Where If it is a dead-end job, it might be better to consider another line of work and then to ask the same questions suitable for all situations, Each type |§ must be self-made by each family fac- and understanding as the main ingre- diets; 'The consistency of the powder alyse the prospective job, Perhaps does it lead?" and "How far can I +8 go in it with may present education?" | & a : Areusier RR, P Port t Perry, Ont. ing the problem, using common sense ¥ Tenders will be received by Scugog Area School Board, for the following: For. particulars pontact Mr. Sam Arnold, Secretary- i : ~.18-25 June '§ the ammunition. (ENN NOTICE of Grades Seven - Eight LAST CALL FOR YOUNG PEOPLE 5 often determines the effectiveness of | yy # BEEF TONGUES, FRESH or CURED ........0..coooo. 1b 30¢ KAM, 12 02 Til ccc... overseers s@ach. 39¢ FRESH BEEF HEARTS em srrsssismbivimrsrriyiviciaisnciT 209 ra i 85¢ COOKED JELLIED PORK HOCKS FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK + "The Folly 5 Butcher" YUkon 5-2221 PORT PERRY and High School to enroll in 'Business College commencing Monday July 6, 1959 "ORANGE LAYER CAKE" "COFFEE ROLL" GERROW'S BAKERY Phone YUkon 5-2172 G. M. GERROW MAKE YOUR SUMMER COUNT Dial RA 56-3376 or visit the College for Free Bulletin which gives all the facts YES--STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 29, we will deliver (food order) $3.00 or more in the Village of Port Perry only up to 11.00 p.m. Daily, except Sundays. Phone YU 5-2237 LI SO THEINER SCIENCE MONITOR Good Reading for the Whole Family * News facts « Family Features One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your for the checked, nod ng sty cock Netw sida 1 yeor $18 [J 6 months § $0 3 til $430 0) POSOS0S0SOSOOSOSOSOSO0S0OPOEOSO0E0SO0OR0 Honey Pod ? PA bh bp py rin, ha when they 11 WOE sang fo vation pam 6 Yor $1.00 MONARCH MARGARINE, Lb. Pkg. 4 J $1.00 applicant's academic back-ground. Hurry! Enrolment is limited. Authority pe * "Stay in school" is just another i . A ST Feature 15 oz tin Special teen-age typing and other TO HOLD CLINIC Best B adult phrase to a young person, How- Stokely's Fancy YORK BEEF or IRISH STEW 4 ro $1.00 ever, in the adult world he or she is Cranes ; TOMATO about to enter, it may take on a new 10 SIMCOE ST. N.. OSHAWA ONT In PORT PERRY 20 or. tin Feature -- Pink Seal meaning associated with regret. To Chih 3 8 or $1. 0 0 ) PINK S ALMON . a Lb. Tin 2 For $1.00 avoid this as much as possible, it Beltone Hearing Service, To-. "Best Buy Feature -- Libby's -- 15 oz. tin ronto, begins tomorrow a new Gress Pink FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 For $1.00 ' ~N series _for residents of the < Wo Feature -- Regular - Champion -- 15 oz. tin WE NOW DELIVER Port Ferry area. A special 4 TISSUE DR. BALLARD'S DOG FOOD 9 For $1.00 "Hearing consultation clinic" i 3 IS gach featntd. £89 oz. ti BAR-B-Q CHICKEN........ % $1.00.......%; $1.55 Will be condintad i. the Xia: 4 4™* SLO} §ELCHADE GRAPE DRINK 3 + $1.00 WHOLE CHICKEN $2.40 mn i Ny Del | Best Buy : 83. Ostrosser, a Beltone consult- $3 wr Full A storiment Feature -- Sweet Treat -- 20 oz. tin FISH and CHIPS, 50¢ per order. HAMBURGS 30¢ each) i ant who is an expert on heat- 4 - 4 : $2 BABY FOODS FANCY CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 4/$1.00 CHIPS, 20¢ per order SANDWICHES {ing aids and hearing tests. g N eopol itan Bar Cake each 3 Oc TAYLOR'S RESTAURANT ; This 3 Solis ts fuse sna) Hie dy » B (A Three Layer Cake All Different Flavours) pportunity cord of successful experience in EEE 2020000800080 080eC KC80E0E0NCE0E0S080808 0200020808080 0e080 1% 35.4% +" 1% +" +5 2% 3% 3%% 158 10 10 30 Je] 250 Jed Rob 2ad Rt Bod BF 1% R888 4.00 04 0H 00 0 000 0 00 0% 00 0% 0% OPOPOIOPOE0SOSO0POPOPOGOPOPOPIGOPOPIBO (a 0.0 9", 0 0 0 00 0% 4%. 0%0 5% 04 1% 4% 3% 4% "ToMorrow Cl HEARING AID | OBOS0BOBOBOSOSOSONO 20002 20208000008 No appointment necessary between 9.30 a.m: and 4.00 p.m. Don't Miss. _ Mr. Ostrosser has helped hundreds fitting difficult cases FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN HEAR with one - of Belltone's famous full-toned aids, to hays. your heating ". 80 tiny they're virtually invisible. : tested FREE.._Two Intri- No obligation-- JUST COME IN! & 4 cate instruments are used 4 h ; | = an, . audjometey, 1h5¢ If Hearing is Your Problem : selectometer, that tells you IN ADVANCE how A valuable booklet -- Sound Advice 'for Better i wr Hearing--will ;be given to everyone who attends JE tells you exactly how 2 8 T/ | you'll hear with a hearing @ ton & $3 ame the clinic tomorrow, Do you have to cup. your hand behind "your ear? Dé you have a 'good" | ear? Here is your chance | OPOP0808000008090008080SOS0S0P0R08 220202000000 80808080800080808 well you hear and a id. . : 4 ; a Is Your Answer nA,