tm i rv TAH SB PA ~~ A a - - TT TT Parsonage Forder Bros. Meals BEARD x 4) i) wd SARA TURNS SA risa Galassi LAER CRT SES EL LE AVAL a Na 4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1961 THE CHURCHES Coming Events ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ev. E,W. B.A., L..Th,, Sunday, May 7th, 1961-- 11.30 Communion\ Fuller, Rector Thursday, May 11th, Ascension tay-- : 10 a.m,--Holy Communion. : ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (nterim Moderator: B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D, ev. anisters Mr. William Perry, B.A. sunday, May 7th, 1961-- 10 .a.m.--Divine Worship 11 -a.m.--Sabbath School PERRY UNITED CHURCH B.A., Minister PORT Rev. KE. S. Linstead, Sunday, May 7th, 1961-- 10 a.n.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship and Junior Sunday School. Everyone Invited rd The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE HE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D. Sunday, May 7th, 1961-- , 10.15 a.m.--SCUGOG Church 11.156 a.m.--SCUGOG "Head" S.S. 11.15 Church 1.15 p.m.--PROSPECT Church 2.30. p.n.-- Communiecants Glass We do welcome you as you come und worship with us. : - PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Stuart A. Mulligan, Pastor Sunday, May 7th, 1961-- 4.50 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Worship 7.00 p.m. Evangelism Monday, 7 p.m. Jr. Young People Friday, 5 p.m.--Bible Study and = Prayer meeting in" Parsonage, 5, Crandell St; YU 5-7338 r HS Card of Thanks We would like to express our thanks to aur frienrs and relatives for cards, wifts and flowers sent to our little daughter Mary Lou, while she was a patient in Oshawa hospital. Many thanks Drs. Baldwin and Stocks, the nurses and staff of 2B for their kindness to her. Noreen and Neil Malcolm. also to In Memoriam OAR -- In loving memory of my dear husband "Charl" who passed away May 8th, 1960. In silence he suffered, With patience he bore, Until God called him home To suffer no more. And now looking back in memory When along life's pathway we trod, I bless those year's we spent together And leave the rest with God. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Vi. National Hospital Day - May 12th The Women's Hospital Auxiliary cordially invite the public to afternoon tea in the Municipal Building on Fri- duy afternoon, May 12th next, from two-thirty to five o'clock. Please piake a note of the date. Proceeds 10or X-Ray equipment, May 11 Special Service Special W.M.S. Service in Seagrave United Church on May 7th at 10.80 aan. Guest speaker will be Miss Jane Scott, columnist of the Telegram. Visitors will be welcome. May 4 'Spring Bazaar of the Guide Mothers on Saturday afternoon, May 3, 2:15 in the Scout Hall. Home Baking, Candy, Orange Tree for the children. Afternoon Tea wil be served. Fancy Articles and Novelties suitable for Mother's Day. Uld Tyme Dance Round and Square dancing coming May 19th in the High Schol auditor- Watch for particulars. May 18. Euchre & Dance ium. May oth. Silver collection. please bring lunch, Bazaar Afternoon 17th at «2,30 o'clock. vitation to all, Art Exhibit May 11 Sunday 2 to b. Painting Saturday afternoon. noon tea will be served, by the Uxbridge Art Group and Arn- ald Hodgkins A. 0. C. A.' Card of Thanks Mrs. Cecil Harper and family wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neighbours for their kind expres- sions of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings, especially thanking the Hon. Dr. Dymond, Utica W.A. and Mr. LeGraw for his consoling words dur- of a loving husband and father, Card of Thanks Thank you for "the many gifts, cards and calls from family & friends druing our stay in the hospital. All were greatly appreciated, Jean and Peter Amell. Card of Thanks 1 wish to thank the kind friends and neighbours who remembered me dur- 0SOPHER 5445: THE FELLOW WHO KEEPS ROWING THE BOAT, DOESN'T HAVE JE TO ROCK IT! ~~ WEEK-END SPECIALS: Smoked Picnic Shoulder - 45¢ 1b, Pickled Cottage Rolls - - 53¢. 1b, Fresh Side Pork - - « 49¢c, 1b. . Free Delivery at 11 a.m, YU 565-2662 © Phone: 2 TOP QUALITY MEATS" BIFORDER BROS J WHOLESALE RETAIL MEATSE SHB Fish: POULTRY JH HYRGATIIN ng my _ recent stayin hospital with inquiries, cards and personal visits and the W.A. for a lovely fruit bas- ket. A special thank you to Dr. John Melntyre, Dr. Cottage Hospital for the excellent care and concern, Death BROWN, vest at the Community Memorial Hos- pital, Port Perry, on Thursday, April 27th, 1961, Fred W. Brown, beloved Husband of the late Martha Whitting- ton, He leaves to mourn his passing a step-daughter Olive M. Hanna, Reg. N. of Port Perry and three sons, Rev. Preston C, of Brantford, Howard M., Oshawa, and Ralph W. of Hamilton. Service from Chapel of McDermott. Panabaker, Port Perry on Saturday last, Interment was in Pine Grove Cemetery. Death BEARE -- Tuesday, April 18th-- George Harvey Beare of Filmore, Sask., passed away at Weyburn Hos- pital in his 74th year. He ia survived by his wife Luella and his three sons, Garfield, Ivan and Alvin and one daughter; Mrs, Alex, Stuart of Fil- more Sask. Interment at Filmore Gerald Nelson. at Epsom School House on Friday, Ladies Prospect United Church Bazaar and Tea on Wednesday, May A cordial m- in the Music Hall, Uxbridge, Satur- day May Gth 3 to 5 and 7 to 9, also Demonstration of After- Paintings r. John.Diamond, Dr. Ed Nol and the nurses of the Uxbridge 'Fred W.-- Entered into | Death BEACOCK, Helena Jane--At her home Cartwright Twp. on Wednes- day, May 8, 1961, Helena Jane Camp- bell, beloved wife of the late Wesley Beacock and dear mother of Margaret, Olive, Genevieve, Adelbert, John, Lloyd and Leslie, in her 86th year. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry for Service on Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. 0 Oshawa Presbytery W.A. Annual Meeting St. Andrews United Church, Oshawa April 27th, 1961 Mrs. Ralph Hill, Trenton, was the guest speaker at the afternoon session of the annual meeting of Oshawa Presbytery Woman's Association held in St. Andrew's United Church, Osh- awa, recently, When Mrs. Wm. Teeplg, of St. Paul's Church, Bowman- ville introduced Mrs. Hill she told of her varied activities in the W.A., and said she was well qualified to speak on the subject of Program Planning, being the Chairman of program plan- ning for the Bay of Quinte Confer- ence W.A. Mrs. Hill said it was just as important to have the programme planned for: the meeting of the W.A. as itis for a ship Captain to have a chart of his proposed voyage; without such planning the meetings flounder, just as a ship would. Linked closely with this subject is stewardship which in itself involves responsibility. It is the responsibility of every member to become actively concerned with the work of the Church. have certain qualities -- joy, hope, peace, rejoicing and love, all of which requisites can be acquired by study. Mrs. Hill recommended several books for study, the most important being the Bible. Stewardship is your Faith in action, said Mrs, Hill. The litera- ture available from Dominion Council W.A. is compiled to assist with pro- | gram planning, and stewardship, and study, and is ready at any time for the members to use. oe During the day reports of the.vari- ous committees were distributed so that the reports could be taken home by the members.- Mrs. Clifford Nay- lor told of the Skillshop she attended Hamilton read the 'Story of the Year', the secretary's report. Just before the Communion service, conducted by Dr. George Telford, Mrs. E. G. Storie 'sang a solo, "Sacrament" from the St. Matthew Passion by J. S. Bach, ac- companied at the organ by Mrs. G. R. Booth. ' Those at the head table for lunch, with the president Mrs. L. F. Rich- ardson, were--Mrs. A. A. Crowle and Mrs, Clayton Lee, Honorary presi- ing our recent bereavement in the loss ) 3 p '| there will be a conference on Sept, 17 Stewards must t PATER SA 8.1 bed dents, My. William Teeple, Bowman- ville, Mrs. George Werry president of St. Andrew's W.A,, Mrs, A. E. Camp- bell, recording secretary, Mrs. Chas. Naylor and Mrs. H, W. Blakely, vice- presidents, Mrs. F. Reed, president of the Oshawa Presbyterial, W.M.8,, Dr. and Mrs, George Telford, minister of St. Andrew's United Church, Rev, and Mrs. Melville Buttars, chairman of Oshawa Presbytery, Mrs. Ralph Hill, and Mrs, D. E. Dobbs, president of Bay of Quinte 'Woman's Association. 'Mrs. H. W. Blakely and Mrs. J. W. Bowmah are delegates to the Bay of Quinte Conference W,A. Annual meet- ing to be held in Whitby church on May 1st and 2nd. The Dominion Council W.A. annual meeting 'will be held in Toronto, May 14 to 19th, and and 18th at Keswick for all the women of the Church. The Semi-annual meeting of the Presbytery W.A. will be held in Albert Street Church on October 26th, Following the devotional and mem- orial service under the leadership of Mrs. R. B. Galbraith and Mrs. J. M. Collins of Northminster Church, there was a trio singing "Lift Thine Eyes" by Mendelssohn with Mrs. Ralph Kim- merly, Mrs. J. Clifford Rundle and Mrs. D. K. Stiles, accompanied at the piano by Mrs, H. A. Mellow. Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, Whitby, instal- led the officers for the next year, as follows--Honorary Presidents: Mrs. FA. A. Crowle and Mrs. Clayton Lee, Past President: Mrs. E. D. Cornish, President: Mrs. L. F. Richardson, vice- presidents: Mrs. Charles Naylor and Mrs. H. W. Blakely, Recording Sec'y: Mrs. A. E. Hamilton, Corresponding Sec'y: Mrs. J. C. Naylor, Treasurer: Mrs. Ross Dickinson, Literature sec'y: Mrs. Frank Black, Program planning: Mrs. H. W. Blakely, Press: Mrs. H. E. Grose, and several committee chair- men. The executive serving the past two years agreed to finish this season as the new organization will begin January 1962, under the name of the United Church Women. The bursary fund: chairman will be Mrs. Charles Naylor. When Mrs. Richardson spoke ced the main project' for the year-- the financial support of Camp Quin- mo-lac, and urged the locals to remem- ber to support the building fund for the Victor Home for Girls. She also announced a conference for Sunday school teachers at Five Oaks on Oct. 13-14-16th, being held under the di rection of the Presbytery Christian in Belleville recently, and Mrs. A. E.-|Education Committee, and also a Con- ference for workers in W.M.S. led by Miss Marian Thompson on Friday, May 12th in King St. Church. Miss Thompson is field secretary "for the Dominion Board W.M.S. LIVE-BETTER Electrically... with an. ELECTRIC... | ass | HEATER 2 BLOOD RED CROSS AREA. Thursday, CLINIC BLOOD COLLECTION May 11th at 2.30 to 5.30 and 7 to 9 p.m. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH, UXBRIDGE i Phone Mrs. Gerald Nelson for appointment PORT. PERRY YU 5-2426" o Te 48 0% 0% Ah 070 08 0 4% 00 070 4% 0% TT TET IRR A SE AAOBORAA SAAR ATAIACIAOICE0 with us on-- Sunday, gerved in the Sunday School old friendships. ih ANNIVERSARY This year the Port Perry United Church is celebrating its 75th Anniversary, and extend an invitation to worship Service at 11 a.m, MAY 7th--Guest Preacher--The Rev. R. H. Wylie, former minister of Port Perry United Church. Following the service ongeach Sunday, lunch will be 11°01 0,870,870 4% 4% 4% May Wo ; ! room go that we may renew of the work of the W.A. she announ- |' Congratulations! (Copy of letter from Federated Wo- men's Institutes of Ontario to Mrs. Patricia Hill, Port Perry, Ont.) Dear Nee Hill: The Mssays have now beer judged at Provincial level, and I am pleased to be able to tell you that your Essay, "Our Children and Their Games", has been. awarded the 1st Prize. were 10 entries in this competition. + Four of the W.I. sterling silver cof- fee spoons have been ordered for you, covering the 1st Prize, and will go to you direct from the manufacturers. Your Essay will now be sent to the A.C.W.W. office in London, England, where it will be judged at Internation- at level, but as their closing date is not until September, it will be some time before we hear the results. Richview W.I. Essay! Yours sincerely, Printed in: BOSTON, LOS ANGELES ~ LONDON THE CHRISTIAN N10) 1 D380 WN (ON ENO) - AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting Accurate Complete "International News Coverage The Christian Science Monitor One Norway st. Boston 15, Mass. ~ Send your newspaper for the "time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. [J 1 year $20 (J 6 months $10 [J 3 months $5 Nome Address .City Zone State TT I8-16 There |. You will be.interested to know that the 2nd Prize was won by Mrs. Archie Hetherington, of Rockley W.I., and the 3rd Prize by Mrs. Hugh Sykes, of Congratulations on your very fine (Miss) D. Montgomery Obituary RICHARD CECII, HARPER A life time resident of Reach Town- ship Richard Cecil Harper pased away suddenly at the Community Memorial Hospital at Port Perry as the result of a heart attack, Death occured on Friday evening, April 21st.. Mr. Harper who farmegl on the. 2nd Con. of Reach, was born Sept. 14th, 1897, the son of the late Richard and Elizabeth Harper, on the 4th Con, of Reach.' In November, 1919 Mr. Harper was married to Delia Beverley and of this union one son George Russell, was born, . Mr, Harper was a member of the United Church at Utica and also of the Utica Cemetary Board He is survived by his wife and son also. brothers Russell of Bowmanville and Harry of Oshawa, a sister Mrs. Ethel Gall of Uxbridge, granddaugh- ters Faye and Sharon Harper and six nephews and four neices. The service was conducted by his pastor, Nelson LeGrow of Uties, at the Low Funeral Home Uxbridge. Interment at Hillman Cemetary, Utica. 2 NEW CASH REGISTER" ..7 ADDING MACHINE 7 TYPEWRITER See the PORT PERRY STAR for Smith Corona and 7 and 7 - Adult Hours--Monday 7p. - 9, Wed.--None, Thurs. 3 - 9, Saturday 3 - 5.30. NOT OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT COMMENCING ON SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd THE Port Perry Public Library WILL NOT BE OPENED ON SATURDAY NIGHTS m. - 9.00 p.m., Tues.--3 to 5 5, Friday 3-5 WESTGATE TO PLAY 'JAKE Murray Westgate plays the lead role of Jake in a new drama series { Jake and The Kid, to be seen on CBC i | TV this summer, Here; he is besieg- ed-by some of his ygfing fans on CBC- TV'S Junior Roundup, a children's show seen each week-day.- Jake and , | The Kid, a TV dramatization of stor- chell, was a popular CBC radio series a few years ago. your own farm. "In the past we have owned a number of different makes of tractors, and we tried many others on our farm before deciding. the air- -cooled, diesel Renault was the tractor for us," says Mr. Robert M. Grimwood, R.R. 1, Thorold, Ont, Mr. Grimwood is engaged in mixed farming, has 16 acres of grapes, and does custom baling for neighboring farmers. "Before deciding on a Renault, we gave it a rugged on-the-farm test in _......competition against 4 other makes under the toughest, wet and hilly' ; conditions. We found the economy, power and stamina of Renault best fitted the needs of our farm." Mr. Grimwood reports that his Renault air-cooled diesel is also used for > the tougher-than-average jobs on his father-in-law's adjacent farm. ! Mr. Grimwood sums it up this way--*'Not only. is our Renault economical «'sashandyasany small tractor, and it' 'sgotthe big tractor power too." BEFORE YOU BUY. ..TEST-DRIVE A RENAULT You too can cash:in on Renawlt tractor economy and performance this year! Before you buy your next tractor, make sure you see us--your ; Renault Tractor Dealer, Ask us about the various djesel or gas, air: cooled or water®€ooled models, 'We'll-be- happy to give you a- demonstration on- ~ ~ SWEETMAN'S GARAGE ~ SEAGRAVE, ONT. Yukon 5. 2621 'Tve tried most Taakos and found RENAULT most economical!" "A test-drive will prove that a Renault tractor makes farming more profit. able. Give us a call. ASE A ies by Canadian author W. O.-Mit- f »