b - Cartwright Twp. Council The regular May 1st meeting of Cartwright Township Council was fully attended by members and min- utes read and approved, An offer by Mr. T. Slute of Scugog, who is also Dog Control Officer of Port Perry, to pick up certain dogs in the Township of Cartwright upon request was ap- proved by motion of Council. A letter from the High School Bd. was read and moved received, Also other correspondepce, from Mrs, Wat- son of Port Perry Community Mem- orial Hospital Board, from Provincial Parks Integration Bd., County Clerk with 'a. list. of Indigents for Hospital Insurance, and Provincial Dept. of Health re Abandoned Cemetery Act; all declared received. A number of By-Laws were passed as follows: By-Law 1066--the new Building By- Law was given third reading and pus- sed and is now in effect. A copy of By-Law 1067--Re Fed. of Agriculture levy of 6 mills was ordered changed in wording and the letter to that ef- feet read. Clerk to draw up a new form of wording and have it ready for approval by Twp. Council at their ear- liest convenience before forwarding to Dept. for approval. By-Law 1068-- permitting the collection of the 10 dollar memberships--in -the Ontario [Farmers Union, via voluntary requi- sition was read three times and pas- sed; the approval of Hon. Wm. A Goodfellow as minister of Agriculture was attached thereto. The Tax Levy By-Law No. 1069 was read three times and passed. This year's levy, will have Tax Instalments due and payable on the thirtieth of June and the thirtieth of November, 1961 and bills to he mailed out shartly. The Roll being made up at the present time.. United Counties rate up from 13.4 to civics 13.72 m. Twp. rate same, Commercial....25.00 m. Farm & Residential ........ 19.00 m. Public Schools--Devitt's #3 ] down from 12.6 to ......... 12.60 m. C. Central P.S. Area and Debenture down from 1B8 40 iniinmsannisiini 18.3 m. C. High School levy up from 15.0 to . Fire. protection at $2.00 for every Assessment down .60c. from last year. Street Lights at $2.60 for Blackstock Assessment same as last year. QGar- bage Collection at $2.25 for Lakeshore pickups same as last year. lection of both Fed. of Agriculture and Farm Union memberships. Mr, Mel Staples, Auditor of Orono, Ont. was present and explained in de- tail the improved standing of the Municipality, with an increase in Credit Balance. The Council approv- ed the Clerk Sending out a Financial report of the 1960 financial standing, to coincide with sending out of the new Tax Bills. The Road business came up for dis- cussion; a Resolution setting up the road program for 1961 was passed. The By-Law No. 1065A was read and passed; making legal the salary in- . / creases in that department, for sub- sidy purposes. Plan for Road inspec- tion was tentatively set then readjust- ed, subject to weather, ete. > Road 'Bills of $1571.80 along witn General expenditures of $831.63 mak- ing a total monthly expenditure of $2,403.43 were approved paid. Carried. Mceting adjourned to next regular meeting date, Monday, June Hth at 1.00 p.m. --V. Malcolm, Clerk. Girario County Agric. Calendar Saturday, May 13th, 9:00 a.m.-- Port Perry High School -- 4-H Homemaking Club Achievemnt Day for South Ontario. Saturday, May 13th, 9:00 a.m.-- Bowmanville-Durham County an- nual Livestock Judging Competi- tion, . Monday, May 15th, 8:30 p.m.-- Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture-- Ontario County Junior Farmer Executive Meeting. Tuesday, May 16th, 8:30 p.m.-- Cannington H. School--May meet- ing for Brooklin Junior Farmers. Saturday, May 20th, 9:00 a.m.-- Oakwood-Victoria County Livestock Judging Competition. Saturday, May 20th, 8:30 p.m.-- Brooklin-Ontario County Junior Farmer Social Evening. Monday, May 22nd, 1:00 p.m.-- Uxbridge-Annual Kinsmen Club Race Meet and Horse Show. Tuesday, May 23rd, 8:30 p.m.-- Port Perry High School -- May Meeting for Port, Perry Junior Farmers. J Saturday, May 27th, 9:00 a.m. -- Brooklin Township Hall--Ontario County Annual Livestock Judging Competition. i And Col- 'clothing was made by the girls with Economics * Hilltop Herald Bonjour mes amis! Friday evening was certainly enjoy- able for the students as they present- ed to friends and relatives, their valu- ed work of the preceding terms. Thursday and Friday the school was alive with excitement, as the students made posters, set up experiments, and displays, and finished the various pieces of unfinished handeraft. The evening commenced with the Cadet Band on the campus. In the gymnasium the girls of grades nine, ten and: eleven presented to the pub- lic the new fashions for 1960-61. This the 'help of our Home teacher Miss A. Parker. Sharon Beare was 'the capable commentator for the fashion show. Following this was a Physical Education demonstration by both the boys and girls under the, guidance of Mrs. Watts and Mr. Cole. The remaining teachers are recog- | nized and congratulated for their many hours of hard work, and for their patient understanding, A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend our annual cadet inspection which is to be held May 26 at 2.00 p.m. The cadet officers tests have been completed, and the qualifications have been posted. ) Nola Hunter Prince Albert Sunday School missionary message was ably. given by convener Mrs. B. Jeffs who illsutrated slides taken while she was in Arizona, which pro- ved fitting in conhection of the theme story. Please keep in mind the "Fa- mily Day Service", to be observed next Sunday at 1.30 p.m. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Wm: McCrea upon their marriage on Saturday in<Cooksville Church, The groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc- Crea were among the guests who at- tended. Glad to know little Heather Midgley is improved by being hospitlized, a victim of water poisoning. One day last week Mrs. P. Raymer's home on the corner narrowly escaped being burned when a healthy blaze was observed in the grass under the front steps, the result of a fire-crack- er tossed in this area. Thanks to the quick assistance of helpers the fire CSENRT SC NETTIE ALA ~ SPRING BRINGS YOU, SAVINGS 'Prices Effective this Week-End mes MAY 10-13 AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES 28 0z Tin SHORT - MITCHELL'S Fancy APPLE SAUCE 20 Oz, Tin 21c. Spring 1961 brings a new interest in . eating, new foods, new recipes, etc. It brings a New Look to your table that you set so many times in a year. You'll find ail the items you need here, to switch from winter to zestful spring menus. STORE HOURS * Daily 8.30 am to 9 p.m. Tuesday, 8.30 to 1 p.m. SARLUAD Foo MARKEY : SMALL LINK ' Phone: ANG RFT RAL ET MAYONNAISE 210) "This Week's MEAT Features LEAN MEATY, Blade Bone Removed LB. BLADE ROAST .. RIB ROAST. ...... FRESH SLICED PORK LIVER LEAN BONELESS = - STEWING BEEF .. SAUSAGE ......... MAPLE LEAF, Chopped Beef STEAKETTES .. MAPLE LEAF | SIDE BACON ....... DON'T CARRY HEAVY FOOD PARCELS FREE DELIVERY YUkon 65-2492 _- PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE PRIGE ALBERT NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT 12 Oz, Pkgs. 2 - 3c. mn ream nm re Ane min me ee HELLMANS 16 Oz. Jar FOOD MARKETS Lb. Flat Pkg. 69' 6 st a bod a -- i WE da doh _ nnn. oh Ab 5 + ne ly a rs ma was extinguished. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Tremeer, Miss L. Tremeer of Creswell, visited their friends Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. W. mjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr, Mrs. Ben Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Everard Sanderson, Galt, spent the week-end with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Les. Beacocks. Mr. J. L. Hunter enjoyed the week- end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Huntereand Nola, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doupe attended the funeral of a cousin in Havelock on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson, Clifford and Bruce were. guests of his brother Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson and family, Oshawa, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Revill, Toronto accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith on a few days motor trip to Lake Mazinaw. Rosnak, Kedron, and Manchester Our congregation was not as large as usual on Sunday. Mr. Braham brought a most appealing message, his Theme "New Horizons". The Jr. ' Choir sang "How Great Thou Art". There will be a special Family Day |" Service next Sunday, also a baptismal service. o Congratulations 'to Ralph and Joa Rudkin on the gift of a little daugh- ter on Tuesday, May 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Selby, Allan and Brenda of Oshawa were guests of her sister Mrs. Lawrence Midgley and family last Sunday. $ "Mr. and Mrs. Theo Stevens, Jim and Walter visited relatives in Tor- onto on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Crosier spent a couple of days with her daughter and Homily; in Stouffville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Midgley, Mr. Allan and Miss Carol Midgley were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wyatts, Goodwood one evening re- cently, Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach and daugh- ters were at their cottage in Halibuir ton on the week-end. Mr. Haugen is building an. addition to the Barbecue. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Timms who celebrated "their fifty-cighth- wedding "anniversary on Wednesday, May 10th. District Doings ORONO FAIR WILL RUN FO RTHREE DAYS The Difectors of the Central Agri- cultural Society at a meeting held last week, decided on a full two day Fair at Orono this fall with exhibits in the building being placed and judged on Thursday, September 7th and a full fair on Friday and Saturday, Septem- ber 8th and 9th. There will be livestock judging and horse racing both Friday and Satur- day. The Holstein Associations black and white show and the 4-H Club ealf "I show will be held on Friday. " A new feature of the fair on Satur- day will be the District Guernsey Show which has previously been held in Oshawa. Also on Saturday will be the' judging of beef cattle. The regular features of the show such as midway, grandstand show, horse racing ete., will be in full swing both Friday and Saturday and inside exhibits will be on display both days. NEW FEES FOR- PICKERING GARAGE OPERATORS New fees for service stations and garage operators in Pickering Town- ship were discussed at a meeting last week, although the third reading was not given to a bylaw, governing ser- vice stations. This by-law 'has been under discus. sion for some weeks. It was drawn up by the township's golicitors and has undergone AL revisions, Several delegations of local garage operators have attended council meet- ings oft the matter with Mr. Chas. Cooper of Claremont as their spokes- man, Tt was agreed, so we understand that a minimum fee of $6.00 be as- sessed to all service stations and an additional fee of $2.00 to be charged for any extra classifications they may carty, such as used car sales, body shop or paint shop, ete. GIRLS SKULL FRACTURED BY PLANE PROPELLER A Scarboro school teacher miracu- lously escaped death at the Locust Hill airport on Sunday afternoon, when hit on the head by the whirling propeller of a Cub aireraft, Carol Wright, 24, was rushed by ambulance to the Scarboro General Hospital. A police escort was provided by Sgt. Wm. Shearn of Markham Township. Hospital officials later -feported that the victim had suffered a fractured skull, several fractured ribs and a shattered shoulder blade, Following her admittance, an emergency opera- changes and | tion was performed. Miss Wright had ln coms- pleted a cross-country flight from Locust Hill to Muskoka and had lan- ded safely on the runway. When one of the plane's wheels struck a guide cone at the edge*of the strip, she at- tempted to pull it free. She aeeiden- tally walked into the path of the pro- peller. AH Clubs Meet At Port Perry The second regular. meeting of the Port Perry 4-H Dairy Calf Club, the Port Perry Lions' 4-H Grain Club. and the Scott Junior bajry Calf Club was lield in the Port Perry High School, on Tuesday, May 2nd. The main topic for the evening was "Farm and Home Safety". Alvin H. Blades, Assistant Agricultural Repre- sentative, gave a very interesting de- monstration on the safe operation of Farm tractors. He also discussed Farm and Home Safety, and distrib- uted pamphlets on safety to the mem- bers. Three very interesting safety films were shown to the group, as follows: Ten Little Farmers, F arm ¢Petroleum Safety and Tractor Sense. The Club Leaders for the Port Perry 4-H Dairy Calf Club are Les Smith and Lloyd Wilson. The Club Leaders for the Port Perry Lions' 4-H Grain Club are Rae Litt and Aubrey Buchner. Hugh Baird and John Leask are the leaders of- the Scott Dairy Calf Club. It was announced that the Ontario County Junior Farmer Livestock Jud- ging Competition would be held in the Brooklin aren, on Saturday, May 27th, at 10:00 a.m. The boys and girls taking part will judge 2 classes each of Dairy cattle, Beef cattle and Swine, one class each of Horses and Sheep. -An invitation is extended to all rural young people in OnfaYio County to attend this Competition. Junior -------- THE PORT PERRY NO HELP FOR SMALL BUSINESSES YET! No details have yet been announced of government's plans to extend func- tions of Industrial Development Bank. All that has been disclosed is inten- tion to increase IDB lending capacity and relax conditions under which loans are granted. Purpose is to meet the need of small and medium busi- nesses for long term development capital. There i8 no question that need ex: ists. - Small and medium are barred from capital markets by the relatively small size of their capi- tal needs. Borrowing for less than $800,000 through a conventional bond issue is usually too expensive. Rais- ing that amount by an equity issue is businesses STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1961--5 year pegiods, EN One financing company is prepar- ing to offer development loans. Others will probably follow that lead. They will be of assistance but more is needed. It is dou' ful, however, that the reconstituted 1DB will entirely fill the bill. What is wanted is not 80 much a source of secured borrow- ing as a source of risk capital. Thi- is an unlikely business for a govern- ment agency. : Need for development capital is best met by individuals with the means and the willingness to take the risks. The government would do a better job by making risk 'capital available through tax deferment. Government well intentioned, far too conservative agencies, Rowever are hound to he similarly uneconomical. Chartered banks, while willing to lend working capital requirements, are unwilling to tic up large amounts over five to 10- N 3 LARARAN LEE A Sunday, ® eG POGGIO OOGIOIOTOIEOTLITOOe eee ees sess ssces occas e . be Ll K * i) QUEEN STREET Ll 1] ns " Phone: " » - "ee AMAARAAARNARAAR ARN] tal. ELEANOR'S FLOWERS Remember Mother on Mother's Day "Say it with Flowers" YUkon 5-2295 in assessing worth of new products, new processes and, most of all, new ideas. The Letter Review. AB AOANSANSARSENARR ARRAS May 14 PORT PERRY SPA ILIL ILA IIE IRE EERE RE EES RE JRE EEE NE EA EA A a A NANA APSA APA PAA) RA AON A 3 3 52 303 MATS A AAA AAA RAR AREAL SNARK AR ARRAN RRS an / Announces that Si SN Nal Nl a Nn a (In the Port Perry Na Natl Harold Jeffrey, Barber and" will do business in the Barber Shop across the street from (he Bank of Commerce. Shoe he has Moved Hospital Building) BUY NOW and \Y:\'): VINYL - SANDRAN FLOOR COVERINGS! It's America's most work-saving, : money-saving floor! Scrubless! et 3 @ Sheds dirt Defies hot grease, acids, even lyel @ Never, never needs scrubbing | Holds "just waxed' gleam @ Quickly installed--no muss or fuss! 6 ond 9 fi. widths. PN @® Over 60 modern and traditional patterns] New decorator colors! BUY NOW AND SAVE WITH SANDRAN! COME IN TODAY! SAVE your hands! Sandran never needs scrubbing! SAVE your back! Sandran keeps ' look! SAVE your budget! Sandran wears and wears! SAVE room beauty! 'just woxed" Now ony $l 19 a sq. yd. 3 YDS. WIDE $1.99 a sq. yd. 4 YDS. WIDE & DEPARTME PROC ENT STORE ~ SANDRAN Clearing Patterns «3 YDS. WIDE -- $1.50 SQ. YD. 3 YDS. WIDE 1 YDS. WIDE Pre-Pasted EIGHT -- $1.79.SQ. YD. -- $1.99 SQ. YD. Wallpaper PLAIN COLORS. 39c. single roll Window 36" WIDE -- $1.39, NO ROLLER -- 25¢. Shades SLO8, $2.25, $2.89 and Rie. Venetian Blinds PLASTIC TAPE, WHITE STEEL -- 36" .x 64" EGGSHELL -- $5.95 Congoleum $1.00 and $1.10 sq. yd. Drapery-$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Drapes made to order Plastic Drapes - $1.95 pr. Table Oilcloth 1 YDS. WIDE -- $1.00 YD. Linoleum Tile - 12¢. each STANDARD PHONE: YU 35-2521, PORT PERRY TOITEYVERESaNe HE -------- bas a TS i ERPS oi a - v na poe tnd n a. SL