\ on 5.2127 Jan, 17/61 For TAXI SERVICE call YUkon 5-7365 BRIGNALL TAXI | Offers courteous 24 hour service. 2 $i Pd et wn Re AMBULANCE SERVICE ; -- Queen 8t., Port Perry (next door to Flamingo Restaurant) L6'T.F. Winter Tours And Cruises A Will accept bookings now to " "England and the Continent by air or Slommship, Travel Agent, Uxbridge, Ontario 1.6 Jan. 3/61 uL 2-8411 REAL ESTATE | FARM HOMES. BUSINESS LOTS © MARGARET BALLARD, Realtor apd Got Phone 49 or.124 ed Vauhol | 11 DGING | « o > A SOFFENING Ena 1864 pHONE 9 Eat A > Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY igh 8t prices paid for dead and "anin Oct. 13, 1961 © TANKS cleaned by | PUMP EQUIPMENT Jour. tank checked now before hes starts. 24 hour service. G. ARMSTRONG Phone YUkon 5-2226 Jan. 14/61 p-- 15 INSURANCE" Are your Policies 'up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs ; may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE YUkon 5-2421 - PORT PERRY ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding Esttimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. -. - Piano Tuning V. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Phone: YU 5-2334 1. Mar, 9/61 APEX IV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perpy---Phone--YUkon 65-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man ' Dec. 31/60 Dead Stock Highest prices paid for dead & disabled horses, cattle & hogs, Small animals removed free. RAY VIVIAN Ltd., Locust Hill 'Phone Markham 1160J collect or UL 2-3891, Uxbridge --24 hour - 7 day service. WE CAN PAY MORE We guarantee no animal collected by our company will be resold for human ¢onsumption. Ont. Gov. License No. 33960 June 80/61 Wanted DEAD OR CRIPPLED Horses, Cattle, Hogs Removed Promptly for Disposal Government Disposal Act Licence No. 18c60 Phone Long Distance Zenith 32800, at our expense } ED. PECONI & SON LTD., Argyle, Ontario ofor'Sales 1958 Olds. Super 88 sedan, power 'steering, power brakes, jetaway. Jet black, very clean. 1957 Olds. Super 88 hardtop, fully equipped 1967 Chevrolet Bel Air sedan, V-8 automatic, Tadio, 2-tone, grey with "red trime 1956 Ford Fairlane 1966 Buick hardtop, very clean 1966 Buick sedan, automatic 1064 Dodge sedan 1058 Chevrolet T-ton stake 1966 Chevrolet %-ton pick-up 1960 G.M.C. 1 3 only 1960 Chevrolet ¥-ton pick- . ups, at special clearance prices, John Deere 420 crawler, b-roller, with * loader and winch, Ready for work. ohn Deere 14T baler, P.T.O. | 1LH.C. No. 46 baler, P.T.0. 'Buy now & save. BROCK MOTOR SALES) Plione 73, Sunderland; Ont. Wanted - = Logs radio, automatic, 1-ton pick-up J Good. Maple In the tree cut or skidded. Top : prices paid; also basswood and elm, Phone collect 320w8 Keene or write PO. Box xi Petarboro. | Good . | Jan, b "Phone YUken 65-2331 CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY. MUST BE IN BY 9 am. WEDNESDAY Eggs 75e., per dozen Peel's Poultry Farm Ltd. needs breed- er flocks within 80 mile of Port Perry, | You can receive as high. as T6c. per dozen and have your eggs picked up at your farm. If you have or can get facilities for 800 or more hens write immediately or phone YUkon 6-7881. Feb, 16/61 FOR SALE -- Oil Stove in good condition, also tank and connections-- Apply Star Office, YU. 5-2331. FOR SALE -- 48 G.M.C. Stake Dump Truck. Phone Collect RA 8- 0094 or RA 8-3294. FOR SALE -- A number of long playing records. Further information call YU 5-2680, Jan, 12 CASH FOR YOUR TURNIPS We will pay you cash prices for No. 1 turnips from 3" up. None too large for our requirements. Morley Browne, Stouffville 176. Jan. 19 BALED HAY FOR SALE Phone YU 5-2140 " FOR SALE -- 1956 Ford Hardtop, Red-and White. Excellent condition, snow -- tires. Private sale. OL 65-4731, Hamer. Waitress Wanted Full or Part time Apply at Flamingo - Restaurant LOST -- Female fox hound, blue tick, on Saturday. Edgar Slack YU 65-2607. WANT TO USE A TYPEWRITER? We have one available for rent. Call the Port Perry Star. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, self contained. Heated. In Port- Perry. Phone YU 5-2618, T.F. . W. J. Carnegie APARTMENT FOR RENT -- On ground floor, living room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and bathroom, private ent- rance. Phone YU 56-2478. T.F. FOR RENT--Resigential- oil" con OIE i Rw Stove, Re- Trigerator, T.V. outlet, private entran- ce. Phone YU b5-2214, Monday till Thursday. Jan. 26/61 APARTMENT TO RENT --2 bed- room apartment. All conveniences. Private entrance. Above Western Tire Store.. Apply John Ballard, Phone YU 65-7946. TF "FOR RENT -- 2 hedroom ground floor apartment. Residential, All conveniences. Self contained. Phone YUkon 5-6038 after six. Jan.26 FERTILIZER --Top quality at low- low prices, = Before you buy check first with' Uxbridge Co-Op. ULster 2-3321 or ZE 8-4130, no charge. Jan. 19 For Sale Bigelow & Balsam St--1 rooms, 2 storey frame house on large lot, oil heated, 2 kitchens, large glassed in porch. Now selling at only. $6800. full price with $2,500. down payment and $50 monthly payments. Truly an excellent buy. For appointment all S. MACKO, REALTOR RA. 8.4661, Oshawa FRESH 1 MILK FED eabose Ready for oven or freezer, delivered, 12 mon Niki. vear. flavour. we' creamery butter, gives the ri . creamy sauce. Before you heat dinner ry "450'F. aven, turn pr 57 BRUCY AHA harp eheddar Reg + Jan. B \ a £4 ren, at ok Auction Sale THURS,, JAN. 19th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 40 Herefords, 30 Hogs, 1957 Buick, . M.H. Tractor, Threshing Machine, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, the property of Fred Gilson Estate, Lot 16, Con. 8, Mariposa Twp.,; 2 miles South of Little Britain. Terms Cash, Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Wm. Weldon and Geo. Greenway, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Notice fo Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF ROSS EDGAR SANDISON, Late of the Township of Reach, in. the County 'of Ontario, Trucker All persons having claims against the estate of the above named, who died December 19th, 1960, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before February 6th, 1961; full parti- culars of their claims. Immediately after February 6th, 1961, the assets of the deceased will be distributed "among the parties entitled thereto "having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned have notice, Dated at Port Perry, this 8rd day of January, 1961, 'HARRIS HARRIS & WALLACE, Solicitors for the above Estate, Port Perry, Ontario Blackstock Pwenty-one ladies and seven child- ren attended the December meeting of the United Church W.A. in the Christian Education room Tussiay afternoon, Nr J Murs: Fe Butt, reliving President. and Mrs. W. Archer, retiring Secretary in their places. Meeting opened with a Carol, after which the minutes and several thank-you notes were read. Secretary and Treasurer gave their yearly reports. The Society voted to give $25. to M. and M. $26. to Bud- get and $100.00 to Building Fund. On behalf of the Parsonage com- 'mittee, Mrs. Percy VanCamp reported | that a complete living room sujte had 'been purchased and placed in the Parsonage. Mrs. Romeril expressed her appreciation of above and also for their Christmas gift of a turkey. Mrs. Carnaghan, president for 1961, asked if new executive might elect group leaders and choose groups; ete. --granted. A minute: silence was observed in| memory of Mrs: James Henry. This was followed by prayer. Mrs. Rus- sel 'Mountjoy - was in charge of the Devotional. The Carol; "Silent Night" was sung. Mrs, P. VanCamp read the Christmas story from St. Luke and Mrs. Mountjoy gave a paper on "Christmas Gifts to the Christ Child". We may bring our gifts by remem- bering the needy, sick and shut-ins, ote. Is there a vacancy in our lives, if so admit Christ. May He not hear "No Room". She also offered prayer. "Mrs, Lorne -Thompson played a piano "soloA Medley of Christmas Songs--Carol Werry sang "My Alice Blue Gown" Miss Marilyn Archer, Whitby told the most interesting story. of "The Third Lamb". Mrs. Harold McLaughlin sang "When Sweet Ann Sings". Roll/Call was answered by an exchange of gifts. After the singing of more Carols a delicious lunch was. served. Miss Beth Strong was hostess for a kitchen shower in honour of Mrs. George Gibbs (Joan Ross) on Wed- nesday afternoon. After a few 'games were played, the bride had unwrapped her gifts and expressed her appreciation a dainty. lunch was |- served by Beth, her.mother, Mrs. Gor- don Strong and sister Mrs. Donald Sinclair, Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Farmaton; riam, Pauline and Joyee Stratford, led on Mrs, Cecil Hill, Roy: and Ferguson and the Loyd Wrights on Wednesday. | As their challenge, necessary to ob- their Gold Cord, two Girl Guides from Port Perry, Marag: t Ann. Wi: rspoon and Donna arie Heayn, this on t rty fo od res Koo. 2 inthe Italian, or wha taste most with vied oth shall then |" Brown Owl Shirley Turner tested these two Guides. The party con- sisted of active and quiet games and lunch. These two Guides presented Brown Owl Turner and Commissioner Hamilton with a corsage each, which they had made. The Bfownies felt they hada won- derful afternoon. Wednesday evening Dec, 28, about 300 citizens of Cartwright enjoyed an evening's entertainment in the Recrea- tion Centre, sponsored by the 1961 Council. Reeve Bruce Ashton was the genial M.C. After the singing of O Can- ada, Mrs. Montgomery, Oshawa en- tertained with many humorous songs, for old and young, with the audience joining in many choruses, "George" of Oshawa also sang a few humor- ous songs. On the invitation of Mrs. Montgomery and strong pressure of the crowd, Bruce Ashton and Victor Malcolm (township clerk) sang a few numbers. Jake Van Dams SSeltee. Ponty- pool provided music for both round and square dancing with Brian Ham- ilton calling, vided a bountiful buffet luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy and family and Mrs. Edith Murphy, Ty- rone, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and family, and on Monday, the Roy McLaughlins joined the complete Murphy family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Tyrone. Sympathy is extended Mrs. How- .ard Forder, recently moved from here to Oshawa, on the sudden death of her father Mr. Walter Howsam, Man- chester. ; Visitors 'of Mr. & Mrs. Roy Turner and girls were on Saturday--Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gunter, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter and family; On -} Monday--Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gunter | and family, Coe Hill; Wednesday and Thursday--Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tur- ner, Vald'or, Quebec. Mr. Charles Turner went to Win chester Thursday, for a-few days. Mr .and Mrs. David Romeril and Paul, Delta, spent Monday - Friday with Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Dennis. --Mr.-and Mrs. Floyd Stinson ard family, Yelverton were Thursday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drinkwater and family, Ottawa; Miss Mable Van Camp, Toronto; Miss Helen Van Camp, Oshawa, spent the long week- end with Mrs. W. W. VanCamp and -My, and Mrs. Stephen Saywell and Margaret, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter and family joined them for Christmas Day. Glad to report little Tof Martyn. is progressing favorably after surgery in Oshawa hospital. Mr. Ted Glover is assisting the Martyn's Store during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers, Jim and Janice; Miss Miriam Swain and Mr. Bob Bennett, Oshawa - were Saturday # 'Donald 'and Ralph, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wheeler and Dianne, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Bob Wheeler and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Murs. Ernest Swain and family and Monday Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Swain and family were guests 'of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Richard Hoskin, Oshawa. 3 (Too. late for last week) Diyine, Worship was held in Burns Church on Sunday; Dec. 26th at 11.80 subject "His .Unspeakable Gift", No.3 inh The annual Christmas Tree and Concert was held in the basement of the Church on; Wednesday, Dee. 21st at 8 pm. A splendid programme of |' choruses, recitations and dialogues were given by the children which was greatly enjoyed by everyone, 'Mrs. D. Colby, our musie supervisor, and Mrs, E. Heron, for this evening of entertainment. Mrs. Margaret Sparks spent the holidays with her son and family at = i Russell Batten, Rosa and Judith hristae with Mr, guests of Mr. and Mrs, Herb Swain,j am, Mr. Wm. Perry chose for his Spe- | cial thanks to Mrs, Grant Parrott, and Mrs. E. Batten at Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Sutherland and Debbie, of Utica; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ashton, 'Wayne and Allan were Sun- ddy guests of Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Ashton. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon English of Woodville, visited Miss Vera Leach on Sunday. Mrs. A. Paynter - is spending the holidays with her son Earl and fa- mily at Ottawa. ; Mrs. A. Sandison, of Port Perry spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, James Sandison. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor and Nancy, spent the Christmas week-end with relatives at Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Downing and Miss Frances Downing of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Daw. Mr, John Miller spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Langstaff at Rich- mond Hill Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Heron, Faye and Mary, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Walter Reynolds, at Ancaster on Monday. N Mr. and Mrs. Aired Fisher, Har- "old, Margaret and Diane, spent Sun- 'day with Mr. and Mrs, Allan Walsh, . "| of Port Perry. The wives of the Councillors pro-| Mrs. Gordon Fisher of Oshawa, '| spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, | E. Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. Neil HS spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown at Smith Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Mértin Van 'Dyke, Tena and Mino, are spending three weeks with relatives in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Parrott spent Christmas with Mr, and" Mrs. V. Hamilton at Cannifton. : Manchester This Community was -greatly shocked to learn of the sudden pass- ing of the late Walter Howsam. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. ; Among the holiday visitors were-- Mrs, Schnapp, Buffalo with Mrs. 'Bain and Earl Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Jewell and family, Pine- dale, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Fielding and family and Mrs. Fielding Sr. of Utica, with Mr. and Mrs. A, Fielding. Mr. and Mrs. Espie and. family, Port Perry, Mr, and Mrs, Russel Leach and baby, Columbus and Mrs. Mable Leach of Epsom with Mr. and Mrs. George Leach and boys. Mr. and 'Mrs, Taylor and Brenda, Stouffville with Mrs. Crosier. Miss Hazel Gregg, Port Col- borne with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Holt- by. Mrs, Alex. Hewitt, Carnarvon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cranley and girls, Mr, and Mrs. R. Barfoot, John and Wendy, and Miss Carrie Cowan of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach. Mrs. Theo. Stevens will entertain the Women's Association on' Thurs- day aftertioon, January, 12th." Mrs. 'Hannah Johnston celebrated her Ninety-Sixth birthday last Fri- day. Congratulations. ~Mr.-and-Mrs, E. W. Crosier, Elliot Lis, spent a week with his mother Mrs, F. Crosier. Miss Catherine Christie spent the holidays with her parents, Dr. and "Mrs. A. G. Christie, Baltimore, Md. Margaret Craighead, Cedar Creek, .Donna Hayes, Columbus and Patsy Holtby, Prospect, were guests of Eu- -nice-and-Susan-Roach last week. Mrs. W. F. Crosier with Mr. and Mrs. tended the Golden Wedding Anniver- sary-of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Crosier, Stouffville, last Wednesday. Reach Township Council held their inaugural meeting on January 38rd. Rev. Mr. Linstead, Port Perry, con- ducted the inaugural ceremony. h Dymond Discusses Healt In Mental Matthew B. Dymond, MD, CM. Ontario Minister of Health For centuries in India the roots of a certain plant were regarded ._.as a sort of magical remedy. for, persons afflicted with mental dis. ease, Although its healing powers were accepted: in that country it' was not until the ninéteen fifties that a Western drug company be- gan experimenting with the plant to see if it did have any real thagapeutic effect. The result of the drug com. pany's experiments led to the development of what is now a widely aceepted and much used treatnient drug: one of the im- portant "products used in the treatment of mental illness; The development of this and other tranquilizers in the last seven or cight years has produced "remarkable changes i in psychiatry, the science 'of freating the men: tally ill, Hefore tranquilizers were developed agitated or excited patients had. to' he given seda tives, and they « did not always produce the most desirable or desired effect, : The advantage of the sranguil i / izers is that they reduce tension, anxiety and excitement. but dofa not make a person Jess alert, In the last theee or four years developed: unti-depressive drugs. New Drugs more remarkable drugs have heen | in Ontario Dr. Matthew Dymond, Minister of Health for Ontalo, examines samples of the new drugs being used to treat mentally ill pa the Minister's desk have been developed within Pe past few years. Many of the drugs om Illness of depression and make him feel happier-- hut they do not excite him the way some of the older stimulants would. The introduction of these drugs along _.with_other_new. concepts and developments has meant a lessening of admission to our Ontario Hospitals. More mentally ill patients can now he treated as out-patients where this wonld have been impossible previously, and the length of stay in hospital for those admitted has been re: duced too. All this is part of an ever: changing pattern of treatment. Old methods and products are being replaced in keeping with all the new information coming out of a constantly ongoing pro- gramme of research, With these great advances in treating mental illness the net result lias heen that we can un-- lock many of the wards of our . mental. hospitals. This is a great step forward and is proving a very valuable added weapon in our treatment armamentarium, These are dramatic changes and : | they. Have done much to remove the tiga which has attached to. By 1 who, Ahror na fault bg own, hecame aly i. Today there | ds a much better ding 'of mental illness * binge ji most serious healt id These will lift a person's feeling {director ol } Health, Q eens Park, Toronto. Any questions on the work of the rg oh of Ht i pi field, or suggested topics Jor these «Dy sent to the Inforniation and lublicity, problems. : SI aris: 1 rT of ~ Wes; Crosier, Sunderland; -at---