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Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Sep 1960, p. 2

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= --- School Vandalism 1 property damage. "When mem- Candid Acir- Calamity On The i "She knows what's going on bers of the schoo} group have a R . every minute. When they're in ~Why It Happens ~ sense of belonging to the school, Talks Candidly Movie Set! front of the camera you can " and when they feel that the _ wT AL THE ar ven sieck Beige 10) tho wiagie fa What makes children break school belongs to them, morale Shirley MacLaine, one ot Hol- " SAL 743 an, the Sa his A fw days later a cut on Inte empty school buildings and. fends to be high and damage lywood's. most candid. actresses, Cadillac came i 2 Liem Miss Ball's leg became infected destroy everything they ean? Or low," he-said, "But where there bobbed up in New York last Stage 8 of the Desily tudios in and .she had to -eommute to @ throw rocks at the windows un- is little sense of belonging, we month on her way to-a six-week - Holly wood, The pi! wes. imme- A-.work from the Cedars of Le- til all are smashed? "The vandal- can 'expect to find a greater publicity and vacation tour of | diately tm e 1 y ene banon Hospital. One day as she ism is not limited to over-crowd- \ amount of property damage." : Furope, where her latest movie, Yyerisig it Sp oy oe Bag : % left the set the confused actress ed sections of big cities. Some of "Roredom' was the 7oasoh "The Apartment," is. the only orange-haire oss. stepped 'out shouted: "How do you get out the most attractive suburbs -- in which thére are no * have similar problems. A two-year study. of vandal- ism in- Syracuse (N.Y.) schools was receiitly' completed under slums" most often given by teachers and pupils in A reason turned up indow-dam- age schools was "revenge." High drop-out rates were strongly re- © American .entry in high-démage schools. the Venice Film Festival. Sporting bright blue toreador pants, a black shirt, large blue eyes, and short au- burn hair, the actress sipped a tart lemonade in her plush Plaza and shouted a joyous greeting. "Who is it," Bob Hope yelled from his dressing room," "Grant- .ma Moses?" It was, of course, Miss Lucille . of this firetrap?" Sure enough: "A few nights later the set caught fire and was partially destroyed, Drona ants ies . Ball, back on the set after re- 3 [ / Dy. Nathan Goldman of Syracuse jos ; 10} Piopeny donisgs. Where suite 'and lit into several - sub- cuperating from an accident that Remember Rudolph? University for the U.S. Office of eopacrs. seamed cagial or in. jects, beginning with the mord- Educatidfi. The study, which dif- different, and pupils did nothing antly 'satiric "Apartment," in typified the hagassments that Some Still Do! y y have plagued the filming of - fere y previous studies in io Improve $e eho pesDesey which she plays'a lonely elevator "Facts of Life," her first movie | The usual legion of mourners that Tt 4vas focused on the entire ae as ee y ay. girl to Jack Lemmon's bedeviled in more than four .years and --" about 150, almost all women school situation instead of the ries cel avin. an.the New York executive: problems of th: individual van- dal, came up with six "signposts" Christian Science Monitor The report itself analyzes find- "I don't think most people who see 'I'he Apartment' understand hor third with Hope, Trying to leap aboard a yacht -- filed softly.past'the duck pond and into the white-marbled |, 'for a scene, Lucille had fallen mausoleum in Hollywood's Me- pointing to "fertile soil for the '| Ins based on L170 students 5." qos think they realize it's into the 3-foot tank, and suf- | morial Cemetery. The usual ar- growth of vandalism." These are: qQuestionapres, 367 teacher inter- as bitter and cynical as it is. The fered a bump on the head, a ray of flowers -- some twenty 1. Disassociation of school staff, views, and histories of 16 Syra- situation seems funny to them, black eye, and minor .cuts and wreaths, sent by dogged romanti- students, and parents from the cuge junior and senior high but the reason it seems funny is ' school; 2. Poor relationship among students, school staff, and schools. Although the study was focused on Syracuse schools, Dr. Goldman is convinced that It's a social comment on ambition, but it's it's terribly stark. bruises. After that, the injuries came thick and fast: Hope smashed a linger; director Mel- La cists from as far away as Eng- - land and Italy -- adorned the crypt. And the usual eulogist -- parents; 3. Inadequate school ad- . r : got appeal for as many levels as vin Frank!sprained an ankle on 85-year-old former film star ministration and leadership; 4. there is no reason to believe there are people . . . When 'you the golf course and was put on James Kirkwood -- eulogized. Rapid or extensive change in that these _charcteristics would work with (director) Billy "crutches; Don Defore, who plays The somber occasion: 34th an- the school! program, population, not be valid for other schools (Wilder) a movie's. just every- "Miss Ball's husband, was plagu- nual memorial service for silent- and staff; 5. Student and school | and communities. thing -- the most fun fun and 'ed by an old back injury and screen idol Rudolph Valentino, staff dissatisfaction with school administration; 6. Community in- stability coupled with neighbor- hood deterioration. Of these six signposts, Dr, Goldman singled out "dissasso- ciation frogy the school" as tha factor "mos closely related to Easy-Sew Duster PRINTED PAT: 1] 4637 | SIZES 'Pretty way to start the day -- 'whip up this easy-sew duster in a bright print, crisp checks, or sweet pastel. Make it now for your vacation away or at-home ease. Short, 3; sleeves. Printed Pattern 4637: Misses' takes 3% yards 39-inch fabric.. Printed directions on each pat- I 4 Sizes 12, 14,-16, 18, 20. Size 16--{ - The report made the following recommendations to educators concerned with cutting school property damage 1. Locate schools in communi- ties where instability 'can be minimized; 2. Keep curriculum abreast of student needs; 3. Keep teachers attuned to the changing needs of students; 4. Select the principal carefully and allow him 'to exercise leadership; 5. Conduct a proper orientation program for "teachers and students to the poli- cies and routines of the school; 6. Establish easy munication between all school personnel through student gov- ernment and faculty meetings; 7. Involve students and teachers in the school through the leader- nounced to Miss Ball: "You are ship of the principal. excused by the chair." : EEA "Where's the chair?" asked | hae tivo-way com- the most work work. It was hard playing a girl going through such hell and make her seem brave and pathetic but not sorry for herself. There was no transi- tion in it--- ery here, laugh here, cry, laugh. Billy not only made puppets out of the actors, but the audience." On her approach to a ols "1 read the seript only once, slowly, and then don't look at it until filming. The audience's first im- pression is important, so 1 feel my first impression is a parallel of that. The problem is to mesh your own personality with the role, because not many can really put themselves into a actors For pooch-loving pianist Van Cliburn, 26, his second concert tour of Russia was -a yowling success. Not only did Cliburn come home cuddling a three- week-old black puppy -- a gift from-Russian admirers -- but he had met the Soviet space pups, Belka and Strelka, and they had snuggled right up to him: It hap- pened recently in Moscow, wheré Cliburn and the dogs appeared on separate programs in the same TV studio. Afterward, Van was asked _if he would like to see Belko and Strelka. "My word, yes, of course," he replied, and soon they were In his arms. "They were absolutely ador- able," he said. "So affectionate." Cliburn's trip netted him about $35,000, but, naturally, the Rus- _slans wouldn't allow him to take | = it out of the country. He left most of the money in banks, consider- ed buying a custom-made car (Chaika) that had taken fancy, but decided instead to do- _ nate $8,000 to Moscow's Baptist Church (which has a congrega- tion of 4,800, is one of 5,290 Bap- tist churches in the U.S.S.R.). Bv Anne Ashley .Q. We've been having a litte argument as to whose place it ~ his. _ Modern Etiquette DIGGER -- - Dottie spends time on Padra Island digging for treasure or some- thing. 'Wimberly CHURCH IN GROTTO -- Sorin oh in Idar- Sy Germany is built flush against the walls of a hollow in a cliff overlooking the town. It was built in the Middle Ages by a nobleman seeking to atone for murdering his brother. LEED ZG, ibid HRONICLES %GiNGER FARM The date, as 1 write, is August 28; the temperature 82 degrees, and the humidity 85. So I need hardly tell you it is uncomfort- ably warm. It is strange, too, how dried up everything looks after just one week of hot weather. 1 ~ would have thought we had had ° enough rain this year to keep "everything green until fall. But apparently not. However, weather notwith- standing, I am very happy. Part- ner is home from the hospital -- came home yesterday and is now anxious to get back to his every- day stride again. He should have been out on the Tuesday but the . incision developed infection so he had to wait until that had been taken care of. We went to-the-main-office- of - -the hospital &efore he came home to settle up for any extra - expenses that- might have been were incurred. The "extras" $2.25, for the use of a telephone in his room! Wonderful. We have already got back more than we have paid into the Ontario Hos- pital Commission since it start- ed, Of course there is still -the - surgeon, his assistant and the + anaesthetist to pay. But having the hospitalization taken . care of is-a-great-help.-- hospital *he was just starting in with his handpropelled mower to finish the job. Such hard work on a hot day." Of course we wouldn't let him go on with it - but we made sure he understood ~ among neighbours, ~ how much we appreciated the gesture. Isn't it nice to know how much friendliness there still is "rural" suburban? Letters from farm friends tell us of many such instances, But there is also another kind of farm help that is gradually mak- ing headway .and. of which a young farmer of our acquaint- ance is making good use, The idea originated in England, 1 be- lieve. It is a Farm Help Service, operated by men experienced in. ..every type-.of farm: 'and field - -work and ready to take over 'the - entire work of a farm for any - of both-parties. - given period 'should the 'owner. find it necessary to be away, either through illness or for .a vacation. I don't know what the financial arrangements are but I do know that all accounts are taken care of to the satisfaction My, how times change! In all the years we were tarming we never. knew what it meant to , take a holiday together for more 'and LER WE ET VRRIG wound up in 'traction -- and publicity chief David. Golding came down with the. mumps. On the morning of her arrival back at work, Miss Ball spent two hours with her hairdresser and make-up men, finally emerged -- assured that her in- juries wouldn't show -- and filming began. She put in one solid hour doing -a single shot of herself looking first at a bed, then a. door, and then a wrist watch, By 11:30 she was legging _ it to the nearby studio, where some 250 Desilu stockholders - were assembled for the annual 'meeting, with her estranged husband Desi - Arnaz presiding, After giving his report, Desi un- Miss Ball. Miss Ball departed, to ap- rlause. After a sandwich and a - cup of coffee (Lucy to the wai- tress: "Written many letters with this stuff lately?"'), she was back om the set, sitting in an. auto, chewing ardently on a wad of gum, Hope made his entrance. "All right, - everybody out-of the pool," he shouted, "making his "way past the tank into which Miss Ball had taken her tumble. He got into the car with her, and a cameraman interrupted to say that the light in Miss Ball's eyes wasn't right. "I guess-my eyes are too big for the movies," she said. "I'll tell you one thing," Hope said. "Your. eyelashes are Xeep- ing me well dusted oft," -- The set by 'now was jammed. Wwith-visitors - from--the-;-stock-- holders' meeting, and, as: film- ing began, 'a small -boy toppled '| "noisily. off a ladder, stopping the shot. "Kids are wonderful, . but I 'like mine, barbecued," Hope said clenched teeth. through Director Frank took a position "| to one side, to show the couple where -to--look.: sign," he called. "Then blink on and off," 'Hope barked. "When the "scéne was finished, -"Fm a motel--|- who died at 31 in 1926. Diner in Luxury Set a table with lifelike roses in red. or varied tones! Use on scarf; pillow-top, too. } Easy 8-to-inch cross-stitch roses cover a cloth with lavish color! Buds for napkins. Pattern 867: two and two reverse 15% x 19%-inch; eight 212 x 3% motifs. Send. THIRTY. -FIVE_ CENTS-:-- (stamps 'cannot be accepted, use- postal note for safety); for this: pattern. to LAURA WHEELER, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St. New Toronto, Ont. Print, plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. New! New! New! Our 1960 "Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book is ready NOW! Crammed with _ exciting, unusual, popular. de- signs. t6-crochet; knit,- sew, ems" brodier; quilt, weave -- fashions, . : Ball headed home furnishings, toys, gifts, ba- tern part. Easier, accurate. : Now it is. Sunday, still very | than a day at a time and during an exhausted Miss gs,' toys, gifts, Send FIFTY CENTS (stamps i th Spadk hmsl when, epi role completely. I'm not one of hot, but do you know we actu- sickness we got along the best a her drassing Toor Zine Shas Tin To ths fook SEH 3 cannot be accepted, use" postal op "Will vou please settle these characters who delves -- ally had visitors here today who way we could -- with the help of adzenaline up" y cents for your copy ? note for safety) for this pattern. | omen. Wl you ples if I dig it, I dig it and I go.ahead, | do not carry any kind of hospi- | neighbours, as I said before. Director Frank felt fine, : Please print plainly SIZE, Oca 5 on a tine: was The image is there and | don't tal insurance. I could hardly bet Without neighbours many a far- "They're perfect together, foal = . NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE Pars ihe pon, who spoke like to confuse it by thinking lieve it. Actually it came about mer would have been sunk time professionals," he "said happily. ISSUE 38 -- 1960 'NUMBER. : - 2 lrays But id it they are about it too much." through a misunderstanding Not after time. : : po Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto, Ont. ts good friends, there's nothing at all wrong with the man's speak- Ting Ag" On her next movie, "All in a Night's Work," a comedy with "Dean Martin: "I'd liké¢ doing a picture with Dean any time -- you're laughing and playing gin _right up until the camera rolls." On watching daily rushes dur- ing filming: "I always look at the rushes, because your mistakes are much more glaring' daily than when they're put together. You can do a scene and it's just right and the crew applauds and everything and you can see it in the rushes -- and nothing noth- ing. comes across. It might be - because of the camera location, or "lighting that's wrong .for the "mood, -or anything. If it's really bad, we do it over, In 'Can-Can' I started out trying -- not an accent but a rhythmical way of talking. Then I saw the rushes and I cut it out fast. Birt is was too expensive to do the begin- Jing over, so it just stayed in." On her enforced separations from husband Steve Parker, who produces film . shows in Japan: "We have a house in Tokyo and one in Hollywood, and Stephie ° (her 4-year-old daughter) is with one of ug all the time, She goes "to an American school when she's in this country and to a - Japanese school in Japan, At home she speaks Japanese to our ~ wanting to be bothered v with pay- ments _evexy three months they sent a cheque to cover the total for a year. The cheque was re- _ turned with the explanation that "premiums could only be paid every three months, They' were busy at the time and did not send a cheque either then or since. I told them in no uncertain terms how foolish they 'were -- and still are. Do you know what , . . I al- most thought we were back on a farm last week. You know how "farm folk help each other out in time of need. 1 remember out West neighbours coming in and harvesting 'our 6ats the time Partner took a finger off in the binder: when I had a lengthy illness (no hospitalization then!) neighbours looked after the threshing meals" - for me, contributed canning and pickling and one neighbour came in every Friday and did a week's baking for us. Since then 1 have heard of many instances of rural neighbourliness but I didn't ex- pect to find anything like it in suburbia, But I. was wrong. Last Friday three young fellows in the neighbourhood came along with their power mowers and cut our lawns -- almost an acre. . They were most anxious Partner And - at "Ginger Farm - Well, we are now approaching the last long holiday weekend -- and then the stores will start putting on the pressure for Christmas - buying. It almost scares me to think of it -- for '|. two reasons. One to think that Christmas 1s less than four months away, and two, that time ~ should pass so quickly. Where does it go to? Can you tell me? I wish I knew. But it has been a lovely summer, hasn't it? Consistency To keep things stralght, Jack Wendt and his wife Joyce, of Merrill, Wis., will call their new- born daughter Jenny. The 'couple' s other seven children are Jerry, Joel, Jim, Jan, Jill, Jeans nie and Julie, ; F---- Piano Prodigy. "Every minute you're here?is ! Lives A Dog' s Life " Guendolin 2-P. C1 : ] Sonny us Loney: Arnaz com- «1 Spanish maid "=" it's hysterical, | shouldn't be faced with grass to | Rand am nobody knows. Anything that goes-{-cut-directly he got-out of hdspi- | n that house, Her shoes are ' | tal. There was oné piece the | scattered all over the world, be- three young fellows didn't fin- cause she's always taking them ish. A Polish neighbour noticed oft," -- From NEWSWEEK, this and as we came back from the ow x Lo Vereman Palm Springs, Fla., customer does business with the "TV Auto Teller" at a branch of the Gititens Federal 'Savings and loan Assn, of Hialeah, Two-way closed-up lens and a pneumatic tube make transactions easy. Close-up lens enable teller in building 100 feet away to examine signatures. : ONT Ar EE - paddle would be 'more appropriate than a Mrs, " Dovidy: splashes away at a floating golf boll. The course was inundated by rain. "wits & toothall player wi Pullman teeth: Ona tipper an one lower."

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