ASN, os CI ARCA Va 1s RE Re FAT ea a mn 2X NE $271 2 3 3 ¢--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, FEBRUARY 2ud, 1961 . BUSINESS DIRECTORY | Piano Tuning V. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Phone: X.U' 5H-2334 I. Mar. 9/61 Ted Veenhol WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK PHONE Oshawa RA B-3B64 1.26 Feb. 23/61 4 ~ Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for- dead Fok size | according to fastest service, crippled animals and condition. I"hone Collect. Hampton COlfax 3-2721. ~ MARGWILIL, FUR FARM 'yrone,- Ontario Oct. 18, For 1961 SEPTIC TANKS | cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Alnve your tank checked now before trouble starta 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG iTart Perry I'hone Y Ukon 53-2226 Jan. 14.61 Brock Motor Sales 58 Olds. Super 88 sedun--$2495. "57 Olds. Super 88 hdtp.--$1395. 57 Olds. Super 88 sedan --§1395. 57 '58 Chev. sedan--$1695. Bale k sedan--- $605. Meteor sedan--$775. G Chev. Y%-ton long box pick-up --$175. 36 Chev. ¥%-ton pick-up--3$1095. 58 1-ton Chev. stake--$1196. Brand new 1960 Chev. only 2 left, 1960 Corvairs at reduced prices. G.M.A.C. terms to cuit your budget. BROCK-MOTOR SALES Phone 73. Sunderland, Ont, Buy now & save. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of WALTER HOWSAM, DECEASED All 'persons having claims against the Estate of Walter Howsam, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Service Operator, who died on or about the 27th day of December, A.D., 1960, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 10th day of March, 1961, full particulars of their ~ claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the sdid deceased --wilt-be-distributed-among the -parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, (ii: 26th day of January, 1961. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, &ec., Feb. 16 Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for the above estate. _Nofice to Credilors IN THE MATTER OF THE BSTATE of JANET BRAVENER, DEGBASED All persons having clailive" hdninst 'the Estate of {Janet Bravener, late of the Village of Port Perty, in the County of Ontario, Spinster, who died | ah ob about the Oth day of January, A.D., 1061, are hereby notified to send th-the undersigned on or before the '10th day of March, 1061, full particulars of their claims. Imme- dintely after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distri- ~ huted "among the parties entitled ~ thoreéto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 26th day of January, 1961. , "GREER AND KELLY, « : ti W full Barristers, &o., Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above estate. has. RE STs teh Chev. Bel Air V-8 sedan---$1395. seme L,-ton pick-up, , Station * Box 181, * | ' INSURANCE Are vour [Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may he consult EMMERSON INSURANCE Y Ukon 5-2421 PORT PERRY ROOFING OF ALL KINDS ~kavestroughing. Asphalt Siding I Esttimates given on all kinds CLASS Phone Yukon 5-2991 CLASSIFIED ADS DS & COPY MUST BE IN BY 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY 1st class baled hay, Nestle- Ieb.9 FOR SALE -- square bales, Doug. Mackie, ton. Phone Blackstock 9-r-13 FOR SALE roomed house, Port Perry. 2 kitche ns, conveniences. Owner. YU b5-2869. 4 FOR SALE--'62 Ford in good me- chanical condition. Best offer. Call YU 5-7990 between 4.30 and 6.30. Feb. 9 HARDWOOD FOR SALE--Reason- of work. EARL WALLACE able. Delivered. Apply Wm. Wilson, , R R.R. 1, Nestleton. Phone Blackstock Port Perry Ont. 54-r-2. Feb. 9 NN 3 YAR? err 1 . x } = NEW HOUSE POR SALE -- Port | APEX SERVICE | Perry. All conveniences. YU 65-2491 or YU H-7045. Feb. 9 | I'elevision & Radio Repairs =e 'ort Perry --Phone - YUkon 65-2282 WANT TO USE A TYPEWRITER? We have one available for rent. Call Leslie MeDonuld, Service Man Dec. 31/61 Dead Stock Ilighest prices paid for dead & disabled horses, cattle & hogs, ' small animals removed free. RAY VIVIAN Ltd., Locust Hill I'hone Markham 1160J collect or UL 2-3891, Uxbridge 24 hour - 7 day service. WE CAN PAY MORE We guarantee no animal collected by our company will be resold for human consumption. . Gov. License No. 33960 | June 30/61 ont, Government Disposal Act Licence - "No: 18C60-~ WI PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES & CATTLE SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE We pick up within fifty mile radius of Argyle = a Woodville Zenith 32800 at our expense Wit SELL ALL TYPES OF MINK FOOD ED PECONI & SON LTD. | BOX 11, ARGYLE I'hone t.f. SERA § i | i TF. room apartment. EP SON SESS the Port Perry Star. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, self contained. Heated. In Port Perry. Phone YU 56-2618, W. J. Carnegie APARTMENT FOR RENT -- On ground floor, living room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and bathroom, private ent- rance. Phone YU 5-2478. T.F. APARTMENT TO RENT -- 2 bed- All conveniences. Private entrance. Above Western Tire Store. Apply John Ballard, Phone YU 65-7946. TF APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Two rooms and bath, cupboards, gas heat- er laundry facilities. Residential. Phone YU 5-7938 after six. Feb.16 imme ty an rm Smt 4 Bm er mn FOR RENT -- A warm bright 3 large room apartment. Ideal for Elderly Couple. Phone YU 5-2100. Feb. 9 | Auction Sale THURSDAY, FEB. 16th--Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, including Shorthorn Cattle, Bay Geld- ing, 200 laying hens, Hay, Straw, hardwood, electric. refrigerator and household furniture, selling at the property of Mrs. Colin Lorimer, Lot 6, Con. 12, Reach Twp., 1 mile north of Marsh Hill School on the corner of Con. 18. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.80 p.m. LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer. Feb. 9 UL 2-8624 Cb Auction Sale WED., FEB. 16 -- Estate Clearance Extensive Auction Sale of Green- INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE ha Custom-Made Drapes Broadloom and Rugs Drapery Rods and Tracks N Draperies by the Yard Slip Covers and Upholstering Vetenian and Cloth Blinds instalation and Measuring , HOWARD' S DRAPERIES HOWARD VICE, Prop. 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA RA 65-3144 Egys The. DoF déten- Peel's Poultry Farm Ltd. needs bréed- er flocks within 80 mile of Port Perry, You ean receive as high as 76c. per dozen and have your eggs pleked up at-yo If you have or can get ® © © & © '¢ r immediately or phofe ¥ B-7881. " 16/01 oo | houses, Barn, Trucks, Boilers, Heating Systéms, Ford Tractor, Florists' and Gardeners' Equipment, Implements, Rotary Tiller, Steamer, Concrete Mix- -er,-Tools, Miscellaneous Supplies, Nu- merous Effects, etc., the property of the Estate of the late Fred Pring, 11366 Danforth Road, Scarboro, half-|- way between Lawrence and Eglinton Avenues, East. Terms Cash. No Reserve, Sale at 1.00 p.m, All pur- chases to be fully paid for before be- ing removed from the premises on day of sale. Mrs. Elizabeth : Pring, Exe- cutrix for the Estate. Francis Riley (Barrister) No. 7°Gledhill Ave., Tor- onto, Solicitor for the. Estate, Clarke ;- Prentice, Sales Promoter. KEN PRENTICE, Auctioneer: |' FRESH MILK FED CAPONS Ready for oven or freezer, delivered, 12 months of the year. BRUCE MILLER, Prince Albert Phone Port Perry YU 5-2430 1. Mar. 80/61 - your ; i dlothes dryer wn Saves Work! Blackstock The Annual Vestry meeting of St. John's Church was héld in the Parish [fall Monday, Jan. 23rd, 1961, with Rev. Canon AShmore in the chajr and [8 members present. Meéting opened with appropriate prayers and the remembrance of those who had passed on since the last Vestry meeting. Neil Bailey was appointed Vestry Canon Ashmore addressed the assembly and passed on his sincere thanks to all who helped himself and Mrs. Ashmore in becoming settled in their new home and work. Mr. Ash- more praised the efforts of the War- dens and the different church organi- zations, and spoke of possibilities in the future of our church and the whole church throughout the world and the part we had to play in its operation. Very pleasing reports were received from all the different officers and Canon Ashmore appointed Mr. Geo Wolfe as Rectory Warden and Mr. Neil Bailey was elected people's Clerk. leaders. Warden, 'I'he Sidesmen, Advisory Council and Great Chapter Cemetery Board were Jack Green was then appointed. elected lay delegate to the synod and Mr. H. Hall substitute. Fitting mention was made of the gifts received by church this year and the work done by various members. Meeting closed with prayers and the Doxology. W.A. served lunch. The Mission Band met in the Sun- day School room Tuesday after school. Meeting opened with the Mission Band Purpose, Lord's Prayer and a hymn. Mrs. H. Kyte gave the call to wor- ship, read the scripture passage and offered prayer. The offering was re- | ceived by Neil McLaughlin. Beth Dunsmoor was elected Presi- dent and Leanne Dorrell Secretary. Gordon Malcolm played a piano solo, Lorraine Turner "Snow Shoeing". read "The Bathtub Fairy".- -McLaughlin-told-the story "The Piece of Good Luck". Meeting closed with hymn 614 and the Benediction. "All the local Bus Drivers and sev- eral of the School Board attended a | meeting of School Bus Operators As- sociation of Ontario, in Peterboro on Tuesday evening: .. bus drivers of :Durham, Northumber- land and Peterboro. VanCamp, Listowel (a former Cart- wright boy) arranges these meetings for Southern Ontario and was one of the speakers. Fifteen local couples and three vi- sitors attended the Couples Club meet- ing Wednesday night. a sing-song and Devotions led by- It was decided to Glenn Larmer: give $100.00 to United Church Mis- sions to help a Refugee child, and Mr. $200.00 to the local building fund. Mr. Wilson of School for Retarted children, Oshawa, gave a most infor- mative and interesting address on their work. -- Refreshments and a so- cial time brought'a pleasant evening |. to a close. The O.N.O.. girls and their hus. | pands enjoyed ah evenings Bowling | in Bowmanville Thursday night. Pri: zes were won as follows: --Jean Kyte; high gent--Ivan Thomp- son; low lady--Daqlly Lee; low gent-- | Richard VanCamp. The prizes were donated by Elaine Bailey. Mrs, H. This- wag for all Norton Opened with High lady All re- turned to the home of Ivan and Gwen Thompson for hot dogs and coffee. A local jitney of Cartwright Curl- ing Club was held in the Arena here Thursday night.. Roy McLaughlin's team came first and the Hampton team second. At the Bonspiel in Port Perry Sat- urday, two local teams competed. The team consisting of Keith VanCamp, Neil Werry, Harold Swain and Roy | Werry won 3rd place and received bathroom scales as prizes. The team of Roy McLaughlin, Herb Swain, John Nesbitt and Dalton Dorrell received Perry Curling Club each. Mrs. S. Anderson, Cameron spent last week with her aunt Mrs. Wesley Beacock and called on other friends. Canon and Mrs. Ashmore were guests at an Orange Testimonal din- ner in the Canon's honour in Peter- boro Wednesday, when 260 guests from all parts of Ontario were pre- sent. ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolfe visited Mrs. Gordon Edye, Winnipeg and Mrs. IXdith Beacock at the latter's home in Toronto on Friday. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain and boys on Wednesday were: Mr. and Mrs. Melville Brad- burn, Saskatoon; Mr. Rupt. Byers, | Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Leith By- ers, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers, Jim and Janice. Mr, and Mrs. Noel Morton and Da- vid, Oshawa, spent the week- end with Roy and Bill Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughfin and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- -old Wright, Oshawa on Sunday. day suppercwith his sisters Mrs. E. Darcy and Mrs. I. Argue. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Smith, Toronto, Miss Marilyn Archer, Whitby and Mr. Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer Sunday. Ontario County 2 Fed. of Agriculture Morrison Colville, Sunderland, R.R. 2 was re-elected president for 1961, at the regular meeting of the directors of Ontario County Federation of Agriculture on Tuesday evening, Jan. 17th at Half Way House, Myrtle. Also elected was Wallace MacLean, Udney as Vice President and Lloyd Wilson, Ashburn as second Vice- Pre- sident. Edna and Leslie Meyers, Goodwood were appointed to carry on the duties of secretary-treasurer and fieldman. The following committees were set up: Education-- Lawrence poles R. 38 Mrs. John Hamer--Myrtle Mrs. Ross Shier--Sunderland Women's Representatives-- Mrs. Ronald Stiver--Leaskdale Mrs. Edgar Evans--Claremont Poultry-- z Lawrence Doble--Uxbridge R. 8 Douglas Ashton--Ashburn y Melbourne Smith--Sandford Wallace MacLean (Jr.)--Udney Beef-- Gordon Hunter--Brooklin Clarence Hewitt--Bracebridge Earl Windatt--Beaverton y THEATRE -- UXBRIDGE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY FEBRUARY. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sex Kittens ° 160 To College i. pe Cartoon MAMIE VAN. DOREN CONWAY MIJANOU BARDOT TWITTY and News Our Policy || PICTURES. S SHOWING -- Thursday, Y & Saturday." Also Saturday Matinee at 2.00 p.m. Doors open at 1.80 for 'Matinee. 2 Shows Nightly from 7 to 9 and 9 till 11 p.m. Doors open at 6.30 p.m. consolation prizes of a Pin of Port Mr. Russel Spinks, Oshawa had Sun. |- Edgar Ward--Claremont Tom Harrison--Beaverton Insurance-- Mrs. John HameiMyrtle Anson Gerrow--Scugog Wallace MacLean--Udney Gordon Ward--Uxbridge R.R. 8 Earl Windatt--Beaverton Lorne Tindall--Goodwood Morrison Colville--Sunderland ! Land Acquisition-- Ray Ingleton--Brooklin Allan Crosier--Blackwater Clarence Werry--Oshawa R.R. 2 Grant Windatt--Gamebridge Edgar Ward--Claremont Tom Harrison--Beaverton Ralph Jones--Claremont Finance-- Anson Gerrow--Scugog Lawrence Doble--Uxbridge R. 8 Lorne Tindall--Goodwood Morrison Colville--Sunderland There were twenty-seven present. Mrs. Morris Martin, Udney and Lorne Tindall, Goodwood, have been selected to participate in the Rural Leadership Forum which is being held this year at Niagara Falls, February 6th-11th. Dave Crone, provincial fieldman re- viewed and-explained-the brief which |-- was presented by Ontario Federation of Agriculture to the Prime Minister and members of Ontario cabinet, stat- ing that it had been favourably ac- cepted by the government. Ont. Jr. Farmers Banquet Mr. Moff Cockburn, Assistant Farm Manager, Massey-Ferguson Farms, Milliken, Ontario, was the guest speaker at the annual Ontario County | Junior Farmers' Association Banquet 'held-in Knox Presbyterian Church, Cannington, on Saturday, January 21, 1961. Mr. Cockburn, who is also the for- mer Agricultural Representative for | York County, spoke to the Juniors on the importance of :all rural young |. people obtaining as miieh high school and university education as possible. In addition to the school and univer- sity education, as members of Junior Farmer and Junior Institute Associa tions, they are receiving training in' good -citizenship. . He offered each Junior a challenge to do their very. best in their Association activities and by giving their utmost they would be rewarded for their efforts, He also pointed out that there are opportuni- ties available to each and everyone for achievement or advancement in their work, but he emphasized that they should look for opportunities ra- ther than wait for opportunities to come to them. Jeanne Pearson, Uxbridge, R. 2, in- troduced the guest speaker, and Ted Lamb, Port Perry, R. 4, extended a hearty vote' of thanks to Mr, Cock- burn for his timely and challenging talk on behalf of the Junior Farmers and their guests. H. L. Fair, Agricultural Represen- tative and Alvin Blades, Assistant Agricultural Representative, present- ed trophies to the winners of the vari- ous Junior Farmers' Coinpetitions held during 1960. Donna Johnson, and Jeanine Werry led the group in a lively sing-song. Following the banquet the group went to the Brock District High School, Cannington, for a play party. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Oxford, Greenwood, Ontario, provided the music and led in a very enjoyable evening of both squére-and round dancing. ' The Good Driver The Ontdrio Safety League quotes a cartoon showing a father speaking to his teen-age son (Chicago Tribune --New York News Syndicate): "As a new driver, son, you have some mightly important obligations. Your own safety--the security of others, your family's peace of mind --all these depend on the care you give the car, your caution, your courtesy when behind the wheel .... and that's why I sold the car to- day." LOSE B SRR E DIR n$avings when you food hop here! Prices Effective This Week- End, Thurs., Fri, Sat, Feb. 2, 8, 4 You ean count CARLOAD FOOD MARKET, Prince Albert, Ont. CLARKS FANCY TOMATO JUICE CAMPBELLS _ VEG. SOUP .. FOR SALADS or COOKING LIQUID SUNSHINE JAVEX .. i wel BURNS HOT DOG WIENERS .......... MAZOLAOIL ................. 3% maaan THIS WEEK'S MEAT FEATURES LEAN MEATY (Blade Bone Removed) Blade or Short Rib ROAST | 2h 09° 48 oz. tins Aor 49 10 oz. Tins | an IF 16 oz. 3¢ OFF 64 oz. . lub, i) 16 oz, Ice Box Jar i - Lean 'Boneless ? : Swi Lal STEWING : BEEF SAME CR 41' i York WANES PEANUT : o 10 or nRLOAD FOOD MARKETS STORE HOUR DON'T CARRY HEAVY. FOOD PARCELS ~ FREE DELIVERY . °° Phone: YUkon 5-2492 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Daily 8.80 a.m to 9 pan. y, 8.30 to 1 pm,