¢--THE PORT, PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 17¢h, 1060 INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatey '¢ your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE YUkon § 421 PORT PERRY GILLSON, SLEEP & MePHABEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George MePhaden Mis. Evelyn E. P. Allen YUkon 5-2841 Port Perry Mar. 81/60 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. APEX TV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 65-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 81/60 A. E. Johnsion OPTOMETRIST - Office on Mary Street Hours 7 to 8 pm. on Mon., Tues,, Thurs. & Fri, Wednesdays 9 to 12 a.m. Phone YU 5-2383, Port Perry v May 6/60 REAL ESTATE ALLARD'S £ ROKER Margaret Ballard SUNDERLAND Phone 49 RES. 124 Mar. 31 Dead Farm Stock Prompt removal. Top prices paid for old, dead or disabled farm animals according to size and condition. Small animals removed free. Use our special telephone service. Ask for long distance ZEnith 32800, at no cost to you. We are as close as your telephone. Ed. Peconi & Son LIMITED Argyle, Box 11, Ontario July 80/60 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for dead and crippled animals according to size and condition. For fastest service Phone Collect Hampton COlfax 38-2721. MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ontario Aug, 80, 1960 Dead Stock Highest prices paid for dead & disabled horses, cattle & hogs. Small animals removed free. RAY VIVIAN Ltd., Locust Hill Phone Markham 1160J collect or UL 2.3891, Uxbridge 24 hour - 7 day service. WE CAN PAY MORE 'We guarantee no animal collected by For a ETTER uy ETTER TRY PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checkdd mow' before trouble starts, 24 hour service. REG. 'ARMSTRONG Port ig Phone: Y Uken 5-3228 J. J.Van - Herwerden "OSHAWA'S LEADING FARM - BROKER" 741 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-4471 We have many customers interested in buying a Farm. If you want to sell or buy, contact us, for Spay Service and Results. Apr. 28 BRUCE V. MACKRBY, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Saturdays at 9 am. to 12 noon also evenings. At residence, Caleb 8t., Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2187 March 81/60 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Live Poultry. Goose Feathers, and Feather Ticks M. FLATT R.R. 1 Bethany, Ont. Phone 7-r-18. Reverse Charges 'Apr. 7/60 Robinson Molors (Oshawa) Limited DODGE, DESOTO VALIANT, SIMCA Sales and Service 674 RITSON RD. 8, OSHAWA ONT. ' Mar. 17 Ted Veenhof WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK 539 Albert St. Oshawa, RA 8-6974 May 19/60 FARM WANTED Professional man desires 60 - 160 acre hobby farm. Condition of bulid- ings not important, but ample water supply necessary. In Reach-Uxbridge area. Have good cash payment. Give location and telephone number. Box 6, Port Perry Star. March 17 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28rd, 1960. Important extensive auction sale of 80 head high grade Holsteins, blood tested and vaccinated, 2 Massey Fer- guson 10' self propelled combines, near new, late models No. 44 MH, DC4 Case, 8N Ford tractors, No. 68 New Holland baler, new, 88 Ford truck, NSV motorcycle, along with latest, popular and modern makes of tractor farm machirery, such as, plows, cultivators, spreaders, fertiliz- er drills, elevators, grain augers, mow- ers,' special attachments, ete, also numerous barn and farm equipment, etc.,, Yorkshire brood sows, feeder hogs, Dorset ewes with lambs, baled hay, straw, Garry oats, silage, house- hold furniture and effects, etc. pro- perty of Albert Burns, Lot 18, Con- cession 6, North Gwillimbury Twp. Sale at 12.00 noon sharp. No reserve, Farm sold. Terms: cash, with excep- tions of larger machines such as com~ bines. See sale bills for full parti- culars. James Smith & D. Goulding, clerks. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, 'Auctioneers, Markham, Ont. Mar.17 TUESDAY, AERIL 6th -- Auction Sale, Complete Dispersal, 60 Windy Brae Holsteins, Registered - R.O.P. Classified, Vaccinted - Fully Accred- ited - Listed; Full line of Good Ma« chinery, Hogs, Hay, Grain, Ensilage, the property of Armour MéMillan, lo- cated 1 mile North and 1 mile East of Greenbank on Hwy. 7-12, or 20 miles North of Hwy. 401 Whitby, or 10 miles 'South '6f! Bundérland, Terms Cdsh, No Réserve v1 Bale at 12,00 p.m, Cattle o'clock. Pedigree An- Sdm Gough. Clérks-- Corless' Ashenhiurst, Roy Sdott." Cash- fer~Geo, Edwards. Greenbank 'WA will sell lunch from noon. hour on, W. D. ATKINSON & TED JACKSON,' Sales Managers and' Auctioheers.: paKiroLD CONTINUOUS" BURJ: NESS FORMS now available through Potatoes tained apartment with Living Room, 2 bedrooms, modexn kitchen and bath- room. room. us ETHE Sassrreg, Rate--38¢ per word. 'Minimum charge 80¢. -- to local advertisers ir in FOR Qu) i ik GRABLE A NO 1 TABLE {OSHAWA ROAD, near Hwy. 7 Lakeview Orchard " mar 17 i FOR RENT Attractive self-con- Also apartment' with one: bed. YU 5-2478, TF FOR SALE--Electric Portable Sew- ing Machine; Brownie Movie Camera, 8 mm. 'Phone YU 5-2168. "marl? FOR SALE -- Used Wood Turning Lathe, $10; Jig Saw Head, $b; Used Rubber Tired Wheelbarrow - $19.00; Ford Tractor $695. Frank Hoskin, Phone 2, Blackstock, marl? FOR RENT--Red Brick House in Greenbank Village. Apply R. Till, YU 5:2788. March 24 FOR SALE -- 1952 Chev. Pick-up Truck. One owner. 658,000 "miles. YU 56-7477. marl? WANTED--Child's Commode Chair, Phone YU 5-8160. marl? APARTMENT FOR RENT---2 bed- room apartment in Port Perry. Heated. Self contained. Apply Bob Howsam, YU 65-7880. FOR SALE--Baled Hay; also No. 1 Seed Oats, power cleaned and treated. Arrangements can be made for de- livery. Clare Vernon, phone YU b- 7869. mar 24 REDUCED PRICE for one week only on Purebred Landrace Hogs, ser- viceable age, and younger. Also cross bred hogs and open gilts. Fred Milne, Blackwater, Phone Sunderland 3 r 8. mar 17 FOUND--Hound. For information Phone YU §-2624. mar 17 FOR SALE--BALED HAY. Phone YU 5-7791. marl? BUYING A HOME or PROPERTY? call Greenhalgh SELL A HOUSE or PROPERTY? call Greenhalgh * DON'T DELAY, DO 1T TO-DAY. Wm. Greenhalgh, Realtor Phone YU 5-7780. apr? FOR A BETTER BUY! Motor Sales Phone 78, Sunderland, Ontario A General Motors -- Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer beautiful 2-tone, - er. Reasonably priced. stearing. 1966 Meteor Sedan Niagara, tires, 2-tone coral and ivory. black. 1064 Chevrolet deluxe sedan, runs very nicely. 1054 'Meteor Niagara sedan, glean. 1960 Monarch 1962 Pontiac 1961 'Ford. priced. FOR A. BETTER, BUY! BROCK: MOTOR |SALES Phone 73, Sunderland, Ontarle Jan, 14/61 The Port Perry Btar BETTER TRY! Brock 1069 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan, a burgundy and ivory, very clean, windshield wash- 1957 Dodge Mayfair Sedan, 2-tone tur- quoise color, push button automatic, custom radio, power brakes and very clean, radio, good mechanically and 1966 Ford Tudor 2-tone maroon and very 1958 Chevrolet, 1iton pitksup truck in top condition, low e flange; reasonably BETTER TRY! (Central Electric Box Ml; Oshawa Phone RA. 2-916 We wire or rewire houses, farms, commercial or industrial buildings. Bring your electrical problems to us. We offer you Free Consultation -- Reasonable Rates -- Honest and Efficient work. TF Blackstock © W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Frank Butt Wednesday afternoon with 16 ladies and four children present. President opened the meeting with a poem "Moments of Love", the hymn "Come Let us Sing of a Wonderful Love" and prayer, The roll call--a current event in missions--was well answered. Mrs. Stanford VanCamp. gave the devotional, reading Psa. 27. In her paper she gave the cure for worries caused by fear--read your Bible and take it to God in prayer. Mrs, Fred Dayes, group leader; pre- sided for the programme. Mrs, John Scott, gave a very informative address on Racial Brotherhood. Let us pray for the unity of human brotherhood. Mrs. Gordon Strong rendered a fine piano solo. Mrs, Glenn Larmer in| dealing with the "chapter, Labour, Land, Cash and Law, of Africa Dis- turbed, conducted a question and an- swer panel in which all members par- took and was most interesting. After the closing hymn and prayer lunch was served by the group. Several from here enjoyed the Rhapsody on Ice at Port Perry Arena Friday night The O0.N.O. Club met at the home of Mrs, Gwen. Thompson on Thursday night with 28 members present. . The roll call, a community project we can work on, was well answered. It was decided to sponsor an exhibit for teen agers at Blackstock Fair. A word making game was played and lunch enjoyed. The Cartwright Curling Club an- nual bonspiel was held in the Sunder- land rink Friday night. First prize was won by Paul Bryans's rink of Sunderland with 19 points; 2nd prize, Gordon Morrow's rink, of Port Perry, with 17 points; 3rd prize Jim Miller's rink, Sunderland with 16 points. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham, Mr. Ed Harris and Mrs. Valma - Bailey were Monday supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Flett, at Fenelon Falls. Due to the turkey supper of the United Church on March 16th, the Mother's Auxiliary will be held on March 23rd. Auction Sales SAT., MARCH 26th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 60 Holsteins, T.B. & Blood Tested, Vaccinated, 2 Tractors, Baler, Threshing Machine, Feed, 20 pet VO chinery, the property of H. J. Grills, Lot 6, Con. 8, East. Whitby, 1. mile North of Columbus, turn East 2% miles, Terms Cash. No Reserve. Farm Bold, Sale at 12.80 p.m. Roy Jackson, Harvey Pascoe, Clerks, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1960--Important auction sale of Registered herd of blood tested Holsteins, W.D. A/C tractor combine, '66 Ford Pick-up truck, NH Baler, elevator, milking machine, cooler, late model farm ma- chines, tools, equipment, Beatty: litter carrier, tracking, also baled' hay, straw, Rodney oats, etc, at Lot 25, Concession b, North York Twp, corner Jane Street and Steele's Ave,, proper- ty belonging to the estate of the Late Gordon 1. Hoover, Sale at 1,00 p.m. sharp. Terms Cash. No reserve, KEN and CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers THURSDAY, MARCH 24th -- Aue tion sale of 50 head of pure bred and high grade Holstein cattle, 85 pure- breds fully accredited and listed; M.H, No. 44 tractor, M.H. tractor manure' spreader, Quantity of Machinery, 1000 bus. Rodney oats, ete., the property of Geo. Stone, Lot 18, con. 12, Reach twp., 2 miles north of Greenbank on Thursday, March 24th, Farm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. "Sale at 1 pm. Cattle sala at 2.80 pm. Gerald Graham, Clerk, Sam Gough a ai a a A Ana hdl Fat Cattle, Full Line of Good Ma- |. Mrs, Wallace AnderSon and her daughter Carol Jean, of Cardinal were week-end guests of her 'brother Mr. Roy Turner Audfamily, fie Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Archer and family of Whitby, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs, W. Archer and Mr, Alex. Dever, on Sunday. X Mrs. A. Sinclair, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with her son, Mr, and Mrs. Don Sinclair and Beverley Anne. Dr. Douglas Bilbey and Miss Pear] Wright spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Rahm, Tyrone, visited Mr, and Mrs, Stan Rahm, Paul and Carol, on Sunday. Mrs. Edna Gibson, Caesarea, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Graham, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Crawford, Ken neth and Janice, spent Saturday. with' Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Cole, Port Hope, Sorry to report Mr. George Blythe, suffered a stroke Jast Tuesday. He is in Oshawa hospital, Mr. Leslie Mountjoy was moved from Port : Perry hospital to. South Haven Rest Home, Newcastle, on Sun- day. 3 y . Mr. and Mrd, Clarence Marlow left Monday morning for & motor trip and holiday 'inthe -Sunny South. Mr, and Mrs. 'Goldwin: Faint. and family, Toronto, visited: Mr. and Mrs. Osmond: Wright, Sunday. Mr, and 'Mrs, "Tom Smith and 7 a a : The annual meeting of the Community Memorial Hospital, sy Port Perry, will be held at the Hospital, Port parE iis D J MONDAY, MARCH 21st, 1960, at 8 pm. 'The public are cordially invited to attend this annual § meeting of their Hoppa). mar 17 the Scugog Island Summer Resorts. Collections to be made i Li TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG B TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned; post-marked not later than March 19th, 1960, for garbage collection at : May 24th, twice a week during July-and August, Sept. 1, Sept. 6, and October 11th. ~ S. CHANDLER, Clerk. 'Eleanor; of 'Burketon, and: Miss: Mar- garet' Goodson, Nestleton, were -Sun- day guests "of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Dayes and family. Allan and Clifford Dayes entertain- ed at the Oddfellows 'banquet in Bow- | manyille Satyrday evening. 'Mr. and Mrs, Merrill Henry and Linda, of Bowmanville, visited Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs: Lorne Brad- burn and Jim, Toronto on Sunday; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter, Maple Grove, on Monday, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry and Mrs, Bradburn. -'Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Bradburn and Jim, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter, and family, Maple Grove,| visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn and family on Sunday. Blackstock and Bowmanville Cuhs enjoyed. a game of hockey here Thurs- day: night. Score 6-8 in favour of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Martyn and:fam- ily of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Horold Martyn and family, Sunday. Coop Buen BerTep pully BEST VALUE! THAT'S OIL... Phone YUkon 5.2572 PORT PERRY ONTARIO Notice fo Creditors INTHE MATTER OF THE ESTATE DECEASED. All persons: having claims against tho:Estate of Norman Garfield Kerry, late of the Village of Port Perry, in ithe County of 'Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 12th day of February, A.D., 1960, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before the 5th day-of April, 1060, full 'particulars of "their claims. diately after the said date the assets of the said déecedsed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they 'shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 123rd day of Februay, 1960. i GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, &c. Mar,17 . . Box 181, Port Perry, Ont. on Pedigrees. WALTER ATKINSON and ; REG. JOHNSON, Mar. 17 Auctioneers. Solicitors for the above estate. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO THAT INSIDE REPAIR JOB FREE ESTIMATE COURTESY SERVICE PHONE TO-DAY YUkon 5.7591 LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. OF NORMAN GARFIELD KERRY, Imme- You get the most comfortable you insist on the coal that's heat in-town with 'blue coal'. colored. blue. Its steady blue flame gives you Prove it to yourself the sunny, heat that's best for | sss Call us todayl you. : This famous hard coal starts A easier and burns longer. So. 'blue coal' yousave time and money when REESOR 'FUEL '& 'LUMBER CE AT WA STS. _ OFFI AT 5CUGOC and TER poRT PERRY ae 'YUkon S081 Sr 3 4