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Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Mar 1960, p. 4

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a hn an rr Sai Tvs, --~ SER Ee a mi er np oo See oa er - nes: 1 TATED Hi ERA SRS es En dai ~~ py hy 5 eo old . 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 10th, 1960 THE CHURCHES CHURCII OF THE ASCENSION Rev, E. W. Fuller, RA. L.Th, Rector _ Sunday, March 13th-- 11.80 a.m.--Morning Prayer, Speaker, Rev. C. D. Cross Wednesday, March 16th-- 10 a.m~--Holy Communion, 8ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Interim Moderator Mr. Wm. Perry, Minister. Sunday, March 13th-- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--8unday School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, March 18th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.~--Morning Worship and Junior Sunday School. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D. Sunday, March 13th-- 10.16 a.m.--Scugog Church 11.16 a.m.--8cugog "Head" S. S. 11.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 1.16 p.m.--Prospect Church 8.00 p.m.--Scugog Church. Hon. Dr. M, B. Dymnnd will be the guest speaker, Though religion is free, yet you have to come to receive it. Let us all be at Church on Sunday and have our hope renewed, and receive new cour- age to face life. EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH PORT PERRY Sunday, March 13th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m.--Evening Service Rev. Ww. H. Crawford YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Special Church . Service HEAR the Hon. Dr. M. B. Dymond speak concerning World Refugee Year at Grace United Church, Scugog, on Sunday, March 13th at 8 p.m. Spon- sored by the District Youth Council. Dr. Dymond's topic will explain what World Refugee Year means to us as Canadians and the contributions we can put forth. A short panel discus- sion on "Refugees" will follow Dr. Dymond's talk. For all your printing requirements See The Port Perry Star In Memoriam PALMER--In loving memory of a dear husband and father Thos. Palmer who passed away March 11, 1950. Those whom we love go out of sight But never out of mind. They are cherished ever in the hearts Of those they leave behind. Ever lovingly remembered by wife and family In Memoriam ROSS--1In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Ella Ross, who passed away March 12th, 1067. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger, larger life Of that unclouded sphere. Ever remembered by husband, daughter, sons and daughters- in-law, grandchildren. PAKFOLD CONTINUOUS BUSI- NESS FORMS now available through The Port Perry Star Custom Slaughtering CAWKER BROS Meat Prepared vt fo r ckers Coming Events Lions Spring Ball Saturday, April 28, The Port Perry Lions Club will hold their Annual Spring Ball in the Port Perry Public School. Music will be supplied by Cy McLean and his coloured band. St Patrick Euchre The C.W.L. are holding a St. Pat- rick's Euchre in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church at 8.30 p.m. on March 17th, Admission 60c. Special prizes. Scout Mothers Party The Scout Mothers will meet at the Post Office at 6 o'clock on March 17 for a ride. Anyone wishing to go please phone YU 6-2816 before Mon- day, March 14th. Jr. Farmers' Choir Ontario County Junior Farmers' Choir present "Cavalcade of Holidays" on Saturday, March 12 in Brooklin, Wednesday, March 16th in Uxbridge and Saturday, March 19 in Canning- ton at 8.156 p.m. Admission 756c. and 60c. Director Mrs. Elsie Dobson. Hot Turkey Supper Hot Turkey Supper in Blackstock United Church on March 16th, Set- tings at 4.30, 5.46 and 7.00 o'clock. Tickets available now from W, A. Members. Adults $1.50, children 76c. pre-school .25¢c. Euchre Euchre will be held in the Com- munity Hall, Utica at 8.30 p.m. on Saturday, March 12. Lunch and Prizes. Admission 60c, Boh Archer Motors Have added another phone for the convenience of their customers. For excellent service phone either YU 6- 2462 or YU 56-7924. Dealers in Pon- tiac, Buick, G.M.C. Trucks and Fri- gidaire Appliances. Jessie's Beauly Salon Will be closed for the Hairdressers Convention on March 14, 16 & 16. Please make your appointments early. March 10 St. Patrick Tea and Home Bake Sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 19th in the basement of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry. March 10 For RUBBER STAMPS See The Port Perry Star PORT PERRY STAR RATES * * Cards of Thanks, Coming Event Notices, Announcements--1st 40 words or less G60c., additional words @ 8c. each, In Memoriams, minimum charge including 4 line verse, 60c. For each line of verse over'4 lines, additional charge of 16c. per line. Jessie's Beauty Salon YUkon 65-7991, Port Perry (Fa VRRP A TOG Ran Tad SHAR ATV BR Sp EME AL Phoehe"s Beauty Salon Will be closed on Monday and Tues- day, March 14 and 16 because of the Hairdressing Convention, Card of Thanks We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neigh- bours for their many acts of kindness, cards of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings, Special thanks to the North Group of the Seagrave W.A, during our sudden bereavement in the loss of a loving wife and mother, Pearl Gordon, Arthur, Marion and Ken. Card of Thanks I would like to take this opportun- ity to thank everybody for their kind- ness in sending such lovely cards; also many thanks to the Rebekah Lodge, the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary, Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Kerry and Mrs. Raines for the lovely flow- ers and plants sent me during my stay in Port Perry Hospital. Again thanks. Gwen King. Card of Thanks I wish to extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Rennie, Dr. Sturgis, Dr. Kim- merly, all the nurses and staff who were 50 kind to me; also to my friends neighbours, relatives and the O.E.S. who sent flowers, gifts, letters and cards during my stay in the Port Perry Hospital. Many thanks to Rev. E. S. Linstead for his visits. Olive Ormiston. Death McGILL, Charles Bertram Ray-- Suddenly at Oshawa on Friday, Mar. 4th, 1960, Ray McGill, dearly loved husband of Myrtle Armstrong, dear brother of Mildred (Mrs. M. Mount- joy) of Hampton, in his 57th year. Service from Chapel of MeDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry, Ontario, on Monday at 1.30 p.m. Interment in Fenelon Falls Cemetery. i Death J! STEPHENS, Jane -- Passed peace- fully away on Saturday, March bth, 1960, in her 76th year. Beloved wife of George Stephens, dear mother of Wilfred of Brantford, William of Port Perry; also survived by six grand children. Funeral from McDermott- Panabaker Chapel on Tuesday, Mar. 8th at 2 o'clock. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. Rhapsody On Ice The ps Perry Figure Skating Club has announced that March 11th will be the night for their annual Carnival. John Ballard was chosen as Carnival Chairman at a recent exe- cutive meeting. This ice show will feature the fairy tale story of "Sleeping Beauty" and a musical dance review on ice for the past forty years. You will see skat- ers from Lindsay, Oshawa, Toronto and Port Perry. The star of the show will be Miss Janet Carnegie, a gold medalist, and a member of the Toronto Granite Skating Club of Toronto, We were very fortunate to have Miss Carnegie skate for us, since the olympic games have taken many skaters. Our show promises to be a very good entertaining affair for the whole family. Keep March 11th open for our show, THE ee 4 FSR -- R FUEL- [0 Sone De vian | LL ALWAYS GIVE YOU WARMTH THAT IS EXACT! RIGH L = N ZARA) pa rue! JAY) $hord. A. Prentice FARM TRADE AGENT Phone YUkon 5-2872 PORT PERRY ONTARIO | Former Port Perry ; - fal Yan Resident Passes N. Gordon Ingram, Sault bank man- ager for 87 years, died in Plummer Hospital at 8 o'clock Sunday morning at the age of 66, Manager of the west end branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce since 1922, Mr. Ingram retired in January of 1969. He had only recent. ly returned from a trip to Kansas and to Florida, and was in good health until two weeks ago, At that time he was taken to Plum- mer' Hospital with 'a kidney infection which evidently was the cause of his death, The late Mr. Ingram was born in Port Perry, Ontario in 1893. At the age of 16 he began his banking ex- perience in that town with the same bank he subsequently served for 60 years, } He moved to Brockville, then to Sudbury. In Sudbury he married the former Irene Scott. He served for a while as acting manager in Echo Bay during 1921, then came to the Sault the following year. Mr. Ingram is survived by his wife, three sons: Scott and Donald of the Sault, and Ken of Toronto, and one daughter, Mrs, Jean Waldorf of Man- hattan, Kansas. A brother William of Lefroy, Ont., and a sister Mrs, E. L. McLean (Laura) of Toronto survive. Percy, Mel and Edgar deceased. Mr. Ingram was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. N. Ingram, He was a member of the Curling Club and the Rotary, as well as hon- orary member of Marconi Hall and Sons of Italy. i ' Funeral services were held Tuesday at 3.156 p.m. from the Arthur Funeral Home. Interment was in Green- wood Cemetery. g Special TV Programme William Lyon Mackenzie King was .a man of contradictional and eccen- tricities. He was a hard, realistic politician who was interested in spiritualism. He enjoyed the company of women yet he never married. He hecame wealthy but throughout his life practised stern economies, Now, a decade after his death Close-Up has" prepared a television profile of this Canadian statesman-- a man who was misunderstood during his life and after. To interview the people who knew him former Ottawa correspondent Douglas Leiterman travelled 20,000 miles and shot 70,000 feet of film. Close-Up on Mackenzie King will be seen on the CBS-TV net work in two one-hour programme--at 9 p.m. EST, Thursday, March 10, and at 8:30 p.m. EST, Thursday, March 17. Oshawa Presbylery W.A. Meeting ; Feb. 29, 1960, Whitby United Church The executive of the Oshawa" Pres- bytéry Woman's Association met re- cently in the Whitby United Church to make plans for the Annual meeting to be held on April 28th in Port Perry. The president, Mrs. L, F. Ri- chardson, Whitby, welcomed all the members especially those new presi- dents of locals who had not attended an executive meeting before. ~~ Mrs. Richardson also extended a special welcome to Mrs. W. C. Ives, Bowman- ville, and Mrs. A. A. Crowle, Oshawa, the representatives of Dominion Council. In her opening remarks the president quoted from a poem by Madeline Bridges saying "give the world the best that you have and the best will come back to you". Mrs. Arthur Fielding and Mrs. George Leach, members of the Manchester W.A. conducted the devotional period with Mrs. Robert Richardson, Whitby accompanying the hymns at the piano. Mrs. W., Bowman, Enniskillen, read the highlights of the previous meet- ing from the minutes, and Mrs. Ross Dickinson Newsbatls 4 gave 3 surer's report, and the report Bursary fund. Mrs, Arthur Black, Oshawa, literature secretary, told of the new literature available. All committee chairmen were asked to preparé a two-minute report to be read at the annual meeting, Mrs. Clayton Lee was appointed to act as delégate to the Bay of Quinte Conference W.A. meeting to be held at Chalmers United Church in King- ston on May 2nd and 8rd. It was an- nounced that Dominion Council would meet May 16th to 20th in Toronto. At the completion of the business Mrs. Richardson asked for an inform. | al discussion on the question 'which' is more important to the progress of the W.A.--the W.A. as a. whole or! the individual groups? There was al great deal of talk on this subject and' many suggestions and ideas made by variouss members. After the benediction Mrs, Rich- ardson led the group in a '"get-ac-, "quainted" program, which was great- ly enjoyed. The members of the Whithy W.A. served afternoon tea. ! Two 'new members were welcomed, representing the new Federation for- med in St. Stephen's church. \ Obituary PEARL GORDON Pear] Beatrice (Johnston) Gordon, | Seagrave, Ont, passed away at Port Perry Hospital, Feb, 28 1960, after a brief illness. She was in her 61st year, Born in Mariposa Township, she was the daughter of the late Allie Luke and Benjamin Johnston. Mar- ried in the yeay 1930 to Arthur Gord- on of Seagrave, where they farmed until her death, Left to mourn her loss are her loving husband Arthur, one daughter, Marion (Mrs. Ken Short), two grand- sons, Gordon and Larry, one sister Myrtle (Mrs. Ray McDonald), five brothers, Silas, George, Ray, Morley and Garnet. Funeral Services were held from the Pinkham funeral Chapel, Sunder- land on March 2nd at 2 p.m. Rev. Simpson Black of Uxbridge, conducted the service. Interment was in Sun- derland cemetery. The pallbearers were her five bro- thers Gordon, Be SL ated Chevrolet Tru - cks be A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE - outwork, outlast 'em all Exhaustive testing proves major components last up to four times longer. Totally new cabs proven 87% more twist-resistant. _- New frames for many models up to 4.8 times more torsionally-rigid. switch to top-quality, economical 'blue coal'... guaranteed to give you more and better heat for your money! Let 'blue coal' be your guide to perfect home heating, 9 aoer 'blue ¢oal'roony REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Oftice at Scugog and Water Streets : PORT PERRY . YU 56-7961 Clean, Safe, Low Cost Heal These are typical 1960 figures. They, plus Chevrolet's revolutionary new features, mean more profit, through: longer life, less maintenance, easier working, outsized cargo space, extra economy. PHONE: YUkon 5-7851 Chevrolet Truck facts and Look into Chevrolet value today. You'll find that Chevrolet is really built to build ur trucking profits to a new high. You'll d dozens of extra convenience and geoht- making features such as thé way evrolet's big new full-width hood and "Jow fender crown make underhood com- ponents more accessible for faster, easier servicing. You'll find variable-rate rear springs that come in high capacities to accommodate big payloads, adjusting spring resistance automatically as you 1960 CHEVROLET STURDI-BILT TRUCKS See your authorized Chevrolet Truck Dealer today |. BEARE MOTORS LTD. NEW front suspension features radically- new independent torsion springs. Now Chevrolet's front wheels step right over bumps. Tough torsion springs soak up shocks. As much as 58% of objectionable road shock is absorbed before it reaches truck body, sheet metal, or driver. NEW box-section frames, provide new do-the-job brawn. Chevrolet's box. section, rail design frame is stronger than ever, Massive "K" or "X" brace cross-members incréase truck stamina by adding to torsional rigidity. able 6's, Every Chevrolet dealer Trucks' big new 6 FS ts a 2 NEW brakes provide max- imum safety in bringing a loaded truck to a fast, sure stop. Extra-wide lining wears Jorger, Choose from vacuum- hydraulic units, air-hydraulic and full air-brakes. NEW precision-balanced wheels. This typical Chevrolet attention to detail gives easier safer hand- ling, longer tire life, less shimmy, Remember Chevrolet truck front wheels are factory balanced, more weight to the truck. And in the power department you'll find that there's no match anywhere for Chevrolet's high- power, high-torque V8's or tough depend- Chevrolet power-plant gives you peak performance with max- imum economy. There's no end to the "reasons why it will profit you to see your today about Chevrolet build. He's waiting for your call, do it now! ...and outsell 'em all too! i "CT -8408 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Rp and brother-in-law Murray

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