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Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Sep 1960, p. 5

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| Cherry Pie Filler RLOAD FOOD MARKETS PRINCE ALBERT 7 PHONE PORT PERRY vo. 52492 hahha bbb RL SES RR EEE Food Feaures for Sept. 2, 23, 2. B. ai Large 48 oz. tin Orange and Apricot Drink ... } AYLMER, with PECTIN, 24 Oz. StrawberryJam ............. 1) I * ) E. D. SMITH, 20 OZ, TIN BEE I IF EE YEE IEE 37 DR. BALLARD'S, Regular, Chicken, Liver, 15 oz. tin Champion Dog Food.:...... 4 for ". MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS Choice Tender Juicy Beef Round, Sirloin, T-Bone STEAKS 89' DAISY BRAND, LEAN, RINDLESS SIDE 1b Bacon, ® 6&6 0 4 0° 0 0 0 P00 * 2 81 FRESH, SMALL LINK Sausages . .. ih 1-1b. Tray Pack, 45° ' BURNS VAC-PAK Bone zh... 1 BURN'S HOD DOG Wieners, 1 1h. pkey. "T.V. TOWERS "FALL SPECIAL - $49.00 and up DeLuxe Tower, twin all-channel "heads, self supporting, 40 ft. $79.00 installed 'high Roof Antennas, all-channel, 425.00 up ---- CALL . _-- COMET T.V. & RADIO Blackstock, Phone 113. | Good selection of used Tv & radios." . Expert Repairs toall makes ~ , 6--6 "58 "Stars - Meteors 21-2 Thursday Night Bowling Lea ue my SECTION Sept. 29th--First Week 7.00 p.m. 1--2 3--4 6--6 Stars - Legionaires Black Jacks - Archers 9.00 p.m. De Luxe - Juniors Goofers - Meteors +12 3--4 6--6 Oct. 6th--Second Week 1.00 p.m. Meteors - Head Ping Goofers - Juniors 1-2 3--4 b--8@ 9.00 p.m, 1--2 3--4 5--6 Archers - De Luxe Carnegie - Stars Oct. 13th--Third Week 7.00 p.m, Stars - Black Jacks Blow Kings - Carnegie Juniors - Meteors 9.00 p.m, De Luxe - Goofers 1-2. 3--4 65--6 1--2 3--4 Oct. 20th--4th Week 7.00 p.m, Legionaires - De Luxe Whiz Bagg 1--2 3--4 6--6 9.00 p.m. Carnegie - Meteors Goofers - Blow Kings 1-2 3--4 6--6 Juniors - Head Pins Oct. 27th--5th Week 7.00 p.m. 1--2° Archers - Juniors 3--4 Meteors - Blow Kings Goofers - Head Pins 9.00 pm, Whiz Bangs - Stars Carnegie - Legionaires Black Jacks - De Luxe 1-2 3--4 6--6 Nov. 3rd--6th Week 7.00 p.m. } Stars - Blow Kings Legionaires - Goofers De Luxe - Carnegie _ 9.00 pm. Archers - Head Pins Black Jacks - Juniors Whiz Bangs - Meteors 1--2 3--4 5--6 1--2 Sond 5--6 Nov, 10th--7th Week 7.00 p.m. Tr 3--4 5--6 Archers . Meteors 9.00 p.m. Black Jacks - Goofers Head Pins - Stars 1--2 3--4 6--6 Nov, 17th--8th Week 7.00 p.m. 1--2 ° Whiz Bangs - Goofers Whiz Bangs - Carnegie De Luxe - Blow Kings Head Pins - Blow Kings Whiz Bangs - Blow Kings Legionaires - Black Jacks Head Pins - Whiz Bangs Legionaires - Archers 8s - Black Jacks, Archers - Stars Carnegie - Juniors lt Whiz Bangs - Legionaires .8--4 De Luxe - Head Pins 9.00 p.m. 1--2. Archers - Blow Kings 8--4 Black Jacks - Carnegie 6--6 Legionaires - Juniors Nov. 24th--9th Week 7.00 p.m. 1-2 8--4 65--6 Archers - Carnegie 9.00 p.m, Juniors - Whiz Bangs "De Luxe - Meteors Stars - Goofers 1--2 '3--4 5--6 Dec. 16t--10th Week 7.00 p.m, 1--2 Archers - Goofers - 8--4 .6--6 Head Pins - Carnegie 9.00 p.m. 8--4 5--86 Stars - Juniors Black Jacks - Meteors Dec. 8th--11th Week 7.00 p.m. 1--2 Juniors { Blow Kings 8--4 66 Meteors - Legionaires 9.00 p.m, 1--2 Stars - De Luxe 8--4 Archers - Whiz Bangs 6--6 Carnegie - Goofers ~ Dec. 15th--TURKEY ROLL Ladies' Mon. Night 'lon. spend and be spent" closed the Bowling League SEPT. 26th-- 1-2--Holland vs. Italy Germany vs. England 3-4--France vs, Ireland Sweden vs, Canada 6-86--8cotland va. India China vs, Japan oor 8rd 1-2--8cotland vs. 5. Ireland China vs, Canada -8-4--Holland vs, India 'Germany va. Japan 6-6--France vs. Italy Sweden vs. England Legionaires - Head Pins Black Jacks - Blow Kings Whiz Bangs - De Luxe Legionaires - Blow Kings Black Jacks - Head Pins gr) | | 234, 227; Grace Hunter--236, 212; Te- | hoping for 54x I TS SEE Sy pa A A EI Se Eu | 9%; 1 vi¥ s LEAN dy Fa y ; 3 5) i? > 4 LE # 5& CEE FEELERS SRN ISOS OCT. 17th" 1.Z2--France vs, India Sweden vs. Japan 3-4--Scotland vs. Italy China vs. England 6-6--Holland vs. Ireland Germany vs. Canada OCT, 24th-- 1-2--Hollund vs. England Germany vs. Italy " 8-4--France vs. Canada Sweden vs, Ireland 6-6--Scotland vs, Japan China vs. India -- OCT. 31st-- 1-2--Scotland vs. Canada China vs, Ireland 3-4--Holland vs. Japan Germany vs. India 6-6--France vs. England Sweden vs. Italy NOV, Tth-- . 1-2--France vs. Japan Sweden vs. India 3-4--Scotland vs. England China vs. Italy ~6-6--Holland vs, Canada _ Germany vs. Ireland I NOV. 14th-- 1-2--Holland vs. China Japan vs. Italy d-4--Sweden vs, Germany India vs. Ireland 6-6--Scotland vs. France England vs. Canada NOV. 21st-- 1-2--Scotland vs, Sweden England vs. Ireland 3-4--Holland vs. Krance Japan vs, Canada -| thank-you notes and $10.00 was voted were read and approved. Roll call showed 28 ladies present and Mrs. Salette was welcomed as a new mem- ber, Collection of $6.60 and penny offering $2.06 received. The coin bags are turned in and $17.98 received from same. The north group turned in $13.00. The treasurer gave a full report on Strawberry supper im July, the net profits being $90.25. Baking sales. for summer $166.00 and a Bal- ance on hand of $477.00 to date, Mrs. Nodwell reported on the organ fund and discussion took place on balance of 'fund. Decided it be left in a sep- arate fund. Mrs, Tait read several for the flower and fruit committee. The rally for Group 1 was anpounced for Oct. 4 in Valentin church and Seagrave was asked for the devotional and also appoint a vice-president, The group leaders were asked to act as a committee to arrange this. Hymn "Abide with Me" was sung and bene- diction closed the meeting, Prizes for a lucky number were presented to Mrs. Moase, a guest at the meeting. and Mrs. B. Wanamaker. A lovely lunch was served by North Group. Annual thank offering services will be held Sunday, Sept. 26 at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pm. Rev. Wm. Armitage of Little Britain will be guest speak- er, Special music is being arranged by the choir. J 5 Cedar Creek THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 19608 Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, Provincial Chapter of Ont. Br 5 5 Es bi 45 bef 20, '4 £7 Thirty Canadian students have been awarded 'bursaries -valued at $48,000, for the year 1960 from the Second War Memorial Trust Fund of the LO.D.E. This was announced by Mrs. Peter L. Robinson, National President, Each receives an award of $1600,00 Five of the students are in Ontario: 'William- 'P: ~ Doherty; ~ Guelph; David - = Stephen King, Toronto; Joy Louise Duchemin, Orillia; Ernest E. Smith, Toronto and Peter Dakin, Ottawa. These students all obtained first class honours in their Grade 13 exa- which will enable the student to enter a Canadian University to study for minations and have made outstanding contributions in the extra curricular Sie a degree. activities of their various collegiates. ROLLER SKATING DISPLAY By Oshawa Roller Skating Club Friday, September 23rd, at 9 p.m. MEMORIAL ARENA, PORT PERRY Admission to show--Adults 15¢. Children 10c. Regular Roller Skating as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ouimet visited | relatives at Detroit last week-end. Ronnie Willerton is attending Tea-' chers' College in Toronto. _ 6-6--China vs. Germany Italy vs, India Nov. 28th-- 1-2--France vs, China Canada vs. Italy 3-4--Scotland vs. Germany Canada vs, Italy i 6-6--Holland vs. Sweden Japan vs. Ireland DEC. 6th-- hk 1-2--Holland vs. Germany . Japan vs, India 3-4--China vs. Scotland Italy vs. England 6-6--France vs. Sweden Canada vs. Ireland DEC, 12th-- } 1-2--Germany vs. France : India vs. Canada .-3-4--Sweden vs, .China . .....__. Italy vs. Ireland 6-6--Holland vs, Scotland - Japan vs. England DEC,, 19th-- 1-2--Scotland vs. Sweden * England vs. Ireland 3-4--Holland vs, France Japan vs, Canada 6-6--Germany vs. China Jhdia VB. x. laly Ladies Monday Night Boving -- Monday Sept. hs High Triple-- - Mary Amell--649 High Single-- Elma Vernon---237 Over 200-- Elma Vernon--237; Mary Amell-- resa Hall--226; Merle St. John--222; Joyce Emmerson--=221; Dorothy Jar- dine--219; Marjorie - Burnett--218; Florence Davey--217; Anne Mulder-- 216; Flo Mahaffy--213; Dorothea Koch--207; 'Norma Scott--204; Ruby Adderley--204; Helen Bathie--203; Shane---201; - Seagrave _ September meeting of Women's As. sociation was held in 8. 8. on: Wed- nesday evening 'with Mrs. Abraham in charge of devotional, Meeting opened with singing of "O Master Let me- Walk with Thee" and prayer offered by Mrs, Clarke, Scripture from Gal. 6: 1-10 was read by Mrs. Stone. The topic was given by Mrs, MacNeil, giving many. worth while thoughts in explaining how some of our beautiful flowers can be living epistles for Christ.. Hymn "Labour worghip period. Prior to Mrs, Stone taking charge of meeting for the business, everyone was so "thankful to learn that Lloyd Bruce, who had undergone a serious heart operation that day, was doing as well as could be expected, At time of writing Lloyd continues to improve, is now off the critical list and everyone is a [complete recovery. Lloyd is in Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, Mrs, Stone welcomed all present and hoped everyone was ready for a busy fall after 'the two months vaca- tion. , General Hospital last Wednesday. He ' day. Margaret Sweetman--202; Edna De- 4 Minutes of the June meeting Wm. Blain was rushed to Oshawa - is improving this week. Miss Flossie Spencer and brother, Richard, visited Mrs. Tom Bell in Port Perry last Tuesday. Sterling. Wight of Kingston visited Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris on Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Vince Larocque 'and David of Oshawa were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Laroc- que, Mr. 'and Mrs. Elgin White of Port with Perry were Sunday visitors Anniversary Services and { ( a ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER 'Manchester United Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2nd GUEST PREACHER -- REV. R, H. LOVE, B.A, B. D. Services at 11.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. TURKEY SUPPER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5th Supper Served 5.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Adults $1.50 Children 76¢ . Sept. 29 George Kilpatrick. ™ ARROW SHIRTS NEW FALL SHADES DE PAR TME $5.00, $6.00, $6.95 MEN' S, SUITS GREYS, ETC., Latest Models $49.95 Craft Sports Wear MEN, ne Suede Leather : windbreakers 19.95 i Suburban Coats $19.95, $29.95, $39.95 'Men's Plaid Flanneletie Shirls $2.98 and $3.98 HUNTER Sport Shirts Boys' $2.95 CHECKS BM We've laid in a supply of Arrow's smart new Hunter Check sport shirts. But we warn you, you'll have trouble choosing one. Boys' Coats ~~ Special $9.95 ® Luxurious Viscose fabric lets you wash, drip and wear them with Jittle or no irening. (An Iron Cheater sport shirt!) M Permanent collar stays and perfectly matched pockets are further reasons why you should rush down to our store while we still have a' wide selection to choose from. ® Our stock includes Satin overchecks, high style black Sisman Work Bools 31.50, $8.95, $9.95 and whites, and many other colourful patterns, Chances are, you'll want to buy more than one! : $6.95 and $19.95 ~ DACK SHOES, $17. %, Desert Boos, Men's, $7.95 8% BEIGE, GREEN, BLACK 4 | Biltmore Hats, Mens, $6. % ~NEW FELTS ' Sr PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE: YU PA MM Cw a had A N SN ¥ 7 = PA eX a5 HK iv Si A ~

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