\ 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THUR THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME OR FARM? List Now FOR A SALE * THIS. SPRING Contact Merv. Bird, Brooklin, Phone OL. §<8169 (24 Hrs.) J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. REALTORS --60 YEARS OF SERVICE-- Mar, 80 REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Farms, Ranch Land, Homes Summer Properties Phone YUkon 5-2202, Port Perry NORM MAIRS HOWARD LANGILGE REALTOR Claremont 1.6 Mar. 28 x A. E. Johnson OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Mary St. Port Perry Wed., 9-12 noon. Mon.-Fri. 7 to 8 p.m. Phone for an Appointment. YU 5-2383 RA 3-2721 June 22/61. 1.6 FRANKLIN McARTHUR ASSOCIATES Limited. Municipal Engineering Consultants Waterworks, Sewerage, Drainage Systems, Roads, Bridges, etc. Surveys-Reports- Design-Supervision ~38A Mattson Rd., Downsview, Ont. CHerry 1-3552, 3 & 4 Toronto 1.26 May 11/61 DEAD or CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE, HOGS Removed promptly for disposal . Phone Long Distance. . _ ZEnith 32800 at our expense ED PECONI & SON LTD. ARGYLE Licence No. 69 C 61. 1.5 T.F. "BUSINESS DIRECTORY i 1969 Chey. SDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1961 Piano Tuning VY. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Phone: YU 5.2334 1. Mar. 9, 1961 T.F. INSURANCE Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY APEX TV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 56-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Pec. 31/61 Wells Drilled For best results contact J. W. SUMMERS AND SON Colborne, Ontario Phone Colborne 293 or 66 collect Terms arranged. 1.6 May 18/61 F. G. Croshy - TRAVEL AGENT + TOURS, AIR, RAIL HOTEL, STEAMSHIP ULster 2-3853 UXBRIDGE No service charge 1.6 April 27 Brock Motor Sales 58 Olds. Super 88 sedan, equipped '57 Olds. Super 88 hdtp, equipped, black with red interior '57 Olds. Super sedan '66 Meteor Niagara sedan '64 Ford sedan : : *63 'Pontiac sedan "50 Ford, very clean, good condition 1960 Envoy (used) 1959 Chev. 1-ton pick-up Y-ton 1958 Chev. 4-ton 19566 Chev. %-ton ROOFING | OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding Esttimates given on all kinds of work. "EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for dead and crippled animals according to size and condition. For fastest service Phone Collect. TTT Hampton COlfax 3-2721. " MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ontario License No. 116 Oct. 13, 1961 Dead Stock Highest prices paid for dead & disabled 'horses, cattle & hogs,' Small animals removed free. RAY VIVIAN Ltd. Locust Hill Brand new 1960 Chev. l%-ton fleet- side (only 1 left) 1960 Corvairs at real savings Low Cost G.M.A.C. terms to suit your budget BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 78, Sunderland, Ont. Buy now-& save. ee For a perfect MADE- TO-MEASURE SUIT tailored from the best material at the lowest prices possible, see UXBRIDGE CLEANERS and DYERS __UL_2-8471, Uxbridge tt. INTERIOR DECORATING "SERVICE © Custom-Made Drapes Phone Markham 1160J collect | ..® Broadloom and Rugs or UL 2-3891, Uxbridge 24 hour - 7 day service. -. WE CAN PAY MORE We guarantee no animal collected. by our company will be resold for human consumption. Ont, Gov. License No. 83960 rou ---- SEPTIC TANKS ~¢léaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts, 24 hous service. . A bg : bio 11/62, : ~ ® Drapery Rods and Tracks ® Draperies by the Yard e Slip Covers and Upholstering ® Vetenian and Cloth Blinds o Instalation and ~ Mensuring HOWARD'S DRAPERIES HOWARD VICE, Prop. 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ° "RA 56-8144 | Holtby, YU. 65-7408. CLASSIFIED Phone YUken 5-2331 CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY MUST BE IN BY 9 am. WEDNESDAY FOR SALE -- Rodney and Garry Oats, cleaned and treated. $1.60 per bus. Fred Trewin, Blackstock. Mar, .23 FOR SALE -- Large quantity of strew, 80c a bale. Phone YU, 5-774. 6-117, FOR SALE -- Lacombe-Yorkshire Boars, serviceable age; 2 Lacombe- Yorkshire sows, due in 3 weeks; Las- sie type Scotch Collie pup. . Phone YUkon 65-2712. FOR SALE--Upright Morris Piano, good condition, $150.00. Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy, Blackstock 87-r-4. FOR SALE--OQOats from registered seed, 1st generation, Rodney or Garry. Power cleaned and treated. Murray T.F. FOR SALE -- Kelly Ryan, P.T.O. Spreaders, 100 and 126 bushel, single or tandem wheels. Hogkin General Store, Blackstock, phone 2. FOR SALE--1950 3-ton Chev. racks and new license; also cedar posts and poles. Wm. Wilson, R.R. 1, Nestle- ton. Phone Blackstock 52-r-4. Mar. 30 FOR SALE tary Mower, tractor type, 5 ft. cut; air compressor, garage type; Air cooled gas engine, V4, 28 H.P., less magneto; Air cooled gas engine, V2, "1 2 cycle 12. H.P.; rear truck axel with dual wheels and tires, 8.26 x 20; qu. of used % inch cable, also some 5/8 inch; quantity of used V belts, all lengths; also fish hut, 4% x 8 ft. 'Norman Mairs, phone YU 65-2202. FOR RENT -- Brick Farm House, reasonable. Rides to work in Osha- wa available. Apply Lawrence Mor- rison. Phone Manilla 15-r-121. Mai.30 FOR RENT--Attractive residential apartment. Private entrance, self- contained, "fully equipped kitchen. Reasonable. Apply Monday till Thursday, YU 65-2214. April 6 "APARTMENT FOR RENT--Heat- ed apartment, 6 rooms and large bath- room. Water softener, modern kit- chen. Centrally located downtown, in prominent home on Queen St. Available now. Will rent only to res- ponsible persons. Phone YUkon 65-7366. TF APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Self- contained, heated, drier. W. J. Car- negie. Phone YU 56-2518. Perry, all conveniences, full basement, oil heated, 8 bedrooms. Phone John Ballard YU 5-7946 or YU 5-2491, tf. FARM FOR SALE--90 acres near . Little Britain, inside convenience, or will exchange for bungalow in town. Phone 24.-r-23, Little Britain. Mar23 FOR SALE | 6 room Tnsul Brick dwelling in good condition. Aluminum storm door and windows, Three piece bath. Cent- rally located. Immediate possession. Low down payment, balance monthly. Apply Box 42, Port Perry Star. Mar.28 APARTMENT FOR RENT -- On ground floor, living room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and bathroom, private ent- rance. Phone YU 65.2478. T.F. WANTED TO RENT--A house in Port Perry. Apply P.O. Box 407, Port Perry. Mar, 30 REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED . © To enroll Farm Service & Motor Club Memberships. Pleasant, dignified worker, full or part time, repeat busi- ness year after year, Rush your name and address for full informa- tion as territories are going fast. Car needed. Bales Manager, Box 817, London, Ontario, Mar, 28 FRESH MILK FED CAPONS Ready for oven or ffeezer, delivered, 12 months of the year, BRUCE MILLER; Prince Albert Phone Port Perry YU §-2480 John Deere Loader on rubber; Ro- |. perty of W. Slavik. Sale at 1.30 p.m. |'Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Mar.23 TF.| FOR SALE -- New house in Port | 1.80 pm. PERSONAL OLD, RUNDOWN? Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only 69¢, At all drugglsts. SEED CLEANING Don't delay! We are now operating at full time, We. will be glad to clean and treat your seed before the Spring rush. We also handle a full line of grass "seeds. SWAIN SEED CLEANERS I'hone Blackstock 89-r-11 Mar.30 Auction Sales FRI, MARCH 24th--Auction Sale of Hereford feeder cattle, 2 tractors, P.T.O. baler, combine, elevator, trae- tor, power tillage, haying and harves- ting farm machines, 2,000 bales straw and mixed hay, cedar posts, etc., All farm machinery here is near new, late .models, and exceptionally good, at Lot 14, Concession 7, Markham Twp., pro- perty of Norman Lott, (Normando Farm). Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. No reserve. Farm sold. : KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, Markham phone 846 THURS, MARCH 30th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, 50 Holsteins & Herefords, Pigs, Imple- ments, 3 Tractors,- Self Propelled Combine, Ford Truck, Baler, Hay, Grain, Furniture, the property of Horace Morrison, Lot 24, Con. 7, Scott Twp., 1 mile North of Leaskdale. Terms Cash. Farm Sold, No Reserve. Sale at 11.80 a.m. Leaskdale W.A. will provide lunch, Geo. Edwards & Gerald Graham, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT., APRIL 8th--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of the late Mrs. Edith Worsley, to be held on the premises, 36 Durhdm St. W., Lindsay. Terms Cash. No Re- serve. Sale called- to' settle Estate. 'Sale at 1.00 p.m. W. E, Weldon, Clerk. ORVAL McLEAN, Auctioneer. SAT., MARCH 25th--Auction Sale of International Farmall tractors, Cub and Model A with equipment, garden- er's and farm implements, tools, odd household furniture, effects, etc. at Part Lot 1, Rear Concession 4, Mark- ham Township, on Steele's Ave, % mile East of Don Mills Road. Pro- KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. Markham phone 846 SAT, © APRIL 1st -- Fat Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, 2 Tractors, Combine, Baler, Implements, Stable and Barn,K Equipment, Baled Hay and Straw, the property of Robert W. Balsdon, Lot 28, Con. Bro- ken Front, Pickering Twp. % mile South of Hwy. 401, on the Liverpool Road. Terms Cash, Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 pm. Don Annon, Clerk. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th--6th Annual Show and "Auction sponsored by the York - Ontario Shorthorn Club at the New Cow Palade (note new lo- way 47 at 12.30 p.m. -- Show at 12.30 p.m. Auction at 1.80 p.m. 3 bulls, 27 females, 7 calves suitable for 4-H clubs, All animals vaccinated - ino- culated. Modern restaurant in 'the Pavilion, Write D. McTavish, Ux- bridge, R.R. 4 for Catalogues. Mar23 THURS.; APRIL 6th--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple= ments, Hay, Grain & Furniture, Fer- guson Tractor, Allis Chalmers Com- bine, New Holland Baler, Cockshutt Seed Drill on Rubber, ete, the pro- perty of Earl Argue, Lot 11, Con. 6, Brock Twp. (in the Village of Sunder- land). Terms Cash.. "No Reserve, Sale at 1.80 p.m. g REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT., APRIL 156th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, 22 Hol- steins & Hereéfords, 30'Hogs, Tractor, the property of John Wilms; Lot 10, Con. 8, Ops Twp., 6 miles South-West of Lindsay, or 2 miles Bouth of Little Ostrex Tonic' Auctioneers, | cation of sale); at Stouffville on High- |: Implements, 100 Bales of Oat Straw," SAT., APRIL 1st--Auction Sale of 60 High Grade Holsteins, 3 Tractors, Baler, Full line of Implements, Fur- niture, Etc., the property of G. Tre- vail Estate, Lot 2, Con. 4, East Whit- by, on Taunton Road, just East of Maxwell School. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Farm Rented. Furniture Sale at 12 O'Clock followed by Im- plements & Stock. Harvey Pascoe, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Ted Veenhof WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK PHONE Oshawa RA 8-3864 1.26--June 8/61 - - Spring is Here! Non Clogging flexible Harrows with steel draw bar: 10 ft. set--$66.60 156 ft. set--$97.00 20 ft. set--$129.00 3-ton wagons, auto-type steering --$139.00. also --b&-ton, 74 inch track--$199.50 2-wheel heavy duty trailer, 16 inch truck tires and frame, 7° x 12' platform--$125.00. All Metal Sheds, 26' x 15'-- easily moved--$295.00 670-15, 4 ply rating auto tires $11.96 (with class "A" trade-in) HOSKIN GENERAL STORE Blackstock Phone 2 TREMENDOUS SAVINGS DURING OUR GREATEST CLEARANCE SALE! Discontinued Patterns of Floor Cover- ings, Bright, Cheerful Designs--Close Out Price--26c. Per Foot. NEW 1961 BABY CARRIAGES Converts to Cap Bed, Special Purchase, From $19.96 SMOOTH-TOP QUILTED MATTRESSES 4 Only--WHILE THEY LAST--$117. ~~ WILSON--FURNITURE; ----- 20 Church St., Oshawa COUNTY OF ONTARIO = and OSHAWA SUBURBAN COMMISSION Tender for Annual Supplies & } Services Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 10:00 a.m., Wed- nesday, March 29, 1961 for the supply of the following services & materials. (a) SERVICES L Crushing, stockpiling and/or de- ~~ livering gravel and sand. Crush, stockpile and/or haul ap- proximately 50,000 cu. yds. of gravel and sand from various pits throughout County. A certified Cheque for $1000.00 ROAD of Ontario must accompany tender, Surface Treating For the supply and application of all materials and plant necessary for the surface treatment of ap- proximately 9 miles. } 8. Supply & Application of Bituminous Materials For the supply and application of (a) Bituminous Prime (b) Bituminous materials for . road mix pavement For items 1 to 3 tenders must be submitted on forms to be sup- plied by County. (b) MATERIALS , Prices quoted for materials are to include delivery to any point within the County. 1. Bituminous Emulsions and pat- ching materials. 2. Fencing materials--approximate- ly 800 rods of wire fencing. Quo- tations for both 8 and 9 strand wire and steel posts. 3. Salt and Calcium Chloride. 4. Chemicals for weed and brush control. 5. Paints for bridges, guide rail, ete. 6. Snow fence--approx. 15,000 ft. 7. Miscellaneous--corrugated metal culverts, signs, cedar: posts, County Tender Form to be used for item 2 Further information and tender forms may be secured from the office of the undersigned. $ lf Britain Highway and .% mile West, Terms Cash, - No reserve. Sale at "Ward Holmes Bayi Bilt Weldon, Clerks. . 1. Mar, 80/61 CARL HICKSON, Kuetioricer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily Recepted, _ R.E, Sims, P. Engineer | Engineer, County of Ont.| County Buildings, Ma ar, 23 'payable to the Treasurer, County | 'Shovels, forks ~ WHITBY, Ontario, Real Estate Cochrane Street, Port Perry -- 2 sterey, 9 room frame house with gar- age, finished two bedroom apartment on 2nd floor. Apartment rented. Large kitchen, living room and 8 bed- rooms on main floor. Good location. Only $9500 with low down payment. Scugog St., Port Perry--11% Storey, 6 room frame house with large new sunroom facing south, 3 pe. bath and large kitchen. Hardwood and tile flooring throughout. Attached gar- age. Also adjoining lot 60 x 166 ft. with this property. Listed at $15,000 with substantial down payment. HOWARD FORDER at RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 8.2155 RISTOW and OLSEN, Realtors 19 Athol St. West, Oshawa, Ont. SELLING AVON IS FUN! Ask any representative. You can earn as you learn, make new friends, pay back bills, full or part-time work, highest commission, Opening available in Reach Township. Please write Miss M. Tymchuk, 818 Ossington Ave., Tor- onto for more information. ~~ Auction Sales Auction Sale--Hereford Cattle, 2 tractors, baler, combine, near new tillage, haying and harvesting farm machines, baled hay, straw, cedar osts, ete, the property of Norman tt (Normando Farm) Lot 14, Con- cession 7, Markham Twp, 1 mile North off er Highway, on FRIDAY, MARCH "Cattle ; 10 good Hereford yearlings, feeder cattle Tractor & Farm Machinery International Farmall (H) tractor, complete with starter, lights, pulley, and front end loader, with material bucket Case V.A.O. tractor, complete with starter, lights and hydraulic eagle hitch Case 6' cut combine, Wisconsin engine motor drive, scour kleen, and pickup attachment Case P.T.O. pickup haley; late model, . near new Case 80 or 32 ft. combination bale and grain elevator McCormick-Deering 2 furrow ace bottom tractor plow k "| 'Case 17 spring tooth tractor cultivator with inside rubber tired wheels 6 sections of diamond drag harrows Set 8 ft. cut tractor tandem disc harrows Cockshutt 18 disc tractor fertilizer and grain drill, good Case tractor manure spreader on rubber Case 4 bar tractor side delivery rake Case 7' cut semi-mounted mower NOTE--AIl farm machinery hére is _ near new,-late models and in ex- ceptionally good condition. : Baled Hay & Straw Approx. 2,000 bales good-mixed hay Approx. 2,200 bales of wheat and .oat straw Miscellaneous, tools, etc. Tractor adjustable snow plow blade Set 10" x-28" heavy tractor-tire- <hains Reversible tractor scoop A Century 13% H.P. Eis e motor, 60 cycle 2 Steel livestock water troughs Approx. 76 / 7" cedar. fence posts 'Approx. 100 cedar fence rails - Dajiuter tractor P.T.O. post hole digge - Several 2 x 4 livestock pen dividers, 4' x 10' and 16' len ,- hoes, 9, chains, bars, pails, etc., along with other useful drticles too numerous to "men g Sale at 1 pi. ems Cash. No Reserve. Farm 8 KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers 'Markham, Ont. Phone 34 Milliken, Ont,, Ph. Axminster 8.6987 Farm Sold--Clearance Auction Sale of International #260 diesel tractor, 80 Cockshutt tractor; A/C combine, stable and barn equipment, baled hay and straw, ete. The property of | Robert W, Balsdon, at Lot 22 Conces- sion, Broken Front, Pickering Twp. % mile South of 401 Highway, on t e Liverpool Road, on Saturday, April 1st, 1961. Tractors, Combine & Farm Machinery International model B250 diesel tract- or, complete with lights, starter, pulley, live 'P.T.0. 3 pt. hydraulic _ lift, and straight drawbar hitches. * Purchased new late 1959, done only 750 working hours. Cockshutt #80 tractor, standard model with lights, ete. Allis-Chalmers 6 ft. cut P.T.0. com- bine complete with scour kleen and straw spreader attachment, good McCormick-Deering #46 P.T.0. pick- up baler, purchased new July 1959, only done 1,200 bales Dion 16 ins. silo filler cutting box, complete with filler and distributing pipes Cockshutt 18 run grain drill Cockshutt P.T.O. 4 bar tractor side delivery rake » Cockshutt 8 blade one-way disc tiller Cockshutt 8 furrow tractor plow McCormick- Deering P.T.0. manure spreader, large size MH 6' cut mower McCormick-Deering 7 ft. cut grain binder, good McCormick-Deering 6 ft. cut grain binder Set 4 section drag harrows 2 rubber tired farm wagon gears Wagon flat rack MH all steel hay loader 8 drum steel land roller Walking plow and other odd farm implements Miscellaneous, Barn & Stable Equi pment . John Deere 10 ins. hammer mill +1 100 ft. 6 ins. endless drive belt 12 H.P. 60 cycle electric motor Malco 20 ft. extension bale elevator 20 ft. 4 ins. diameter grain auger, - complete with b ft. extension Chatham fanning mill : Set barn platform scales Woods electric 3 H.P. 60 eyele. grain grinder en 20 Beatty steel stanchions with head rail, dividers and '9 regulating water bowls Beatty stable litter carrier outfit, complete with new bucket and approx. 176 ft. of tracking, switches, hangers, and yard swing Poe : . Bag truck. Fence stretcher Several steel fence posts Large pile of scrap iron pails, bars, etc., along with other useful articles too numerous to mention, ete. : Hay and Straw Quantity mixed baled hay and straw Sale at 1 p.m, Terms Cash. No Reserve. Farm Sold. Don Annon, Clerk. . KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers Markham, Ont. Phone 346 Milliken, Ont.,, Ph. Axminster 3-5987 LIVE. BETTER with an. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER 2 gy Teme "ormer p-------- -------- eee -- \ Thinking of a new Spring Suit? "Ask any member of the Port _ Perry Lions Club about one. ad -- Ee ho THURSDAY, FRIDAY and MARCH FRANK SINATRA SATURDAY 23, 24, 25 GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA Never so Few Technicolor -- Cartoon -- News N = ' Our Policy L] P v. 4 - PICTURES SHOWING -- Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Algo Saturday Matinee at 2.00, pm.: Doors open at 1.80 for Matinee. Doors open at 6.30 p.m. 2 Shows Nightly from 7 to 9 and 9 till 11 pm, new P.T.0. baler, farm machinery, Steel watering trough TR "Shovels, forks, hoes, bags, chains, Hlectrically.... is MTT int g SL