The Canadian Weekly Newspaper HE So ESR FLIRT Member of ------ yp Thursday, June 15th, 1961 a ------ a ------ -- 3 . : lican Notes pleasant time she spent at a Garden 4 ; : ? Ang Party in Buckingham Palace and ' Notes and Comments talking with the Queen, - y By Mary Beoker Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert" Werry; Mr. Off Base When the plans were » first being laid for the Iluropean Common Market, Great Bri- tain showed interest, in the scheme be- cause she thought it was a novel idea not because she wanted to be a part of it, F.C.M. has been in operation for some time now and Great Britain is still inter- ested. But now it is becoming clear that she has changed her mind and is convinced that she must become part of Europe eco- nomically or flounder along trying 'to keep But Prime Minister Macmillan is not likely to permit a Commonwealth Confer- ence to convene and discuss whether or not Great Britain should join E.C;M. This "would be-political suicide for the Conser- The Party is not likely to vative Party. do it. Prime Minister Diefenbaker might do a whole lot better if he started in to do something about our trade and our help to the Latin American countries of the Classes have ended for the regular church school session and the closing service will be held next Sunday. at 11.830. This will be a family service, with special emphasis on the children and teachers of the church school, and on fathers, as it will be Fathers' Day. Mrs. Stackhouse has kindly offered to lead a Junior Congregation during the summer, At regular services, commencing June 20, there will 'be an opportunity for the children to leave the church about 12 o'clock and take part in stories and activities in the and Mrs. Neil' Werry and family, at- tended decoration service in Ida Ceme- tery Sunday afternoon. Several from herve attended the An- nmiversary services at Cadmus on Sun- day, (Continued from front page) Dis er ANNUAL SOUTH ONTARIO DISTRICT WOMEN'S INSTITUTES adopted for $60.00 a year. Why are . you no Wolo member? Every life needs out of financial bankruptey. Western hemisphere. parish hall until the conclusion of the an Altar so our Church comes first : a 2 ; service, One of the teachers of the OPEN WIDE! broadensts on the Trans-Canada net-| but our "W.I. gives so much for so ) s realize tha re p 8 go .C.M. ig Tlie sts rans: Canada WL gives so so The Commonwealth nations realize that Great Britain is going to join E.C.M. A regular church school will help each [van Romanoff right) poises for a | work. Helping Ivan is his sister Elena | little. Join your local W.L, meet new - Great Britain is on the point of joining [.C.M. and some of them are:very dis- Commonwealth Conference won't stop her. The members of the Commonwealth must The teachers are reminded to please sign the schedule Sunday with this. heft bite of cake during a birthday party for Songs of My People, CBC Pezhukova, pianist on the program. Violinist-conductor-arvanger Roman- friends and help in your own Com- munity. In closing, Mrs. Armstrong, gn Canada is 90 0st that she was ony gb, things redlisienlly. | The Joos on the parish bulletin board, indicat- | yadio's popular Monday night ethnic { off and host-singer Jan Rubes have | wished us a very happy and educa- to call a new meeLng o ah Ammo Yoa Is 1st ng MN ng Lang a the ing which Sunday would be most con-| jpusic program. On May 8 the show | been with the show since it began in| tional 1961-62, wealth Nations to discuss with Great Bri- nited States at the moment is the dan- venient. This class will be for children | nayked eight years of continuous | 1953. Frome He ite Wiben Baie S050 tain the implications of her joining the gerous situation in the impoverished, un- ume keanomist, Miss Lots I.C.M. before she actually joins. Diefen- haker hopes that such a meeting will ac- developed, over-exploited and illiterate of all ages. The parish picnic date has been was visiting with us for the first time. She reported a very successful Sum- : ¥ . 2 Minutes of the last meeting were : complish something worthwhile, perhaps, countries of Latin America. changed to Wednesday, June 28th, Blackstock read and adopted. mary Day in February, 126 people even enough pressure to get Great Bri- We had better start helping these coun- after school, due to the large pumber Treasurer reported $120.60 profit | FOE Pen Vie sew Tiaivien tain to stay out of E.C.M. tries so that they can develop to a point who will be away at camps and cot- The O.N.O. Club served a delicious fiom Hydro Show Time and $119.25 School for 1961 will be, "148 pounds where we can do business with them that tages the following week. dinner to the members of West Dur- from Father and Son Banquet, The of meat". Home making Clubs "give Of course, what is worrying the Com- benefits us both. If we don't the Com- Ther ti " , , ham Number -1 Division Women Tea-[, 5 (Fed over to the | 111 thie opportunity to acquire infor monwealth Nations is the special trade ar- monwealth and E, aren't going to te picnic will be at Poplar Park, | ho e' Federation in the Recreation mation, direct the personal growth rangements which will be nullified by the move of Great Britain to E.C.M. Among the festering spots of the world to-day are the refugee camps of Hong keep Communism out of our Latin Ameri- can countries. The Problem of the Refugee follow. We also have to be aware of our own responsibility to our own citizens. We in town. 'I'he afternoon will be oeccu- pied by swimming, followed by sup- per and then games and races in the early evening. Soft drinks and ice | eveam will he provided, and families can bring a picnic supper. Admit- tance to swimming will be free for the children of our church school. Adults will take care of the admis- ter which the guest speaker,Mr. Centre Thursday evening, ~~ This being the annual meeting con- siderable business was dealt with af- Jas, McClelland, Whitby, Inspector of Pub- lic Schools for 'Pickering Twp. gave a very interesting and informative address on "Promotion in Elementary Treasurer of the Scout and Cub Com- mittee. It was voted to give 330.000 to the Scouts for Barbecues and $15 to tne Brownies for hooks for. Brownie lib- rary. | . Committees were appointed to ar- range for a booth at Cartwright fab and for the . Mother and Daughter and development of all the members. 133 wirls completed the Fall Project n Dressing up the Home grown Ve wetable", also each girl had to pre pare ww School lunch. = 161 girls com- pleted the project, "Separates for Summer". There are 13, 4-H Clubs in South Ontario and 8 in North Ont. I*all project will be, "Featuring fruit" Kong, Palesring ibs Sonn and no ug can only take so many people who may sion for their cars. Rents. . Mrs. Earl Argue, Ponty- Banquet in September. The hostess| 4 Spring project will be, "Be- The people x o live t W are Sutpas gh turn out to be a liability without causing We men of the DRvish Gre reminded a) cave oy Wsreiting readings. served cookies and coffee. ing well dressed and well groomed". 8. yory $e ribie, see. A ; em ip real disruption in our own country. The that there will be a Holy Communion Ey pue hes enjoyed the Junel Mr. und Mis. Lloyd Heacock and iv. he County Sebolarship full sop service for their courage. 'e raise laxge . net: result is that we are cautious about and breakfast for them on Sunday megting 2 ! le lackstoek Women's boys were Sunday supper Suess af port as there will always be some girl sums of money to assist them but very few letting them in until all sorts of regula- »| Institute which was held in the Parish | Mr. and Mrs. LL. E. Beacock, Prince countries of the world will take them in as citizens to be. izingly as charity cases when we ought to sec them as human beings with an innate right to dignity. They are the very sym- bol of human dignity, as a matter of fact. We treat them patron--- tions for screening them have been carried out. This leaves us in exactly the position we were, with the tar paper huts and the June 26th. The Young People will hold their closing party on Thursday, June 22nd -| at-7- p.m., meeting~at the church and going to Taylor's Park for swimming and weiner roast. 1 Hall Wednesday evening with Mus, John Scott hostess. Following the opening exercises a great deal of business was dealt with. A committee was appointed to plan Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock, Prince Albert visited Mr. and Mrs. Skelding Saturday -évening.- - Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham visit- ed her aunt Mrs. Jas. Campbell and Geo. worthy of this help, - . Albert Home Making Club displayed an exhibit, "Separates for Summer". \ Solo by Mis. Burdge, Whithy was a pleasant Prince much enjoved and made : 2 » oor sanitation and i Vr Co : wess in our busy day. They left their homes in protest against p Ha f Jn the hopelessness of the July bus trip. The voll eall{ ,).. \uintives in Fenclon Falls on] 060 77 OUP busy ay tat the dl the deprivation. of shat fo. them meant iving ever before our eyes. We can plan, We are pleased to report that Tim- | brought many interesting "earliest ve- | qo Mrs. Armstrong conducted the elec "l i : at least to help these people where they thy Brunton-will be attending Choir | collections of an Institute Meeting". oo N \ tions. The results were: " human rights. Now they live in squaler eT othy Brunton-will be attending Cho Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flett, Bowman-| Te A : ; 3 re 'e can give them better housing, School at Trinity College School, Port | The Motto -- "Use the Talents youl Pp enon. Tor | rast President - Mis. 1. Honey, in fetid, wretched dens. : b tt : wenool at rinity College School, Yo ville, Mrs. IY. Laurenson, Toronto, Mr. , 3 etter schooling, better food and clothing Hope, during August. possess for the woods would be very | a" no 13d Harris were Sunday Port Perry : What is th to thi hocki HniohWeil) by fstab in he right direc- : : : silent if no birds sang but the Best", guests ot Mrs. Carl McLaughlin and Pramidens-- Rus wi, A. Brows, Hi . i € answel ® ans ily a 'tion. Some work along this line has been The Evening Guild held an enjoy-| was very capably dealt with by Mrs. |, . Co R.R. 1 Locust Hill problem! ow can we satisfactorily help done but not nearly enough. We can af- il able party last Tuesday jand welcomed ys. Aliee-Prosident-->Mps. So Cawker, Stanford-VanGamp.---- The -Fheme-of {- Elem Thomp i 3 : . A \ "Congratulati to M these people to a 350 normal existence in ford to build very fine army and airforce Mrs. Stackhouse to their group. Dur- the meeting was Citizenship and Mrs. | " u ions I Lo 0h Birthide Port Perry an fon ent that respects their human quarters with all sorts of educational and ing the short business session it was| vanCamp said we should be very i Ww ehrated his SHH DIBA 0 Vice-President -- Mrs. Lorne Duff, rights? , recreational opportunities. We can make voted to give $125. to the Board of [ youd to be Canadiun Citizens and we | pio RR. 2, Port Perry We know full well some of the immigra- tion problems that resulted when we tried + to take a certain number of Hungarians into our midst. We were wrong in some ways. In othersthey were wrong. 'One of our biggest difficulties is that we always' the desert bloom like the rose for 'our hoys' even to the extent of carting bus loads of girls out to them for a Saturday night's entertainment. We can therefore afford to cleanse these refugee camps and help , make .a-small start toward their rehahili- tation. Management, and $10. to the Hospital X-Ray fund. Meetings will recom- mence on August 22nd, in order to plan catering for the Boyd-Clarke wedding in early September. The date for the annual bazaar has heen set. It will 'be held on Satur- should use our talents to raise the standards of thinking as well as of living. Mrs. Albert Wright brought us up to date on Current Events, Mrs. Lorne Thompson favored with a lovely piano solo, and Mrs. Ralph Misses Gertrude Henry and Doris Griffin, Toronto, Spent the at home. Mr. Ross Holmes, Windsor and Miss Flizabeth Holes, Kincardine, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock and attended the graduation in Toronto of her nephew Thoma week-end Qee'yBreasurer- Mrs. Wm: Heron, Brookhin Assistant Mis, R12, Claremont Federation Represe mtative-- Mrs. Wm Y. Heron, Brooklin Alternates -Miss May Brown, R. Torrance, expect such people to be perfect simply 111, Locust Hill Holmes. from.the.Canadian-Sehaol-of because they were brave. This does not * wr T District Churches -day,--Novemher--26th, in the. parish hall. Hints for Homemakers -Earmer-read-a-prize essay -from-F:W- Citizen of the World?" LC. competition _ of 1969, _vamely, "How can I train my child to be a Following the expression of thanks Embalming. "Mr. and Mis. Chas. McConnell and Mrs. Fred Iatterson, Norwood, were Tuesday guests of Mrs. Cecil Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin attended "Dine Delegate Mrs" Wim Moase, Port Perry Alternate Mrs, R. Pepper, 11 Edward St., Ajax. Canvenors of Standing Committees Aeaientture & Canadian Industries---- . to the hostess and all who assisted on | the Sheep Breeders Field Day in Ti : IVs difficult to get egg whites beat-| the programme, and the singing of | Guelph, Wednesday. _ i pier Dionskan 3 : : en to thelr maximum volume. Mac-| the Queen, a dainty lunch was served Mv. and Mrs. Fred Henry, Toronto, RN ne ia rd R.R. 1 ar cugog, chester and Prospect : donald Institute's Food and Nutrition] by the group and a social hour en-| visited Wednesday & Miss Jean Ford i. Lorne Par RRO EAN d (singe Department says: the bowl, beaters joyed. aid Mis.' Oshawa During -the- moth: of TJune-a: number, of our Women's Associations are visit- ing the Manse, and having 'their meet- have begun ito. come © for_week-ends. Very shortly they. 'will all be here. It and egg whites should be at room temperature. Make sure. the bowl and heaters ave free of grémse. Don't use a plastic howl tends to 'gular meeting June 6th, 1961. Blackstock L.0.L. No. 133 enter- tained some forty guests at their re- Toronto, Art Rustin ana boys, Port Credit, spent the week-ena with Mrs. Robt Ford, 'Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Mrs, Roy Tay. Home "Feonomies and Health-- Mrs. Robert Smith, 909 Bayview, Whithy Historieal Research & Current Events is 'a pleasure to have you come .and| gg : Our special guests were McKinley | jor, Roy McLaughlin, Ralph | ' 4 eek Prospect did - - , ur C Hp 1 3 , . i or, Roy claughhn, Ralph Larmes Mis, Walter Carter, RR. 3 eed o wery sod, gathering, | worship with us, and in he' name of G@HISUS K ACIS Whiten and n soft make, A. tobi | Loe No. 216 from Toronto and a land Fred Trewin attended the amid mon hi eck. Scugog "Head" W.A. will| our Saviour we give you one .and :all : "i ih § ) dded oe Y% t " number of members and officers of | meeting of District No. 4 of Ontario Peolutions- Mrs, I'M. Holliday, is w Bog 3 | All businésses take inventories of Zer may he a A Leaspoont py,gpe, Bowmanville, Purple Hill and | Association of Agricultural Societies be visiting on Tuesday and we hope for a good representation. Scugog "Grace" WA. will meet .on---Wednes-{- day at the home of Helen Hope. - On Monday, June 19th we are plan- ning to hold a closing exercise for our Cubs and Scouts. It will most likely | be held on the Island, and we plan to a very cordial invitation to come. -Happy hrithdays to-the following! -Marie-Aldred, Peter:Hood, Hida Kreig, John Vanstrein, Nancy Crozier, Ray- mond 'Reader, Murray 'Slute, Bill Po- gue and Bobbie Edgar of the Island; to 'Barbara Kxuppa, John Steer and Michael Woodcack of 'Manchester; to ~ | their position. Th i_|:gan Thursday, June'l is.a similar pro-|_ The census which bhe- cedure, measuring Canada's basic re- | source--her people. TTT RA Facts on 'every resident of Canada will be collected by census takers. In- cream. of tartar to 6 egg whites. Devitts Lodges, some 28 in all. - McKinley. Degree. team conducted three local -brethren very capably through --the Royal "Arch-- Purple De- gree, Bros. Harvey Johnston, Russell Brown and Richard VanCamp. A happy occasion during the meet. ing under the Orange Degree was the in Lindsay, May 31st. --~Mr.-and Mrs. Elwood Eaton, Toron- to, were recent guests of Mr. W. N. Campbell and Mrs, John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston and Mr. FE. M. Johnston of Collingwood, visited friends in Peterboro and Mill hrook on Monday. Wrooklin Public Relations Officer-- Mis, J. "MeCreiphf, Box 113° Stouffville" Federation of Agrienlture---Mrs. Idgar Evans, RR. 2, Claremont Auditors--Mrs. Arthur Elliott and Mrs. I. M. [olliday, Brooklin Nominating Committee Whitby Mis. Gibb Dreury, presentation of three Honorary Cer- Mr & Mis. George Rutherford and oe SSD i eonard Greenwood, Ray MacCulloch | formation on housing will be gathered " ppd dic bbl qe can i) Ge Ars. Leary rd-an 320 Dunlop St._E. Whitby x: haves Ju gum id ki daca ord Tow Zylatra St Rowpient Als |-from ane household in five. Agricul- tificates by P.G.M. Bra. C. P. Devitt| Allan, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim | Clapemont- Mrs. Wm. Evans, after. Two of our Leaders: to Mrs, 'Webster: (Sr) of Prospect ture and merchandising will also be to P.D.M. Earl Dorrell, P.M, Carl] Rutherford, Cleveland, visited Mrs. Claremont initiated, namely June Crozier and George Freeman. Then on the follow- ing Sunday, June 26th our 'Brownies, Guides, Cubs and Scouts will parade to Church at Scugog "Grade" at 11.16 a.m. We have asked Stan Ploughman of Port Perry to speak to the boys, and Ruby Roach to speak:to the girls. Ruby is our District Commissioner for who will he 83 years old on Sunday: 'We wish you peace:and contentment 'of heart-and-mind- Mes. Webster. We are glad that your burn is heal: ing so nicely Karen Murphy of Man: chester ,and we really do miss you in the Chair. We .also hope Mrs, surveyed. EE NE Census questions on income to be asked at one household in five will be completed in private by the individual, and sealed until they reach the census office. The 1961 -Census is expected -to show a population of about 18,200,000. This would be an increase of better than 4,200,000 since 1951--the equi- valent of another Province of Quebec. hn Regional offices of the Dominion Wright and Bro, Albext Wright. Bro. Devitt spoke words of appreciation and commendation on their 60 years of service to the Orange Association. George Fowler, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and family were Sunday supper. guests o Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Grace, At clpge of Lodge a grand spread was supplied by Bro. Dysart's Fish & Chips, Caesarea and other eats sup- plied 'hy L.O.L. No. 133. This social hour was enlivend by several speeches Long Sault. Mrs. Margaret Carley and Anne of Whitby are spending a few days with the Clarence Marlows, Lewis, Herb and Harold Swains. Myrtle Mrs, Ivan Rodd, Myrtle Station Brooklin--Mpys. -C. Delonge, R.R. 1, Brooklin Mis. Armstrong conducted the In- stallation Service. New Business: Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the original W.I. min- ute hooks for the District, please get . % I) ; : t that you : , : " - &y the Port Perry Area : ids Guide Srp) cof shiva: yo ali Burean of Statistits working on the by the W.M. of McKinley .and other Rev. und Mus. Romeril spent the), (ouch with the President. Mrs soon gain. , John's, Halif District officers, including W. B. Rus: | week-end with: Mrs. M. Fexguson at| wim. A. Brown : : icants Class will meet Not. all of Canada's population will, 1961 Census are at St. John's, Halifax, Il Nesbitt ; "CMP. wh EL a <A ' Our Comniun ! . Re-Rving. 3 Canada June. 1 But! Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winni-| 3" Nesbitt, Barrister & C.M.P. who| Stratford, where Mr. Romeril wa District Workshop: Women's Insti- for their final session on Wednesday, On Sunday we shall have the Min- . jo g h oy a ns Tor ow Edmonton and Vancouver apparently enjoyed this visit to the| preaching Sunday, while Rev. M. Fer-| ite Procedure. Each branch Sec'y, June 21 and preparations will be:made | ister of Columbus United, Rev. R, H. na Jans abroa re ® fade des eo ) place where he spent his 'Boyhood guson was taking Cadmus anniver-| yotify the District Sec'y the branch's for their reception and confirmation | ove, B.A, B.D. as your' Minister is Sov BE10N6H, Tt TREN Ia an years, sary services. decision before June 16. on Sunday, July 2 at Scugog "Grace". | preaching S. 8, Anniversary Services| chant seamen--will 'be reached:by thei At Ottawa, census documents willl 'W. B. Devitt voiced our ire Rev. Merrill Ferguson, Stratford,| Wys, McCreight in her report for oA ® A similar Service will be held at Man-| at Kedron, We give you all a very | census. be"fed into an electronic "reader"-- | that our visitors had honored us with | is spending a few days with Mis. | (ne Courtesy Committee thanked the chester also, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered, The Minister will be pleased to meet with anyone who is desirous of unit- ing with the Church, cordial invitation to come and wor- ship with-us. Our deepest sympathy to you Mrs, George Freeman (8r,) inthe death of your: dear-sister, who 'was both gister and mother .to_ you. May God in Christ comfort you in _ Already the cottagers of the Island] LL] Babies bofn after midnight, May 81, are.not included in the census count, even if the census taker arrives in mid-June. And people who die after your bereavement, i Basen par May 381 are included in the court, Sy TRUTH . \ the only one of its kind in the world. The reader, scanning the records of 600 people per minute, . will transfer facts from paper into dots on magne- tic tape. (Electronic computers will (then process the facts into readable tables. their presence and enabled us all to 'enjoy a very worthwhile meeting in the interests of the Orange Associa- tion, --- The Mother's Alay met at the home of 'Mrs, Dora Martyn on Tues- day night with seven mothers present. FS 0 Cecil Hill and family and Roy Fer- guson and. family. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wright spent the week-end-with-friends-in- Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright have re- ceived a letter from their daughter Pearl (Mrs. Dr. Bilbey) telling of the Department Officers, District Officers the hostess W.I,, Woman's Auxiliary of le United Church, the soloist, or their contributions to an interest. ing 'and very happy day. Meeting closéd with "The Queen". SRA or STRATES