QA VIR NER ta a bike, HOt ad iia NL INTREST Sai aul NERS nea 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, we BUSINESS DIRECT ORY | C L A S S I i I i D Phone YUkon 5-2331 ne CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY MUST REAL EST ATE Piano Tuning / ~ BEIN BY 9 am WEDNESDAY FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS MARGARET BALLARD V. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO WANTED -- Holstein Calves for vealing, R. Aird. YU B-7858. TF WANTED--Person with book keep- ing experience for general office Brock Motor Sales \/ CLEARANCE SALE Tremendous Savings during our Greatest Clearance Sale! Convert to Car Beds, Special Purchase ...... fs 5 1: X:] J Smooth Top Quilted Continental Realtor : : 'k. Apply Box 45, > , ; Sunderland, Ont. Phone 49 or 124 Phone; ba FOR SALE-- Body Hardwood, cord ork) ss PPly 1960 Envoy (used) Discontinued Patterns of Floor Beds--4 only--While they TF.--1. / Lo June 1, 1961 "lengths. Re-sawed if desired. George | y : 1967 Chevrolet deluxe sedan Coverings, Bright Cheerful last . LIAR LL Rn, i : . 142-1-5. ; "Designs, Close-Out Price 26¢. foot WILSON FURNITURE TR ---- Heaslip, Blackstock, phone el i" WANTED--2 rooms for light house- 1967 Olds. sedan New 1961 Baby Carriages 20 Church St, Oshaws | N S U R A N C E Pr-20 | | eeping, 2 adults. Ground Floor, | 1955 Meteor Niagara sedan ; A E. Johnson eT Phone YU 65-2809. 1965 Olds. sedan - ina Are your. Policies up-to-date? | FOR SALE--Modern 6-room house, 1954 Ford sedan : OPTOMETRIST i 2 corner lot, newly decorated. 1 extra WANTED--Baled Hay, immediate- | 1954 Dodg d rt < A "hi - , sur 3 ' . ' odge sedan EYES EXAMINED Whatever your insurance needs large bedroom upstairs, plus floored | Jy, Please write stating price. W. | 1953 Pontiac sedan SAVE BY PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED may he consult Ws Full view of lake. Phone | Burke, R.R. 1, Port Perry. Apr.27! One only--1960 Envoy, new. Vv ' I EMMERSON INSURANCE | YU 6-2620- Ee | 1959 Chevrolet %-ton pick-up CASH AND CARRY Mary St, Port Perry a Y Ukon 5-2421 PORT PERRY| Eh mere -- WANTED -- Housekeeping room. | 1969 Chevrolet 1-ton pick-up Wed., 9-12 noon, Mon.-Fri,'7 to 8 p.m. FOR SALE -- 1000 bales of Hay. | Apply Box 46, Port Perry Star. 1968 Chevrolet Y%-ton pick-up 4 . in Mike Hlozan) Sr. YU 65-2080. Apr27|---- -- -- 11969 G.M.C. %-ton pick-up . Bhouk for an Appointment. ' : ID YU 5-2383 RA 3-2721 : ' LOWEST PRICES IN TOA 305 G.M.C. on mk WH ARBORITE June vy 6l. 1.5 APEX SERVICE FOR SALE--Girden Tractor, Wa- Chris fidite Faint ohn Pests jer he er P.T.O. 4x8' any colour per sheet $16.95 - terloo 4 HP. with good cultivator. LH.C. 456 P.T.O. baler 1x6 8¢ | Edge Tri roll "81 Television & Radio Repairs Wappen © works Esryns, Wa 3 Piece Apartment Size Chrome Petorberonith beat, Jeon outboard Fad PER Be ge m, per resins $1.38 sawing. F. C. eton, - ' . Pp Tarif motors an ee trailers. " Ted Veenhof Part Perry--Phone---YUkon 56-2282 |, Apr, 27| Suite, Extension Arborite Table ens _ Cement, per qut. .............- $2.80 ) ART with Matching chairs, slashed....$29. Ay Loat Lind LEYS 1 x 10 16¢ Leslie McDonald, Service Man suit your budget Ft WELL DIGGING : FOR SALE -- Holstein Heifer due |5 Piece Chrome Suites, Arborite 1 x 12 4 17¢ EXTERIOR BUILDING Dec. 31/61 . : 'K MOTOR SALES . ee soon, also Holstein Bull 18 mos. old.| pops, Double Legs, Heavy pod 1070n 22 rk BOARD CLEAN OUT AN YJEEPENING | | i 2 17-1-8, " ) . . , ' . . LI AN 0 x AND I ; PE NIN Roy McLaughlin, Phone 17-r-3, Black Duty Chairs, While they last....$37. Buy now & save: ECONOMY GRADE £ x8 or 4 x 9 per tho dt. COMPRESSOR WORK - stock. Unpainted Furniture--Desks ........ $14, . WHI PHONE Oshawa RA 8-3864 Wells Drilled ~ os "Sau ---- Chest Of DIBWEIS ovo ssns $17. TE PINE $69.50 1.26--June 8/61 IGS FOR SALE -- Registered | Bookeases v..oonoeeerereesssseres $6.99 1 x 6 Ge seine fen For beat results contact Landrace, 2 litter mates, lovely pair | mm Instant Wall Wash PER . J. W. SUMMERS AND SON of sows, due shortly. Earl Dorrell, | Special Bonus Bookease only 99c. ly Xx 8 » 8¢ MAHOGANY PLYWOOD Mountjoy Colborne, Ontario phone Blackstock 48-R. } with: Purchase. , i . PRINGE ALBERT. | 710 "LIN. ite "Vee" Grooved 4x8' Sheet $3.84 . Phone Colborne 293 or 66 collect WILSON FURNITURE Phone YU 5-2081 | FL. i Backhoe Service Tenis arranged. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -- Hol- 20 Church St. Oshawa 1. Apre21 [1 x 12 12¢ | pre FINISHED HARDBOARDS TRENCHES -- DRAINS FOUNDATION and SEPTIC TANKS DUG and BACKFILLED IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstock, Phone 87-r-4 1.5--e.0.w. 1.6 May 18/61 F. G. Croshy TRAVEL AGENT TOURS, AIR,. RAIL HOTEL, STEAMSHIP | calves. stein, second calf heifer, fresh. Reg. Holstein due in May. 4 grade Hol- stein summer and fall freshening Larmer Bros. phone Black- stock b-r-22, FOR SALE -- Building: Material suitable for use in erecting a house. Auction Sales SATURDAY, APRIL 29th--Auction Sale of Implements, hay, grain, Ranch 'and furniture, the property of Rich- USED CARS 1950 Chev. Coupe 1953 Mercury Sedan M100 Mercury 1951 Pontiac 19562 Mercury 1% ton 1%-ton Pickup with FIR PLYWOOD 1/4" Good one side-- 4 x 8--$3.50 1/2" Good one side-- 4 x 8--$5.80 3/4" Good one side-- 4 x 8--$8.15 £2 x8 Sheets --$5.19 each ALL PAINT and BRUSHES Less 156% 2" x 4" SPRUCE--6Y;¢ Lin. Ft. ULster 2-3853 Sexton 'St. Phone YU 5-2809. ard Spencer, Lot 18, Con. 1, Reach stock racks i } - UXBRIDGE ges Twp. on Oshawa, Port Perry Hwy., 1 1953 Buick Sedan. 1/4" fir solid one side-- : FRANKLIN McARTHUR No service charge FOR SALE--A Norge Refrigerator | Mile North of Raglan. Terms Cash.| p. eo 20. 51 Ford. 4 x 8--$3.20 We HANDLE NICHOLSON ran ASS0CIA TES Limited. : 1.56 April 27 in good working condition. For in- Sale at 1 p.m. Cecil Heayn, Clerk. Automatic Transmission 98 Olds. 3/8" sheathing grade-- 'WINDOWS -- Prices on request Municipal Engineering Consultants N : Be ' ' ) . Waterworks, Sowerane, Diaiiage Sa formation call Wm. Chapman, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | All parts for up to '656 Olds. 4 x 8--$3.20 to: TRENCHING & EXCAVATING | YU 56-7376. These cars can all be bought real 5/8" underlay-- Systems, Roads, Bridges, ete. Surveys-Reports-Design-Supervision ASA Mattson Rd., Downsview, Ont. Cllerry 123552, 3 & Toronto 1.256 May 11/61 DEAD or CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE, HOGS Removed promptly for disposal " Phone Long Distance ZEnith 32800 al our expense 15D | 1 DI 'ONI & SON ARGYLE No. 69 C 61. LTD. Licence ROOFING OI" ALL KINDS Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding 2 June 29/61 ! 1 | Water lines -- Septic beds, etc. KEN MIDDLETON * Phone YU. | FREE ESTIMATES i Mel | McGee Auto Body GREENBANK, ONTARIO ALL TYPES OF BODY WORK SPRAY PAINTING Inquire about our pay-later plan. 5-7548, Port Perry | | FOR SALE--Heavy duty stove $26. Washing machine $26.00, both in good condition; Kroeler chesterfield suite and dinette suite, both 11 months old; also 1953 Mercury automatic in good condition. Phone YU 65-2866. | FOR SALE--Two 45-gal oil drums, Irie of copper piping and wooden sand. Yu 5-2620. chor posts 8°-10'-12'; heavy and light poles 10'-12-16' any sizes. YU 65-2678. May 4 ~~FOR SALE--CEDAR POSTS, An-' SAT., APRIL 29th--Auction Sale of Implements & Ranch, Hay, Grain, Furniture, the property of Richard Spencer, Lot 18, Con. 1, Reach Twp.,[ -- -- on Oshawa-Port Perry Rd, 1 mile North of Raglan. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 pm. C. Heayn, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., APRIL 27th--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 60 Pure Bred & High Grade Holsteins, Tractors -- John "Deere 60, THC Farmall H., McCormick | 10-20 Waterloo Thresher, Horses, Pigs, Hay & Grain, Furniture, the property of Oscar W. Baker, Lot 4, Con. 7, Brock Twp., 1 mile North and 214 miles West of Sunderland (at Valentyne). Vroomanton W.A. will provide [unch, Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 12 noon. Geo. Edwards, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON and TED JACKSON, Auctioneers. cheap. Phone BLACKSTOCK 14-r-3 2 x 8--$5.90 Painting & Decorating CARPENTRY Expert Workmanship on all building and renovating jobs "Call us earl painting and repairs. Free Estimates. D. RICE YU 5-2423 1.6 June 16/61 $1.17 POPLAR PLYWOOD 3/4" B/BB 4 x 8'-- Sheet--$10.25 1/4" £ x 4 Untetlaye 3/8 offset hinges ......... 25¢ pr. Magnetic catches ........25¢. each Chrome Knobs ............ 26¢ each Dominion Key in Knob Lock Sets ....cceevevenerenens $6.95 _ Reg. $8. 10 Cellar Window Units, single lite, weather stripped, 2 position, removable sash ............ceee.. ONly--8$6.95 ly for your outside Call after 5 p.m. Seed We will be treat your seed. Cleaning YU 5-2491. Casimir St., Port Perry "We also have delivered prices and budget terms arranged from 3 months to 60 months. glad to clean and "JOHN BALLARD LUMBER C0. {¥ _ L.D.A. Dealer. a Estimates given on all kinds YU 5-7420 Res: YU 5-2908 : " We handle a full line of grass seed. or of work. 5 Apr. 27 Specials This Friday & Saturday TUES, APRIL 26th -- Farm Sold, VAIN SED. CLEANTRE" "3 Rs EARL WALLACE Meat Pies ......ivceomoninennn 2 for 26c. Wick Haven Holstein Dispersal, Auec- Phone Blackstock 89-r-11 i Port Perr Ont _ oo | Pumpkin Pie ...conieinniiiiininenns 89c¢. | tion Sale of 60 Pure Bred Holsteins, N i } A y me For a perfect Marble Coke women 46c. each | Horses, McC. Diesel Tractor, Imple- Fay, AUNT oA MA A A ATT AEE MADE- TO'MEASURE SUIT BRittl Bilis ori 33c. doz. ments, Baler, Dion Threshing Ma- |. ; SER te _.| tailored from the best material at iL chine, Hay, Grain, Etc., the property a § . THE EATRE -- ta a) Gol the lowest prices possible, see JACKSON'S PASTRIES of R. I. Cookman, Lot 2, Con. 2, Notice fo Creditors HE Dead Farm Stock UXBRIDGE CLEANERS and DYERS Brock Twp., 4 miles South of Sunder- : FAS UL 23471, Uxbridge tf.! Lon RENT--3 1 land on Hwy. 12 (at Wick). - Terms Tn the estate of THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY | Qi PICKED uP PROMPTLY i ¥0 rooms and square Cash, Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale APRII 20 21 and 22 : +X NII | hall with 3 piece bath, hot water, | + 11.30 am. Wick W.M.S. will ser- WREFORD H. ST. JOHN, 4 ' 3 Highest prices paid for dead and ! built-in cupboards. Downtown loca- hon ds. Sam Gough : : -- DOUBLE BILL -- Rr | crippled animals according 'to size | tion. Private entrance. Apply Art ve Lunch on the grounds. Sam Gough | ja4e of the Village of Port Perry, | plinth and condition. For fastest service i i 35.0 Ph tin She County. of Ontario, Larpantel; YUL BEYRRIR AY KENDALL he. Y Phone Collect Prentice, i Yee 5: : o ve This is an exceptionally good herd of All persons having claims against E WITH FEELING Aad : Hampton COlfax 3.2721. YU 65-7956. Available '1st May. Cattle. Also a good line of machinery. | 10 ostate of the above named who ONCE MOR AL MARGWILL FUR FARM re Plan to attend. Catalogues on re- gioq July 17th, 1960, are hereby noti- ) Tyrone, Ontario APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Self- | quest.) fied to send to the undersigned on or ik License No. 116 .. Oct. 13, 1961 ¢iiiningd, heated, dues W: 1 Cy TED JACKSON and before May 6th, 1961 full particulars Champion Stunt Riders Sh g : negie. Phone YU 56-2618. : REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneers, | of their claims. Immediately after 4 4 ' May 6th, 1961, the assets of the 'de- Technicolor -- Cartoon and News fy FOR SALE -- New house in Port E ceased will be distributed among the if] : D " d : St : ko Perry, all conveniences; full basement, | SATURDAY, APRIL 29th--Auction | a ties entitled thereto having regard Our Polic fet: / A ed oC oil heated, 3 heaeony ome Jom er of Royse Ww Boy Sm put only to the claims of which the under- Y 2 Ballard YU 65-7946 or 56-2401. tf. | brick bungalow, household furniture, | gioned shall then have notice. PICTURES SHOWING -- Thursday Frty &: Baturda ar Highest prices paid for dead & BE 2C ladies' and gents' wearing apparel. ? 4 diet : disabled horses, cattle & hogs, | INTERIOR DECORATING a. Oe a ite opted 8 Yost Ture, {hs MN ny Also Saturday Matinee at 2.00 p.m (a Small animals removed free. dig 7 A FOR gr 0a Mrs. Mae Hickey, at 820 Centre St.,| HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Doors open at 1.30 for Matinee. 5 if 34 RAY VIVIAN Ltd, Locust Hill ® (Custom-Made Drapes a, po RT te ot the South Side of 47 Sighviay, % Solicitors for the 2 Showa Nightly from 7 to 9 and 9 till 11 pm. : HA Phone Markham 1160J collect euro U » P TF. mile West of Younge St. in the Vill- April 20 Administratrix, Doors open at 6.30 p. m. IN or UL 2-3891, Uxbridge ..® Broadloom and Rugs rance. Phone Y 52478, T.F. | age of Thornhill. Terms on household ; i. fi pr 24 hour - 7 day service. e Drapery Rods and Tracks effects cash, no reserve, Bong on \ Sitti t etd real estate made known on day of sale. of WE CAN PAY MORE : by ACCOMODATION for elderly peo- A ZI e Draperies by the Yard le. Kind nursing care. Bed pa- Sale at 1 p.m. See posters. James CALCIUM PITT We guarantee no animal collected by . ple. mramg ' Smith, Clerk. oh el our company will be resold for ® Slip Covers and Upholstering | tients taken, For information phone PROTEIN _ yet n consumption. ; " YUkon 56-2806. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, r EAL pod Bh consump ® Vetenian and Cloth Blinds AiR Ont, Gov. teense No. 33960 Apr. 6-18-20 Auctioneers. MINERALS gor e Instalation and $350. DOWN ' EEE] Si sr BT Maes med Ment nfiiotns. stony $2 @ en - Measuring wt LIA 6 xoom, 3 bedroom 1% story family] SAT, APRIL 22nd--Auction Sale al of HY TAR / fy, SEP TIC TANKS HOWARD'S ame; Jems gy pisge! t™ | of Farm Stock, 21 Scotch Shorthorns, (vs rh how 0 BInate ig n y uve 'Implements, Hay, Grain, Straw, the py / a ay tojeatad by / DR APERIE ot, central location, $68. per month oo, of the late Joe Parrington, 8 vy sy PUMP EQUIPMENT payments. Lot 12, Con. 7, Ops Twp., three miles 0 Have your tank checked now before HOWARD VICE p Located ho A A work East of Lindsay, turn South at Rob-| - : } . 04 , ; BY rop. oca e ' "| lin's Farm Supply, go % mile South ; : 2 trouble starts, 24 hour service. ; ' i able, nice trout stream, 10 room home, | or three miles rd of Lindsay off 3b Free! Marie Fraser s new milk 'gtipess. "REG. ARMSTRONG 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH fair barn, buildings with hydro and Hwy. & 1 mile East and % mile 'Vegetable dishes . . . simply delicious", Write today, 4 et Port Perry. Phone YUkon 5-2226 OSHAWA running water, full list price $16,800.) North, Terms Cash. No Reserve. Fi IE with $6,600 down. 4 Sale At 1.80 pm. Wm. Weldon, and A DIVISION OF DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA Ld Ga RA 65-3144 Call L. 8; SNELGROVE CO, LTD. | Ward Holmes, Clerks. 408 HURON STREET, TORONTO '8 5 1 RE WNIT 43 Park Rd. 8. Oshawa--RA 3-9510 CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. | -- ih J Sa Es ar a Rr a its nae Aa | FEE a RENE AS Ne rn 5 08 Bld at ANS, Aap Kodi AX Sem ay pdt details hoi bit I ie RRA i Si Sa a pe A fot SRL REE Ll SES