"Sons was proposed by Harold Kyte . and the.response was given by Paul ciation of their work with the boys. -and - informative address on Baden ~ ginging of O Canada. _ organization or service club, The 'H. L. Fair, Agricultural Répresenta- Blackstock The Father and Son Boy Scout Ban- quet in the Recreation Centre Satur- day night was well attended and an enjoyable time was had. Programme opened with Grace by Canon Ashmore. The singing of the Queen and the toast to the Queen was proposed by Victor Malcolm. The bounteous din ner served by the Mothers Auxiliary was then partaken of, Following the: introduction of: the. Head Table Guests, the Toast to our Rahm, The toast to the fathers was given by Bill Thompson with Lawr- ence Malcolm responding. The re- " port of the cubs activities was given by assistant cub leader George Wolfe. - Mr, Stanley Richardson, Executive Commissioner of Boy Scouts in Can- ada gave second year stars to cubs Bryan Wolfe, Dennis Argue, Billy Thompson, Bobby McLaughlin, Vern- on Malcolm and Alexander Ednie. Blake Gunter gave a report of the Scouts Activities, The Scout best camper was Paul Rahm who received a "Plaque". The scouts winning camp patrol was Floyd Kyte, Floyd Argue, Donald McLaughlin, Dennis McLaugh- lin, Larry Hoskin, Paul Rahm, Ken- neth Rorher and Douglas Metcalf. Prizes were presented by Gordon Met- calf. Howard Trewin expressed apprecia- tion to the Mothers Auxiliary for their interest in the boys work. The Auxiliary presented the leaders with a small gift as a token of their appre- Mr. Richardson gave an interesting Powell. The meeting closed with the The Mothers Auxiliary met at the home of Murs. Gordon Metcalf April 18 with 9 present. Minutes were read and adopted. Decided to give a tie to each of the leaders who had served a period of time, namely -- Harold Martyn, Lawrence McLaughlin (past leaders) Blake Gunter, Ernest Swain, Stan Rahm and Robert Ednie. Trea- surer reported eight pair of semi-four flags ahd been made for cubs and four _ pair flags for scouts, $10.00 had been sent to Camp Ade- laide and a World Flag has been giv- en to Girl Guides. Thank you notes were read from Guides for flag, also from Cub and Scout Group Committee for semi-four flag. : Final plans were made for Father and Son Banquet April 22 and Com- mittees arranged for Hydro Showtime May 4th. Mr. Stanley Malcolm returned from Florida last week. Mr .and Mrs. Swain Van Camp, of Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. W. VanCamp. r. and Mrs. Robt. Ednie and fa- visited the John Browns, Port (fedit on Sunday and brought Mrs. ; Sr. home, with them for a wee : Canon { Ashmore attended Grand Lodge in Charletown and Fredericton this pust week. Mrs. Ed. Harris and Mrs. Albert Wright spent a few days with. Mus. W. Laurenson and Mrs. Dickey, Tor- onto, : Mr. & Mrs. Ross McCann and Miss | Gertie Elliott, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Stan. Rahm and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Beaver- ton ,visited Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Ar- 1' cher Thursday. Sorry to report Mary Lou Malcolm underwent an emergency appendect- omy Saturday night, Scugog News Dr. and Mrs, Best and family of Burilngton spent Sunday at the home of the latter's sister Mrs. C. Carter. . Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman took great pleasure in entertaining on Sunday, relatives, Mr. and Mrs. I. Travell of Oshawa, Mrs. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech with Bonnie Beech and Darlene Weber of Maple Grove and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hicks of Wellington, whom they had not seen in 30 years. The former Sunday the Rodmans vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. P. Sproule of Lind- say. Murs. Sproule was formerly Miss Alva Trethewey who taught at the Foot and is now teaching near her home. The Head W. A. will oy next Wed. evening at the home of Reta Reader. Don't forget the euchre party this Friday night. Ladies are requested to bring lunch. Everybody's talking about this new Decoration! GYPTE. ~FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS @oos right over your old walls. Anybody can apply and texture @yplex--no tinting required as it comes In ready-mixed tints - of Ivory. Blue. Green. Pink and White, $imply add water, mix 'oe heavy paste and brush it on. Reesor Fuel & Lumber TEXTURR PAINT PORT. PERRY ot Otnario County The organization of 4-H clubs in Ontario County for 1961 -is making good progress at the present time, All of the fourteen 4-H Agricultural Clubs have a good number of boys and girls already. signed up, There is still room in these clubs for boys and girls who have not already applied. The 4-H clubs are sponsored jointly by the Canada 'Department -of Agri- |. culture, the Ontario Department of Agriculture and a local agricultural clubs are under the direction, of Mr. tive, Mr. Alvin Blades, Assistant Rep- resentative, Uxbridge, and Mr. Ralph Gregg, Extension Specialist, Lindsay, assisted by a fine group of public spirited men who are the 4-H club leaders, The 4-H Clubs are for farm boys and girls from 12 to 20 years of age. The 4-H programme is designed to give basic knowledge in general farm practices involving livestock, grain, potatoes and farm tractor mainten- ance, Any farm boys and girls who are | bridge, as soon as possible. interested should get in touch: with \ the Department of Agriculture, Ux- Utica Mr. and Mrs. George Till of Green- bank visited Mrs. Philp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sutherland and Debbie called on Mr, and Mrs, Nels Ashton, Kelvin Jackson, Kitchener and Zella Sweet of Stouffville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Saunders. Mrs, James Toogood of Toronto was visiting Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Storie Sunday. Lou Mitchell recently visited ° Mr. 'and Mrs, Bill Mitchell in Osha 4p. 7 The sympathy of thé eo", amunity goes to the family of the fate Cecil Harper who died suddenly, on April 21st. Guests of Tom Sutéslands on Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Connor of Brooklin and Mw. and Mrs, w. Suther- land of Oshawa, Congratulations ta, "Alex Russell 'who celebrated his ninetieth birthday on April 17th. We are glad to see Walt Sanderson and Mrs. Low home from hospital and coming along fine, Don't forget the euchre at the hall Saturday, April 20th at 8.80, © (A SOUND REASON FOR BUYING VAUXHALL) # TOP QUALITY SERVICE AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE--FROM COAST TO COAST " In a car that's full of pleasant surprises, you'll be amazed how quietly you skim along in Vaux- hall! Vauxhall's engine delivers its power smoothly and easily . the entire underbody is given a special coating that SOLID Us BODY CONSTRUCTION All-welded steel con- deuction throughout en- owes you of mcise free riding solidity . . . does oway with squeaks and body rattles. ) 0000000000000000000000 SOFTRIDING SUSPENSION | 0 Vauxhall's suspension mi- nimizes jolts and bumps . gives you easy, posi. - tive control on even the roughest roads. 000000000000 0000000000 QUIET 'EFFORTLESS POWER You're over the hills and far away in no time with Vauxhall's swift-accelerating, ea- sy-on-the-gas engine. CRO 000L00 000000000000 RELAXING COMFORT FOR FIVE ' With wide, deep seats ...leg and headroom to spare. .. Vauxhall is a dream for five comfort conscious pasengers. COO COPC L000 V00000 0000 PLUS ALL THESE NO-COST EXTRAS! Four-Door Convenience eo Effortless Recirculating Ball-Race Steering o Laminated Glass Wraparound Windshield e Fresh Air Heater and Defroster o Economy Carburetor e Rustproofing Body Dip eo 0il-Bath Alr Cleaner eo Hydraulic-Assisted Clutch o Non-Stalling Electric Wipers e Steering Column Gearshift o Side Windows Roll All The Way Down o Generous Luggage Compartment. . deadens road noises . . . gear shifting is quiet and smooth - and so the list goes on. All these "quiet" features {and more) can be tested by driving Vauxhall for yourself. Quiet-test Vauxhall . .-. at your Vauxhall dealer's . . . today. CHECK THE MANY SOUND REASONS FOR BUYING VAUXHALL- AT YOUR VAUXHALL DEALER'S TODAY! The British Car built and backed by General Motors YO 1381C Bob Archer Motors YUkon 5-2462 r PORT PER RY Pn me - YUkon 57951 | THE HOUSE-T QUESTIONS UNLESS YO -- It is owned by the citizens and taxpayers of Port Perry and operated by councillors elected by you and responsible to you. with Hydro's staff, are especially desirous of serv- ing you as you would wish to be served. are times whén they want, questionnaire which will serve to your requirements, This thant alse will be "go desire. YOU CAN HELP YOUR HYDRO 7 GIVE YOU BETT Port Perry Hydro is a public. utility. It is yours. "Yhese councillors, together But there don't kirow exactly what you That is why Port Perry Hydro has prepared a as a valuable guide brought to you personally by investigators well "known to vou local citizens, your own neighbors. Irom the replies received. from you, Port Perry Hydro will be better enabled to give you the service you want -- and to which you are entitled as a valued customer. Most household calls will be made during the daytime. As this is the time when the man-of-the- "house may not_be at home, advapce notice of these questions has been published in this advertisement. You are requested to check over these duostions "in R SERVICE , family conference" so that whoever is at home when the survey is made will be able to answer questions ays asked. Please note that you are NOT required to send in the answers from this page to the Port Perry "Hydro. It is Hydro's job to get them from you. Investigators will bring questionnaire sheets with them when they make their calls and will fill in the answers in your presence. They will then be turned in to Port Perry Hydro-Electric System for attention -- and action. THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS THE SURVEY WILL ASK: WIRING 1. When using two or more small appliances at the same time, do you have to trans- fer them from onc outlet to anothet in : 'order to avoid blowing fuses? 2. Are you often troubled with fuses blow- ing out, especially in the kitchen area? 3. If "yes" to above question(s), would you like to have our recommendations as to the addition of further circuits. 4, Are you willing to permit an inspection of your home to check for-hazardous wiring? This check to be made at no expense to you. WATER HEATER 1. Have yow ANY type of water heater in your home? . Is the water heated by electricity? by Do you get an adequate supply of hol water? It should be clearly understood that no house- _ hulider is under any obligation to fill in the question- = psire unless he or she s0 wishes. even admit the investigator to your home unless you hopes yon will do both, Its Port Perry Hydro gervants whom YOU eleet, commissioners, YOUR You need not 4. If not, would you like Port Perry Hydro employees to check your water heater for proper size, insulation and element 5. Are you aware that Port Perry. Hydro, has a complete plan for installation of water --_ heaters to be financed over a ten year. period or tank rental. APPLIANCES 1. Have you these appliances? -- BE lectric Stove? Electric Rangette? Standard clothes washer? Automatic clothes washer? Electric dish washer? Elec- tric clothes dryer? Roof de-icer? Automatic engine block warmer? 2. Do you have any SMALL appliances which you do not use because they re- quire servicing and you postponed this work because of possible expense? are anxious to obtain information about your elec- They would like to be better ac- They will wel- trical problems, quainted with your requirements. come your criticisms and your complaints, All information so given will he kept strictly confidential, of course. Port Perry Hydro respectfully requests that you . tric heat? HOUSE HEATING 1. Is your house heated by a furnace? 2. Is the above furnace fired by:--Wood size, ete.?. a Coal? Oil? Gas? 3. Is the above furnace known as: --Forced "hot air? Other? Gravity hot air? Hot _water? Steam? 1. Do you have any difficult-to-heat rooms which you would like Port Perry Hydro to give their recommendations for elec- LIGHTING I. If you are making plans to rewire, would vou like to have your home planned for adequate lighting? This plan to be "presented at no expense and with no "obligation on your part. COMMENTS Have you any comments, complaints or criticism ahout Hydro service? ro. HOUSE SURVEY STARTS SOON. YOU NEED NOT ANSWER THE U WISH. ALL REPLIES ARE CONFIDENCIAL. receive the investigator when he calls at 'your home and it will greatly assist the Commission to serve you better if you answer all questions pertaining to your household needs for power as fully as possible. Hydro is YOURS to use and enjoy. Your co-gpera- tion in making this survey as complete as possjhle will help you use it more -- and to "live better eloetriently™, , bs PORT PERRY Yeo ELECTRIC SYSTtM ARTHUR COX, Chairman; J J. GIBSON, Reeve; IRVING BOYD, Co-Chairman. gg -- a eI AN EES Rr A el