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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Sep 1959, p. 1

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! 'nN A ih THE PORT PERRY STAR ITT X (2) Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa PORT PERRY, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1959 $2.00 per year. Single Copy be. Married in Port Perry Recently Ce Enrolled - Five Ne The 'number of students registered at the Port Perry High School this term is 339, the greatest number ever to enroll. Of these 181 are boys. more class this year, and due to the crowded condition of the school there are at times two teachers conducting a class in the auditorium simultane- ously. This crowding makes for some strain on both teachers and pupils, However with continued co-operation between students and staff it is ex- pected that classes will operate satis- factorily. There is the expectation that at least one class will be able to use the new wing after the Christ- mas holidays, The teaching staff at the Port Perry School is as follows: Principal, G. More High School Students It has been necessary to make one, w Teachers MacDonald -- Physical Education and Mathematics, \ Mr, Baxter -- French, English; Mr, Buchner--Agriculture, Business Ari- thmetie; Miss Christie -- Art; Miss Chrysler -- Latin, History, Biology, Music; Mr, Cole--Mathematics, Phy- sical Education. Mr, Jefford--Industrial Arts, Cadet Training; Mr, Litt--Science, Agricul- ture, Chemistry; R, MacDonald--Com- mercial, Social Studies; Miss McCully --English, Library; Miss McFadyen-- History, Guidance, Music; Mr. Me- 'er--Home Economics. . Mr. Parkinson--Mathematics, Phy- sical Education; Mr. Payne -- Social Studies, English; Mrs. Saunders-- Commercial; Miss Smockum--Physi- "cal Education and Mathematics, | Cartwright Council The regular September meeting of the Township council was held on the 8th at 8 p.m. with Councillors Law- rence Malcolm absent due to illness. The Council instructed the Clerk to "ii| send him a 'get-well' card after which :| the minutes of the last regular meet- | ing and the two Special meetings were read and approved on motion of De- puty Reeve Bert Gibson and Councillor Merrill VanCamp, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Gibson sign the | Tanton, daughter of Mr, and Murs, register after their marriage on Sat., Milton Tanton, Port Perry, Ont. The Aug. 22nd, in St. John's Church, Port groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, J. Perry. (Rev. B.D. Armstrong offici- '3. Gibson, Port Perry. ated. The bride was the former Ruth The Clerk was brought up to date on_the business of past meetings and Mr. Turner of Caesarea, or more spe- cifically of Rowan's Beach presented a letter from that Association request- ing Council to contact 'the Uxbridge Hydro Branch and secure some twenty old hydro poles from them att $2 each to be used in reinforcing the break. Scugog Twp. Council News water. Clerk was instructed to do same. Mr. Turner again complained The regular meeting of the Scugog about Mr, J. Harrison's dog running Twp. Council was held in the Town- |at large frightening children. The ship Hall on Sept. 1st at 8 p.m. Clerk was to mail a final notice and Present were Reeve Anson Gerrow |warn that the Dog Catcher was to be hill, near London, where they resided and Councillors Heayn, Smith, Carter notified the next time the dog was off for eleven years. The younger dau-|8nd Fralick. 'The minutes of the last leash. ghter is attending Public School while | Yegular meeting and the .minutes of New Manager at - Bank of Commerce Port Perry welcomes a' new mana- ger at the Canadian Bank of Com- merce. - Mr. J. G. Porter, with his wife and two daughters; has come--from Park- Mr. Ivan Rohrer presented his bill ,* Com. Memorial Hospital from Nestle- ro £58 3 WY os / Wine to look into the matter concerning "ladies from Nestleton and some mem- the elder will start in'the bank here. Mr. Porter has had 84 years ex- | adopted on motion. perience with the Bank of Commerce. He has been. active in the Lions Club' for many years. Honeydale WI. The Honeydale Women's Institute met in the Parish Hall on Thursday, Sept. 3rd, with an- attendance of around 60. | The president, Mrs. Diamond, open- ed the meeting with a poem. The 'Ode' was sung and all repeated the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. A. Prentice introduced the | guest speaker, Mr. Atkins, florist, of | Oshawa, who entertaified us with "Hints on How to Arrange Flowers for Show." He had with him an abun- diince of flowers, etc. with which he fashioned some very attractive items. he first arrangement, for a young hoy, was shaped as a train and Robt. | Pugh was the lucky lad to receive this. , Mildred 'Martyn was given the teen age arrangement; Mrs, Melluish, the modernistic. As no one was present | who was the mother of a new baby! boy, Mrs. Robertson took a flower ar- rangement to a new mother at the i on, who becamé much interested in the Institute. "There were many other arrangements and others who received them. } : Mrs. Diamond thanked Mr, Atkins for his interesting presentation. Mrs, Moase gave an interesting talk on the motto. If you plant a seed of cheer in the home if will bloom in the community, Mrs, E, Kennedy rend- ered two lovely solos. Mrs. Melluish, gave an amusing. reading about ¢ housewife, 3 The articles to be shown in the dis- play at the Fair were shown by the ladies responsible for them, Several Committees: wore formed, a echolarghip. ] 2 We were glad to haye"@t Humber of bers of the 4-H Club who were all wel- comed by Mrs. Diamond. Mrs, Hill thanked the Institute for the invita-. tion to the 4-H Club members and (n- vited them to attend the short courses on the 23rd of Sept, "Something to Wear", : s Mrs, Prentice, Mrs, Moase and Mrs. two special meetings were read and! ] 0S of $5662 as contract price for painting 1 Correspondence read was as follows: the Arena and stated that to do-the excellent job he had had to use a more expensive paint which resulted in a loss to him of $44. On motion of M (1) From Wm. G, Manning, Clerk- Treasurer, County of Ontario, enclos- ing several copies of the Treasurers Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes, Treasurer was instructed to make out and requesting that a copy be posted a cheque for $606 to the Carlwright up in the Township Hall. Agricultural Society and that they in (2) From Fred Jackson: a letter of turn pay Mr. Rohrer for both jobs in resignation as Township Road Super- the park. Mr. Walter Wright, Society intendant. A Sec.-Treasurer was present and agreed Motion: ~~ That the Scugog Twp. to same and also requested the usual Coucil accept the resignation of Road grant to the Agricultural Society. On| Foreman Fred Jackson, to take effect motion of Fred Trewin and Merrill when a successor is hired. Carried. ,VanCamp the usual sum of $250 was Motion: That the Township Clerk voted and carried. A brief discussion be instructed to advertise by Tender about a Road closed sign, west of Mr, for a Road Superintendant for the Walter Wright's gate and Road Sup- Twp. of Scugog, in the Port Perry erintendent explained that such action Star. Carried. had been ordered at a previous Coun- il Meeti ipt of a let BY-LAW No. 1178--To set the date oC "8 Upon receipt of a letter from Mr, Oster, and place of Nomination and Polling, brought in two claims for sheep killed and to appoint a Poll Clerk. one for Owen Stacey, value $5.00 and A Fins one for N. R, Green and Sons for 850. December 4th, 1959 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Poll Clerk, Mr. Robt. Tetlow. sented their complaint against the Rd, Place: Scugog Town Hall. Supt.: accusing him of was'ing 'the Motion Re: Street Lights on Plat- AXpayers' money by.driving the Tp. ten Island. The Twp. of Scugog pickup truck back and forth to work.; Council have decided that the Cottage of having driven the same truck sev- Owners on said Island will pay the eral times across his farm; .also for total cost of Installation and mainten- !¢8ving the Adams Co. grader parked 'ance of same; providing they decide -at his gate for several days- and -too- to carry on with the project. Carried. for the way he constructed their lane 'It was moved by A. Heayn and sec. 2PProach, saying it was no good, a onded by C. Carter that the follow- 'waste of money, that the way the ma- ing accounts be approved and paid by | terial was applied was worse than yse- the Teasurer. Carried. less, that it was not wide enough and ROAAS .vvvcivirnisirinnnniiinnnnnnei $842.20 the turn too sharp and that some vyeo- General... 208.68 hicles had cut the corner and gone into the ditch, The Road Commission was Total ...iininiiininin. $644.73 then asked a few questions, and rep. : sons given why past Councils had ap- On Motion meeting adjourned to proved him driving the pickup truck meet Again 20 Tues, Oct. 6th at 8.00 from home to work: pam, - Carried, Fire at Epsom - ; i. The Fire Brigade at Port Perry an- 2: The welder which is used for all swered a oall to extinguish a fire jn Minor welding repairs is also the pro- a car owned by Mr. T, Anderson of erty of the Road Superintendent, Epsom Thursday' afternoon, 3. A gear pump which is used for | The car was in a driving shed, where pumping water for the Fair and for they were working on the engine of spraying is also the private property the car when It caught fire. The of the Road Superintendant, men managed to push the car out of ; the shed and so saved it, but the car. 4. The Road Superintendant gets was quite badly damaged before the many after hour calls for inspection flames were extinguished. of roads, service calls and calls for Mr. and Mrs. Vine then orally pre- 1. Practleally all the tools used were the private property of the Road Sup- "erintendent, and these were kept In the truck, ; Melluish gerved lunch, VanCamp, scconded by F. Trewin, the | breakdown to Municipal machinery and the truck is used for these pur poses. 6. The Road Superintendant gets no extra, remuneration for any of the above except that his last contract does allow him time of to make up for extra time put in and two weeks va- cation as well as a credit of all legal holidays. The majority of Council then approved his use of the truck on municipal business and to work but requested him not to.use it on his farm since some taxpayers objected. The Council also decided to inspect the approach to Mr. Vine's drive way after the business of this meeting, was over. The Clerk asked Council to decide to who the cheque for the month of August should go since he was on va- cation. On motion of Deputy-Reeve Gibson and Councillor Trewin, the Treasurer issue the cheque to V. Mal- colm and he on his part pay Mr. Ray Dilling for filling in for him. Carried. A complaint from Mrs. McKay,of Cadmus that water at the edge of the Quarrie--French, English; Miss Park- |" 1 bership card at the regular price of Death Mars Honeymoon Jack Rodd, of Mary St., Port Perry, last Wednesday when his father was suddenly taken seriously ill less than an hour after his son set out on his honeymoon. The fathey was taken to the Osh- awa General Hospital where he died early Thurgd morning, R. J. Camerdyy . Port Perry police chief tried despér 0 locate My. Rodd, but no one knew where he had gone on his honeymoon other than that it was in the Toronto area. The sergeant asked a Toronto radio station to broadcast an appeal over the air for Mr. Rodd to contact him. The broadcast was successful and Chief Cameron spoke to My. Rodd and called him back to Port Perry. Teen Town The executive of the Port Perry Teen Town met this week to estab- lish plans for an opening dance to start off the new fiscal year for the club. Arrangements are underway to hold a dance this coming Friday evening, September 18th, in the auditorium of the Port Perry Public School at. 8.30 p.m. Since membership renewals are due, admission to the dance will be Free upon purchase of a new mem- .b0c. A special welcome is extended to the new ninth grade students and also to the young people who have recently moved to this area, as well as the faithful members of Teen Town dur- ing the past years. 'It is hoped that a good crowd turns out, as the exe- cutive are going to a great deal of trouble to procure up-to-date music and making every effort to ensure the success of teen town again this year. ) Danny Reesor, President. Mary Lou Robertson, Secretary. Kaye Hastings, Treasuver. road was washing out her drivway, a discussion regarding whether to instal | a culvert or not was decided at the' suggestion of the Road Commissioner | to lay an oil and chip patch to try to stop errosion. Mr. Wm. Armstrong requested a partial opening of his subdivision by installing a culvert and entrance to what will be a new road- way. Mr. and Mrs. Downes of Nestle- | ton requested assistance re: finding satisfactory place to stay together the coming winter. Clerk to assist. | The Road Commissioner then pre- sented bills for this month which tot +) Mr. Wm. Forder | almost $21,000; but include th cheque to J. D. Adams Co. for $19,200 which is the subsidized-amount of the cost of the new grader. The reason for this amount now is so that the gov-! ernment subsidy for the same should , be received this year. A motion by M. VanCamp and Bert. Gibson that Council petition the Dept. of High- ways for the grant on this year's Road expeniture to date. Carried, General Accounts and the Roads Voucher total of $22,598 was passed on motion of B. Gibson and M. Van- Camp. | Council then adjourned to their cars for Road Inspection. The time was 12.05 a.m., the place was west end of the 6th Concession line at Lot 8--Mr. Vine's drive-in, The Council expressed surprise that the approach was so good, being about 30 ft. wide at the property line. Othe than a shallow rut on the inside from the natural displacement of fine erush.! ed rock when turning, the approach seemed botter than the average run of farm lances. The shoulders had been bulldozed to allow turning of the Township equipment and the Road Commissioner assured the Council that he would,have no trouble turning either the grader or the snow plow at this spot, Also that he could make 'the turn into the lane at road gear speed without any danger of going over any corner. The mnjority of Council seemed to agree that there was noi Justification for complaint at this point so asked the Road Superintend- ant to grade this point when the roads are not so dry and dusty, and at the same time that the road itself needed grading, ' The next regular meeting will he at 8 p.m. on October 6th and the Annual! Court of Revision will be held from 7.80 p.m. till 8.00 p.m, V. MALCOLM, Clerk. | them on their achievements and the Hampton Man Shows Champion Tragedy marred the wedding of Miss Joan Calberry, who graduated from the Peterboro Civic Hospital on September 2nd. . Joan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Calberry, Port, Recent Graduate at Peferboro Hospital Perry and attended High Schoel in Port Perry before entering for nur- ses training in Peterboro. Port Perry Black & White Show Flett Premier Breeder of Holsteins At Ontario Black & White Show Dunrobin and Elmeroft I'remier Exhibitor In spite of the hot humid weather a large ringside was on hand to watch the placing of the ribbons at the On- tario County Black and White Show held September 7 at Port Perry Fair. Judge Orton Eby commented on the excellent quality of the show, particu- larly the bull classes, where the entries were above par for a County Show. 131 animals were brought out hy 25 exhibitors. This is the first year that T. Robert lett, of Oshawa, has won the Premier Breeder award. The entries of Dun- robin and Elmeroft Farms Limited, vearling bull; and I. Roy Ormiston the top junior bull calf. Lloyd Prouse of Brooklin, had the winning four- vear-old cow in milk, and Orvan Chambers, Wilfrid, the first prize Sr. Heifer Calf. Dunrobin and Elmeroft Farms showed the winning senior get- of-sive on get of Elmeroft Septer, and Jalso showed the top junior get-or-sire on get of Rosafe Freceptor. New exhibitors were Bruce Ander- son, Beaverton; Kerr Brothers, Whit- by: and Gordon Ward, Uxbridge. Win $100.00 Awards Ross Bailey, Uxbridge, R. 4, amd Bob Brown, Brechin, were two of ten boys to win a $100.00 award for cat- ching a calf at the Calf Seramble sponsored by the Ontario Aberdeen Angus Association at the C.N.E. on Wednesday, September Oth, 1959. The $100.00 is to be used towards Beaverton, took the Premier Exhibitor honours. tunner-up for both awards AtL.N.E. One of the largest entries in the history of the Agricultural Show at the Canadian National Exhibition this year brought nearly 10,000 poultry and livestock from Canada and the United States to the annual event. In the judging of Cheviot Sheep one of the top winners was: Section 4--Ram, Best any Age. Ayre 24M--Boyd Ayre, Hampton, Ont. Section 8--Ewe, Best Any Age. Ayre 42N--Boyd Ayre, Hampton, Ont. Also among the prize winners of competitions at the C.N.E. was the following: Baking and Cooking Department-- Mrs. Irene Moore, R.R. 2, Port Perry won two prizes. Congratulations Word has just been received from the President of the Oshawa Branch of Ontario Registered Music Teach- ers that Marie Taylor obtained the highest Mark in A.R.C.T. Piano [0x- am at the recent June Exam. Marie will play at the Prize win- ning recital and receive her medal in Oshawa in October. She is a pupil of Mrs. J. E. Jackson, R.M.T. Llovd Wilson C.N.E. Performer Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, R. 2, was interviewed by Mr, Duncan Renaldo, better known as the Cisco Kid, in front of the C.N.E. Grandstand during the afternoon performance on Thursday, September 10th, 1959, Lloyd was representing Ontario 4- H Club members on the afternoon grandstand show. Also appearing at the same time was Miss Ann Spaull, Warren, Ontario, who is the 1959 Ontario Dairy Queen chosen in the finals of the C.N.E. -competition on Wednesday, September 9th. Mr. Renaldo presented both Miss Spaull and Lloyd with a geographic globe of the world and congratulated fine work they were doing. wits Orvvan Chambers-of Wilfrid. The Senior and Grand Champion IFlettdale Anchom who stood first in the class for bull three years old and over. Anchor, who is classified "Excellent", the highest rating attainable for body conforma- tion, was shown jointly by Wm. Stone Blackwater, and T. Robert Ilett. He is a well balanced, strong topped bull The Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion- ship went to the joint entry of Dun- robin and Elmeroft Farms and Ilast- bull was Supreme i moving on good legs. * burn, R. 1. and an the purchase of a purebred Aberdeen Angus heifer to encourage the hoy winning the award to start his own herd. The ealf is to be shown at the CNLE. in 1960 in a special class for Calf Scramble award winners. Others entering the Calf Scramble from Ontario County were Donald Lindo, Locust Hill, R. 1, Doug Scott, Oshawa, R. 2 and Donald Wilson, Ash- Fach of these boys re- ceived a leather overnight handbag Aberdeen Angus T-shirt as consolation prizes. -- crn Ontario Cattle Breeding Associa ALJ Memtors at tion, Kemptville, Mathewsfield Dew. | drop Design. The first prize two-year | old Design is a massive bull for his | age, and typed in well with the | Champion. l I. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, showed both the Junio Champion and Reserve Junior Champion bulls, placing first and second in the class for senior hull calves. | and character. Roybroak Senator wa. | made Junior Champion, being very well balanced and with a lot f Jair | ness. The reserve award went to Roy- brook Constellation, Judge Eby selected as his 6,011 female are four-year-old Balsam Brae Pluto Sovereign, shown Roy Ormiston, Champion Although showing dry, she was most impressive, being very sharp, with a good deal of dairy' character. The Reserve Grand Cham- pionship went to the winning three- year-old in milk, Elmeroft Inka Dewdrop Carrie, shown by Dunrobin and Elmeroft Farms. Carrie later, topped the best udder class. Ormiston's first prize senior year ling, Roybrook Model lady, took the Junior Championship. She is a daugh- ter of the Grand Champion cow. Bal sam Brae Pluto Sovereign, and com- bined with the first prize two-year-old in milk to win the progeny of dam! Ormiston. Lady is a big, strong, well developed heifer, The Dunrobin and Elmeroft entry in #fo same class took the Reserve Junior Championship. She is Elmeroft Inka Noblewoman DeKol. i Dunrobin and Elmeroft took six 1st prizes, as did F. Roy Ormiston. T. Robert Flett showed three winners. Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, showed the winning senior yearling bull; Harold Page, Uxbridge, the first prize junior ' class for C.N.E A number of Junior Farmer and {-H Club members from Ontario County, attended the Junior Day at the Canadian National Exhibition on Wednesday, September 9th, and took part in th various sections of the Both bulls had a lot of style judging competition, This was a very splendid day for the Juniors with some 180 boys and girls from all over the Province of Ontario competing. There were classes of beef and dairy cattle, sheep, swine, grain. roots, fruit and veget- ables to judge and also a tractor dri- ving competition, The boys and girls participating were entertained after the competi- y tion at a complimentary dinner and were also given complimentary tickets to the grandstand for the night por- formance. The winners from Ontario County M . and their placings in the various sec- tions are as follows: = Beef Cattle 4-H Section-- 16th--Donald Lindo, Locust Hill, R.R. 1 Sheep 4-H Section-- 11th --Kenneth May, Goodwood. Tractor Safe Driving-- 1st--Bill Batty, Brooklin, R. 1 3rd--Fred Mulock, Woodville, R. 2 Farm Safety Quiz-- | 6th (Tie)~Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge Grain & Roots, Senior Section-- . 1st--Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, RZ 2 Grain & Roots, 4-H Section-- 3 8th--Doug Scott, Oshawa, R. 2 20th-~Keith Page, Uxbridge, R. 2 Fruit & Vegetable--Senior Section 2nd--Frank Barkey, Claremont, 3. - a o " # re Wap Pr a th EA a » » Sd ha a 2 5 a Ng a ma a -- i ag ang 2 2 Sed Pls JT NR rn i Bo pl & "py i ~, f ¥ » a = y SR 1 TE FRY Re Y ou

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