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Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Oct 1960, p. 2

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2---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1960 t prize with the Warba varlety, wood, R. 1 ,entered the Calf Scramble President--Dorcen Pascoe 1 Intermediate Boys' Champion-- In the class of Sebago potatoes the and each received a lovely carcoat, Vice-President--Gloria Robertson Laurie Mackie (Grade 11) I Ian Frayer (Grade 11) 40 points | winners were: - donated by Jack Fraser Stores, Men's . = Secretary--Thelma Rowland | ! both tied with 27 points, Senior Bo 2 Chom jon-- 1st--Lloyd Johnson, Uxbridge, R.4 and Boys' Wear Limited, Press Reporter--Marsha Williams 3 oth » fe ' 2nd--Bruce Norton, Claremont, R. 1 The Junior Farmer and 4-H Club The -leaders and senior members Senior. Girls' Champion-- | Ardis McArthur (Grade 13) 31 pt 3rd--Keith Moore, Uxbridge, R. 1 bpys and. girls of Ontario County are outlined the course and the method "Frances Staniland (Grade 13) . The C.H.S all-stars ake. NOW pre | of keeping a note book for the season 22 points to the junior members in the remain- In the club exhibits for 4-H Home- to be congratulated for such a fine making Clubs, the winners were as showing in the Junior Farmer Départ- paring for the Tri-School Field meet Junior Boys' Champion-- to be held in Orono on Thursday, Oct. follows: ment at Markham Fair der of the evening. He . : Bruce - : Shiu | Garden Club Exhibit | The meeting closed with the 4-H hee Gian (Grade 9). 54 pls 6th. : ; | 1st--=Altona 4-H Girls' Garden Club ETee------ ; pledge. r > 7 | 2nd--Brougham 4-H Girl's " Club » ' Cottons May be Smart Exhibit o S J : rt I 2nd--Claremont 4-H Homemaking cugoy unior 1 Club H kers CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON 3rd--Altona 4-H Homemaking Club | omema ers \ {Field Day al , In the Individual Exhibits for 4H The 14t meeting of the Scugog Jv. g Homemaking Clubs, the winners were fomemakers was held at th C h Hi b £ e home h Dee C { as follows: } of Mrs. Ploughman--at 7 o'clock on artwrig i 1g Corating ontractors i . Cotton Dress the evening of Sept. 27. The leaders p | 1st Prize Group-- only Sobre riday, September 30th was the an- INTERIOR and EXTERIOR ' HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA play-by-play coinmentator for Mont- Jean Harper, Claremont, R. 2 + dine nual Field Day at Cartwright High 2 Danny Gallivan (top inset) and Bill real Canadiens' home games. Hewitt, © Ruth Ann. Carruthers, " R. 2 Leader--Mrs, Ploughman Sree In spite of the nippy wea- Hewitt (bottom inset) will keep CBC. assisted by his father, Foster, des- 2nd Prize Group-- SF, Hers Wag very oud tamipéiition W Il Pp S I TV viewers and CBC radio listeners cribes the action of Toronto Maple Shirley. Lewis, Claremont, R. Asistant, Leder--Mrs, Cartiochan 'in all categories' for both girls and d apering a pecial ty fully informed during the 1960-61 Na- Leafs' home games. Both announcers Joyce Lewis, Claremont, R. y The meeting opened with the Lord's boys events. é tional Hockey League games at Mon- do the commentary for radio and tele- June Lewis, Claremont, R. 8 Prayer, after which Gloria Robertson ' Th i 4 treal and Toronto. Gallivan is the vision. i 3rd Prize Group-- | told us of her trip to the 4-H confer- Junko re iy tolluwre: Phones: Oliver 5-4441 Brooklin, Ont. Evelyn Dunkeld, Claremont, R. 2 ence in Guelph this year, Immedi-| June Akehurst (Grade 9) 26 pt. i , wits 4 : " 'co Shirley Dunkeld, Claremont, R. 2 [ately after the officers were elected Intermediate Girls' Champion-- Scar. AT 2.0961 Whitby MO 8-3559 | .e8, Smith read an address o n- Charles Hill and Ken May of Good- | and are as follows: : 2 } i Prospect gratulations and appreciation of their Ie Sylvia Lawrence (Grade 10) > good citizenship. A very pleasant FI The Sept. meeting of the W.A. g I go e was evening was enjoyed on this happy t - 1 held at the home of the president, ' occasion, . ; : ; re Mrs. M, P. Holtby. The devotionat Then on Saturday afternoon and ; , RE } period was conducted by Mrs, H. evening, Mr, and Mrs. Durham were d Webster. Mrs. Lloyd Smith reported 1 At Home" to their relatives and' : } friends, renewing many happy friend- the business items over the summer "ships. : : recess, including the redecoration- of | . Mpg, Hollingsworth of -Port Credit, . : 1 A ah : 1 the church interior. Mrs. Allan Mar- visiting at the home of Mr. and ; WE : tyn of Prince Albert provided inter-| ars. Burnsell Webster. " SEP ELIE pa hel uh i eee Sh rrr fee eating entertainment with her pic- MEA : le von ous Ew on BM Want more comfort room? Geta car that' ; big enough M Powered tobea better wy: from 3 engine choices, A. cu 'ing their motor trip there' recently. (J C J a to provide real, airy stretch-out robm--more than just stingySixoftwoheftyV-8's, Twoautomati : " mor i i ; room---maore.ir --.stngys twoheftyV-8's. Tw ics. Plusstand- i During the social hour, Roxie, Mrs., nt. ounty uniors seating space for six. Add the t k e they'll 5 ; t a Esa RL $i oe gf Mosionko. and Tob Served delieions oWe at gsp : e trunk space they'll need ard shiftand overdrive. Powerasyoulikeit. Engineered salad plate lunch. The October meet- D Ww 11 Wk A ------ i i i i ing wil be held on 13th at Mrs, Har. : | tensuiitages big. Add the comfort of a big car ride, to be a better buy: to stay a better value! Goes up to old Holtby's home. Markham Fair the stability of wide-set wheels. Add go-power and sure 30,000 miles between lubrications, 4,000 miles before 1 Whi 3 disc, service on Sept. A number of boys and girls from stopping power. Add all the things you really want. The oil changes. Brakes adjust themselves. Muffler life is | { as in charge of the members. Ontario County did very well with SE , . ; c : Mrs. Richardson of Whitby gave an their exhibits in the Junior Farmers' answer's Meteor--the car that's big enough to be a now tripled. ® To top it all, Meteor is-priced to be a bet- inspiring address and Mrs. Les. Department at Markham Fair on Sep- : ate = I TR i Smith favored with a fine solo. The tember 20, 30, and October lst. better Buy; M_Styled 3 be a better buy in twelve new. ter buy. With its big-enough features, Meteor.is priced ' fash spokes gs Ssbamsnied by ne a inn fh wa Soe: : models. Sixteen basic colours. All with a distinctly an inch above the compacts! A better move is to the i > 3. § is arr H 1 H . . : : . . : tained nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. were as follows: oo -Canadiantouch fromwide-spangrilletosleekreardeck. new Méteor. It's big enough. In size, in power, in value! Lloyd Sniith. ! Class for Garry Oats ; * } | NL mis . E : : ee oa oh LE : - £ "There has been two weddings in ~1st--John_Spencer, Brooklin, R.. ah be i i - - Tu ye | -- - a : a 3 the community during the vacation | #nd--Gordon Vernon, Port Perry, i season. First, our popular Joanne ~8rd--Keith Page, Uxbridge, R. 2 -@ ni Mosienko to Everett Kerr of Osha- Other winners were: - 8 | Aldon Smith, Port Perry, R. 2 fg ] wa. Since childhood, she has ¢ontri- buted so much good musical enter- tainment, for which we are grateful. Secondly, the Golden 'Wedding Anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Dur- | ham on Sept. 28th, when their Pros- pect friends met at their home and presented them with a chair, also a cup and saucer from the W.A. Mr. Norton, Claremont, R. REGISTER NOW All men, presently unemployed, who desire work, under. Bill Batty, Brooklin, R. 1 George Smith, Port Perry, R. 2 Class for Rodney Oats 1st--Maustyn McKnight, Ux, R. 2 2nd--Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, R. 2 3rd--Neil Raines]'Blackwater, R. 2 In the class for early potatoes Bruce : 1, won 1st ~ "WINTER WORK CAMPAIGN", register NOW at the MUNICIPAL OFFICE, PERRY STREET NORTH JOHN FI. RAINES, Clerk-Treasurer, Village of Port Perry, Ontario. ic rc "3051 Meteor Mehtésin Toh sisor harden. ; one of Ford of Canada's fine cars, bullt In Canada, DON'T BE COLOR-BLIND eh fei | -- WHEN YOU BUY COAL : Warranted for an unprecedented 12,000 miles or one full year--whichever comes first! It can cost you money | It's thrifty --it's safe! Buy Insist on the coal that's col- "Hue Soul foday! i ; To Orrow at our Mer - a \ : | ble Aa I i m y cury-Meteor-Comet dealer | ored blue. It's your guarantee Clean, Safe, Low-Cost Heat you're getting top-quality hard Certain features Iustrated or mentioned are standard on some models optional at extra cost on o coal, 'blue coal' burns clean 1 Op t on others and hot with far less waste, 'REESOR FUEL & LUMBER ~ WILLIAMS PORT PERRY + YU 5.7951 AE PORT PERRY = -- - 03 = To = i & "Ay : ; 3 . wr Wo - : : » ~ i Xx

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