CARR ae ac hei leh hing A wa AIAN % IE EUR SESE | ee FAR SOR PRA SSAA 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 0th, 1961 BUSINESS DIRECTORY cy -- Phone Collect. PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for dead and crippled animals according to size and condition. For fastest service Hampton COlfax 3.2721. ---- eit CLASSI I | i D > wy ER -- Phone. YUken 5-2091 CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY MUST 8 IN BY 9 am. WEDNESDAY En Perry and District. Salary paid while learning business. Please state age, PERSONAL Ready for oven or freezer, delivered, ) Tremere oo rr 12 onths of the Car; 2 experience, marital" status. All re- iE, y ham Village. Sale at 1 pm. Terms Co Dead Farm Stock plies confidential. Apply Box 40 | BRUCE MILLER, Prince Albert | cash. No reserve. Port Perry Star. Feb. 16 Phone Port Perry YU 5-2480 KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, 1. Mar. 80/61 ham, and Mr. Nibbs. At Prentice's Auction Barns, Franklin House, Marks Auctioneers, OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only _69c. At Notice to Creditors Auction Sale & 1) XN RRR ANE BAC Nav Piano Tuning | [NSURANCE | V. P. STOUFPER Are your Policies up-to-date?| FOR SALE -- 1st class baled hay,| NEW HOUSE FOR SALE -- Port Auction Sales | | WT eno isstie quon. A oF Wee smal Piano technician and tuner. ! , Nestle- | Perry. All conveniences. YU 5,2401 ji set types, ng x 10 plant fis 8 ' square bales. Doug. Mackie, Ne size, with heating pipes, etc Hsof plastic Bipi PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Whatever your insurance needs ton. Phone Blackstock 9-r-13 Feb.9 | or YU 65-7946, Feb, 9 ; "| shee, , ete. Several lengths of plastic piping, pol Phone: | YU 5.2934 may he consult So ee | | THURSDAY, FEB. 16th--Auction Pr sonh ange: Flajtic quonset stile, Several cases of 16/ins. gresnhouse 1. Mar, 9/61 EMMERSON INSURANCE a ! (| WANT TO USE A TYPEW RITER? | ga10 of Farm Stock and Implements, 10-26" x20' concrete block boiler | . E1888 ; wont : eee [SVS OSTIN ANE ) FOR SALE roomed house, Port | yo 14ve one available for rent. Call including Shorthorn Cattle, Bay Geld: room and. goal storage furnace | Light gauge tracking with transport- ; Yiikop. 5.2420 PORT PRRRY f Perry. - 2 kitchens, conveniences. | 1, port Perry Star. _ | ing, 200 laying hens, Hay, Straw,| buil ing, complete with a Warden | ing doll cart : Ted Veenhof | Owner. YU 5-2869. oi oy Tot T hardwood, electric refrigerator and Kings (Viking) model No. 34:18- Large quantities of pipe fittings, i 7 h ) 7 is APARTMENT FOR RENT -- On household furniture, selling at the' fiz Soncaining Fob wate} oF tiem such as vlves, unjons, T.. gh % / - ¥ WEI 1 DIGGING FOR SALE-62 Ford in good me- | ond floor, living room, kitchen, 1 property of Mrs. Colin Lorimer, Lot| Jolle oy ful IV conteolie 40 nth n pp) es, etc, from p R 0 0 F I N 6 } chanical condition. Best offer. Call bedroom and bathroom, private ent- |g, Con, 12, Reach Twp, 1 mile north a is, an Hae a ha wid ton SH CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING ; YU 65-7990 between 4.30 and 6.80. rance. Phorte YU 65-2478. ° T.F.| of Marsh Hill School on the corner of unit). To be sold all intact with| ~~ arious sizes 2 : a A n : Feb. 9 Wi o Reserve. building. This is all in use and : COMPRESSOR WORK OF ALL KINDS Con, 18. Terms Cash, No Reserv good working condition (sll shily | Several steel portable sectional PHONE Oshawa RA 8-3864 ° Lavestroughing. Asphalt Siding | - a resis min - APARTMENT TO RENT -- 2 bed- | Sale at 1.80 pm, - used). # ghily greenhouse bench stands 1.26 Feb. 28/61 Esttimates given on all kinds HARDWOOD FOR SALE--Reason- | Yoom apartment. All conveniences. LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer.|,, oi 1. glass greenhouse, with | 2 Portable post and steel benches | eI La 5 ES ain of work able. Delivered. Apply Wm. Wilson, | Private entrance. Above Western | Feb. 9 UL 2-8624 side center entrance, and heating Blagyamita 3 ol Re tbs ri . : . . '| Tire Store. Apply John Ballard ] pipes, controls, etc., recently con-| 4 or 6 small ro & A. E J h EARL WALLACE |RR 1 Nestleton. Phone Blackstock = Se. 0 PRY TF| SAT. FEB. 25th--Auction Sale of | structed, and in good condition, | 8 or 10 electric motors of various . Jonnson Port Perry ont. |B7% ras Uousebold Furniture, the property of | 12--Frame lean-to building, approxi. H.P. in 60 cycle types . . ee ~. an . mate X 12' use OPTOMETRIST E -- G.M. Frigidaire, 6% | FOR RENT -- A warm bright 8| Mrs. Frank Gardiner, Simcoe Street, storage room, cos Barage &| Admiral mantel: electric radia. -| FOR SALE -- G.M. Frigidaire, large room apartment. Ideal for | Beaverton. Terms Cash. No Reserve, ok : Hostess electric refrigepator. EYES EXAMINED fi. reasonable, Apply Star Office. | J derly Couple. Phone YU 5.2100, |Sale at 130 pm. Wm. Weldon,| Tractor, Trucks & Implements | Chest of drawers PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Be PRON St src i La REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. | Ford (BN) tr Set of table scales vis , Feb. 9 ord (BN) tractor, complete with |2°_ "3) ins. gent's bicycles . Port P APEX SERVICE FOR SALE --2 garages, 12' x 20". front-end loader, hydraulic con- J Mary St., Port Perry Overhang doors. Phone YU 5-7480. WED.,, FEB. 16 -- Estate Clearance trol material bucket One-man cross cut saw and scythe Hours: Television & Radio Repairs REAL ESTATE Extensive Auction Sale of Green- S\-prorelisd Sombie ion trans- Bévoral clastic motor V & cone type 'Child's Cri 'We have some good homes for sale H planter, and with row crop cul- 5 Wed., 9-12 noon. Mon.-Fri, 7to 8 pm. | , _ - 298: FOR SALE -- Large Child's Crib | houses, Barn, Trucks, Boilers, Heating; 2. <1 Phone for an Appointment. bore Pareymcbhons=YUkin 54382 and mattress. $12.00. YU 65-2070. |in Port Perry, some new, ready to Systems, Ford Tractor, Florists' and Seal For ent titler, dual Stilson and pipe wrenches YU 5.2888 RA 3.2721 Leslle McDonald, Service Man rr en Mos i or op Jose well ag Gardeners' Equipment, Implements, wheel drive, and A.E.H.S. Wis- Quantity of cold 'and: hotbed glass Feb. 9, TF. 2. Dec. 81/61| FOR SALE--30" Continental Bed,[ = © prim "etl rate TOXE™ [Rotary Tiller, Steamer, Concrete Mix-| consin engine powered. sach : ih had ' good condition $30.00; % steel bed| pn 2 h og er, Tools, Miscellaneous Supplies, Nu- | Husky garden tractor, complete with Johnson 6 H.P. outboard motor . J. Boe, agent. Phone YU 5-2079 merous Effects, étc., the property of plow, cultivator and fertilizer Large pile of and mattress; also double bedstead. Cal } y pe rge pile of scrap iron, ete. . 3 ; all us for listings of farms, homes the Estate of the late Fred Pring attachment. Call after six YU 65-7938. and cottages. Feb. 16 1366 Danforth Road, Scarboro half. Huskey garden tractor, Handi-hoe-~: | Shovels, forks, hoes, bars, odd car- Brock Motor Sales Dead Stock ] , scuffler, (near new). . penter tools, saws, wrenches, FOR SALE--Baled hay and straw. | _ way between Lawrence and Eglinton Portable wheelbarrow type power tools, chains, clamps, watering Delivered. YU 5-2066. Feb. 16 Avenues, East, Terms Cash. No sprayer cans, hand gerden tools, ete. '68 Olds. Super 88 sedan, fully equip- ~~ Highest prices paid for dead & | ~~~ ~~ ~~ "°° RN Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m, Al pur- | Micronette wheelbarrow type power along with many other articles ped, black & white, one-owner. gy ores cattle 3 hogs, FOR SALE--Skill Saw, 7%, one year chases to be fully paid for befose be. oo cyclone sprayer, (near new). too numerous to mention. ET Qune : ) mall animals removed free. . \ 2003. Febl6 ing removed. the premises on da; anc garden seeders. [ NOTE=this will:be an ideal sale for P7 Super 83 Olds. hdtp. fully eauib- pay yIVIAN Ltd, Locust Hm | ©/d-"$35.00. Call YU 5-2098. Feblg nga rionel tighy td phe B Y11951 Ford panel truck IE ey a ident ssl for ped, jet black with red interior. Phone Markham 1160J collect ; Sale. Mrs, Elizabet! v Pring, Exe- | 1949 Chevrolet van delivery truck. most of sale will be conducted under one owner or UL 2-3891, Uxbridge FOR SALE -- Holstein Cows and cutrix for the Jstate.. Francis Riley | Several other pieces of implements, cover. : ceo. ed. D idle to (Barrister) No. 7' Gledhill 'Ave., Tor- ete. Sale starts at 1 pam. sharp, Terms '57 Olds. Super 88 sedan. fully ; 24 hour - 7 day service. heifers. Unit bred. ue middle , } od hi N BY Li dSs Nupsr 5h mecan, Tolls end of February. Phone 17-r-3, onto, Solicitor for the Estate. Clarke| Machinery & Workshop Equipment [cash on day of sale. No reserve. All . equipped, WE CAN PAY MORE : -- Prentico; Sales Promoter. purcriases to be fully paid for before Blackstock. EAL ESTATE J : : Koehring-Dandie contractors: heavy | being removed from the premises on '58 Chev. 4-door sedan, low mileage, We guarantee no animal collected by ---- me ww REALE KEN PRENTICE, Auctioneer. duty concrete fitixer, with 4 cyl. | day of sale. : silver grey color. our company will be resold for | pop GALE Timber barn 24'x16%";| Manchester--7 room, 1% storey fa- on Universal gas engine, mounted Mrs. Elizabeth Pring 57 Chev. Bel Air V-8 sedan. fully human. Sonsimpilon, Pump Monarch, pumps up to 30 gal | mily home, newly finished living room | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st, 1961-- Wl skin oe Executrix for the Estate, BY Chev. oo Ar oh & vor vith Oat: Gove Liserss No: 5395) per min., with 30 ft. suction hose and | large kitchen with cupboards, oil] Auction sale of high grade Jerseys, a complote with a steam | Francis Riley: (Barrist Squipped; Sone niey & huory w June 80/61 | 25 ft. 1%" outlet hose; 500 gal tank | heating, garage, large landscaped lot, | milch cows, close springers, and fresh| sterilizor retort tank (noay new) | No.7 Gledhill Ave. Toronto. . vel terion } eee ~~ | outfit, complete $160.00 or will "sell | good gain land:- Sop a pi cows, Surge milker, milk coolers, etc., Siash Jen, mixing tank i Solicitor for the Estate. iy "535 Buick sedan ee separate. Quantity of 1%" plastic | terms. Call L. 8. Snelgrove Co. at Lot 4, Rear of Concession 4, Mark- | Portable acetylene welding outfit, CLARKE PRENT . . ns hose at 3c. per ft. Building on skids | 43 Park Road S. Oshawa. RA 38-9810 | ham Township, opposite Massey-Fer- Mi A) 4 i ove Milliken P.O. ET Eromator) 9b-Meteor- Niagara sedan, r Government Disposal Act Lic ) 109 ; or - eve . ene 55 Met N dan, radio Disposal Act Licence 16%' x 6%'. Best offer. Gordon RA 65-4162 evenings guson Farms, on the 6th Concession. shop lathe (medium size) KEN PRENTI : 3 '54 Ford sedan, radio F° No. 18C60 ~ | Cummings, R.R."1, Port Perry at| _ _ _____ Property 'of D. Bernholtz. Sale at| Combination band saw, with sander, "Markham ICE, Rlictioness WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR |pcom. : 1.30 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Reed Plays di Aa) 58 Chev. 1-ton stake DEAD OR CRIPPLED Ww S Owner quitting dairy farming ; REE, LY, I'v : pa Gross heavy duty pedestal' emery "56 Chev. %-ton pick-up HORSES & CATTLE FOR SALE--Gents Heavy Overcoat afer ervice KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, stand and buffer wheel . aie 2 } : SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED brown, size 42; % steel bed complete WATER FOR SALE ~~ | _._ <r... Auctioneers, | Electric workshop flexible lamp | ~~ & %* on, wlan Oat -- we remain ; hev. M ick . + FREE "foe 22000, D0 8 BOEEI RC SOREN : Bench emery mandrel dire 56 Chev. Yo-ton pickup. one ------ with spring and mattress, clean; vib-| Water pipes thawed by electric shock | Markham phone 846. Heavy steel bench vise New Chev 1960 model %-tons in stock We pick up within fifty mile radius| rating chair; Steel bed, 89" with CL | Milliken phone AXminster 83-5987. Post pipe. vise - reduced to clear out. of Argyle Springs. Phone YU 65-2336 evenings. TOWING : Bench grindstone : = = Ehone Woodville Zenith 32500 = Phone Blackstock 1001-22 or 139W. | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, | (arge sturdy square workbench New 1960 Corvairs, priced for yor th at our expense WATER FOR SALE - AE 1961 -- Extensive Auction "Sale of r ibn while savings. WE SELL ALL TYPES OF Phone John Nesbitt, : household furniture, grandfathers Florists' Gardeners' Supplies i INK FOOD : k, pl & Miscellaneous G.M.A.C. terms to suit your budget. MIN Mar. 30~ Blackstock 52-r-2. . clock, player piano, electric range, ) ED PECONI & SON LTD. R.R. 1, Burketon electric clothes. dryer, oil space heat- | Several hundred of clay flower and |: BROCK MOTOR SALES BOX 11, ARGYLE tf. OPPORTUNITY 13 Mar. 2| eT coal and wood range, electric sew- plant pots, from 2%" to 12" sizes be : 4 iat hi lectyie: Several 650 ft. lengths of garden hose Phone 73, Sunderland, Ont. One of Canada's finest Life Insur- Be Mme ce ¢ refrigerator, 2 portable greenhouse soil shredders ! ance Companies has an opening for many other articles. Propetry of Mr. | Aporoximately. 500. or more. large. | weil Buy now & save. "1 one-full-time representative for Port FRESH MILK FED CAPONS | Tiller, Estate of the Late Delos Gra- plant fish flats all druggists, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE MARGWILL FUR FARM ~ : of WALTER HOWSAM, DECEASED Tyrone, Ontario THEATRE -- UXBRIDGE. =, ESTATE CLEARANCE z y ---- All persons having claims against| Extensive; auction sale of greens RRIYA V QATITRDAY. Oct. 13, 1961] INTERIOR DECORATING apartment. 4 roms poe ord | tho Extate of Walter Howsam, late houses, barn, bflers, heating systems; {~ THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY: ro > nt, 1s, ; rd tractor, ro er, implemen = SERVICE Laundry facilities. Phone collect-- 4 he Townebip of Beach 2 te Steamer, Senta wives, trea, flo: FEBRUARY Sth, 10th, 11#h. ; .r- tario, Serv ists' &, gardeners t, el+ ; SEPTIC T ANKS ® Custom-Made Drapes Sinderiand 25rd. Operator, who died on or about the laneous Fh les, Ln [1 =a Fy : Ny : ; ects, etc. The pro f the Esta ; tooned & .® Broadloom and Rugs FOR RENT--5 room house, John & ey Then AD, 1 o he Jag IR D' FRING, at "1858 y or y o ' TY 9 iH (tes | clean y Queen Sts., Port Perry, conveniences. Gea Z -+¢| Danforth Road, Scarboro, 3% way be-|- mene Me CC EET r : hd Lp ue s MS LTO hor), conve es. | signed on or th 4 i PUNP-BQUIPMENT-- -- | > Drapery Rods and Tracks i, ve vf] hr: slid At] et Tawra PED Cb ay ues ERNEST BORGNINE ; : il » ( y oy . h : . 'tlave your tank .checked now before © Draperies by the Yard : AAs]. spstinit in Brooklin. = YU | ogi, Immediately after the said| - Greenhouses, Buildings & Heating :- ZOHRA LAMPERT © trouble starts. 24 hour: service. | @ Slip Covers and Upholstering | >235% date the assets of tho sald deceased Plants Cartoon and News iy will be distributed among the parties | 1---Greenhouses, fully glassed, appro- : REG. ARMSTRONG ® Vetenian and Cloth Blinds | FOR RENT--Attractive residential entitled thereto, having regard only ximately 100' x 17', complete with pees ; = "ort Perry Phone YUkoa 5.2226 ° Instalation and - apartment. Private entrance, self to claims of which they shall then heating pipes and controls : Our Po : Jan. 14/61 ry contained, fully equipped ~ kitchen. | have notice, Ba hully, glastiod, appie- / ., ais SY CS oc... Reasonable. Apply Monday till Thurs-| DATED at. Port Perry, Ontario, pipes. & contecln. TM E) PICTURES SHOWING -- Thursday, Friday & Saturday. » GREER AND KELLY, : BAR V : : Notice fo Cr editor S i LOST -- Chocolate brown hunting is Barristers, &o., ; ig Dies and vn ; Doors open at 1.80 for Matinee. DRAPERIES dog, with white markings. Vielnity | Feb. 16 Box 181, "Ximately 151 x 71% with hesbing| 2 Shows Nightly from 7 to 94nd 9:till 11pm. : IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE . West of Blackstock. Phone YU 6.| . Port Perry, Ontario, \pipes, etc. : Doors open at 6.80 p.m. of JANET BRAVENER, DECEASED 2902, * Sollitols pe aks, | 5. fetal 'elid barn, approximately : nat All persons having claims against HOWARD VICE, Prop. x 26" with storage loft above, the Estate of Janet Bravener, late of | 926 SIMC 3 A EREITRRER the Village of Port Perry, in the| OE ST. NORTH "9 a ee a. County of Ontario, Spinster, who died OSHAWA py A Ww : wn or 8bekt. the Sth day lof JMAYY, RA 5.8144 VV CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON 1748 A.D, 1961, are hereby notified to : / as : : : 7h) pend to the undersigned on or before : | BF Jig Fit ; eis ai the 10th day of March, 1961, full : « t-- ~ Decor fing i : i particulars of their claims. Imme- : ecora g : : 770 diately after the said date the assets of ; > j i of 'the said deceased will 'be distri- gs INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Fir huted among the parties entitled' * ! fe i 74 thereto, having regard only to claims T8e. por dogen 7 of which they shall then have notice. | Peel's Poultry Farm Ltd. needs breed. : Wall Papering a Specialy p i017 : DATED, at Port Perry, Ontario, o flocks ub hint Font Sus. Free! Marie Fraser's new ch a ; : i RE A this 26th day of January, 1961. dozen' And have iw - evaporated milk rec : ozen and have your eggs picked up | evaporate ecipe ME 4 J GREER AND KELLY, |at your farm. - If you have or can get :DookIet, "Sauces--~sweet Phones; Ojiver Brouklin; Ont. bad . Barristers, &c., [facilities for 300 or more hens write and sour"', Write today! Sear. AT '2-0061 Whithy MO S8850 = : ; 7; Feb, 16 " Box 181, immediately or phone kon 67281. - TARY PAN : seme : : \ Th 5 oh Port Perry, Ontario, 16/61 : k' S-- 7§ ARE OF CANADA, WY Cia © Solicitors for the above estate, 3 tg. Fa 408 Huran Siva, Torantg ; : . . » { 3 "