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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jul 1959, p. 1

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Wd eT AA le at 5 4, SA ptt SNe LN LER! Kel 14 ATS AAs er, id 4 bis SRST 2 (£335 THE PORT PERRY STAR zzzwf - 4 Anthorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Departmen, Ottawa PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1959 $2.00 per year. Single Copy bc, = . Port Perry Council News - Council Appoint Second Constable . Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Village of Port Perry held in the Municipal Office on Mon- day July 27, 1959 at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT--Reeve J. J, Gibson and Councillors Arthur T. Cox, Irving Boyd, Frank Godley, W. T. Harris, MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of July 13, 1959 were adopted as typed on motion. PROPOSED DEBENTURE Issue, Re By-Law No. 1311---The Clerk, J, F. Raines, reported on having received tentative orders for $180,000.00 of the proposed Debenture Issue to date, CONNECTING LINK Agreement-- Council felt that further study should be given to the Connecting Link Agreement before : authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to-sign on behalf of the Corporation of Port Perry. CIVIC HOLIDAY, August 8rd, '69-- On Resolution 'Monday, August 3rd, 1959 was declared a Public Holiday. PASSING ACCOUNTS--On motion the statement of accounts totalling $3,389,81 were authorized for pay- ment, Carried. MR.. HILLIARD STOUGHTON came to Council with a protest with regard to his drain, He stated that last year when the water main was laid on Cochrane Street his drain tile was placed over top -of the water main, making a rise in the drain of about three inches and leaving a gap between the tile and that along with the loose earth caused about five feet of water to rise in_his basement and - that the expense involved has set him back approximately $160.00. Council explained to Mr. Stought- on that they regret that he was put to this inconvenience 'but there is no legal responsibility on the part of the Corporation as no person has any right to run'a drain on the public road. It was explained that Mr, Leahy en- deavoured to replace the drain to the best of his ability and thinking that it would function properly. Council requested Mr. Stoughton to put his complaint in writing and that the matter would be brought to the " attention of our insurance to see if it is covered under the public liability and property damage of the village. DEPUTATION from Bonding Hou- ses to Bid on the $300,000.00 High School Area Debenture -- The Bond Representatives pointed out to Council that they would be wise to sell the whole debenture issue to an invest- ment dealer as they might be caught with $60,000 or $100,000 of the De- bentures which they would be unable to sell. The investment dealers made the following bids for the debentures subject to the orders which had al- ready been taken: 1. Dawson, Hannaford Ltd. and Bankers Bond jointly--97.77 per $100 2. R. A. Daly and Company-- 97.26 per $100. 3. Bell, Gouinlock and Company-- 98.66 per $100. 4. J. L. Graham and Bank of Com. merce--98.09 per $100. After considering the matter care- fully Councillor Harris, Chairman of Finance addressed the Investment dea- lers stating that the Corporation wish- ed to defer the matter to a later date as it is felt that the whole issue may be sold locally and if not, bids could be asked for at a later date. RESOLUTION--That two members of - Council attend the Georgian Bay Municipal Electric Assoc, Convention to be held at Delawana Inn at Honey Harbur, Sept. 8 and 9,-1969 and the per diem allowance be paid. Carried. RESOLUTION--That 2 members of Council attend the Annual Convention of The Ont. Municipal Association on Aug. 30 to Sept. 2nd at per diem al- lowance. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to enrol the two Constables, R. J. Cameron and Erie Place for P.S.I. LETTER from the Ontario Muni- cipal Board. Giving Approval to the Application of the Proposed Deben- ture Issue of $300,000.00 for the Ad- dition and Equipment to , the High School. Filed. Copy of Community Centres Act with statement of questions and an- swers, Filed, LETTER from Mr. Gordon W. Riehl of Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. 'giving the * advantages and dis- advantages of becoming incorporated as a-town, "I can see no substantial or im- portant financial factors that should influence the decision of your Council to recommend incorporating the Vill- age as a town. You would still be a part of 'the County System and your government grants would remain on the same basis, Probably the most noticeable change would be that the head of Council would be a mayor. However, you would still have a reeve who would represent you at County Council", Council decided to file this: letter for the present as they cannot see sufficient advantages for the chang- ing of the Village status to a town. LETTER from the Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Caledonia stating that the advantages which we hoped to gain by incorporating as a town were mainly that of having extra hands to deal with the ever increasing amount of business in administering town af- fairs, Filed. LETTER from Mr. and Mrs, Cliff. Walsh of July 18, 1959: "We parents on the Union Avenue Section, leading to Prince Albert have noticed the mo- torists using this route, travelling at terrific speeds past our properties.-- We would greatly appreciate some immediate action on your parts re- garding the speeding motorists." Left for the attention of the Chief Constable of Police, Mr. Cameroi. -~MEMO~--Mrs. Bert Cliff would like some tile in her ditch for which she is willing to pay for the tile. Left with Councillor W. I. Harris. LETTER from Johnstone Electric Meter Service with prices and pro- posal for the reconditioning of - Port Perry's electric meters. Left with Councillor Arthur T. Co, Chairman of Hydro to compare prices. Mr. Mel, Gerrow would like 22' of 12" culvert put in on Ash Street-- south of Stan. Gerrow's house where stakes are placed. Left for the atten- tion of Councillor Harris. LETTER from City of Barrie, Ont, Re bus and truck accidents due to failure of brakes and requesting that Council consider the attached resolu- tion and advise on decision. Filed. ACCOUNT from K. J. Beamish Construction Co. Ltd. Re Supplying, hauling and applying primer asphalt to Village Streets--2200 gals at $0.246 per gal. $541.20. The above account was approved for payment. MEMO--Hole in Hard Surface Road on Bigelow St. at Balsam to be pat- ched. Left with:Councillor Harris, MEMO---Sidewalk broken up when ditching at Mr. Barnard's, Union Ave. Ieft for the attention of Councillor Harris, BY-LAW for Controlling Lakefront Docking facilities, Held over until hearing from the Department of Transport. THE APPOINTING of a Police Constable--Four applicants were con- sidered for the position of Police Con- stable of the Village of, Port Perry who are as follows: Dalton B. Burt, of Athens, Ont. T. F, Fortener, of Toronto, Ontario. Erie Place, of Port Credit, Ontario, . Fred Dikkens, of Durham, Ontario. On Resolution Mr. Eric Place was hired as Police Constable for the Vil- lage of Port Perry from August 1st, 1959. Carried, BY-LAW No. 1819 to authorize the horrowing of money by way of tem- porary advances pending the issue and sale of the debentures authorized by By-Law No. 1811, It was moved and seconded, read three times, passed, signed and the seal of the Corpora- tion affixed thereon, LOCATION of proposed Garage of Mr. Ronald Wanamaker on Victoria Street--Council decided that Mr. Ron- ald Wanamaker"s Garagé should be put in line with his house, Council adjourned. Elmer Offers a Wonderful Chance to "Go West Young Man" "Go west young man, go west!" We've all heard theSe words from the fabulous pioneer days. Then western Canada meant adventure -- the un- known--maybe even gold discoveries! Well, it's still pretty exciting to go west, and this summer, some lucky boy or girl is going to win a wonder- ful all-expense paid tour of western Canada, with an adult of their choice. This is the grand prize in the ELMER LIMERICK CONTEST, sponsored by the Ontario Safety League in co-op- eration with the newspapers of Ont- ario. It is so simple to win: Watch for the grand entry form to appear in this paper July 30th. Then just complete the last line of each of the six linjericks given, and send it to Elmer the Safety Elephant along with the entry form: "Here are some of the things you'll do and see if YOU'RE the lucky win- ner. ~ You'll visit such wonders as Lake Louise, Banff, Kicking Horse Pass, Emerald Lake, Stanley Park, Grouse Mountain and many other ex- citing 'and breath-taking places. Imagine yourself boarding the luxuri- ous Canadian Pacific Railway's "Can- adian", arriving at Banff, that mile- high mountain village in the centre of beautiful Banff National Park, and staying at Banff Springs Hotel where you'll have a majestic view of those world © famous Rocky Mountains! There you can swim, go for a moun- | tain ride on horseback, and enjoy any number of those great holiday treats that Banff has to offer. 'Then on to Lake Louise--the Gem of the Rockies--with its lovely Cha- teau on the shore, that really does look for all the world like a castle! The sunrise on Victoria Glacier re- flected in the tourquoise waters is a sight you'll neyer forget. Next we go to Yoho Valley --this means "wonderful" in Indian -- via Kicking Horse Pass and famous Im- erald Lake. Once again you board the "Cana- dian", and via the Canadian Pacific Steamship Lines you arrive in Vie- toria. That's on Vancouver Island, 'way off on the other side of the country', and what a chance this is to see the most beautiful gardens in the world, and, incidentally, to have a steamer ride with a wonderful view of the Pacific Ocean. Back you go to Vancouver, where you'll visit Stan- ley Park with its enormous Lions Gate Bridge, and go up Grouse Moun- tain on a chair lift! There it is, boys and girls, the chance of a lifetime to see your own country! Be sure to try for this won- derful prize trip. Enter the final ELMER LIMERICK CONTEST ap- pearing in this week's issue. Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kemp have sold their service station and lunch room and have moved to Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. Martin of Port Perry visited George Kilpatrick last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Idrus Stacey, of North Oshawa, visited Mrs. Ernie Willerton on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill of Peterboro visited Mrs. Frank Harris on Thurs- day afternoon, Jane Den Boer celebrate her fourth birthday on Friday. Mrs. Allen Houden of Toronto, was the guest of George Kilpatrick on [Friday afternoon, Miss Una Sleep and her brother Mansel, of Seagrave, were Sunday afternoon visitors Miss Flossie Spen- cer and brother Richard. Platten Island Ratepayers "Form New Association A meeting of the property holders on Platten Island was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter, | on Sunday, July 26th, 1959, for the purpose of forming an association, The meeting was called to order at 2 p.m.. An explanation was then given by Mr, Jerry Mahony, after which Mr. R. A. Spence moved we form an asso- siation to be known as the Platten Island Ratepayers' Association. Mr. Larry Thoms seconded the motion which was carried unamiously. Draft rules and constitution of the Association of Ratepayers was read, discussed and approved. It was then moved by Larry Thoms and seconded by R. A, Spence that Jerry Mahony be gppointed Chairman and was una- miously approved. Mrs, W. G. Hunter was appointed Secretary, unapposed. J. L. Horne was appointed Treasurer, also the as- sociation elected the following as com- mittee members: Mrs, L. Ellis, Mrs. R. Spence, Mrs. L. Hunt, Mrs. G. Ma- hony, Mr. Buck Pollard, Mr. L. Thoms, Mr. E. Clark, Mr, Ostrom and Mr. Les Ellis. Mr. Buck Pollard moved and Mr. Is Ellis seconded that the Membership fee be $6.00 per year. A rider was added that -this amount could be changed at anytime at a general meet- ing. This rider was moved by Mr. Pollard and seconded by Mr, Gunn and was approved. It was approved after discussion that a printed membership card be purchased also cards be printed for meeting notices, and that a report of each meeting be sent to all members of the Association. That the name of the Treasurer be inserted in the first notice. There were forty people present at this meeting. Several suggestions were discussed such as Elegtric light- ing on roadway, ivad conditions, trim- ming of trees, bathing, and toilet facilities in-the-park, revision of voters list and also advanced polling. 4-H Club Meet At Malcolm Bailey Farm The members of the Scott 4-H Beef Calf Club and Durham 4-H Beef Calf Club met at the farm of Malcolm Bail- ey, Uxbridge R.R. 4, on Monday, July 20th, 1954. The group judged two good classes Aberdeen Angus cattle. Reasons were heard from each boy and girl on both classes. Duncan McTavish, Scott Beef Calf Club Leader and Hugh Baird, Scott Junior Calf Club Leader, acted as official judges-of the two classes. Ted Burnside, assistant Agricultural Representative, Bowmanville, was in charge of the Durham County group. Alvin Blades, Assistant Agricultural Representative, Uxbridge, led the group in a discussion of beef cattle management. Alan Ball, Scott, 4-H Beef Calf Club Leader, assisted with the meeting, A hearty vote of thanks was ex- tended to Mr. Bailey for the fine classes of cattle and accommodation provided for the meeting. Wins Miniature Radio ET TP RPT rey x eens TILT IY RTT Ts » Port Perry Bowlers Win Prize at Lindsay Bowling in one of the keenest com- petitions for Mixed Doubles on July 22nd, at Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn, of Port Perry, were awarded 5th prize. The Mackey Memorial Tournament is considered an outstanding event in District 14, and entries from Peter- borough, Port Perry, Port Hope, Can- nington, Oshawa, Bowmanville, and other Clubs, gather in Lindsay each year to enjoy a full day of Bowling, and any prize, won in competition with 31 other teams is well earned. Mr, and Mrs. Martyn are to be con- gratulated in bringing such an honour to the Port Perry Club. Whithy to Double Staff at ! Canning Factory Twice as many people will be hired on a part-time basis this year as last year in the corn canning process of the Stokley-Van Camp canning fac- tory on Brock street north, Everett Quantrill, plant manager, has inform- ed the Whitby News. The pea pack will be resuming late this week after a stoppage of two or three days. The stoppage is a yesult which held up sowing of the second crop of peas, Corn throughout the area is in a) parent good shape and an--excett crop is expected. The plant will work continuous on two shifts to handle the material. HIGH SCHOOL Debenture Issue SUBSCRIBED AS SHOWN JULY 29th, 1959 --$300,000 --$250,000 $194,000 -- --$200,000 $150,000 --$100,000 -$60,000 Congratulations to Nancy McDon- ald who was one of the winners in the third Limerick Contest. ADVERTISERS 5.00 p.m., however. . Please Take Note The Port Perry Star will not be published during the week of August 3rd, following Civic Holiday. The front office will be open from 9.00 a.m. to of heavy raing for a week last spr ing |- ing competition, The Ontario County Dairy Princess Competition was held in conjunction with the annual Ontario County Hol- stein Club Twilight meeting at the farm of Mr. Ken Holliday, Brooklin, on Wednesday, July 22nd, 1959. Miss Doreen Evans, Uxbridge R.R.3, was declared "Ontario County Dairy Princess for 1959 and a close runner up was Miss Doris Evans, her sister. The winner will compete in the Dairy Queen Competition to be held at the C.N.E. in August. Dr. C. D. Graham, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, pre- sented Mss Evans with the Ontario Miss Doreen Evans Wins Dairy Princess Competition County Dairy Princess Sash and other prizes. The judges for the competi- tion were Mr, Wm. McCorquodale, Port Credit, Mr. Bruce Scott, Toronto, and Mr. Howard Hooper, Brampton, Mr. Larry Doble, President of the Ontario County Federation of Agri- culture, congratulated the winners and extended thanks to those who con- tributed prize money and assistance to the Daisy Princess" Competition, The Ontario County Dairy Princess - Competition is now an annual event and it is expected competition will he keener in 1960, Dr. C. D. Graham Speaker at Holstein Meeting "Increased efficiency in farm man- agement has occurred on Ontario Farms during the past decade" was the keynote of the address given by Dr. C. D. Graham, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, at the Ontario County Holstein Club Twilight Meeting. Evi- dence of this, is that in spite of a steady decrease in the number of farms, and in the farm population, a 30% increase has occurred in~farm production during the past ten years. This increased efficiency has been made possible by many scientific de- velopments in agricultural chemicals; the development of new and better cereal and forage crops; improved farm machinery and an increasing a- wareness by both farmers and farm leaders of the importance of good farm management. The Twilight meeting was held at the farm of Mr. Ken Holliday, Brook- lin, R. No. I, on Wednesday, July 22 19569. . The evening programme began with the, Judging of two fine classes of Hol- stein cattle. | Mr. G. Nelson, Holstein Fieldman, was in oro of the judg- Mr. Carlos Tamblyn was the official judge for the classes. Some 500 persons, including farm hoys and girls and their parents judg- ed the classes. There were over 80 Ontario County 4-H Club Members taking part in the junior division of the competition. The various winners were: Junior Division-- Ist--Jim Cryderman 2nd---Jack Holliday drd-----David Hamer Ladies Division-- Ist-- Mrs. Harold Werry 2nd-- Mrs. Dave Contes Srd-- Mrs. Elmer Wilson Meng Division-- Ist--Mr. Campbell Hamer 2nd Mr. Lance Beath drd--Mr. Russell Best 2:00 pom, ling cotton sheets, shirts, Mr. Ted Bradshaw, Peterborough assisted by Mrs, Bradshaw, provided the group with a fine magician's per- formance. His many feats of magic were enjoyed by all, Mr. H. L. Fair, Agricultural Rep- resentative, introduced . the guest speaker, Mr. C. D. Graham, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. . Mr. Ross Evans, Uxbridge, R. 3 thanked Dr, Graham for his fine address on behalf of those present. Mr. Wm. Stone, Holstein Club Ontario County President, -added his thanks to Dr. Graham for his address and thanked Mr. Holliday and all others who contributed to the success of the Holstein Twilight Meeting. Mr. George McLaughlin on behalf of the Holstein Friesian Association of Canada, presented Mr. Herman Walker, Port Perry with his 40 year Holstein Breeder's Pin. Mr. Walker has completed 40 years as a breeder of Holstein Cattle. Mr. Larry Doble, President of the Ontario County Federation of Agri- culture, assisted by Dr. C. D. Graham, presented prizes to the Dairy Prin- ,| cess, Miss Doreen Evans and the run- ner up Miss Doris Evans. "- A delicious lunch was served to con- clude the evening progamme. Honeydale W.I The regular monthly meeting of the Honeydale W.I. will be held in the Parish Hall, Thursday, August 6th at Mis. Harold Honey's group will be in charge of the programme. Reve Mr. Braham will show pictyres of Jamaica. { The ladies of the community are in- vited to attend. Used white cotton is needed for the Anyone hav- pillow cases, white ete, to diseard, would they kindly leave them at Gerrow's Bakery, "or Cancer Dressings", We take this opportunity of thanking all Cancer Dressing Room. marked who have donated material in the past. Is Cyprinas Carpio Next? For almost 40 years the lake trout has been waging a losing battle with the sea lamprey. The rainbow trout also hag come out second best. self to a vessel coming through the Welland Canal, thinking he had lat- ched on to a year's supply of food. The lamprey eel is an about as big around as a garden hose. It has gill slits, a round sucking mouth, and has no lateral fins. It is a spawn lives mostly' on mature fish, great eater mouth and boring in with a rasp-like tongue, Port Perry and district citizens will save considerable money if the entire debenture issue is bought up locally, To sell the debentures through a bonding house will mean paying near- ly $6000. commission at the present time. Your immediate response to this is- sue will be a good investment for you and for the Community, This is a 20 year debenture paying 8% interest, Contact Jack Raines, Phone YU 6- 7981 or W, H. Gould, Uxbridge Phone 406. It as) believed that a lamprey affixed him-/ petic sales promotion manager tap- ping a new market. The "eel" up to now has concentrated mostly on lak- ers and rainbow. Both of these "thin skin" fish are easy going and do not fear their enemy by sight, however just to preserve his present supply he is tapping a new one, namely Cyprin- us Carpio, or just plain earp. Fortunately for the Port Perry Rod and Gun Club and their annual Carp Derby, there are no lamprey eels in insidious | found up to the blood sucker of the deep and when above Department of Lands and For- | . . mature is about 18 inches long and ests picture shows a large carp with vent holes and instead of jaws it has it brings Scugog Lake, at least none have been present time. The three distinctive eel scars, and while a series of round | this carp was taken from Lake Erie home the fact that the lam- per really means business when he lyoes after a carp. but by fast- ening to them with its round sucking The lamper is like an ener-' Thanks to the $5,000,000 already spent on lamprey eel research by Canada and the United States, Lake Superior should be free of this fresh- water scourge by the end of 1960. » ro rrr Zona SINE EY Fredy a

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