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Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Sep 1960, p. 1

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ORT PERRY STAR g § Rs LT Wo sey » dig. ' , " i L2 . / Crd SY Fas ht iw "4 FITEANS i dad NPR Cr A AY ae B= J Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa ORT PE nop FQ 2 pe / 3 / ' ' O DD ' ® | PORT PERRY, ONT,, THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 22, 1960 $2.00 Per Year, Single Copy 5¢ ph Married in Port Perry United Church Wedd; Red Wings mh : Perry eddin e Ted Lamb Receives Jr. F i | [I] mgs ea Lamb neceives Jr. k armer i Y Prag te : WARRINER . PILON | L Fi T , Ili S hol : ¥/ LE wr ; : ose Final ravelling Scholarship ti s A double-ring ceremony solomized ) - . . ¥% in the Assumption Church, Ottawa, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C.--Threa! Mr. Ted Lamb, Port Perry, R. 4, ville experimental Station, Empire 4 Ont., September 10, 1960, at 2 p.m. Years of patient struggle came to a has been awarded a travelling scho- State Building, Radio City Music Hall ¥/ when Audrey Margaret, daughter of "Successful end for coach Harry Pres- larship for the Provincial Junior and the Unted Nations Building. ¥ Mr. and Mrs. "Louis Pilon was united , ton Friday as New Westminster Sal. Farmers' Association United Nations ' in marriage to Arthur John Warriner, | monbellies rolled over Whitby Red Tour to be held Sunday, September Ted has been awarded this travel- son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard War- Wings torcapture the Minto Cup and 26th to Saturday, October 1st, 1060, ling scholarship because of his out- viner, of Port Perry, Ont." Father De- | C28nadian junior lacrosse crown. This tour will take the delegates to standing work in the Port Jerry Jr. 43 vine Officiated. 1b Wai Salonbeilies' iret junior ' Washington and New York and sur- Farmers' Club and the Ontario County " "The bride, given in marriage by her title and they gained it in convincing ' Yountling sigs. Viells will he wads. Junior Fairs' Association ay well father, looked charming in a gown of | fashion with an 11-7 victory in the to such. points of interest as Gettys- as his fine record of community acti- i white peau de soie with chapel length | fifth game of the best-of-seven series, burg, University of Murvland, Bilts-, vites. ih 3% veil of silk illusion held in place by a : Fe rhinestone and pearl set tiara. For| It probably will be the only Minto pads jewellery she wore a pearl drop and; Cup held by a Salmonbellies team. P B i M k . B kk A | i 0e LL; earring set a gift of the groom.. She Nine of the 12 New Westminster re- or oy 0 a e an ccoun an i carried a bouquet of white roses at- 8ulars graduate into senior ranks in J » "A" Bid M B u Tv tractively arranged around a mauve 1961. Preston is retiring after 12 % unior 1( oves fo rockville 77 orchid. i years-as-a player and coach. | 'Seventeen year old Richard "Chick" Mr. Keith Coll ho | \ 'o i . 5k bs 3 arnerie + Porrw wl Zo r. Keith Collings, who has been fev. a Miss Helan Filon, sister of the bride, I» Preston is pessimistic about the pos- Carnegic of Port Perry will make 2 associnted with the Rat Perr branch 1 was bridesmaid becomingly attired in sibility of enough players graduating datepminiad bid te nave jute Juslor 4 for al rear & cantillcon blue nylon ballerine length from minor league ranks to restock hockey ranks this month when he ve- | Mi bts yes as beet) moved yi { dress with matching picture hat and Salmonbellies. x + | ports to the St. Catherines "Tee Poel) 5 areer Jranen ut Hrackville Dat: $Y accessories and carried a nosegay of The - te like i isbe wid | camp. Chick played centre with Port! 1'¢ fe sort te Joss Mr. Collings : J ar, i gay ie team likely will disband, said Yerny Fuvenilde ust sone: (ulnney from our community where he and oy pink carnations. Mr. Dale Preston, and with it the familiar name | © C'Y Juveniles last year (winners of his family have been well liked. We Warriner brother of the groom was of "Salmonbellies. The name was All Ontario "C1960 title). An all- ish hi g i A in the best man. The ushers were Mr ticks ) round athelete Richard has played Jr. wish him eaitinge Suécess in his New } . dropped by a senior team here last . location. Mrs. Collings and the chil Garnet Warriner and" Mr, Donald year baseball, is track and field champion ren do not *p tt til ar 5 . To Ga x Ir expect to move away unti West, New Westminster. took the series at the High School and he also plays October 5 . The reception was held at the home 4-2 on a combination of team scoring rugby aud HasRethali, Tho, Jom, of the bride. ~ For receiving the guests and tremendous zone defence. Sicieen Chery VERE" Yih Wie: best of, "Th ac i . ihe Lyide's uwither chose a Sapphire Whitby coach Bev Groves said: "It luck in his next step up the O.H.A. i ne Jiesiintant b ay, M. W 2 b " wardner fro 'rie. r, y q blue erepe dress with black accessories was a combination of things that beat ladder. ry ner. on ADR . y, Lardner pi ) : . ---- is married and has two school age and pink carnations for corsage. us." " . | children. He has been in Barrie f The groom's mother assisted and, "On ability, I think both teams J F 'ren, He ws.oeen ) rie for i ' ' ' - = the past six years. fe wele oe Mr ohne" vaca cen nce don ne chun but tn wonton. 'soon, T+ FATES Amnual te pi <x ene. © we welcome i White tapers, chrysanthemums and long sleeves. The bustle back ac- Mr. Donald Green was the best man bi h yellow accessories and her cor- the difference in Eastern and Western - > Ra ) ; ok A : sage was bronze mums, officiating and our under-estimation ure ervice gladioli_ formed the setting in Port cented with a large bow fell into a for his' brother. Mr. Ralph Honey, 1 : i : . ' Perry United Church when Helen chapel train. A crown of pearls held Mr. Stuart Dorrell and Mr. Grant Ed. | the £veliing {ne fapgts Vere en. of thes Joalic were the Ley factors, The Annual Ontario County Junior Joyce Honey, daughter of Mr. and her fingertip veil of tulle illusion gerton ushered. Shetaing She Sh Oia Bl, Tolenotininger (Howls BA) pyrmery Church Service will be held . Cm Mrs. Harold Honey, was united in edged with seed pearls. The bride : wd Quebec, - . was the man who bent us every Hme in Trinity United Church, Uxbridge, Ajax Hospital - i marriage with John Maurice Green carried her nurse's Testament with a _ 1he Reception was held in the For travelling the bride wore a beige we thought We Haren the way back. op Sunday, September 25th, at 8:00 a £51; ! son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green white orchid and stephanotis, Church Parlours where the bride's' French suede walking suit with brown Some of our boys didn't show as Mp Ww. Fairley, Minister for Will Ask Grant ¢ : « of Blackstock. : I oir ne mother received wearing a dress of assessories and a corsage of bronze Well as expected, but the zone defence the Presbyterian charges of Wick, yas on . Mrs. Cloyne Stearman was matron -French blue organza with matching mums. will make any team look ineffective". gonva and Cresswell, will be the! op ole . . 30, Rev. E. S. Linstead performed the of honour; the bridesmaids were Mrs. accessories and a corsage of pink The happy couple left for their' Bob Carnegie, son of Mr. and Mrs. guest speaker. The Ontario County |; Phe Outs Coty Gounell, mpet- RN double ring ceremony. The wedding Thomas Crist, Miss Mary Phoenix and roses. Assisting was the bride-' honeymoon to the U.S:A. After their Robt. Carnegie played on the Whitby junior Farmers are in charge of the His am hy hthy, nocelved a Jottdr trol fo music was played by Mrs. Wm. Tay- Miss Beth McMullen. They were sim- groom's mother who chose a dress of , return they will reside in Hawkes. team. service and the Ontario County Jr. Aay.} inkieving General Hospital ask- i : lor accompanying -Mr. Ken. Hallett ilarily gowned in turquoise peau-de sapphire blue "crepe with rosy-beige | bury, Ont. ~~ 77 IEE spe es i Ship AER "Farmer Choir, directed by Mrs. Elsie Ing. "a Jetinite REgtranbe shave Jay ys : ' who sang "Wedding Prayer" and "O soie with matching bandeau head- accessories and white corsage of Out of town guests were from To-i : Dobson, Uxbridge, will provide special Jironend with on plans --and that the [4 2 = i 9 Perfect Love". piece. Thgedresses were short sleeved sweetheart roses. . ronto, Shelburne, Port Perry, Oshawa G id N music. Gobnty.pf Omaris will make f-grani Tie 2 1 Given in marriage by her father princess style with camisole neckline. For the honeymoon trip to points !and Cornwall. ule News | This Church Service has always to the Adjax-Pickering General Hos of the bride wore a full length gown of All the attendants wore short white West the bride donned a mauve two- With th . Te Ta ween one of the highlights in the pital. fa «white Selinaty satin fashioned .In_gloves and carried baskets of white piece dress with matching accessories | a Wn S chin of fhe 4a | Soassn, yenr's activities of the County: Junior According to a brief submitted by Th princess lines, with scoop neck and shasta mums. and white orchid corsage. Hill H to resume their or Dep are Farmers' Association. An invitation | the hospital board, Ontario County's Hats ; . 0 , its: CHITRA, 1 top erald fortunate to have good ATi to 'attend is extended to all present [share of the 110-bed hospital is LX ; : ,- dens "oh WE TOL : ¢ their ti 4 tulente to: Relp and past Junior Farmer members and | $1,118,766. It is estimated that the WHAT ; IS ; TV 'DOING ~ oes not meet the requirements of the "Greetings fellow pupils! rive of their time and talents Lo. help os iends total construction cost will be $2,000,- > . Resoluti them become useful and happy citi- or yr . a... ! ! esolution. ) , Son ---- 000, and that the federal and provin- Tr 5 ! 5 tig ple HE ! Welcome back to Port Perry High, zens. cial grants will amount to $659,000 Ee MEE AL RI Wi ST. AR ILE Eins. * 00 nitinol - ior J ri Pa - 4 rants w ) Ot T0 OUR CHILDREN? CEN SN I Home and. School, to underline. the -S¢hool year 1960-61, ~~ ~~ "~~ 1" Mrs. Rena Webster has consented Mental Health : Kr ount to $659,000. : : ; = : EE 1 Now that our duties are well un- to become Brown Owl of 'the first ~ FAAS BERYL CUT THG Balaied of thie hioniey, says thie ee : - g - need they feel exists, have suggested : ; - . tp Yo su} The: nuclear weapons that.scorched "comics"; or even the traditional fairy ; ninimum research bidudt to the derway, we cast a sideways glance at pack, with Mrs. Lucille Mark assist- C es brief, which is $3722,022, will be rais- _ Hiroshima, and now stand poised with stories. It is the quantitative impact Board... of. Broadcast. Governors---- the possibilities of football, basket: ing as Tawny Owl Mrs. Ruby Roach, anvass {+1 in Ajax, Pickering and Pickering a threat to decimate whole nations' that has made this 0 matter of such 365000 annually. This represents ball and volleyball, along with other Brown Owl of the second pack will A total of $7131 has been collected | Township. in the first. wave attack, may have . i j ; 3 bh ' Bo 'social activities. have Mrs. Louise Barrie as her Tawny "bv the Os 6 Cottntv : . EE 3 y ; mportance, An audience research about one-tenth of one percent of the Betior Bmb th : ) : 50 far by the Oshawa Ontario County 'the hospital board brief will be sub- less influence on man's fu'ure than } eid 3 Parliamentary grants expected to go etter limber up those tired, worn- Owl. . . + Chapter of the Mental Health Associa- itted to the special : the six-shooters in the hands of gun- ¢.udy by the CBC in 1956 showed that tothe CBC in. 1960-61 out unused muscles, for "Track and The first company is fortunate to (jon. The elites: Sumi A Honmesthe mitted to the special committee on y men and sheriffs, that stage nightly "'n Ottawa, the average English- : ls Field" is on the wgy, and get those have Mrs. Dorothy Nelson- as Guide yoyuge blitz in Oshawa, Whitby, Fort Hospita | grants, which eurlier this TV battles in our living rooms. ~ «peaking high school boy (with a TV In effect, the 325,000 parents who Vocal chords tuned up for our coming Captain and Miss Genni Spears as perry and Brooklin Monday night. Pai Femmes 4 grantof $240,000 il A set at home) views TV about 15% make up the Canadian Home and Sports events, and help our cheerlead- Lieutenant. Mrs. Dawne Howey will In Oshawa, a total of $6890 was pu 30 ie Galiawa General hos. Nuclear power -- whether used for " i j ; 73 g.5 Ral . ; " : h ? : > pital board. That grant was based on 2 Ans hiln tion OF. LO Serve aankind--atf: | hours a week, while the average girl School organization have said this to ers encourage the players on to vic- resume her position of Captain of the cojjected by volunteer canvassers and 75 ner cont of th tual tr Toon onl an hie thas Hot tele. | 2Ws about -18'% hours. This stp- | the BBC and the CBC: "Television is tory. TE g I'second company, with Mrs. Caroline ,5, additional $240 was collected by 7a , _-- oo ie setual county use i oi Hy of : rm on | i ports a study in Cambridge, Mass. in doing sonicthing profound to our A welcome is extended to our one, Saunders and. Miss Beverley Swee'- (.anvassers in Brooklin. of the MeSPIAL, ! borin fats Atholl 1 i 1950-561, showing that children aver- children. It is affecting their habits, and only, new staff mémber, Mr, man as- Lieutenants. mes Whitby and Port Perry canvassers. The Ajax-Pickering board brief sub- tory of the world =to sway the siinds aged 18% hours weekly looking at{ their knowledge, their thinking. Pashler. | The meetings will commence as fol- have yet to be heard from, Mrs. G. A.| mitted that 96.8 per cent of patients . : ® the home TV set. Thus, watching TV | Therefore, it is gradually changing \ "lows: Rundle, a resident campaign co-chair- | in Ajax-Pickering General Hospital of men. = In particular, it has the 0. \, about one:sixth of a child's the whole future of th vv. W What a pleasure to. study in the, "py company Wed, Sept. 21st said 'on-Tuesday: ; i io- County power to influence the minds and per-t aking hours ns ; a Pe wv > 4 % bees ; he Soh od fine new addition to our:school. ~The | "at 7.00 om ' i : man, smd-on--descay: ) areTresidents of-OptRrin- Conny: } conalities of children, the men and) . do not know whether the overall effect ,¢414,44 is now. open; and our cap- | on gown ie EE : : | «f the change is good, bad, or insigni- i 1st Company -- Mon,, Sept. 26th | #1 women of tomorrow. Changes in! The C ii wa (S Seats: Tit t K CW able supervisor Mrs. Roach assures at 7.00 p.m | Sh thinking and character will always be P on Eg Pane and School and ian 1 we way to how. ® us of sufficient, delicious, mouth-' ond Pack = Monday Sept. 26th | 2 more potent than changes in things, © orent-leacher Ye eration has moved - believe it is very important--not only a oring nutritional dishes from her t 7.0 ' gt bie this problem into the spotlight by a to us as parents, but to all Canada-- : at 7.00 p.m. ' 3 5 _ and the television coverage that now Liban a ) a i p modern kitchen. 1st Pack--Wed 1 Sept. 28th | Le 1 saturates the western world is un. Reselutionurging the Board of Broad. that we should know. It is possible : . 8¢-Dack~-Wednetisy;-Bept= path - | be iY denbily moulding * the futre, in. 4 cast Governors to undertake compre-| to get the relevant knowledge, but We look forwrd to many hours of | at 7.00 p.m. AES 5 subtle. but highly significait wiy a hensive research into the effects of only through a research effort that is pleasure in our new gym, and certain- | as : | ; Thought{vl : ! orth Fetevision upon the minds and person- intense, and continuing. You have ly hope to give our opponents a run 2 y TV ug > hi? Peopee are Bare a alities of boys and girls. Federation money from the nation that could' for their points this year. | 7 7 Bit Lg aL y 1s affecting Ganadian boys ANG mya,g: er, 'C. M. Bedford, B.A., B.Ed, make that effort. Will you please do 'St John s Women S girls. But nobody has any. precise M.A. who drafted the resolution has - it." : i Our new 2 way P.A, system cer- ° n knowledge of the extent to which specified that Hone and School want] tainly works, loud enough to jolt the "n= " 8 they are being affected; nor of "the continuin 1 } i : . : M sleepiest dullard into sudden activity. - issionary ociely . Nd - ord 4 g, long-term research" into Canadians in, and outside the huge > | SEAL direction in which they dre swayed by, the cumulative effect of TV over a 11 1 School organizati i Whatia thrill to: renew 01d friends LUN this pervasive influence. In fact, there | period of years. CBC "audience re i Hoe _-- e X Da nin will in senior grades, and to. welcome The September meeting of St. John's Lh it little solid foundation to support a search" and: short-term anco-ordinat: 1 t 3 Jos request, d hey will timid juniors. | ME, Auxiliary was held on Tues- 3. view that the overall effect of TV on ud hott ter b eordinal 0 2 e ok .of Broadcast Gov- ; : i day the '18th, at the home of Mrs. By _our young people is either beneficial, : Lroities & scholars, ernors fara good reply, | Best Wishes lo-onr pra Hates po) John Murray, with 11 ladies present. 5 or undesirable. on those who- have left our midst for Mrs, Armstrong, President, opened : $ pom ; 3 | greener fields. i the meeting with a call to worship. ' i Parents with TV sets can find much J Anticipation runs high in the plea- Mrs. Milne read the scripture, then K to say in favour of the medium, .The "sure to be derived from a high school Mrs. Robertson led in prayer. \ entertainment is enjoyed by 'adults choir, under the capable leadership of The yprious Secretaries gave their wre P. ) Molerance, Substitute Satistaction}: and children alike. Many programs have 'strong educational value. It! keeps children quiet, and helps keep them off the streets. Parents' com- monly use TV as a "pacifier". But 'psychologists are looking far |: beyond the surface advantages that" can _be commanded at the turn of a} switch. « They are specnlating about| 7 long-term results 'to éhildren from consistent exposure to the "fantasy" world of television. They are think- ing of the effects in the special terms of their profession--Addiction, Viea® rious Habit Formation, Frustration, Identification, Interference with Prac- ' i: Hid tice of Real-Life. Skills. VOICES AND FACES * The part TV plays in a child's life nouncers for OBC radio newscasts. 4s probably not different in quality You've probably heard their voices from the influence of movies, the daily , but do you recognize them? Left, ) Fe? | top, Harry 'Mannis; 'bottom, Frank Pictures above are five regular an- Herbert; Miss McFadyen. Let ug hope that our good inten- tions and best work for our fine staff of teac the year. Nola Hunter * Roy Ormiston Wins {Eaton's Trophy Congratulations to Mr, Roy Ormis- | ton on being awardéd the Eaton's of Canada Livestock Special at Port Perry Fair. This award is made an- nually to the exhibitor winning the highest number of points in the Live Stock competition. centre, Lamont Tilden; right, top, Bob Willson; bottom, Bill Lorne, reports, and correspondence received during the summer recess was read. _ A good number of both house and tele- ! hers will not lag throughout phone calls had been made by several | members, showing that we are still active during the holiday season, Arrangements for our Annual { Thank - Offering - meeting were. com- , pleted. It will be held in the Church "on Tuesday 4th October at 2.30 p.m., , with Mrs." Paul Newton of Whitby as our Guest Speaker. Mrs. Patterson gave an interesting "reading from Glad Tidings. = The final chapter of this year's study on Africa was well presented by Mid, | Hall, The meeting closed with a Hymn brand of comedy into a weekly Half and the Mizpah Benediction. Tea was served and enjoyed by all. "pets. Mary, who started to write for A} ~ TEA AND TRUMPETS" i... Mary_Peate, who_combines mother and housewife duties with. writing and announcing, Intergperses her-own { hour of recordings on Tea and Trui- hy - -_@BM, Montreal, in 1954, riow writes the scripts for Tea and Trumpets and Now and Then, two programs heard on CBC's Trans-Camada radio. net- work. During the informal Tea and Trumpets, she discusses a variety of topics of interest to women,

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