R Blackstock The Women's Institute met in the Community Hall on Tuesday evening. Mrs, A. L. Bailey presided for the opening exercises and the installation » officers, after which the new pre- ident, Mrs. Charles Smith presided. Mrs, Frank Hoskin read the Scripture passage, Treasurer reported $126.00 clear from bazaar, (a few articles over were sold after the ineeting), © ™B Decided to give $10.00 to the Red Cross; $10.00 to the Cancer Fund and $26.00 to Port-Perry hospital X-Ray Fund. ' "Two resolutions were brought in to be sent to the District Annual. Plans were made for the memorial service which Blackstock has been asked to conduct at the District Annual. A moments silence in memory of Mrs. John McKee was held. President reported Mr, Fitze will- ing to take care of the park for an- other summer, Decided to ask Mr: Gilbert Marlow order the flowers for same. Mrs. E. Larmer announced the bazaar at Solina May 8rd. Many in- teresting and amusing answers were given to the roll call--"An incident in my school life"--Mrs. Ernest Larmer gave a fine response to the Motto-- "Thoughts, not things cause worry"-- We worry over uncrossed bridges. Worry is the interest paid on trouble before it is due. If we would seize every opportunity to help we would not have time to worry. Mrs. John Scott gave a very infor- mative and interesting address on Education. Education is the skills of individuals, Do we realize there are two milllon adults in Canada who cannot read or write? Also that there are about as many jobs of skill as there are unemployed persons, if only we could get enough educated to fill these jobs. The W.L's are trying to 'help educate through short courses, aid to Retarded children, the blind; crippled, ete. Betty Bradburn played a piano solo, Mrs, W. W. VanCamp read the Cur- rent Events which had been prepared by Mrs. H, Taylor. . After the closing a dainty lunch and social time was enjoyed by the 338 ladies and 2 child- ren present. : ' A pleasant evening was spent in the Recreation Centre Thursday when 161 ladies attended the Hydro Show Time presented by the Ontario Hydro representatives from Uxbridge and sponosred by the Mothers Auxiliary. A modern refrigerator washing - machine, dryer, range and water heat- er loaned by Peel's Hardware and Ted Jackson of Port Perry, Ross Duff of Blackstock and the Ontario Hydro, were displayed during the evening. A film-showing "How to Live Bet- ter Electrically" was quite entertain- ing. Miss Barbara Woodall prepared and cooked a full course chicken din- ner and tickets were drawn at the close of the evening for each separate item prepared. There were some 80 prizes donated by the business men FILL IN COUPON below Ontario County. Flying Club (Large Hangar, Oshawa Municipal Airport) Sunday, May 14, 1961 Flying Training Demonstration at 2.30 p.m. and other events x Free Attendance Draw Every Hour from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.--For persons 16 years and over. Winners will receive a, trial Flying Lesson desk at Ontario County Flying Club. . fueling rb gogo rope era adugualed al | | and deposit at information | NAME Set eveeline CTS WSS 0 Phone .......... : z | EL AIA : A sass ai -- New Members Invited -- : Shnmnnn ENEENENREEENRNENEEEES I | cuas. A BRADLEY & $0 Decorating INTERIOR and EXTERIOR v O : 3 = Contractors ~ Scar. AT 2-0961 Phones: OLiver 5-4441 Brooklin, Ont. Whitby MO 8-3559 Everybody's talking about this new Decoration! A "GYPTE) PORT PERRY - . i Gyplex--no tinting required us # comes in ready-mixed tints of Ivory. Bive. Green, Pink and White. Simply add water, mix #0 @ heavy paste and brush it on. eesor Fuel & Lumber TEXTURS PAINT FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS - YUkon 5.7951 of Port Perry and Blackstock--The coffee perculator donated by the Mo- thers Auxiliary was won by Mrs. Hector Shortridge; The electric can opener donated by Ont. Hydro was won by Mrs. Will Taylor and the electric clock, donated by Comet T.V. was won by Mrs. Keith VanCamp. The Mothers Auxiliary realized a substantial profit which will be used to purchase needs for the Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies. Sorry to report Mrs, Howard Trew- in ill in Oshawa hospital and Mr, Dal- ton English in Port Perry Hospital. Miss Muriel Milligan, Maple Grove, spent the week-end with Mrs. Donald Sinclair, Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Harrison, Wil- red, called on Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Marlow recently, : Msds. J. Carnaghan, P. Romeril, W. Archer, K. Samells and C. Adams at- tended the Bay of Quinte Women's Association Conference in Whitby on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. R. Ford has returned to her home in the village after spending the winter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Bradburn and Jim, Toronto, visited his mother Mrs. W. Bradburn and other friends in the village Sunday. > Measles appear to be the order of the day now. Mrs. Harold McLaughlin accompan- ied by Mrs. Herb Taylor.sang at a W.M.S. meeting, in Columbus Tues. Fday evening. Mrs. Charles Smith attended the Women's Institute Presidents Confer- ence in Guelph, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sympathy is extended the family of the late Mrs. Wesley Beacock on her death Wednesday, May 8rd. Mrs. H, E. Ashmore, Miss Eva Parr and Mrs. John Scott attended the ééle- bration of the 76th annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary Diocese of Toronto, Monday and Tuesday. Ivan Bradburn spent the week-end with Lloyd Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horne, Osh- awa called on the Fred Trewins, Al- bert Wrights and Roy Taylors Sun- day. Mr and Mrs. Roy Taylor and Mrs. J. Forder visited Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray and girls, Cresswell, Sunday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Noble and John, Uxbridge, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and girls. Mrs. George Fowler has returned home after spending the winter in Oshawa. na Gibson, Bowmanville, y afternoon with Mr, and n Graham, d Mrs. Mervyn Graham, and Mri and Mrs. Ed. Harris visited thei: cousin Miss Fannie Flett in Willow- dale Convalescent Home, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Blake Gunter spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Dale Gunter, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson visit- ed her mother Mrs. W. Cobblestick, Orono, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holmes, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright Thursday evening. Misses Elaine Mountjoy and Sylvia THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1961-17 Kozub attended the Vocational Con- ference at Queen's University during the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Jim McIntosh, Virden, Manitoba, visited Mr, and Mrs. Ken- neth Samells, Mr, and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy and other relatives during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp, Lis. towel called on their relatives in the| village on Sunday, Congratulation to, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Larmer on the birth of a son, on Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hoskin and Mr. Ivan Cochrane exhibited their horses at Brampton Fair on Friday and re- ceived several prizes.. Utica Mrs. John Pickard of Whitby visit- ed Mrs. Skerratt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell called on Mr, and Mrs, Judd of Chalk Lake. guests of Chris Ruhl, Monday. Calling on Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Mit. chell and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mitchell and boys of Brooklin and Mr. and Mrs. I. Gray and family of Port Perry, Margaret Sutcliffe was home for week-end, Derryville, Jack and Marion Geer and family called on Tom Sutherland . Sunday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Maltby of Toronto were recent visitors to Frank Ken-= dalls. Mr. and Mrs. G. Till of Greenbank called on Mrs, Philp one evening last week, : Mr. and Mrs. Lynde of Stouffville paid a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. B. Browns. Mr. and Mrs, R. Wilbur visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Robertson Sunday. Don't forget euchre and bake sale Mr. and Mrs. Joegar of Epsom were Saturday night in the hall, : [RS AS) B01 ou | CAVA AEST 2d S41 Ne JEST: VI SX Emre wt . pos ps pes Here's a car that does all you want it to | There is no value like Chevrolet value do under all driving conditions -- and* _ does it effortlessly] And what magnifi- cent response! Chevrolet performs with 4 zest and a flair that's all its own! | | You bu SPECTACULAR Mode! illustrated: Monta Club Covps ; SEEITRYIBUYI THE MOST SPECTACULAR CH . + no value that can even come close! more usable features, more | youthful style, more zestful performance -- yes, more all 'round car -- with the spectacular Chevrolet! Da nk vi is in ea si i i en Smit hon i it el Sm i i th Sd Mi ne es se. tp -- Fs cas es ces tees en es es i St ent rt CHEVY'S REVOLUTIONARY corvair IS Corvair's truly in a class by it- self. Air cooled engine -- inde- pendent suspension -- Unisteel body-- practically flat floor--full family roominess, Just a few reasons why Corvair's built to do more than you'll ever demand. CA Generol Motors Value STE! Dramatic and most/practical! Outside, Chevy is slimmed down -- offers a more manoeuvrable car with a silhouette that's- pure perfection. But inside, past - Chevrolet's wider-than-ever doors, there's a new world of roominess. First in sales--first in per- _ formance -- first in econ- omy -- first in engineering ~ first in service -- first in all 'round reliability. Tt _ can't be equalled! EVROLET cn es (Ge Ge fs Gs Gn en St Sn To. Se Ge Sn es Se Ses = ee me ee r | | a country mile. Model illustrated: Impala Sport Sedan Whitewall tires optional et extra cost. JCULAR I This is the car that establishes its leader- ship in an undeniable fashion year after | year. It out-performs, out-styles and therefore oursells the closest rival a competitive manufacturer can offer by CANADA'S FASTEST SELLING TRUCK CHEVROLET SPECTACULAR ALL WAYS! Beare Motors Limited PORT PERRY, ONTARIO \ hia LN FEE . od AR AH SB AOE Ai an So Sous P13 SEE 5 PHONE: - YU 65-7851 IN CHEVROLET HISTORY! Mrs. Sutcliffe visiting friends in