Kittyhawks .......coicnins 7 40 Mustangs ....m 89 Helicopters .....c.... 83 Flyers w..ccivminn 80 Lancasters ........ 29 Hurricanes ....... 29 Mosquitoes ........ 6 28 Bombers icin 2 28 Sunderlands FATA 2 18 High Triple--Louise Carnegie--695 - High Single--Elaine Bailey--290. Over 210-- Elaine Bailey--290, 282; Cathy He- witt--=286; Anne Lown--264; Louise Carnegie--248, 268; Gloria Hastings-- 219, 269; Grace Christie--250; Mary Enge--260; Kacey Harper--218, 239; Marg, Jeffrey--2386; Irma Lewis--2836; Joy Hull--287; Donna VanCamp--233; Beth Oke--218; Glenda Taylor--228; Jean McDermott--228; Evelyn Sum- mers--228; Doris Howsam--220; Frie- da Cochrane--219; Merle St. John-- 216; Irene Ptolemy--213, 213; Mary McGregor--218. Over 600-- Louise Carnegie--695; Elaine Bail- ey--0668; Gloria Hastings--646; Grace Christie--626; Glenda Taylor--618; Kacey Harper--610; Irma -Lewis-- 609; Mary Enge--602; Donna Van Camp--602; Anne Lown--602. LADIES WED. NIGHT BOWLING PLAY-OFF SCHEDULE March 23rd-- 7.00--1-2 Mosquitoes - Mustangs 8-4 Jets-- Sunderlands 6-8 Hurricanes - Flyers » 0.00-1.2 Helicopters » - Lancasters = ~ i 8-4 North Stars - - Kittyhawks Tink * 5-6 Bombers - Spitfires March 30th 7.00--1-2 Lancasters - Spitfires 8-4 Hurricanes - Mosquitoes 5-6 North Stars - Helicopters ~ 9,00--1-2 Bombers - Kittyhawks 8-4 Mustangs - Flyers 5-6 Jets - Sunderlands April 6th-- 7.00--1=2 Jets - Flyers 8-4 Bombers - Spitfires 5-6 Mustangs - Kittyhawks 9.00--1-2 North Stars - Sunderlands 8-4 Helicopters - Lancasters 6-6 Mosquitoes -\ Hurricanes APRIL 18th-- 7.00--1-2 Kittyhawks - Mosquitoes 3-4 Lancasters - Bombers 5-6 North Stars - Sunderlands 9.00--1-2 Spitfires - Flyers 8-4 Mustangs - Hurgicanes 5-6 Helicopters - Jets April 20th-- 8-4 Jets - Sunderlands Baseball is one sport Carl Tapscott likes--he says it relaxes him. Tap- scott is familiar to CBC radio listen- 7.00--1-2 Helicopters - Kittyhawks | org who tune in Sunday afternoons to listen to him and his all-male choir singing old favorite songs. Tapscott Choir is heard on the Trans- Canada radio network. The Carl | 5-6 Mustangs - Flyers 9.00--1-2 North Stars - Hurricanes | maker and scripture passage from 2nd Cor:3 read by Mrs. Butt . The 5-6 Mosquitoes - Lancasters topic 'Living gran A 8-4 Bombers - Spitfires April 27th--No Bowling Let it Be" was sung. May 4th--Banquet at Haugens 7.00 p.m, Sharp. pm bes ship period. Seagrave Mac GREGOR MEATS. WHYTES SIDE BACON mind 528 FRESH SIDE PORK . WING and T-BONE STEAKS ......oovvvesressssmsnerrsssssssssscc dD 658 FARMER'S SAUSAGE ........coooovovesssiesssssiesionssssisnssd 1080 $1.00 SHORTENING, 3 1b tin ..... FREE TOWN DELIVERY ERR ARE COMI BLA Co 85¢ to a close. YU 5-2662 Farlane on Sunday. PAINTING - DECORATING and PAPERHANGING GARRY and WAYNE VENNING | ran if | H. Eagleson, Peaches Oranges Berries Bananas .. Apples ..... Lemons ducted by Mrs, Clements and hymn, = \|"Come Holy Spirit" closed the wor- President Mrs. Stone conducted the business, Minutes of previous meet- ing read and approved. Three ladies paid their membership fees and 21 The March' meeting of the W. A.|answered the roll call. was held in the S. 8. room on Wed. | $5.00 and penny offering of $1.65 was evening, Mar. 9, with the south group received. Letters were read from Vic- in charge of the devotional. Meeting | or Home and March of Dimes in recog- was called to order by Mrs. G. Wan- | nition of donations; also thank you amaker, group leader, and "Fill Thou | notes for fruit boxes by correspond- My Life. O Lord, My God." was sung. ing secretary. The coin bags were A silent prayer was offered for those | turned in and amount received $21.17. of our W. A. who are sick, bereaved | Treasurer reported on the finances, and going through anxious times. with $298 on hand, $6.26 was turned Prayer was offered by Mrs, B. Wana- in from South group. Mrs. Clements reported bills paid for parsonage bd. Mrs. Nodwell reported $1065.00 on hand for the organ fund. The supper proposed in aid of re-decorating 8.8. room was postponed for time being. "Lord Speak to Me that I May Speak" sung and prayer brought the meeting Collection of Bananas ... Lemons Grapefruit Apples ...... A reading on the History of Sea- grave was given by Mrs. A, Bruce ana a contest by Mrs. Clements. was served by South Group. Miss Lorna Dure and Mr, and Mrs, Reid MacFarlane and Leueen of Tor- onto visited Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Mac- Mr. and Mrs, W. Tristran and sons, %| Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mark of Toronto 2 | were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. TTT TILL LLL LE LL CLLR LE LL TYR PALTRY ITI I LIL LL R CECE TT TILER pe I) Pineapples Peaches ........ Berries cumini High Triple, Teresa Hall 721 High Single, Teresa Hall 268 Over 600, Teresa Hall, 721 Grace Hastings, 661 Over 200-- Teresa Hall, 268, 248, 216 Joyce Emmerson 246, Florence Mahaffy 243 Grace Hastings 238, 226 Elsie Pogue 236 Alma Cox 230 Lorraine Raines 228 Grace Hunter 220, 206 Norma Scott 219, 206 Helen Bathie 218, 209 Gladys Goode 217 Myrtle Blakely 209 Mae Blakely 207 Marion Lawrence 207 Viola Mapes 206 Audrey Chapman 204 Mary June Howsam 204 Elma Vernon 201 Clara Lown 201 Ladies Monday Schedule for Play-Offs Marche 21-- | Alleys 1 and 2 #| _MARCH 14. {Night Bowing Plum vs. Pears Pineapples vs. Peaches Alleys 38 and 4 Plums ....... Cherries vs. Grapes Grapes ....... Grapefruit vs. Oranges Blackstock, Ont. Phone 36J §| grr hogs § ond Grapefruit Apples vs. Berries Pineapples Bananas vs. Lemons March 28-- Alleys 1 and 2-- Grapefruit vs. Bananas Berries vs. Pineapples Alleys 8 and 4 Plums vs, Grapes Lemons vs. Oranges Men's Thursday Night Bowling MARCH 80th Black Jack's ....uuuiniiinii 66 Whiz Bangs ...... TT 3 | Blow Kings 60 Stars wanna wend Archers w.86 Howard Motors . 86 DeLuxe ... , 88 GOOfers ....cvrvnninniniinninnisnseniin 82 'Carnegie . 27 Meteors ....inniiininniniie, 18 Leglonaires minions 17 JUNIOrs ovine 16 Triples over 600-- "B. Miller Gord Mark ....ccooinnnenniniinnnn Wm. Cornish ... C. Williams ...ovvernennnonneinins Geo. Smith wii Gord Goode B. Young .....oumeinn Gord Goode .....ceccervverreiirnininines 291 B. Miller ...ccevvieinnrnennerinnns 282, 281 3. BRAY cinnamon 282 D: Bukt c...oanmminemmmimriss 271 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1900-5 G. Thomas ....u... henson TH Alleys 6 and 6 I. Boyd ete 248 Cherries vs, Pears B. Williams... 241 Peaches vs, Apples April 4th-- Alleys 1 and 2 Fa Ge LIVE BETTER Bananas vs. Oranges il Alleys 8 and 4 Cherries vs, Plums Electrica y iid Pi )! . Appl A nr with an..ELECTRIC Peaches vs, Berrles Lemons vs. Grapefruit WATER I M4 Tw oS Q "orp a -- -- TRUELY BUILDING SUPPLIES at a FAIR PRICE look far this Te [AY eT Le 1113% DEA ALLIANCE Phone--YU 6-2491 JOHN BALLARD LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES -- 'Food baked with Butter- Stays Fresh, Tastes Better ONTARIO (REAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING ROARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS A For Free Delivery Phone YU 5-2492 DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE 80% ie < gal J P 4 Sh 3 i H. Edenborough 3 3 B. Willams ce. 3 PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. INE . oy EX LIL LL RL CLC ITI LL LT RTI Tey ® 4 Du BULE woven sissunssesssssesnenssenes 4 EO J. Franssen ........ 3 WEEK-END SPECIALS AER Geo. Long ......... PI a aq $ ROYAL YORK, RAISINS coors SR. A Gord Thomas b 4 .-- B08 High TripleB, Miller 760 4 DELSEY TOILET TISSUE .............ifivciae sierra 2 for 29¢ 5 High Single--C, Williams 830 $ HEINZ SPAGHETTI & Tomato Sauce, 16 oz. -- 2 for 31¢ 3 3 | Singles--240 and over Spl) PRIS HD SO Ve riod st |§ MONARCH CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX ooo woe 36¢ 1S Gord Mark ......cceenrnnrinrieniserenns 806 |g Open Every Night until nine except Tuesday AR $ ® ® @ ¢ pod Od DEPARTM AW.BROCIK "NT STORE WALLPAPER april 7 GOVERNMENT STOPS $100 FLYING GRANT TO PEOPLE OVER 33 YEARS OF AGE (Persons Under 33 Not Affected) Also adds 6 hours to course requirement for all ages EFFECTIVE APRIL lsy, 1960 y J [] a" " But There's Still Time fo Join Learn to fly for a career, for business, for pleasure . . . but learn now . . before this new government ruling comes into effect. Persons over 33 years of age will still receive their $100 flying grant if they join before April 18t. (Persons under 33 years not affected). Joinnow! Pay as you learn, 12 months allowed to complete course. JOIN NOW FOR "160 : SAVINGS LESSONS ARRANGED AT YOUR CONVENIENCE ONTARIO COUNTY FLYING CLUB OSHAWA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Government approved flying school for private and conimercial flying G. A. SLOCOMBE, Bec. Mgr. RA 8-1626 LEARN T0 FLY ... NOW] THINGS / HAVE CHANGED in Port Perry After years of calling "Operator" for "In- formation" and "Repair Service", we now ask-- that you . . > Dial 113 to call "Information" (for local numbers not listed in your directory) and 'Dial 114 fo reach "Telephone Repair Service" continue to Dial "0" (for operator) . . . to place a long distance call or for assistance in making a local call It will add up to faster service for everyone. J. W. LOWRY, Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA eo 2 a ete 0000000000000000006009 SOP POVPPOOOOOOOOVVVVVVIVIIIITIIIIITTITY Decorate the modern way V4 1 200 patterns in stock : with wonderful, 0 Special books for all pre-pasted, plastic coated tr types of rooms. One 4 day service on spec- Disks a date bo dacousts oy: PRED Li, 3, ; i 3 ial orders. Choose apply, and sponge Ay for lovelier, wer th % 9 {0 $ - more gracious rooms that last and last. ; 4 i! § your paper in your ji ) ¢ own home from our i @ {; 3 sample hooks. ; ® V $ Room lols always i ¢ ¢ I $ availahleat 191025 i Ld § $ roll. bf 3 be ® By i { WINDOW BLINDS $ . . ow . YOU'LL GET THE HANG OF IT--FASTI J $ oil finish, White, See our grand variety ol Wy ® ax 3 Cream, Green, $1.79 . Coiravoitlafommnmen patterns fodav! & L 4 O23 3 \ SPECIALTIES DRAPERY--quoted complete. \ CURTAINS, for all types of rooms 3 2 150'4 PJ \ § 1 ONS 17¢ each | DRAPERY HARDWARE--all kinds # LINOLEUM TILE ........coovvviinn.. 12¢ each ALUMINUM MOULDING--all kinds 2 INLAID LINOLEUM, $1.60, $2.00, $3.00 CARPET--Broadloom--all kinds and i square yard widths available, & CONGOLEUM ......ccoovvvnvivinnnns ....8q. yd. 98¢ Bh SANDRAN .....ccoovimnmmnrens ... 8q. yd. $1.69 REGULAR SIZE 8 VENETIAN BLINDS, 36 " wide ....$5.95 n n" - : ACCORDIAN DOORS... cr $10.95 Pillow Slips . "e $1.25 pair Port Perry 'Phone: YU 5-2521