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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Mar 1960, p. 4

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a = 4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 8rd, 1060 THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev, BE. W. Fuller, B.A, L.Th, Rector Sunday, March 6th-- 11.30 a.m.--Holy Communion Wednesday, March 9th-- 8.00 p.m.--Holy Communion Coming Events March Frolic of the Happy Doubles Club, in the Port Perry Public School, Saturday, March 6th. Music by Robert Cawker's Orchestra. Lunch, Admission $2.60 per couple. mard ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Interim Moderator Mr. Wm. Perry, Minister. Sunday, March 6th-- 10 a.m.~--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--Sunday School Rummage Sale Due to the storm the Rummage Sales announced for last Saturday will now be held on Sat, March 6th at 2.80 p.m, in the Masonic Hall, Queen St. Everyone welcome. Under aus- pices of O.E.S. March 8 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, March 6th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.~Morning Worship and Junior Sunday School. Bob Archer Motors Have added another phone for the convenience of their customers, For excellent service phone either YU 6- 2462 or YU 65-7924. Dealers in Pon- tiac, Buick, G.M.C. Trucks and Fri- gidaire Appliances. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister--Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D. Sunday, March 6th-- 10.16 a.m.--Scugog Church 11.16 a.m.--Scugog "Head" 8. 8. 11.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 1.16 p.m.--Prospect Church Come and find a shelter from the storms of life. EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH PORT PERRY Sunday, March 6th-- GRADUATION SUNDAY 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m.--Evening Service Rev. W. H. Crawford YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Jessie's Beauty Salon Will be closed for the Hairdressers Convention on March 14, 16 & 16. Please make your appointments early. March 10 1.0.D.E. Pay Your Fee Tea. The Regular meeting of Scugog Chapter 1.0.D.E. will be at 2.30 p.m. on March 7th, in the Community Rooms at the Library. Candy Sale The Girl 1.33 and Brownies An- nual Candy Sale will be held Saturday morning, March 6. The girls will be calling on you so give them a royal welcome. Birth FADLEY--Jim and Jean are happy to announce the birth of their daugh- ter, Julie Marie, on Saturday, Feb. 20th, 1960; a baby sister for Gayle and Kevin, Birth BRIGNALL--Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Brignall announce the birth of their daughter, Julie Lynn at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry on Wednesday, February 24th, 1960. Card of Thanks I would like to take this way to * * thank everybody for their kindness in sending cards and fruit to me in the Port Perry Hospital; also to Dr. Kandel, the nurses and Charlie Brig- nal. Thanks to Mra. A. Allen for all she did. D. Staples. Card of Thanks I wish to thank all the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry for their kind- ness to me while in hospital. I also wish to thank Drs. Kandel and Grant, all my relatives and friends for cards, letters, gifts and inquiries about me while in hospital. Thanks again. Mrs, Hazel O'Neill. In Memoriam VINE -- In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Ralph Kenneth, who passed away March 8, 1963. Softly the leaves of memory fall, Gently we gather and treasure them all; Memories of him are with us yet, Though years go by we never forget. Sadly missed and ever remembered Mother, Dad, Wilfred, Helen, Charles, Trudie. Custom Slaughtering CAWKER BROS Meat Prepared for Lockers St. Patrick Tea and Home Bake Sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 10th in the basement of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry. March 10 PORT PERRY STAR RATES * * Cards of Thanks, Coming Event Notices, Announcements--1st 40 words or less 50c., additional words @ 8c. each, In Memoriams, minimum charge including 4 line verse, 60c. For each line of verse over 4 lines, additional charge of 16c, per line. In Memoriam VINE -- In loving memory of our dear brother, Ralph Kenneth, who passed away March 38, 1953, in his 14th year. Like falling leaves the years pass by, But memories of you, Ralph, will never die. Dear brother you are in our hearts to stay, Loved and remembered each long, lonely day. Forever there will be that sad, vacant place, Dear Ralph, your love, your dear smiling face Lost in this life so young and so fair, Our hope is we'll meet you Some day up there. Still loved, still missed, sister Eleanor, Reg., Gordon and Thelma Middleton. ASEA = OEPEND ON US lL / 8 \ Fora More BEAY Mou' A Jessie's Beauty ~~ Salon YUkon 56-7991, Port Perry In Memoriam SPENCER -- In loving memory of our dear Brother, Stanley Arthur Spencer who passed away March 4, 1069. We little knew when we woke that morn The sorrow the day would bring, The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. Sometimes its hard to understand Why some things have to be. In His wisdom God has planned Beyond our power to see. Ever remembered by brother Richard and sister Flossie, Anglican Notes by Mary Becker A series of sermons on the theme "Foundation Beliefs" and midweek series of services built around the new Canadian Prayer Book will be the high lights of our observance of the Lenten season, The five special Sunday sermons (based on the creed) will begin this week with "God the Father" and con- tinue until April 8rd. The remaining topics are: "Jesus Christ Our Lord", "The Holy Spirit", "Forgiveness of Sins" and "The Holy Catholic Church". The second sermon in the series will be preached by Rev. C. D. Cross of Oshawa. The midweek service, to be held on Wednesdays, commenced yestsrday, Ash Wednesday, with a 10 a.m. Com- munion service including a tape-re- corded talk by Most Rev. H. C. Clarke, Primate of All Canada, on "The Prayer Book and Its Revision." Tape- recorded talks will be the basis of all the Lenten midweek services, Next Wednesday, March 9th, the talk will be by Archbishop Carrington on "The Prayer Book and Christian Year." This will be an 8 p.m. service. On March 16th at 10 a.m. the topic will be "The Holy Communion and you" by H. C. Clarke, and on March 23rd at 8 p.m, a tape recording of Father Palmer speaking on "Prayer Book and You" will be heard. "The Ministry to the sick" discussed by Very Rev. Dean Riley of Toronto will be the topic of the service on March 30th at 10 a.m. It is hoped to hold a service of Holy Communion acccording to the form in the new Prayer Book on April 6th at 8 p.m, followed by a film on the history of the Prayer Book. The Evening Guild met on Monday last at the home of Mrs. Knight. The president opened the meeting with prayer, after which the minutes were read and the report of the treasurer given. Members discussed the send- ing of cards to several who have been fll recently. Mrs. Morrow then led the discussion from the study book "The Way in Africa" on the topic "Agricultural Missions". The meet- ing closed with prayer and refresh- ments were served by Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Becker. Mrs. Rennie offered her home for the March 14th meeting and Mrs. Dowson undertook to con- tinue the missionary study. Our service this Sunday morning will take the form of an explained Communion. The members of Mrs. Kenny's and Mrs. Becker's classes, who are taking the pre-Confirmation course will be expected to remain in church throughout this service when the various parts of the Communion service will be explained to them, as they take place. To-morrow, March 4th, is Women's World Day of Prayer, and a service to mark this event is being held in the Pentacostal Church at 8 p.m., with a returned African missionary as speak- er. This year it is planned to hold also a Girls' Day of Prayer Service, on that same afternoon at 4.30, also at the Pentacostal Church. Mrs, W. Perry, wife of the Presbyterian stu- Phone YUkon 65-2572 PORT PERRY ONTARIO dent minister here, will be speaker. Our girls of the G.A, have been in- vited to attend, as have the C.G.LT.,, Young Peoples' and Girl Guide mem- bers. The service, however, is for all young girls, not just those formally associated with any church group. The theme for both these services is "La- bourers Together with Him", Confirmation classes begin today for young people, in our church hall at 4.16 p.m. Adult classes start tomor- row night at 8 p.m. in the Restory. The afternoon Guild met on Tuesday, March 1st. Details will be reported next week. The W.A. will meet on Tuesday, March 8th dnd it is expected that there will be a Sunday School Teachers' meeting on Thursday, Mar. 10th. Our new Board of Management will meet for the first time next week, on Tuesday, March 8th. at 8 pm. An- other upcoming event to remember is the Young People's service on Sunday, March 13th at Scugog Grace United church at 8 p.m. with Dr. M, B, Dy- mond as guest speaker on "World Refugee Year". Oiir hopes for a speedy recovery to to Mrs. Dagenais who recently had to return to hospital. Federation of Agriculture At the Directors Meeting, which was held Tuesday evening, February 23rd, at the Lakeview Restaurant, at Beaverton, the Ontario County Feder- ation of Agriculture read and en- dorsed a resolution forwarded to them by the Kent County Federation of Agriculture. This resolution was re- garding the standardization of Day- light Saving Time in Ontario. Mr. Lawrence Doble of Uxbridge, reported to the Directors, on the Farm Safety Convention, that he attended, which was held in Guelph the early ;| part of February. The slogan of the Convention was "Live in Safety in 60" Mrs. Les "Meyers, Goodwood, and Mr. Wallace McClean, Udney, gave a brief outline of the Leadership Train- ing Forum, which was held at the Guild Inn, Scarborough, from Feb. 14 to 20. This forum was set up to dis- cuss the needs and problems of rural life and to promote the best in com- munity life, and to learn and practice | basic principles and procedures to en- able delegates to work more effec- tively in their local organizations. A committee was appointed to draft a constitution for use by the County Federation. Other Committees appointed were as follows: Education--L. Doble, Mrs. J. Hamer, Mrs. Ross Shier, Women's Representatives -- Mis. Ross Shier, Mrs. R. Stiver, Publicity--Mrs. L. Meyers. Poultry--Wallace McClean, Jr., Bob Meek, L. Doble. Insurance -- A. Gerrow, Mrs. J. Hamer, W. McClean, G. Ward. Land Acquisition -- AHen Crosier, Bill Nesbitt, G. Windatt, C. Werry, T H. Harrison, G. Todd. Beef--G. Hunter, Clarence Hewitt, E. Windatt. Finance--A. Gerrow, L. Doble, M Colville, L. Tindall. The date of the Board School in Meeting procedure will be announced in the very near future. [#Brsase BEEF GAINS dda 107% fo 22%! COBALT 5 BULLETS _ COBALT ay * For Cattle | Jc ot and § Son Getarenct Courente RE evr? One Dose Gives Each Animal A Year's Supply of Cobalt! In many areas up to 9 out of 10 cattle are cobalt deficient. Even apparently "healthy" fords suffer from "Hidden Hunger", the unthriftiness caused by the &! ightest lack of cobalt. But now, one dose with Cobalt Bullets provides all the cobalt your beef animals need for a full year: Field trials show that even in areas where beef fattening has never been a problem, 'PeErMaco' Cobalt Bullets can increase beef gains a minimum of 10% to 22%! Get 'PERMACO' 'COBALT BULLETS For Beef and Dairy Cattle,.. TODAY! MASTER FEEDS PORT PERRY PHONE: YUkon 5-2181 Men's Thursday Night Bowling February 25th, 1960-- Standings-- Black Jacks cuisine Blow Kings Whiz Bangs ... Carnegie Juniors ., Meteors ... Leglonaires ......ououein, 12 High Triple--Al Cawker--722 High Single--Al Cawker--269 Triples 600 and over-- Al Cawker--1722; C. Williams--1707; W. Cornish--707; Gord Mark--678; B. Williams--660; Wes. St, John-- 666; W. Owen--g45; B. Miller--644; Gord Goode--633; J. Franssen--621; C. A. Glass--617; Don Carnegie-- 616; D. Milne--607; D. Butt--607. Singles 240 and over-- Al Cawker--254, 269; W. Cornish-- 267; Gord Mark--264; C, A. Glass-- 262; D. Carnegie--256; Gord Goode-- 266, 264; Geo. Long--250; W. Owen-- 249; B. Williams--246; Wes, St. John --246; J. Ballard--245; C. Watts-- 243; J. Franssen--242; J. Dowson-- 242, Seagrave W.M.S. Twelve ladies attended the meet- ing held at the home of Mrs. Tait on Wed., Feb. 24, Mrs. Harding, con- ducting the devotional period, spoke on "The Great Commandment". She was assisted by Mrs, Dowson and Mrs, Sturman, [Routine business was conducted by the president. In the absence of Mrs, Fishley, our supply secretary, Mrs. Tait reported the work done during Jan. and Feb. as follows:--3 fancy quilts made and quilted for sale(quilts are made to order), 1 large quilt and 6 crib quilts for the Fred Victor Mis- sion. These have been delivered a- long with 60 lbs. of used clothing. She also reported 8 tops ready to be made up for the W.M.S, bale. Mrs, Eagleson has sent 7 boxes(28 lbs.) of Christmas cards to various places. More cards remain to be sent. "Thank you" letter were read from Fred Victor Mission for quilts and clothing and from the School for Re- tarded Children at Smiths Falls for cards. Arrangements were completed for World Day of Prayer Service to be held here on March 4. Ladies from Sonya, Zion and Pleasant Pt. have been invited to join with us at this meeting. Mrs. B, D, Armstrong of Port Perry will be guest SpeRkeY. Mrs. Bruce reviewed Chap. 5, "Old Patterns and New" from the Study Book "Africa Disturbed". A short informal - discussion followed about social conditions, segregation and the struggle for freedom in Africa. Next meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Dowson and Mrs. Keen. Amid Spring's S Magic "All Day Long" by Howard Spring. Maria Legassick, youngest daughter of the Vicar of St. Tudno, is the Nar- rator. The Story spans her lifetime from 1876 to the present, Maria's Childhood. was spent entire- ly at home. She learned to read from the tomestones in the Church-yard be- side their house. Her Mother had died when she was a year old, her two sisters and her brother left home, so Maria stayed on to look after her fa- ther, After his death and an interval as Companion to a Wealthy Vicountess Lavernock, and then to Lavernock's old mother, she looked after the mo- therless children of another branch of the family and in the end was able to come back to the part of Cornwall where she had been born and where her heart lay. TB LEE ile Her "life's occupation", as she said "was to be watching the joys and ser- rows of other people". il It is a long and leisurely and crowd- ed story. It is written as the remi- niscences of Maria's old age, and has an aura of melancholy, a sadness for a lost and better world, that gives poignancy even to the calm-and happy periods of her life. The title which is taken from a prayer of Cardinal Newman's "Oh Lord, Support us all the day long of this troublous life", ete., sets the tone. _ The Chief Characters are all- women --Maria herself, Louisa, Lady Jane, Augusta. They are the pivots on which the plot turns, But the real centre is Mr. Spring's Cornwall, es- pecially as it was at the tnrn of the Century, a Paradise on earth of eter- nal summer and blue sky and lush growth. Watch for lists of new books which have arrived at the library, and are being prepard for Circulation. SEE THE COLOSSAL ADVENTURES OF THE MIGHTIEST COLOSSUS WHo EVER LIVED! CeciL B. DEMILLE'S ~ MSON DELILAH His feats of strength 1s. his betrayal by the 4 daughter of Hell ...have been recorded in the great Book we all live by! CECILB.I ot SSO ELLA (LAVARR: M MATURE Re SANDERS, LANSBURY. WILEOKON TENCOLOR IFoo ML Fash « Prom ogiat howe TWO OF THE GREATEST PICTURES EVER MADE ONE COMBINED SHOW AT ROXY THEATRE, UXBRIDGE IN VICTOR MATURE Samson and Delilah and KIRK DOUGLAS in . Ulysses For Three Day Only ---- THURSDAY, to SATURDAY, MARCH 3-5 Due to the length of this show (814 hours) there will be only one show every night starting at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6.30 p.m. NOTE--In order to give every- one a chance to see these wond- erful and exciting pictures, mati- nees will be played every after- nodn at 2 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 3 to b. Admission at Matinee, Adults and Students, 76¢. Children under 12, 80c. Evening Performance: Adults and Students, $1 00 Children under 12, 40c. what we have read in the news on a _--,

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