>, et = nr a "1% ot 3 SA I - CAAT - bd a> ho ox! ry a wee Rh a Xa = NE Ct "So you who love a mother, LUSH PLU IAC add MF ASL ha Gals SY SHAR Ay ; a 3 4 Fie a Te he i a Va Te Ge 4--THE PORT.PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 1961 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. B. W. Fuller, BA. L.Th, Rector Sunday, Feb, 12th-- 11.80 a.m.--Morning Prayer Ash Wednesday, Feb. 15thi- 10 w.m.--Holy Communion . 81. JOHN'S y PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderator: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A, D.D, Minister: " Mr. William Perry, B.A. Sunday, Feb. 12th-- 10 aan~--Divine Woralilp 11 a.m.--Sabbath School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. BS. Limitead, B.A, Mindater Sunday, Feb, 12th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m~Morning Worship and Junior Sunday School. Everyone Invited 'Ihe United Church of Canada SCUGOG PANTORAL CHalGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D. Sunday, Feb. 12th-- 10.16 a.m. --SCUGOG Church 1.16 a.m --~--8CUGOG "Head" S.S. 11.16 a.m.--MANCHESTER Church 1.16 p.m.--PROSPECT Church Mr, R. P. Mathews of Oshawa will conduct the church services at Man- chester and Scugog Churches. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Stuart A. Mulligan, Pastor Sunday, Feb. 12th-- SUNDAY--9:560 Sunday School 11:00 a.m~Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evangellsm 'MONDAY--7 p.m.--Jr. Young People FRIDAY--8 p.m.--Hible Study and Prayer Meeting t'arsonage--Crandell St, YU 5-7388 Birth RAINES--Theo and Eileen Raines are happy to announce the safe arri- val of their son on January 27th, at the Community Memorial Hospital, lort berry. Special thanks to Dr. Rennie, In Memoriam Coming Evens Valentine Dance Under the auspices of the TOPS Club will be held in Manchester Hall on Sawirday, Feb. 11th, Modern and Old 'lime dancing to music by the iythmn Jays of Toronto, from 8.80 ull 12 o'clock. Door prizes: and novelty dance prizes. Feh. 9 Rummage Sale EE a rt vo ral The Ladies OTT of the Cana- dian Legion are holding a Rummage Sale in the Legion Hall on Friday, February 10th from 1.30 p.m. to 4.00 pm. Good opportunity to pick up some real bargains. Hope to see you there. Feb, 9 Take Notice During the period from Feb. 7th to March 6th, while Tripp's Service Sta- tion is closed for Holidays, the Snack Bar will be opened between 4 and 7 p.m. daily. Valentine Dance The Happy Doubles Club are hold- ing their Valentine Dance on Friday, Feb. 17th, at the Port Perry Public School Auditorium. Music by Bob Cawker's Orchestra. Admission $3.00 per couple. Feb, 16 1.0.0.F. Euchre On Wedneliay, Feb. 15 at 8.30 p.m. in the lodge rooms. Prizes and Lunch. Admission 50c.. In aid of the Oddfellow's Humanitarian Pro- gramme. St. Patrick's Euchre The C.W.L. will hold a St. Patr ick's Euchre in the Catholic Parish-Hall on Thursday, March 16th. Special Prizes. Admission 50c. Feb. 9 Euchre & Dance Epsom Community Club will hold a Kuchre and Dance in the Epsom "School at 8.30 p.m, on Friday, Feb» ruary 10th. Silver Collection. Lu- dies please provide lunch. : Valentine Tea AND HOME BAKE SALE Will be held in the Parish Hall of the Church of the Ascension from 2.30 till 4.30 on Saturday, Feb. 11th, : ' Feb.9 TT KERRY =="1n fond mcmory of a dear husband and father, Norman Garficld Kerry, who passed away February 12, 1960. "Just a thought of sweet remembrance Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion Of those who think of you. Sadly missed by wife and family. In Memoriam " WRIGHT--In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Alfred Wright, who passed away Feb, 28th, 1953. What would I give if I could say Hello Mother in the same old way; Just to hear your voice and see . your smile; Just to sit with you and chat a. while, Cherish her with care IFor you'll never know the heartache . Till you see her vacant chair. Ever remembered by daughter Ilva, son-in-law Joseph Laviolette. Card of Thanks I would like to thank Dr. Rennie, the nurses and staff of the Commun- ity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, for their wonderful care and kindness _glven me during my stay there. Also to my neighbours, friends and rela- tives for flowers, cards and visits, The Port Perry W.A, and Manchester W.A. for their cards and Rev, Lin- stead for his call. Mrs. Hugh Strong. Card of Thanks Keith and 1 appreciate very much the alertness of our neighbours in do- ing all that could be done in our re. cent fire.. Special thanks to those ~who helped get our equipment out of the garage and for staying with the . children, and to the Port Perry Fire Brigade who stayed till all danger of the fire spreading was over, Thank _you one and alk Keith and June Croler B . : Re-Union Party People with memories of the happy times they have had in 'Memory Hall' Utica will be pleased to hear of the OLD TIME RE-UNION PARTY on Friday, Feb. 17th at 8.30 p.m. The "Accidentals" will present a Western Choral Hour followed by old time dancing with music provided by for- mer Utica talent, we haven't had with us in years. The proceeds of the evening will be used in the renova- tion of the church. Come and bring your new friends and meet with the -old ones again. Euchre --A Euchre will beheld on Saturday, Feb. 11th at 8:30 p.m. in the Canadian Legion Hall, under the auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary, Admission 60c, Good Prizes and lunch provided. Everyone welcome. ' Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many friends of Utica, Canada, for the beautiful floral tributes and words of condolence received at the time of the passing of my late hus. band Henry Barnes. y Alle Barnes, Galax, Va. Card of Thanks ~ We wish to thank the residents of Scugog for the many lovely 'wedding rifts given. to us, Mr.-and Mrs. Gary Huleoop. a 3 a aa aay A ERE ve err Pas ¢ ve agen ty wal van dela eh ied sdamsk dete ' Week Day Laws Apply on Sunday, Too A car parked on the highway in such a way as to interfere with traf- fic is just as much of a hazard on Sunday, us it is on Monday or Tues- day or any other day. = In fact on Sunday it could be worse, betalse so many of them. are parked in the same area, around the churches, There is a~certain amount of park- ing space where the cars are entire- ly off the streets at the Presbyterian and the United Church, but even in these areas many folk are careless of the manner in which they leave their cars (feeling perhaps that because they were at church they were so good that they could do no wrong). The Police feel that these cars are parked in such a manner as to create a real hazard to other motorists, and that something must be done before a serious accident results. Our chur, ches were built in the horse and bug- gy days, and no provision has been made to provide for the motoring church goer of today. Yet some so- lution must be found to provide for accident prevention and safety of the people. Warnings have been issued repeatedly to those motorists who have been found with cars parked il- legally, It may mean getting away from home a bit earlier than usual, but do make sure that your car is safely off the road way before you leave it for the church service. You'll enjoy the sermon better with a clear conscience, and the regulation is a means of pro- tection to your property as well as your neighbours. Council News Scugog Twp. The Regular meeting of the Scugog Township - Council was held in the Town Hall on Saturday, Feb. 4th at 1 pam. Reeve Anson Gerrow and Councillors Clarence Carter and Vie- tor Aldred were present. the last meeting were read and a- dopted on motion of C. Carter, sece- onded- by ---V. Aldred; hy Correspondence: 1. from' Dept' of Highways enflosing By-Law forms for the 1961 Road expenditures, nor- mal expenditures not to exceed $4,000 for Construction, $6,000 for Maint. 2. From the Dept. of Municipal Af- fairs re the safety of Public Bldgs. 3. From Mr. L. A. Boucher re the Municipal Roads and Works Assoc. a a -- La a CE, Minutes of |. organization of the Ontario County |. During the business period several thank-you notes were read, for Christ- mas fruit boxes and plants, % doz. new mugs to be purchased for the Church kitchen. A thank-you letter was on hand from the Fred Victor Mission. There were several quilts on display made by W.A. members, to be given where needed most. Committee for same--Mrs, Robertson, Florence and Joy. $16 was voted to Missionary Society. Mrs. Linstead: kindly offered her home for February meeting, and at close of meeting gave a nice talk and read some fine articles from Mission. ary monthly, ete, for which Mrs. Love, of group 4, expressed sincere thanks. 12 visits were reported--to sick and newcomers. Group 4 served lunch, We were, grateful for donation of $2 from a friend. We are sorry to know Mrs, J. Mc- Millan is ill and in Port Perry Com- munity Hospital. All hope for her improvement. Billie Brain dropped his Birthday money, 9 cents--in the wee Church at Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb of Halibur- ton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson, spending awhile with relatives in Windsor and other places. A happy birthday to John Jeffrey for Feb. 12th, and to: Paul Luke for|. Feb, 13th. ) © The school children had a holiday on Monday, owing to frozen pipes at the school. Several -went skating. Many residents are being inconveni- enced the same way, and most wells are quite low, several farmers hauling water. # Mr. and Mrs. S. Lindsay spent a- while in Montreal. "Motion: Moved by Clarence Carter and seconded by Victor Aldred that the Township join and pay-the An- bi fee of Ten dollars to the Associa- of Road Supsintentihisie of Ont. oy nty. Motion; That the amount on the Equijiment Floater Policy be increas- ed by $1,000.00 and that the reading be amended to read Township Offices and. Hall. Motion: That the Clerk write the Dept.. of Mun, Affairs requesting the approval for an additional $500.00 be spent on the Winter Works Program, Motion: That the Reeve & Treas- with the Canadian Bank of Commerce "for-the Corporation of the Twp. of Scugog. dian Bank of Commerce.) Pay List: It was moved by Clar- ence Carter, seconded by Victor Al- dred that the following accounts be approved and that the treasurer be instructed to pay -the same: Motion to adjourn was made'by C. Carter seconded by 'V. Aldred to meet again on March 4th or at the call of the Reeve. Prince Albert The January meeting of the Wo- man's Association was held in the af- ternoon of the 26th in the Sunday School room. Mrs. Snelgrove, Vice-president, Mrs. 'Pugh occupied the chair. A Hymn was sung. The Scripture Reading from John 1:1-0 was read by Mrs. Love. Tople subject was "Exploration unto ! God". Siva Cv (Form 141-61. of the Cana-. Roads ....... Bresiserinsieiniiee $ 890.68 General anny 668,82 Total ccna ve $707.90 o In the absence of the president, | BETTY TOMLINSON. A rare moment of relaxation for Betty Tomlinson, hostess of.the CBC radio program; Trans-Canada Matinee. Betty is kept:busy five days a week broadcasting feautres of interest to women. Matinee is heard each after- noon, Monday to Friday on the Trans- Canada network and offers listeners musie, interviews and informal: talks. Prospect The January meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Byron Holtby, with fourteen members and two visitors present. 'The devotional period was conducted by Marion Webster, The topic was taken by Sylvia Diamond. "A reading, "The uld Year", was given by Lucille Gray. willa Holtby's paper on Norway 11ouse added a personal interest. Kaye Smith entertained with a solo, accom- |' panied by Jean Holtby on the piano, Marion Webster read the Lesson Thoughts," Following a hymn and prayer, the president, Tot Holtby, took charge of the business session. Ruby Smith read several "Thank You" messages, including one from Victor Home, for fruit and jam. It was decided that the March meeting concentrate on Missions. Donations for the layette, etc., to be forwarded to Norway House, will jbe received. Lucille Gray and Helen Holtby were appointed to arrange committees for the annual bazaar, to be held on May 17th. Mrs. Durham offered her home for the next meeting, Feb. 9th at eight p.m. The meeting closed with theme song and prayer. During an enjoyable social hour, the group in charge served dainty refreshments. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fern Filion on the birth of a son. The services of Utica Choir and their pastor, Mr, LeGrow, were much appreciated on Jan, 29th. 'We were pleased to have our pas- tor, Rev. Braham, back again on Sun- day. Curling Mews and Views Crozier's crew came flying through with an eight-five win o'er Melba Owen. Cook's rink fourteen - seven against that of Schell's; Lillian ex- cited, wanted to ring the church bells. Doris Beare's fearless foursome scor- ed" éight; and left Heron's rink with five for their fate. Carter fourteen which seemed a big score, left Pana- baker three and a hope of lots more. MacMaster counted eight-five to dim Robinson's hopes to survive. Bentley versed Carnegie, with a nine-four win; hopes of five more rocks to count proved rather slim. McCoy forged ahead leaving MacDon- ald in the red, eleven-five. . (They have survived!) Ross took off the ice with a score of six-three, over Bru- well we must agree. I promised you new names as skips as this week reported; the 'other faces' are all with us, just mixed up and assorted. .For a better idea of -__.._... laboratory. services of their own.. ton's battling hopefuls who played| the 26th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Jaegar at Myrtle Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. C, Harper were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gall Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J, Grills and family of Brooklin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sutcliffe were guests of Mr; and Mrs. Stewart Bray Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bailey and Mr. and Mis. Chet Geer visited friends snd relatives at Fairview Lodge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Halcombe and fa- mily of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Storie. Barbara Toogood of Toronto was visiting a few days last week with the Metv. Stories. Congratulations to Mrs. Chaglotte Mitchell who is celebrating her. 83rd birthday and many happy returns of the day. Ontario Health Minister Hon, Math in the laboratory work. hb 1ab d, eentre, B. Dy worker examine microscope slide. Hospital director, right, is aloe interested 4 Dymond Discusses Health in Ontario Matthew B. Dymond, MD, CM. Ontario Minister of Health A two-storey cement block building on Christie Street, To- ronto, is in -the front line of the never-ending battle against disease. This building is the home of the Central Laboratory, the largest and busiest of all the public health laboratories of the Ontario Department of Health. It is to this building that thous. ands of glass vials arrive every day, each one testifying to some- one's pain and anxiety. Every vial contains a specimen from a patient. i " They are sent by practising physicians to confirm their diag- nosis of a patient's illness or they may come from smaller hospitals which do not have specialized Last year well over half a . million specimens were examin od and tested at the Central Lab- oratory, most of them at no charge to the patient or doctor. They ranged from blood samples which required grouping, to tests "for cancer, syphilis, tuberculosis and virus diseases such as polio. The testing procedures require -skill 'and accuracy at eyery stage : to the curling rink where. there is lots of viewing space. UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall called on Mrs. Hart Sunday. Mrs. Hart has recently. returned home from a stay in he hospital. ok . 'Kendall visited Mr. and Murs. Lin of Port Perry one evening. Visiting Mr. and Mrs.- J. Mitchell Sunday were Bill and Gloria Mitchell. Marie Gray called on the Jim Mit- chells Monday. Mr. and Mrs, De-Hars visited Bert Mitchells Saturday." Mr. and Mrs. Chris 'Ruhl attended delegates, RE Take notice that the Annual Meeting of the Producer Members of the Ontario Hog Producers Co-Operative in the Ontario County Group will be convened at 10.30 a.m, on Thursday, Feb, 16th at the Township Hall Sunderland for the purpose of the conduct of the proper business of the annual meeting, the election of delegates and (Alternate Anson Gerrow, Chairman Harper Newman, Secretaty ' . Take notice that the Annual. Meeting of the Producer Members of the Ontario County Hog Producers Association will be convened at 1.80 p.m, on Thursday, Feb, 16th; in the ¢ Township Hall, Sunderland, for the purpose of the conduct of the proper business of the annual meeting, the election of. offieets and the election of voting representatives, Anson Gerrow, President . Rup 2 Newman, Setstary. ri a The tests for tuberculosis are a good example of this, A doctor or hospital will send to' the Laboratory a sample of a patient's body fluid. for testing. The doctor will want to know if to_eliminate the ¢hance of error. | the TB bacillus is present, what Director 0, Health, Queen's Park, Toronto. dt questions on the work of the Department o, field, or s uggesied topics for these lop me Information and Publicity, i Central Laboratory Front Line of Battle particular type it is and how it responds to various drugs. A sample of the specimen is smeared on a Microscope slide, subjected to a special straining process and examined under the microscope. If there should .be any doubt, or often times just for confirmation, or a double check after tests are employed. In another 'part of the labora- tory further samples are planted ~ in tubes containing a culture medicine which will allow the tuberculosis organisms to grow. These are placed in a large walk: in incubator kept always at regu- lated temperature and left Here, for eight weeks. At the end of that time a microscopic examination of the growth. will show whether it is positive. Still further proof may be needed and if this be so a 'guinea pig ts inoculated with the germs and after a stated time its tissues are examined. Guinea pigs 'are particularly sensitive to tuber culosis, £0 The final step is testing. the sensitivity of the bacillus against antibiotics used to treat tuber culosis. All this information is included in the report to the doe tor which lie co-relates with the results of X-rays and clinical tests to--determine.-the-- belt tresttoing for his patient. > iets ol oto. of toe fame. tions of this important Ontarlg Department of Health laboratory whose work extends . to 'almost everything. that affects the ivi of the people of Ontario, Health in this be sent to the Departments of ; - Signed: Feb. 28 . i . = Fae " 2 . 3] Silverwood Locker Box Patrons It is. 'with sincere regret that we announce the closing of the Port Perry Branch effective 'February 28th. Would all locker patrons please remove all frozen products by - that date. Refund will be made for all unexpired rentals. Our ice cream service will be capably continued by our * Toronto East End Branch. Your driver salesman, George Long, and sales supervisor Gordon Mark, will continue in that capacity without change. We wish to thank all those very fine people with whois we have associated for so many years. the very best of health and good fortune. "H. EDENBOROUGH, Branch Manager. 'We wish them all ] . Satria, Fob. + Tikets fi PORT PERRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO PORT PERRY BASEBALL CLUB "ONTARIO 'CHAMPIONS, 1060 Flamingo Restaurant a BARE ibn die 1th, 6.45 pn me