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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Mar 1960, p. 8

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Ear) 2 IN SLEEPER IO - ren We | at FONTS " RA ae ry or ADRIAN TAIRA SRNL ARLEN ok 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 8rd, 1960 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult' EMM SRSON INSURANCE i Ukon 65-2421 PORT PERRY GILLSON, SLEEP & Me¢PHADEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen YUkon 65-2841 Port Perry Mar. 81/60 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of werk. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. APEX TV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 5-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 81/60 A.E. Johnsion OPTOMETRIST Office on Mary Street Hours 7 to 8 p.m. on Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri, Wednesdays 9 to 12 a.m. Phone YU 5-2383, Port Perry May 5/60 REAL ESTATE For a ETTER uy ETTER TRY ALLARD'S ROKER Margaret Ballard SUNDERLAND Phone 49 RES. 124 N Mar, 81 Gerald Fulion WELL DRILLING Reasonable Rates. Honest Workman- ship. Guaranteed Water if desired. Phone Oshawa RA 56-4067 Mar. 10 Easier Tours BOOK NOW FOR EASTER TOURS ) AND CRUISES Will accept bookings now to England and the Continent by air or steamship. F. G. CROSBY Travel agent, Uxbridge UL 2-3411 : Mar. 8 BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Saturdays at 9 a.m. to 12 noon also evenings. At residence, Caleb 8t., Port Perry Phone YUkon 8-2127 March 81/60 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Live Poultry. Goose Feathers, and Feather Ticks M. FLATT R.R. 1 Bethany, Ont. Phone 7-r-18. Reverse Charges Apr. 7/60 Robinson Motoxs (Oshawa) Limited DODGE, DESOTO VALIANT, SIMCA Sales and Service 574 RITSON RD. 8., OSHAWA ONT. Mar, 17 Ted Veenhof WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK 539 Albert St. Oshawa, RA 8-6974 May 19/60 Dead Farm Stock Prompt removal. Top prices paid for old, dead or disabled farm animals according to size and condition. Small animals removed free. Use our special telephone service. Ask for long distance ZEnith 82800, at no cost to you. We are as close as your telephone. Ed. Peconi & Son Argyle, Box 11, Ontario July 80/60 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for dead and erippled animals according to size and condition. For fastest service Phone Collect Hampton .COlfax 3-2721. MARGWILL FUR FARM Dead Stock Highest prices paid for dead & disabled horses, cattle & hogs. Small animals. removed free. RAY VIVIAN Ltd., Locust Hil} Phone Markham 1160J collect or UL 2-3891, Uxbridge 24 hour - 7 day 'service: WE CAN PAY MORE We guarantee no:animal collected by our company will be resold. for human consumption. July 80/60 SEPTIC TANKS ER ol Have your tank checked now before gid 24 hour services. port Por ARTO Jan. 14/61 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1960. Important extensive auction sale of 80 head high grade Holsteins, blood tested and vaccinated, 2 Massey Fer- guson 10' self propelled combines, near new, late models No. 44 MH, DC4 Case, 8N Ford tractors, No. 68 New Holland baler, new, 38 Ford truck, NSV motorcycle, along with latest, popular and modern makes of tractor farm machinery, such as, plows, cultivators, spreaders, fertiliz- er drills, elevators, grain augers, mow- numerous barn and farm equipment, ete.,, Yorkshire brood sows, feeder hogs, Dorset ewes with lambs, baled hay, straw, Garry oats, silage, house- hold furniture and effects, etc. pro- perty of Albert Burns, Lot 18, Con- cession 6, North Gwillimbury Twp. Sale at 12.00 noon sharp. No reserve, Farm sold. Terms cash, with excep- tions of larger machines such as com- bines, - See sale bills for full parti- culars, James Smith & D. Goulding, clerks. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, Markham, Ont. Mar.17 / For the FINEST BUILDING SUPPLIES at a FAIR PRICE r ! 87 this sign of quality Phone--YU 6.2401 JOHN BALLARD LUMBER and BUILDERS' ' "SUPPLIES . pallidum i -- [15th. YU 65-2195, ers, special attachments, etc.,, also] SAIS § Ra SAR EE USE THE Rate--3¢ per word. A, Kz CLASSIFIED FOR Quick RESqLys YU sa Minimum charge 50¢. -- to local advertisers atoms oo ws 1 1 ut iam APPOINTMENT] have been ap- pointed a local Fashion Counsellor for North American Fashion Frocks. If interested call Mrs. Beth Sonley, YU 65-2676. $300. MONTHLY GUARANTEE. Part or Full Time Delivery Contract. $1600. cash deposit required. Must have car or light truck and be sober and honest. Write Box 8, Port Perry Star. Mar. § FOR RENT---Bachelor apartment, furnished. Opposite High School. Separate entrance, Possession March Mar.3 APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Four rooms with bath, Completely redec- orated, hardwood floors, steam heat, separate laundry room. Available March 1st. Phone YU 56-7861, Beare Motors. TF WANTED TO RENT--S3 or 4 room house with option of buying. Wm. Baker 2803 Dufferin St., Toronto. [VON March 3 FOR RENT -- Attractive self-con- tained apartment with Living Room, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath- room. Also apartment with one bed- room. YU b5-2478. TF Lakeview Manor Oldsters! A home away from home. Lounge TV. Private and semi-pri- vate rooms, Full Particulars phone YU 65-7967. Mar, 8 FOR SALE--Look, In the Village of Port Perry we have a 7 roomed house with lovely modern kitchen, bath, furnace, garage (attached), close to shopping centre and church. Priced for guick sale as owner would like to move away. Call Reg. Johnson, Sunderland, 189-r-4 (evenings). Rep. Harvey Keith, Realtor, March 8 BE A SUCCESS Earn $2 or more per hour by be- coming the Avon Representative in your neighbourhood. Full or part time. Write immediately Miss E. Outerhridge, 8680 Yonge St., Toronto 12 Ont. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC "WORKS, OTTAWA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and endorsed "TEN- DERS' FOR DREDGING, OSHAWA, ONTARIO" will be recefved until 3.00 p.m.(E.S.T.) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1960. - Combined specification and form of tender can be seen and obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer (H, & R.), Ottawa, Ont., also at the office of the District Engineer, 225 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Ontario. To be considered each tender must-- (a) be accompanied by one of the alternative securities called for in the tender documents, (b) be made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the work. The dredges and other floating plant which are intended to be em- ployed on this work, to be eligible ust-- oe be of Canadian or United King- dom registry, and (b) be of Canadian or United King- dom make or manufacture and, in the case of U.K. equipment, have been in Canada at least) one year tender ca. oe lowest Ler "any tender not MT sarily acce; y Pie ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. "am Notice fo Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN THOMAS QUINN, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of John Thomas Quinn, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 13th day of Feb- ruary, A.D., 1960, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 81st day of March, 1960, full particulars of their claims, Imme- 'diately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, haying regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. 'DATED 'at Port Perry, Ontario, this 28rd day of February, 1960. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, &e. Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario, Mar. 10 Solicitors for the above estate. Mar3 | rior to the date of the' LOST--Beagle Hound from Prince Albert. Black, white and tan with initial F clipped in hair. Phone Fred Olsen YU 56-2260. WANTED -- Room and Board in Port Perry for young I, Box 6, Port Perry Star. WANTED--We wish to obtain one or more copies of the following books, "On the Shores of Scugog" by S. Farmer, "Scugog and Its Environs" by F. G. Weir, "Ontario County Atlas" published by Beers Co. in 1877, Books must be in good condition. Apply Box 4, Port Perry Star. Mar.10 WANTED--Quiet abstaining bache- lor would like small apartment or large housekeeping room by May 1st. Give particulars J. McEvoy Apt. 2, 70 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NORMAN GARFIELD KERRY, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of Norman Garfield Kerry, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 12th day of February, A.D., 1960, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before the bth day of April, 1960, full particulars of their claims. Imme- diately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 23rd day of Februay, 1960. GREER AND KELLY, Mar.17 Box 181, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the aboje estate. COUNTY OF OSHAWA SUBURBAN TENDER FOR ANNUAL Tenders ,will be received by the March 18, 4960 for the supply of the (a) SERVICES 1. VY; 2. Surface Treating For the supply and application A certified cheque for $1000.00 For the supply and application (a) Bituminous Prime by County. (b) MATERIALS the County, 1, 2. tations for 'both 8 and 9 strand . Salt and Calcium Chloride. .~ Chemicals for weed and brush c¢ Snow fence--approx. 20,000 ft. (c) EQUIPMENT RENTAL =~ y ~ Mar. 10 _ _ \ J COURTESY PHONE TO-DAY Barristers, &c.| NOW IS THE TIME TO no THAT INSIDE "REPAIR JOB mi ESTIMATE "FOR RENT--2-bedroom apartment, newly decorated. Separate entrance. YU 65-7828. : FOR SALE--Well Bred Polled Here- ford Bulls, coming two and one year. Will sell either one. Call Brooklin, OLiver 5-4741. FOR A BETTER BUY! J : BETTER TRY! "Brock Motor Sales Phone 78, Sunderland, Ontario A General Motors -- Chevrolet « Oldsmobile Dealer 1957 Oldsmobile Super 88 sedan, hy- , dramatic transmission, power steer- ing, power brakes, G.M. custom = radio, : 1957 Dodge Mayfair sedan, automatic transmission, radio, power steer- ing, power brakes. 19556 Oldsmobile hardtop, hydramatic transmission, radio, top condition. 1956 Ford tudor, very clean 1954 Chevrolet deluxe sedan 1964 Meteor Niagara 4-door sedan, very clean 1952 Pontiac sedan 1951 Ford sedan 1950 Monarch sedan 1950 Pontiac sedan 1968 Chevrolet 1-ton pick-up, low mileage. Top condition! New cars and trucks in stock for im- mediate delivery: Chariots, Cor- vairs, Envoys, FOR A BETTER BUY! "BETTER TRY! BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 78, Sunderland, Ontarie aS i a a a SE ONTARIO and ROAD COMMISSION SUPPLIES & SERVICES undersigned until 4.30 p.m., Friday, following services and materials, shing, stockpiling and/or delivering gravel and sand. Crush, stockpile and/or haul approximately 50,000 cu. yds. of gravel and sand from various pits throughout County. payable to the Treasurer, County of Ontario must accompany tender, of all materials and plant necessary for the surface treatment of approximately 18 miles. 3. Supply & Application of Bituminous Materials of (b) Bituminous materials for road mix pavement For items 1 to 8 tenders must be submitted on forms to be supplied Prices quoted for materials are to incjJude delivery to any woth within . Bituminous Emulsions and patching materials. Fencing materials--approximately 8000 rods of wire fencing. Quo- wire and steel posts. ontrol. Zone Marking paint--approximately 1000 gals. Paints for bridges, guide rail, ete. . Miscellaneous--corrugated metal culverts, signs, cedar posts. County Tender Forms to be used for items 2 and & For the rental of earthmoving equipment, fueled, serviced and oper- ated. Tenderer may use own stationery but for each unit shall show capacity and horsepower and hourly, weekly and monthly rental rates. Any qualification as to availability shall be outlined in tender. Further information and tender forms may be secured from the office of the undersigned. leven or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. E, SIMS, P. Engineer, Engineer, County of Ontario, County Buildings, Whitby, Ontario. SERVICE \ YUkon Seya0] LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER €0. LTD. -- The Red Cross is on the Job And you are there too--through your financial support. It is your help that keeps the Red Cross on the jobs= active and strong to carry on its many humanitarian endeavours, With your help in 1960 the Canadian Red Cross will continue to serve this community, this province and this nation. When help is needed in distant lands you know the Red Cross will be on the job! Money alone cannot buy the many services and programmes provided by the Red Cross. Combine it with the voluntary effort of millions of Canadians, and the Red Cross will be able to meet its round-the-clock demands. You can do your share by giving a generous. donation when a volunteer Red Cross canvasser calls on you. If you are not at home when the canvasser calls, please send your contribution to the address below. Serve again by giving to the RED CROSS Mrs. M.B. Dymond, Port Perry, Ont. IMPORTANT EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE FARM MACHINERY Full Line of ORCHARD EQUIPMENT, Usual} to a Large Orchard; © Farm Teoetons, Sprayers, Tools, Office Furniture, Etc. THE PROPERTY OF GEORGE C. TYRRELL t 6, Concession 3, Scarboro Township, on Finch Ave. E.. Known as Maplewood Orchards Agincourt Ltd. Wednesday, March 16th 16,000 orchard boxes, 1% bus. 4 Oil barrel p ! Bean 85 sprayer, complete 1000 ft. 1 neh hose Friend 85 sprayer, eomplete 8 Essotane heaters D2 satornilias tractor and 8 Electric heaters, large 220 V hydraulic blade Thermiostatls control for cooling T22 caterpillar tractor. fans in International 'tractor O.S. 4 Portable ty Tractor saw for above, Portab! le oposite 4 24" blades Set Set Nattern Tractor mower for above PTO ine motor 1 : Firs balance ar 1 ip 'tia. Power lawn mower, 24* cut - Set Bissell discs, tandem Ford 8 ton truck, 1947, excellent condition Forks, shovels, ete. ete, Dodge 2 ton truck, 1938, 1 Vise, 1 pipe vise ! excellent condition 'Tools, heavy duty wrenches, ¢ Fargo 2 ton jrock, old, saw and table 12" working. o Mower Made giltider* Ford 2 ton SR . old working order Set pipe tt threaders % to 1%" Ford % ton panel, 1955, good Set pipe cutters to 2" International pickup truck 1961, Apple Picking equipment includ % ton, real go bus, facers and tubs, -Road grader 2 3% bus, facers tube, , Btiff tooth cultivator 2 barrel Bee 1 1 box press, 8 Furrow plough 1 box "2 B00 gal, Deter tanks A Ls containdts, 8 a qt. Daskits, 8 4 wheel trailers , ete,, Manure spreader Fire extinguishers : Cement mixer, hand or power 2 2 Jame. tarps: Shout 16' x 8' Brush or weed bea beater, 2/pe Quahee Quebec heats tractor power take-off | Garden tractor with blade, . Letter paki plough and eultivator Jebis Weiints tebe Tawi foller : Garden power sprayer als 2 for clay pigeons 3 80 gal. tank and engine 5 steel wh celbarrows Electric pd for apple joi storage, complete, peal good Pressure greaser for alemite 2 Canvas pac! tables vein drum type Air compressor, % HP motor 1 axes, Apple grader, Sloaris motor oline engine 2 es dual 'tack shang Ak. 4 in Lrucks for apple storage § Basket Tg stands fen A oy Too. cedar ladders on. Hr bob sleighs Ao: 60 picking baskets Approx. 250 gedar | fence posts @ Orchard § pruners and saws Quantity cord wood 12 Steel 7 Coleman lan 2 Electric motors % and % HP Cold storage Centrifugal pump, 2 HP motor Washin, 96 ft. gravity conveyor track, Kelvina 2 curves, 14 stands Pictures and p nes Office safe % Many, many hor Sale at 12 O'Clock Noon: Terms Cosh~Nolioterve Farm Sold: As this is an extra large sale, it will start Sharp on Time JAMES SMITH, Clerk "KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers: Markham, Phone 84 Milliken, Phone AX, 8.5987 Si

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