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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Sep 1959, p. 4

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4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THUSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8rd, 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tease and Frankie were week-end guests of Mr. end Mrs. Chas. McLaughlin, Union Ave. Draw Winners During the afternoon tea sponsored by Blue Ray Chapter, Eastern Star and held on Mrs. Lane's lawn, Wed- nesday, August 26th, the following folk were winners of lucky draws. Tablecloth--Mrs. Dodwell, Oshawa. Cake--Mrs. Mabel Chapman, Port Perry. Cup and Saucer--Mrs. Jack Starkey, California. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dowson wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Doris Lorraine to Mr. Jack Rodd, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rodd of Port Perry. The wedding to take place on Wednesday, September 9th, at the United Church Parsonage, Port Perry. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deloise Slem- mon of Ottawa, Ontario, announce the engagement of their only daughter, ! Dawn Marie to Mr. Herbert Hilton Ireland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carman Ireland of North Onslow, Quebec. The wedding to take place Saturday, October 3, at 2 p.m. in the United Church, Port Perry, Ontario. Card of Thanks The family of the late Allan Bart- ley, Port Perry, wishes to thank their many relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their deeds of kindness, beautiful flowers, expressions of sym. pathy shown to us in the loss of a dear brother; especially to Dr. Kan- del and the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, to tev. E. S. Linstead for his consoling words and to the MeDemose-Panioe baker- Funeral Home for their kind cfficient management and service. Sisters and Brothers. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Trotter, Scu- gog Island, wish to thank their many friends and relatives for the cards, letters, telegrams and gifts on the cceasion of their: Golden Wedding Anniversary, Card of Thanks 1 wish to thank Dr. Kandel, also my friends and neighbours for cards, ' flowers and gifts sent to me while | was in Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Clarence Butson. Card of Thanks I wish to thank the friends, neigh- beurs and relatives for cards and flowers, also the staff of the Com- munity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry and Drs. Sturgis and Kandel for their kind consideration during my stay in hospital. . . Marilyn Hutchinson. WARNING TO BICYCLE OWNERS At the present time there are over 100 bicycles being operated in town without a license. These licenses may be obtained now from the Police Of- fice, Municipal building. Perry St., from 9 to 11 in the morning and from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. License fee, 60¢. Failure to obtain a bicycle license may result in having the bicycle im- pounded. , Bicycle owners are also asked to re- [ Sept. | moving pictures while you wait. | Don't forget to have your tickets frain from riding on the sidewalk. THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev, E. W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th,, Rector Sunday, Sept. 6th-- 11.80" a.m.--Holy Communion. of ST, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Rev. B. D, Armstrong, B.A., D.D, Interim Moderator Mr. Wm. Perry, Minister. Sunday, Sept. 6th-- 10.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 5 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, Sept. 6th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School, 11.00 a.m.--Morning Service > S The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D. Sunday, Sept. 6th-- 10.00 a.m.--Scugog "Head" S. S. 11.00 a.m.--Scugog Church (Rev, Geo. McQuade) . 11.00 a.m.--Manchester Church Rev. E. Crossley Hunter, D.D. 7.30 p.m,--Manchester Anniversary Manchester Church Anniversary. The Preacher morning and Evening will be Rev. E. Crossley Hunter D.D. of Toronto. Please see our special ad. Fveryone is given a very cordial in- vitation to come and worship with us, 17 Coming Events Anniversary Services Manchester United Church on Sun- cay, Sept. 6th at 1I'1 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Special preacher Rev. E. Crossley Hunter, B.A., D.D., morning and ev- ening. Music in the morning by the Junior Farmers' Male Quartette and in the evening by Scugog Choir. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Anniversay Supper Manchester United Church will serve a turkey supper on Wednesday, 16th in the Church basement There will be Ad- mission $1.50 adults and .76e. children. Come and have n Pies Tm--even Sept. 10 Hospital Auxiliary Penny Draw , commencing at 5 p.m. in by Thursday, Sept. 10th. Tickets should be returned to your represen- tative or to Mrs. Bert Wannamaker, Seagrave. The draw will be made on Saturday, Sept. 12th. = In Memoriam LUKE--In memory of Howard G. Luke who passed away suddenly on Sept. 4, 1955. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memory lingers every day Remembrance keeps him near. Ever remembered by Bill and Annabel Harrison. DON'T MISS ALL NEW Rotary Cellarette at PORT PERRY FAIR SEPTEMBER 3rd / ------- Eady Terms - NOW IS THE TIME & | TO SAVE MONEY AND HAVE YQUR OLD Chesterfield Reupholstered and Modernized FOR HALF THE PRICE OF A NEW SUITE Five Year Guarantee 'SPECIALIST IN DRAPERIES and RUGS For Free Estimates, call tollect-~UXBRIDGE 200W ¢ear husband and father, Oe Lat SRE 4 NE Ns In Memoriam BALDWIN--In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Daisy Frances Baldwin, who has gone to be with the Lord. Oft and oft our thoughts do wander To the grave not far away . Where we laid our dear mother Just a year ago today. - There the bud from earth transplanted For our coming she will watch and wait In the upper garden growing Just within the Golden Gate, Though our hearts may break with S0rTow, 'By the grief so hard to bear, We shall meet her some bright morning In the upper garden there. So shall we ever be with the Lord, Arthur and June. In Memoriam BENNETT -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Frank Bennett, v ho passed away Sept. 5th, 1954. Mother you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more; Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. Ever remembered by sons Fd. and Grant. In Memoriam BENNETT--In loving memory of a dear sister, Mrs. Frank Bennett who passed away Sept. 5, 1954. Not dead is sister, but sleeping In her father's home above, Rewarded for her suffering, Rewarded for her love. Fver remembered by sister Georgina and Guy. In Memoriam LUKE -- In loving memory of our dear son and brother Howard Luke vho passed away Sept. 4, 1955, The rolling stream of life goes on, But still the empty chair Reminds us of the face, the smile Of one who once sat there. The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never I'he memory of those happy days When we were all together. Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, sisters and brothers. In Memoriam WRAY -- In loving memory of a Russell Wray, who passed away, September 8th, 1956. There is a family who misses you And finds time long since you went. We think of you daily and hourly, But try to be brave and content. Tears that we shed are in silence, And we breathe a sigh of regret For you were ours, and we remember, Though all the world forget. Always remembered by wife and family. Rlackstock = © J Murs. Leith Byers spent a few dive) with her sister Mrs. Hawkin, and aunt and uncle Mr, and Mrs. Jos, Peel, in Port Perry. " Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wotten, of To- ronto, were recent visitors with his sister Mrs, Wesley Bradburn. Miss Velva Bailey, Miss Eva Parr, My. and Mis, Neil Bailey, spent last week at the cottage at Nottawaga Beach. Rev. Merrill Ferguson, Stratford, spent Wednesday night with Rey and Bill Ferguson, \ Mr, and Mrs, Frank Carter and fam- ily, Maple Grove, visited her mother, Mrs. Wesley Bradburn, Tuesday, and Margaret remained for a week. Joan Bradbuim spent the week-end with them. Mr. Allan. Bailey who had been working with the Oshawa Times for some time, has changed and is now commencing with the Toronto Tele- gram, Mrs. Ed. Darcy spent a few days with Mrs, Allan Moore, Shirley. © Miss Pearl Wright and Dr. W. Bil- bey, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents-Mr, and Mrs, Carl Wright. Mrs. Margaret Carley and Anne, of Whitby College, visiting the Clarence Marlows and Herb. Lewis and Harold Swains. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. C. Warlow. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Newton; Mr. and Mrs. A. Train, Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mrs. Geo. Grawford and Mr. and Mis. W. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn of Janetville, visited Mr, and Mrs. T, Watson, Lynn and Bradly and Camenr- | on, Sunday. Messrs. Roy and Bill Ferguson visit- ed Mr. John Robertson Dunsford on Sunday. Joan Elford, Port Perry, spent the week-end with Lorraine Dayes. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wren and Larry Cleveland, of Oshawa, at- teded the annual service at Old Tay Bay church, in Prince Edward County, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Todd and sons, West Hill, spent Sunday with My, and Mrs. Ed. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham visited My. and Mrs. Alex. Flett, on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. N. McNally, of 6ol- borne, were week-end guests of Mrs. Cecil Hill and visited other home from hospital, on Monday. Mrs. Geo. Fowler, spent last week in Oshawa. Monday her daughter, Mrs. George Rutherford and Mrs. G. Blair brought her home and spent the day here. Mrs. John MeKee is visiting friends in the Midland area. Congratulations to Mr. on his 85th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. H, McLaughlin. ahd Laurence; Miss Eleanor Rand, of Nova Scotia; Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and John spent the evening with Mr. and Mvs. Hooey. Herb Hooey Fenelon Falls, | friends,' Glad to report Ceeil Hill able to return § Mp and INS. ugh MeMastdr, §f wi by, were Sinday ol of ot MW. Mré Geo. Wolfe. oes to report Mrs, Harry Ma- haffy home, after a month in Oshawa hospital, We all hope she will stead- ily gain health Mr. and Mrs. Don Jackson and fa ily, Sarnia; Mr, and Mrs: guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and fam- Aily, of Enniskillen; Mr, and Mrs. H, Harris, Whitby; were guests of Mi. and Mrs, Albert Wright and My. and Fred Trewin and boys. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McKenzie, and Kay, of Alliston, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Stanford-Van- Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel McCracken and daughter, Niagara Falls; 'Mrs. Don, Smmerson and Rhoda, St, Catharines; Mrs. Stuart Miller, Whitby; visited Mr. and Mrs.'W. Archer, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ness and family, Montreal; Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Manson, Stratford, were guests of Dr; and Mrs. J. A. McArthur and family over the week-end, Misses Jessie and Betty Meariiius and Joan Venning, spent Monday to Wednesday visiting friends and at- tending the Shakespearian play. JHE GOOD DRINER If you are certain you can stop in time, every time, you stand an excel- lent chance of avoiding road accidents during the hazardous long Labor Day weekend, and other periods when the Lighways are thick with fast moving : traffic, This is the provisional ar Ante which Mr; F. eger of the Ontario Safety League, ! (Continued on page b) ------ a Bor the FINEST 3 BUILDING SUPPLIES at a FAIR PRICE look for this ; sign of quality . LUMBER DEALERS ALLIANCE JOHN * BALLARD LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Phone--YU 5.2491 Lo YEAR AT CANADIAN NATIONAL TEE KG, P.C, 6.CV.0, Come to this year's CNE, adding foreign flavor to this way," "'East of Suez,' Moveable Stage. IN PERSON CISCO KID & PANCHO head up the exciting Afternoon Grand- atinee which includes a thrill- ing 3-ring matinee circus for the chil dren |--with 26 outstanding acts, Fabulous fireworks finale. stand THE EARL MOUNTBATTEN of Burma, GCS, GCE " 70 OPEN $IsLCNE world will be there to greet you | People and exhibits representing 21 nations around the globe will be on hand, fair; interesting people you'll most certainly enjoy meeting, exciting ex- hibits you'll surely want to see! And of course, as always, Canada will be on display in atotally new and different way--this you won't want to miss. GEORGE GOBEL In The Spectacular Evening Grand. stand Show every night at 8:00 Cast 'of 400 with ERIC HOUSE, ** adiana '59"' produced by Jack Arthur, See these lavish production numbers: "From Dream to Reality, " "'The Sea- "Hon Holiday," and ""Canada' 8 Anniversary of Flight"-- On The World's, Largest Fully Equipped G.CB DS.0. ' THE EAR an OF WARSHIBS EVER ON THE GREAT LAKES and the king- -size MILE OF MERRIMENT ~all for fun and fun for all on this merry mile of laugh-a-minute rides, games and sideshows, INTERNATIONALAIR SHOW-spine- tingling fly-pasts heating the combined R.C.A.F.and USAF. Aerobatic Teams . .. Sept. 11-12. NE > TIT NATIONAL HORSE SHOW -- lo see theilling performances by skilled riders and their maghificent steeds, Aug. 27-Sept. 2. ! ne Kong . Vor FUN-FILLED AQUARAMA- at the Waterfront Grandstand... , thrill- packed display staged. free for, your enjoyment, 5 olden INITS 81st YEAR \Y.Y) - AUG. 26 - SEPT. 12 CANADIAN NATIONAL ITION Harry 1, Price, President + Hiram E. McCallum, General Manager D. ToRoNTD, CANADA «Jim, at Dougald, Fullarton, ot | Jl oats d Visit-Port Perry Fair Lahour Day, Sept. Tth Nd eg 2 S25 3 "PORT PERRY FAIR Labour Day, September 7, 1959 b { vi Racing, Cattle Show, Ladies' Work Midway { { Ps RT ST i Ta rr SS SS aT ' 41 ® Night Show in Memoria Gardens A. R. JOHNS, President . LAMB, Secretary H, Ellis, General Man-, i " RAY'S AUTO BODY ALBERT, ONTARIO YU 5-7885 2 Repairs Painting PRINCE USED CARS 2 4 48 PONTIAC, Good Transportation, $50.00 52 CHEV. PICK-UP $350.00 4) 3 4 4; 4; 4; 4 3 5 s, i <4 3. - 5 4 4; 3 2% 4 4: 3 SESIOR BOBS OBIS BOOBS OBO BSS Ss ss Ss sR LL ts 2 8t SCHOOL OPENING 'Tuesday, September 8th GRADE I to GRADE -VII pupils will assemble in their respective classrooms, for registration at 9 a.m. NOTE -- GRADE VIII pupils will assemble at 10.15 a.m. KINDERGARTEN-PRIMARY pupils will assemble accord- 'ing to arrangement made last June. Group one at 9 a.m, - and-Group Two at 1.80 p.m. vat e Note -- Beginners ;who have moved to Port Perry since "June 27th, 1959, must be five years of age before Jan. 1, 1960, in order to register. Robert Kenny, Chairman of the Board, R. H. Cornish, Principal. ee TTT ETERS reT? EC SE EA ES A A A A A 2 A A SAS 1 ° . CLEAN go _SAFE "Esso HEATING FUELS ~ e Essq Furnace Oil --for Automatic Burners e Esso Stove Oil --for Gravity Fed Heaters SURE ¢ »o "ANOTHER. GOOD REASON = FOR DEALING WITH... "The man you like to call" for FAST, EFFICIENT HELPFUL SERVICE "ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST

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