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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 May 1961, p. 7

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Blackstock Mrs. Richard VanCamp was hostess for the April meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church, when there was an attendance of 28 ladies and 10 children. Meeting opened with theme song and prayer. Treasurer reported $148. receipts< from the Pot) Luck Supper. Thanks was expressed to those who planned the supper and worked at it and those who provided the program- me. W.A. will serve: the luncheon foi the 'W.M.S. at their fall rally in Oct. ! Mrs. 'Lorne Thompson handed out blocks for the autograph quilt the |: W.A. is to make. After discussion on waxing church floors, clothes racks, etc. and plans for attending the com- ing conventions, Mrs. Ralph Larmer gave a splendid Devotional paper, us- ing the verse "We ought to obey'God rather than Man", As Christians we should be willing to take the first the first mile in welcoming strangers or neighbours. ,She then offered prayer, Mrs. Lloyd Wright gave a splen- did paper on Citizenship. She said Christian Citizenship is our whole hearted acceptance of our responsi- bility in Public affairs, based upon conviction that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has power to transform the world, A myinute's silence was observed in memory of Mrs. John McKee. Meet- ing closed with the Benediction, after which lunch was served and a social time spent. - There were ten tables of Euchre at the L.O.B.A. final card party for this season .on Tuesday night. High scores were won by Mrs. Grace Basset and George Crozier, Mrs, Stanford Van Camp and Mrs. David McLean had the low scores and Car) Wright the ely number, Sister June Cowling thanked all for their attendance during the season 'and expressed the hope that the par- ties would resume again in the fall. "The Couples Club commenced their 'evening's entertainment Wednesday hy playing crokinole. During. the business period final plans were made for the May 12th dance, Agreed to pay half cost of a new stove for Church kitchen -- the "W.A. are paying the other half--also - to help the W.A. house-clean the church. Voted to send $25.00 to Port Perry hospital towards their new x-ray equipment. A vote of thanks was re- ceived for donation to Retarded child- ren's fund. =z eril Tommy Hunter shares a joke witlf|ancés on the show. featured for a month. They join the show's regular cast -- Al Harris, Wally 1 the Rhythm Pals -- to help make the Tommy Hunter ; : _. : a To . ire step, offer the first greeting and go | COUNTY, make regular guest appear-|radio's brightest offerings. Joyce Hahn (left) and Terry Dale at rehearsal for the Tommy Hunter Show, CBC radio's popular daytime variety program. The girls, well known to radio and TV audiences across the Each one being week's time every 'raugott and CBC Show one of An interesting discussion was held | on High School Affairs.. Rev. Rom-' led in devotions, followed by lunch of cake, ice cream and coffee. _ There was a splendid attendance at the Women's Institute Bazaar which d in the Recreation Centre Thurgday evening. . | Irs. Ernest Larmer, President for the last two years presided for the opening which consisted of the sing- ing of the Ode and the Queen. Mrs, Larmer extended welcome to all and introduced Mrs. Gilbert Marlow who was commentator for the fashion show . which was presented by the Home Economies class from Grades 7- 10 of Cartwright Schools. Murs. Lorne Thompson was pianist. There was a lovely display of fine dressmaking-- Blouses, - Skirts, Jumpers, two piece Dresses, Dusters & Smocked Aprons, Pyjamas and Stuffed Dogs. Through the courtesy of the Eaton Co. three school uniforms were dis- played. And since the recent High School at Home was Hawaiian, two of the girls modelled a Hawaiian grass skirt, hat shoes, .mo-mo dress, beads and purse, that were kindly loaned by | a lady just returned from a holiday in- Hawaii. Great credit is due the teachers, Mrs. Swain Van Camp from fall term and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell the present teacher as well as all the girls for thei plendid-work: At the conclusion of the fashion parade Mrs. Larmer presented Mrs. Dorrell and Mrs. Marlow with a small gift in recognition of the great a- mount of work in preparing such in- teresting entertainment. She then thanked all who had helped in any way and declared the bazaar opened. After all had ample time to see dis- plays and purchase to their heart's content a dainty lunch was served. Mr, and Mrs. T. K. Stewart and Dale, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte, Floyd Lynda and Bob spent the week-end with relatives in Tillsonburg. "Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer family spent the weck-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Strang and Tom, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm visited his parents Mr. and "Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Tyrone, Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Fowler and Miss. Dianne Blair, Oshawa, spent the week- end in the village, Mrs. George Wolfe and Mrs, Harry McLaughlin spent a pleasant after- noon Sunday with other cousins and friends at the home of Miss Florence McLaughlin, Toronto, in honour of Miss Jane Downey's forth coming marriage. Mis. Wolfe and Mrs. McLaughlin also attended service in Calvin Pres- byterian Church. Sunday evening, 'wheré Knox College Students Choir were singing. Mr, Ernest Heron who has been serving Nestleton Presby- terian Charge for two year's or more is a member of the Knox Choir who are on a week's singing tour. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Dunn, Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder, The Boy Scouts and Leaders at- tended Church Parade at Burketon on Sunday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy and wl " ~ iy: Phones : Séar. AT 2-0961 CHAS. A BRADLEY & SON Decorating Contractors ~ INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Wall Papering a Specialty Oliver 5-4411 Brooklin, Ont: ~Whithy MO 8-3559 Everybody's talking about this new Decoration! GYPTE @ees right over your old walls. Anybody can apply and texture '@ypiex--ne Hinting required as i comes In ready-mixed tints of ivory. Blue. Green, Pink and White. Simply add water, mix to @ heavy paste and brush i on. iy Reesor Fuel' & Lumber PORT PERRY - PE FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS TEXTURR PAINT family spent the week-end with her brothers Gordon and Walter Manning, Owen Sound. Mrs. Halligan and Mrs. Handley, -Fenelon-Falls; called on friends in the village Tuesday. Miss Ethel Thompson has moved into the apartment formerly occupied by; the late Mrs. John McKee. - Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Marlow were Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. Milt- Printed in: BOSTON, LOS ANGELES LONDON nn. . Lil CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | M INITOR INTERNATIONAL HEWSPARIR DAILY Interesting Accurate Complete International News Coverage oe St ag ao Sn po so i tt Po sn The Christion Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston 15, Mass, * Send your newspaper for the time checked, Enclosed find my check or money order. [J] | yeor $20 [£} 6 months $10 - 0 3 months $5. Name "Address City Zone State ~ YUkon 5-7951 £8-16 Churches, , very ill. and |. on Sanderson, Toronto, and attended the inaugural service at Emanuel United Church marking the uniting of North Parkdale and Erskine United Rev. Sanderson is continu- ing as Pastor, having been pastor of North Parkdale for some 20 years. Mrs. Merrill VanCamp was one of the Malcolm cousins who held a show- er for Migs Jane Downey at the home of Mrs. Percy Malcolm Toronto on Saturday. fr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Smith sited I, and Mrs. Russel Lansing; Tord ito, ~ Monday. - ~ Mr, and Mrs. Weir Swain, Toronto visited Mr, and Mis, Clarence 'Mar- | low Wednesday. Msds. Carl McLaughlin, I*, Romeril, W. Archer and John Carnaghan atten- ded the W,A. Presbytery in Oshawa Thursday. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto,' spent the week-end at home, Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Bailey return- ed home from Florida Wednesday. Glad to report Mrs, N, H. Marlow much "improved in health, but sorry to say Mrs. Wesley Beacock is still Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Doris and Dennis were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Beech, Maple Grove and attended a Ser- vice in Courtice United Church in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Anderson and Marie Cameron called on his aunt Mus. Wesley Beacock and family Sunday. Masonic Letter to the Editor R.R. 1, Port Perry April 26th, 1961 To The Editor, ' ! Port Perry Star, [ would appreciate having the fol-! lowing letter printed in your paper. To Whom it may Concern: There have been a lot of anonymous phone ealls from both men and women to the-local- Welfare Officer and the Children's Aid during the past 2 yrs. | It seems some local tax-payers, as They call themselves, have nothing more to do than phone lies and threats concerning me. You people who have so many com- plaints to make regarding my child- ven and I, why don't you come to me? Perhaps the gentleman who thinks I am an unfit mother would like to prove this in court. Maybe he'd also like to prove what he told the Welfare Officer about her job. Perhaps: the lady who phoned this sume Welfare Officer would like to prave all she had to say. * You nosey busy-bodies had better make sure of your' complaints after this Defamation of character is <apafpst the law. ' I kitow ahout- the Delegation trying "to have my Family Allowance taken away I happen to have a Doctor's Certificate stating the rea- sons my boys have missed school. from me. Just because oI live on Welfare is no reason for people to stick their nose into my affairs. I have the right to live my own life. I"happen to know 804 of my Wel- fare comes from the Provincial Gov- crnment, so stop complaining that your tax-money is keeping me. I am not the only Canadian receiving Wel: fare. Don't ever think because of all the lies around here that ll give up my home and family. 1 have more back- bone than that, } Please note--the Welfare and the Children's Aid ave pretty well fed up with phone calls from crank's that won't give their names. If you are too ashamed to give your name, you should be too ashamed to even bother phoning. There are ways of tracing phone calls. Had some people taken time to phone the Clinic, they would have saved a lot of running around and bothering people, concerning my childien's school absences, Will the persons not guilty of these phone calls nnd complaints, please dis- regard this letter. Yours truly, Helen G. Harvey (Franeis) R.R. 1, Port Perry, Ont. Norman Meek Heads Potato Cluh A number of Ontario County Potato Growers met in the Department of Agriculture Office, Uxbridge, on Mon- | acre, Viinzn THE HET PORT PERRY STAR, v THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1961--7 day, April 24th, in connection with the high yield Potato Club for 1961 should reorganization of the 500 Bushel Po-| $2.00 membership fee to the Depart. This club was organized| ment of Agriculture Office, Uxbridg-, tato Club. in 1946, and has carried out a success- ful competition each year. Twenty- four potato growers completed this high yield club in 1960. The winner of the 1960 competition was "Mr. Stun 'Lunney, Zephyr an estimated yield of 730 bushels per The average estimated yield for all twenty-four growers in the 1960 competition was 466 bushels, | Contestants may use any recom. | mended potato variety they wish, and, they may use any means at their dis- | posal to secure the highest possible] yield from the one acre they have entered in the competition, Anyone interested in joining this' by June 1st. The officers und committee for 1961 are as follows: Chairman- Sec'y-Treas. -H. L. Committee Members-- Norman Meek, Sandford with Vice-Chairman--Bill 'Lockie; Zephyr Fair, Uxbridge Albert Hockley, Claremont, R. 1 Ross Harrison, Mount Albert Ches, Oldham, Mount" Albert Walter Kerry, Port Perry, R. 1 Walter Savage, Bob Meck, Sandford John Meyers, Jim Best, Sandford Eldred Catherwood, Zephyr Uxbridge, Rr. Uxbridge, R. 2 a A a I NP PP PP Pa, THE GREEN DOOR Paint & Gift Store BROOKLI N,. ONT. Painting Coniractors HOUSE e BARN HAND. PAINTED A SPEC Phone OL. 5-4521 Anytime Ask for FRED BROWN for Free Estimates 9 C.LL. May 18 t At 1695" his new model is ° COMMERCIAL WALL MURALS TALTY DEALERS Thess are your nearest Volkswagen dealers. They are part of a network of 551 elficient VW service contres right across Canada. the best value ever offered by Volkswagen The new Volkswagen Custom Model is here. It looks just the same oc others, but you'll realize how much it's changed as soon as you put your foot on the accelerator. There'sa new, more powerful engine to get you off the mark faster. And ge! you past big trucks more safely. (Yet it uses no mére gas than the old engine.) You can slip into first gear on the move now, because all four are syn- chronized. (You'll appreciate this in traffic.) the | There are a numbér of other im- provements that may not-be so readily apparent. Your dealer will enjoy point- ing them out. (The greatly enlarged lug- gagespace, frontandrear, forinstance, ) But in case you're wondering how we can-improve the model and still sell it for such a low price let us reas- sure you. This is a complete car. The price" includes spare wheel and tire, heater /defroster, tool kit, jack, wind- shield washer, 2 padded sun visors, directional signals, bumper over-riders, big 15" wheels and oversize tires. SWEETMAN'S SERVICE STATION: PHONE YU 5-2212 i. PORT PERRY When you've driven the new Custom Model, you won't want to spend money on any other car. You'll want to invest it in a Volkswagen. This spring treat yourself to the best value ever offered by Volkswagen. See the new Custom Model at your dealer's now. 'Toronto Pott of Entry, Price includes spare wheel and tire, heoter /defroster, tool kit and jack, windshield washer, two padded wun visors, directional wgnals and bumper over-riders VOIK SWAGEN CANADA LTD. Trade between nations is a two. way street. West Germany Is one of Canada's best customers. And every Volkswagen sold in this country helps Canada to sell Germany more goods. dash il "a ---- { -------- rr ------ ved

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