4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THU HX NA Ma SA a San ty < RSDAY, JUNE 16th, 1961 ~ THE CHURCHES Coming Events ANGLICAN ©HURCH CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A, L.Th., Rector Sunday, June 185th-- 11.30 a.m. Rev. R. I. Holy Communion Stuckhouse, JOHN'S CHURCH ST. PRESBYTERIAN Interim Moderator: Kenneth F. MacKenzie, M.A. (Uxbridge) William Perry, B.A. Rev. Minister: Mr, Sunday, Jung 15th-- 10 a.m. Il aan. Morning Worship Subbath School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A. Minister Sunday, June 18th-- 10 a.m.-- Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship and Junior Sunday School. [iveryone Invited The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. B.D. Braham, M.A. Sunday, June 18th-- Prospect Church Manchester Church Scugog "Head" 8.5. Scugog Church 0.15 a.m. 10.156 a.m. 10.15 a.m.- IL 18 aan. Make the day more enjoyable by wor chipping God in His Sanctuary. Come and worship with us. 23/0 PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Stuart- A. Mulligan, Pastor Sunday, June 18th-- 4.60 aan. Sunday School 11.00 aan. Worship 7.00 pan. Evangelism "Monday, 7 pom. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer meeting in Parsonage, Crandell St, YU 5-7338 0G Parsonage, Death ce SHORE Albert Iidward--Suddenly §. at his residence, Seagrave on Friday, June 9th, 1961, Albert E-Short,-dear- Iv loved husband of Gladys Hadley, dear father of Clifford, Helen of Tor- (Mrs. Bo McGillivray) of and Lloyd of Port Perry, loving con of Mrs. John Short, and dear brother of Mrs. Violet Copeland JO Oakwe sd & Heywood of Seagrave, i hie Gch year. Service was from the Mebermott-Panabaker Chapel, 1 ont on Monday. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, onto, Betty Sunderland, Perry In Memoriam GOODIE, Joha Allan, June 14, 1959. from ug, but leaving memories Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. Gone Sadly missed by family. la Sa = 2 order Bros. Meals Ripoy pst SAYS. 4 WEEK-END SPECIALS Sausage ..oooooveiennin, 3 Ib. for $1.00 Ayon Bacon nn 59¢ 1b. Rolled Pot Roasts ............ 49¢ 1b, Free Delivery at 11 a.m. Phone: YU 5-2562 CLERC LTYTARSL I Z:00 0 FORDER BROS. WHOLESALE RETAIL MEATS CHOICE BEEF-VEAL LAMB-FISH-POL 1 LEE 256) AR LA Jv. Young People | W.A. Annual Strawberry Supper In Prince Albert United Church, Will be held on Tuesday, June 27th. Supper to start at 4.80, June 22 Spring Recital The Annual Spring Recital of the Piano Pupils of Mrs. J. E. Jackson, A.T.C.M.,, RM.T,, will be held in the United Church on Monday evening, June 19th at 7.46 p.m. Collection in aid of Community Hospital. Every- one welcome, x June 16 Decoration Day Service A Decoration Day Service will be held in the Library on Thursday, June 16th at 7.16 p.m. under the aus- pices of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. The public will be welcome. A basket of flowers will be placed on the Doubt family plot, Sunday, Decoration Day, in memory of Lt. Arthur Doubt; and also to com- memorate the loss of all others in this community who gave their lives in the two world wars. Scout Mothers Auxiliary The regular Meeting of the Scout Mothers Auxiliary will be held Mon- day evening, June 19th, at 8.00 p.m., at the home of Mrs, Marie Wakeford, Reno Street. Since this will be the last meeting before our summey vaca- tion, we are hoping for an exeeitional (urn out, Boy Scout 'PAPER DRIVE SATURDAY, JUNE 24th. Please tie securely and have them out June 22 papers by 1.00 p.m. JUNE 22nd, 8 p.m., Scout Hall, Port Terry. Jackpot, $60. 00. 20 games, "Spee inl game, Share the Wealth. Door Prize." Under the auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary Canadian Legion Branch 419. Admission 75¢. Adults only. June 22 Card of Thanks I would like to express my sincere thanks for the kind messages of sym- | pathy in the loss of a dear sister. It re deeply appreciated, "Mrs. Tris Freeman, Card of Thanks I wish to thank Dr. Kandel, the Nurses and Staff of the: Community Memorial Hospital and my friends and relatives for the cards, and gifts and the kind attention I received while in the hospital. Mrs. Ruth Kight, Thank You "We wish to express our sincere ap- | preciation for the many acts of kind- ness, expressions of sympathy and the many floral tributes received from relatives, friends and neighbours, in tlie sudden loss of a dear hysband and father. Thanks to Rev. FE. Me- 'Neil for his consoling message and the kindness he has shown, Our thanks also to the McDermott-Pana- haler Funeral Home, Gladys Short and family. Card of Thanks To all those who sent cards, flowers, and phoned, and especially to the fol- lowing: Rev. E. W. Fuller, Dr, Ren- nie, MeDermott-Panabaker, Mr. Brin- son Cox, Chief Cameron, and our won- derful neighbours, we wish to extend our sincere thanks for the kindness and help at the time of the passing of our dear mother, Mrs. Madeline Rowen, Constance Snowden, Ruth and Joe Franssen. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends, rela- tives, and neighbours, for their sym- pathy, gifts and kindness shown to us: in our bereavement, Lloyd and Ruth Short. aaa ana aaa EI whi, / Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Grant Innes, Port Perry, announce the engagement of their elder daughter Donna Geraldine, to Archie Edward Menzies, son of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Menzies of Port Perry. The marriage to take place at 8.00 p.m. on July 22, Manchester United Church. r-------------- Notice fo Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM WESTON CAWKER, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of William Weston Caw- ker, late of -the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 16th day of May, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 14th day of June, 1961, full particulars of their claims. Immedi- ately after the said date the assets of the said deecased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. 6th day of June, 1961. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, &ec., Box 181, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above estate. June 22 PERSONAL Friends of Miss Clara N, Everton, Toronto, will be happy to know that she has been spending a few days vis- iting with Mrs, George Raines Sr, of Port Perry. OSD SS Congratulations to Charles Trenka who has recently completed his 3rd. year in Engineer- ing at the University of Toronto with 1st class honours. Charles, who is the son of Mrs, Chas. Trenka of R. Rud, Port Perry, was a student at Port Per- ry High School. MUSIC RECITAL A fine recital was presented on the evening of June Oth by the pupils of Mrs. Marie Taylor, A.R.C,T., RM.T. The program took place In the United Church and was as follows, Susan Hayes, The Robin, Tadpoles; 'Lynda Espie. The Train, Gnomes, Mary had a Little Lamb; Julia Hall, The Juggler, From a Wig- wam, Home on the Range. Robert Taylor, Turkey in the Straw, Ten Little Indians, Pipers are Coming, Duet --Julie Hall and Robert 'l'aylor, Yellow Chicks March, War Dance. Kathy Sonley, God sees the Little Sparrow, Morning Canter, Lions. Diane Panabaker, Fun and Play, An- imal Fair, Wooden Shoes, Barbara Hillier, O Susana, Ballet -} Dancer, The Skater. i Duet, Barbara Hillier rs Paul "Taylor, The Band Played on, Vocal Solo, Effie Mustard, You'll Nev- er Walk Alone, Bless This House, Grade 1, Sharon. Vokins, Marching Trumpets, Early One Morning. Grade II, Ronnie Podres, Popcqrn, 'I'he Little Clock, Grade III, Paul Taylor, Chinese Boy, Three Blind Mice, | Karen-Leahy, -Musette, Allegretto. . Grade IV, Beth Love, Rosy Cheeks, Allegra Vivace. Billy Taylor, Ballad, Hobiing. Vocal Solo, Betty Love, On Wings of Song, Trees, . Grade VII, 'Sally Randall, Sonatina. Nancy Bernhardt, The Little Shepherd Duet, Nancy Bernhardt & Joan Hiek- ling, Waltzing Matilda. Joan Hickling, Cornisolation. Kathleen Beath, Largo. Sharon Capstick, Rondo. Trombone Solo, Victor Stonerioune, The Holy City, Evelyn Shier, Concerto No, 1: Carol Moore, Prelude in G. Duet, Carol Moore & Mary Clark, In the Arena..March, : ~ Grade VIII, Rita McKellar, Waltz. Elizabeth Knight, Introduction and Fugato. ; Grade IX, Lynn Fair, German Dance. Man's Desiring. Effie Mustard, Ecossaises. Elizabeth Hayes, Minuet in GQ. THE QUEEN LIVE-BETTER Electrically .... with an. ELECTRIC WATER | HEATER DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this Vocal Solo, Betty Love, Jesu, Joy of. FT 4 4 v BR A EH a Ontario County Federation - Perhaps the most interesting item on the agenda of last week's meet- ing of zone No. 4 of the Federation of Agriculture, which was held in the Uxbridge Legion Hall, was the panel discussion on "direct membership". Panel moderator was Herb, Arbuckle secretary of Ontario Federation of Agriculture, His questions were eap- ably answered by cach of the four panel members who were Ray Her- gott, director of field service of O.F. A., Rev. Bert Daynard of Perth county who is on the Board of Governors of 0.F.A., John Hughes, secretary-man- ager of Simcoe County Federation and Frank Brumwell member from York county to O.F.A It was felt that the present set up of the Federa- tion of Agriculture is powerful, valu- able, useful and 'good and provides all farmers with the opportunity to han together in support of Agriculture as a whole, but it was also felt that the system of the British Farmers Union was worthy of further study. In Britain the farmers pay a direct membership which provides them with some services as well, Another interesting feature on the programme was the talk given by Donald Middleton Properties Depart- ment O.F.A., whose topic was '"Zon- ing", He said "Zoning is good for farmers". By too frequently selling a few acres of land for one dwelling, for what the farmer considers at the the time to be a good price, a farmer invariably is causing an increase in his own taxes due to the increase in educational costs that he has created by the additional school population. " "Reports of county activities were given by representatives from Peel, York, Simcoe, Halton and Ontario, Representatives from Dufferin arrived too late to participate in this part of the programme, Mrs. "Taylor, Wellington county, brought greetings from the Woman's Committee of O.F.A. Three Resolutions were passed and will be forwarded fo O.F.A. They a -- < 3 ~ RETR TTR tt*Y dealt with Estate tax, Margarine col- oring, and the Dairy Princess contest. Altogether fifty-six people register: ed. Religious Education Rally - Reach and Scugog Elementary Schools held their annual Religious Education Rally in Port Perry High | 4 School Auditorium on Tuesday even- ing, June 6th, } Rev. C. R. Nelson, assisted. by, his co-workers, Miss Moen and Miss Ed- wards presented: a most interesting progeam. Mr. N, Ki LeGrow, minis- ter of Epsom United Church, led in prayer and Miss Edwards, Mrs, Hog- gard and Mrs. Sandison were the pianists, The pupils at this rally represented twenty-one of the sixty-seven classes that are under Mr. Nelson's supervi- sion for religious education. Songs, learned in the classroom, and special choruses by groups from Greenbank, Manchester, Prince Albert and Scugog Schools were enjoyed, Memory verses were recited by children from Greenbank and Prince Albert schools as each verse taken was used to build charts developing the theme, "Christ, our King", I'psom School is to be congratulated on winning the - keenly contested Sword Drills, Diane Card and Joyce Wilson were awarded the junior tro- phy and Betty Medd and Karen Geer received the senior trophy. The tro- , phies were presented to their teacher, Mrs. Wilbur, and each girl was the recipient of a Bible, "Mr. Nelson, in his own inimitable manner, reviewed, with the flannel- graph; the year's class-room stories, depicting "The Greatness of Christ." The parents, teachers and pupils of Reach and Scugog would take this op- portunity to express their -apprecia- tion to Mr. Nelson, Miss Moen, and Miss Edwards-for-the competent lea- dership that they are giving in our schools, in Religious Education, Py Safest AR Su SEAT v Prince Albert At Church on Sunday the eongre- gation felt privileged to hear a worth- while sermon delivered by Rev, Jack Griffen who was recently ordained. We all feel most interested in "Jack" having remembered him as a school- boy. At Sunday School Ken Brown, Don- |. na Fenton, Lillian Hutchison deposited their birthday pennies. Better health is wished for Mr. Wm. Taylor who was admitted to Oshawa hospital. "Tuesday night, June 6th the G.N.S. Club met at the "Flamingo dining- hall" to partake in their annual ban- quet, It is with regret that three members were unavoidably absent. The table was centred with white lilac arrangement. The twenty-two girls were asked to locate their name on a blue and gold place card. When all were seated the president Mrs. Les Beacock said the Grace followed by a welcome to all. Mrs. Jas. Doupe and Mrs. Wm. Heayn each won a prize during the enjoyable evening-- yes, the food was sumptuous from the first wonderful mouthful of turkey to the last nibble of cherry pie. Members then departed in various directions for evening entertainment. Mr. and Mrs, L.. Hunter were guests at the Proutt-Kingsland wedding in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Mr. and-Mrs. L. Hunter also in com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. N. Mal¢olm, Toronto, enjoyed a recent motor trip to Ottawa visiting Mi. Jamie Hunter, plus other friends. - Mr. J. F. Vickery visited a couple of days last week with his daughter Mr. and Mrs. LL. Devitt, Barbara and Neil, Oshawa. " Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock and boys, Nestleton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Beacock and sons, home Wedding Invitations Thermo-engraved (Raed terterion Thermo-Engraving looks and feels like hand engraving, but costs about half as much--and it's ready within the week, Thermo-Engraving eliminates the cop- per plate that makes hand engraving to costly and time consuming. Select from our giant catalogue of Hawlessly correct papers. 11 distinctive styles of lettering. Weddings priced as low as ( $9.00 for 50 and $13.50 for 100, com- plete with double envelopes and tissues. Come in and see our complete: cata- logue! Matching announcements, at The modern way to be traditionally correct The Bouquet Invitation Line - cards. enclosure cards, etc A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Spectacular value pro- duces spectacular sales! Chevrolet's unbeatable sales record year after year is the undeniable evidence that CHEV- i% ROLET IS BEST - AND CAN PROVE IT! SEE/ TRY! BUY THE MOST SPECIACULAR | $ | } e greatest! The greatest value-packed Ghevrolet ever built! The car that gives you more--more of the features, the style, the performance, the room, the "-ride, the comfort--more of everything you want! Outstanding style: The 1961 Chevrolet has out its 6wa \ leads em all, lr in paoce-setting swath through the world of automobile design. Greatest Chevy Ride in History: The one great ridein its field... unbelievably quiet... unbelievably smooth . . . indesoribably perfeot! Power- packed Performanoe plus Economy: Chevrolet combines the flashing response that satisfies your every demand-- with the thrifty ways that satisfy your budget! In every way, there is no automotive value that oan compare with Chevrolet's--none that oan come close. And Chevrolet sales prove itl Whitewall tires options! at extra cost, .« CHEVRO ET IN CHEVROLET HISTORY! Sd PORT PERRY, ONTARIO pon, : ppem-- WATCH the Chevy Show, Tuesday nights over CBC-TV. Chock your local paper for time and Channel, sie PHONR H "Beare Motors Limited YU 65-7361