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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Aug 1961, p. 6

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6 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THUI Ls : $5 ------ a > x 5 o (R30 PY v [TN FIRES Se ® Fer ae LS ep RAR QB be sins lee dt FRNA er "3% . Fda SE a6 by 3 hy Tes nd | SRG ACL REA A a 1 Sa © oT SDAY, AUGUST 8rd, 1961 BUSINESS DIRECTORY REAL ESTATE FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS MARGARET BALLARD Realtor Sunderland, Ont. Phone 49 or 124 1. Jan. b, '62. APEX nN SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs "Port Perry --Phorit--985-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 31/61 FOR Real Estate PHONE Don S. Smith VICKERY REAL ESTATE 728-6228 Oshawa Sept. 21, INSURANCE Policies up-to-date? 1.6 1961 Are your Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE 985-2421 PORT PERRY DEAD or CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE, HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Phone Long Distance ZEnith 32800 at our expense ED PECONI & SON ARGYLE Licence No. 69 C 61. 1.5 T.F. ROOFING __ OF ALL KINDS LID, ~~ Eavestroughing. 'Asphalt Siding | Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. 'Backhoe Service TRENCHES - DRAINS _ FOUNDATIONS & SEPTIC TANKS DUG and BACKFILLED IVAN MOUNTIOY Blackstock, Phone 87-r-4 1.6 T.F. GILLSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY h "ONTARIO Telephone 985-2311 Office: Corner John & North Sts. _ 1. Aug. 3/61 GORESKI ROOFING Adphalt Roofing and Siding Insulation, Flatroof, Lathing, Metal Work. 985-2751 Eavestroughing, Phone Port Perry 75 Nov. 9/61 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for dead and JACKSON'S PASTRIES Friday & Saturday Specials COME IN AND SEE OUR SPECIAL SELECTION FOR THIS WEEK-END In the heart of Emmerson's Shopping Plaza OUR CRISPY Italian Pizza (Not Frozen) PREPARED TO ORDER to eat in or take out -- Now at -- _TRIPP'S SNACK BAR tf. 985-2452 For a perfect MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT tailored from the best material at the lowest prices possible, see UXBRIDGE CLEANERS and DYERS UL 2-3471, Uxbridge tf. Siebarth's AUTO BODY SHOP (Formerly Beare Motors Body Shop) SPECIALISTS IN PAINT JOBS I'ree estimates on all work 985-2161 1.6 Aug. 3/61 Instant Wall Wash " PRINCE ALBERT Phone YU 565-2081 ~ 16 Aug. 81/61 - |] Notice to Creditors RE: ESTATE OF THOMAS H. LAKEY All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas H. Lakey, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Retired "Farmer, who died on or about the 5th day of July, A.D., 1961, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 26th day of August, 1961, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after. the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard anly to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this "13th day of July, 1961. MESSRS. GREER & KELLY, Barristers, &ec., Aug. 3rd Box 131, Port Perry Oninrio, Solicitors for the above estate. LASSI FIED Phone YUkon 5-2331 CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY MUST BE IN BY 9 a.m WEDNESDAY FOR SALE--McClary frig and two | ectric cookers. Reasonable. Write 12.0. Box 323, Port Perry. FOR RENT--Small heated apart- ment, private entrance. Air condi- tioned. John Ballard, Phone 985-7945. Port Perry | FOR SALE--'2 h.p. Admiral Air Conditioner. Good condition. Phone 086- 7015. CUSTOM COMBINING "Apply Dobson Bros, R.R. 4, Port Ferry, phone 985-2790. PY ROOM & BOARD--For two persons -- large bright room; meals & luriches packed if needed. Phone 985-2866. Aug. 3 WANTED--Used 2 wheel bicycle, 20" to 26" frame, in good condition. Phone 986-2432. FOR SALE--30" 4 burner gas stove. Mrs. Geo. Burnett, Aug. 17 Used one year. 985-2500. RASPBERRIES--Orders tuken for raspberries by the crate or pint. I'vee home delivery. Or pick your own, bring containers, Peter Van Kessel, 086-2716. Ave. 3 FOR SALE--Used Massey fined self-propelled Combine, 12 ft. cut, thoroughly overhauled. Used George White Threshing Machine. New and used Tractors, Balers, and Combines. Massey Ferguson Dealer, Little Bri- tain, Phone 37. TRENCHING & EXCAVATING FREE ESTIMATES Water lines -- Septic beds, ete. "KEN MIDDLETON Phone 985-7548, Port Perry 2. Aug. 31/61 APARTMENT FOR RENT --Self- contained living room, one bedroom, "kitchen and utility room. TF bathroom, Phone 985-2478. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 8- ply Taylor's Restaurant. Phone 985-7910. Aug. 8 BN A A SSS Brock Motor Sales 1960 Envoy sedan 1958 Chev. sta. wag. VO8 A.T. radio, 4-door 1957 Chev. deluxe sedan A.T. 1957 Chev. deluxe 4-door sedan, black & white A 1957 Olds. Super 88 equipped 1957 Olds. 88 1954 Ford sedan 1960 Chev. Ye-ton fleetside CJohn Deere HIT PUT.O. baler, nsed-- $6956.00 / | Johnson 71% "H.P. outboard motor Johnson 25 HL.P. outboard motor Seott 7% IL. P. outboard motor Special prices on boats, motors and trailers G.M:A.C. terms to suit your budget. Electric pop cooler--$50.00 . Buy now and save the 3% September Sales Tax. BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 73, Sunderland, Ont. Buy now & save. -1 Auction Sales SAT. AUG. 26th--Farm Sold Auc- tion Sale of 35 Registered Shorthorns, 3 Horses, 2 Sows, 13 Pigs, Implements and Furniture, the property of Wil- bert S. Thorn, Lot 4, Con. 10, Ops . a --{-Twp.;*8- miles "West-of -Omemee,--one mile South of No. 7 Highway. Terms Cash. Sale at 12.30 p.m. Jack Bent, Pedigree Announcements. Wm. Wel- don and Geo. Greenway, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., AUG. 5th--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of Mrs. Joel Aldred, at her Residence, ~ TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | wright park, Bedroom, self contained, heated, Ap- Brooklin, Outario. Ki Casi Sale "Tat 1:30 0'c¢lock: : Blackstock The 0.N.O. picnic was held at Cart. Caesarea on Tuesday afternoon. The shower of rain did not marr the pleasure--as they swam while it rained, and the sports and gupper were held after. Fourteen mothers and approximately forty-five children attended. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells; Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samells; Mr. and Mrs: Murray Byers, Jim and Janice; Bon- nie, Judy and Linda Mountjoy attend- ed the Mountjoy picnic at Hampton Park on Wednesday. Mrs. John Wotton and her family and grand children held a pleasant re- union at Cartwright park Sunday. A few of her friends surprised Mrs. Ed. Darcy Friday afternoon on the occassion of her 80th birthday, and spent a pleasant social time and af- ternoon tea. " Mr. Gordon Paisley, Dunnsville, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Neil Bailey. Mur. family, with Messrs, Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Curtis, Orillia were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Strong. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson and Toronto, spent the week-end Roy and Bill Ferguson. Mrs. Fred Dayes, Lorraine, Jim, Clifford and Allan and Miss Mar- garet Goodson, attended Church in Port Perry on Sunday, where the former's nephew, Mr. Bud Elford and wife, of near-Churchill, Manitoba were telling of their work among the Indians. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hadley, Sarnia, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy. Mrs. Carl McLaughlin, Grant and Neil spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder and family, Oshawa. Mrs. 'W. Cordingly and five child- ren of Toronto spent last week with her father My. Lewis Swain Mi |" Cordingly was down for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. David Swain, Toronto, are visiting Mr. Swain and at time of writing, Mrs. Swain is improving slowly in hospital. Katherine and Carolyn Murray of Cresswell are holidaying with their | grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay- lor. Miss Ida Dempsey, Sundridge, Miss |. Isabelle Dempsey, Mr. Robert Demp-1 sey, Mr. Ardis Dempsey, Sebringville, | | and Mrs. Lillian Gulka, Toronto, were week-end 'guests of Dr. and Mrs. Me- Arthur, Ardis McArthur and two friends, Mr. Bill Eisner, and Mr. Ri- ¢hard Pallner, flew from Cornell Uni- versity Ithaca, N.Y. Bill and Dick flew back Saturday. Ardis remained for his sister' 's wedding. Cannon and Mrs. Ashmore returned Monday from their trip to the British Isles; Right Rev. Bishop and Mrs. Wells, Toronto, were guests of 'Canon and Mrs, Ashmore Friday night and at- tended the Dysart-McArthur wedding Saturday, when the Bishop assisted in the Ceremony. _ Weddings seemed to be the order of the day Saturday, July 29th. Miss Jessie McArthur and Mr. Norman Dy- sart were married in St. John's Church; Miss Marie Cassidy and Mr. Garry Venning were married in Port Perry; Jean Malcolm Cook and Mr. Jas. Millet, Toronto were married in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Bloor St. Toronto. Mrs: Herb Taylor," Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Gordie and Mary Lou attended the Millet - Cook Wed- ding. - Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Ferguson of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mrs. Cecil Hill and other friends. Mr. and Mus, Jas. Sandison, 'Ash- burn, were Sunday guests and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ashmore and Kevin, Orangeville, week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.- Kenneth Ashmore. Beth Dunsmore spent the past week at Orangeville. Brian is there for the coming week. Miss Marian Robinson, Scarboro is a guests of the Dunsmores this week. Katharine and Carolyn Murray of Cresswell are holidaying with their grandparents Mr, & Mrs, Roy Taylor. a2 -- UXBRIDGE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 4, 5 Adult Entertainment WHERE THE BOYS ARE GEORGE HAMILTON, DOLORES HART, CONNIE FRANCIS Cartoon and News __ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 11, 12 * DONDI DAVID JANSSEN AND PATTI PAGE -- . Cartoon and News "COMING ™ SOON= SEI WITH SPECTACULAR CAST Our Policy PICTURES SHOWING -- Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Also Saturday Matinee at 2.00 p.m. Doors open at 1.30 for Matinee. 2 Shows Nightly_from.7 to 9 and 9 till-11- pm. -- Doors open at 6.30 p.m. It's simple, lots .. may "win one the wonderful prizes. Hi Kids! Here is the fifth "of my summer safety contests fun too! Start "right NOW to find what's wrong in. the picture and send it to me. You pr picture 7 a). of of init This picture is bosed on Elmer's' fifth rule. "Walk When You Leave 7 crippled animals according to size and condition. For fastest service Phcne Collect. Hampton COlfax 3-2721. MARGWILL FUR FARM 2 RALEIGH BICYCLES -- ONE BOY'S AND ONE GIRL'S 50 SONO-LITES -- COMBINATION HORN x * 1 i 8 ie B | 1 | i 4 - | ™ | =i I The Curb". Each week watch for . i Tyrone, Ontario . a new picture based on another AND! LIGHT, ITS. oF License No. 115 Oct. 18, 1961 of his rules. Atk Mom or Dad to $0 REFLECTIVE TAPE K Ba - | : ' help ' iven away aach week for & weeks ks by RALEIGH ' cit : Pt € Sits ips : : : : INBUSTRICS *(Conade) Lid, ta terest of Child | SEPTIC TA 3 SRG nanan You CAN W WIN ONE! £7 : tleaned by R 11 Skati a CONTEST NO. 5 © Mall before Te wna Aug. 16, 1961 RR id pump EQUIPMENT - | KROMEK SKalng an--_----m . re-- x 4 oR . ' I Te x rte =e i - of inti "Nall Toi SARA STIR 2 By TR HG 10 een : == By ah > Lie i Have your tank checked. now before] pier grating is held in the Port ( nS ond co rs g {op dnp fos z T Se PS Ontario Safety League trouble starts. 24 hour service. | Perry Arena every Tuesday and Fri- and tai tre looks" Wis, be aruined. 1 ikpioyses of thi 208 King St. W age gE OAL Fh vee Be © REG. ARMSTRONG day nights. Adults 76c, Students fhe {hin ee vous. D0 Rho h Cyc. nates. (Caneel V1 heii AREY PMR } Port Perry. Phone 985.2226 | And owned skates B50c,, Public School 5 Mail contest and list fo address may not enter i dress LASSI EREARAR RS AEA SIAN) , an. Jan, 11/62, | Children 35¢. Skating from 7.30 to oT co Rg iters and "Fratfle_uthori- 0 Kooi Oo A Toloph | HR : 10.30 p.m. Programme Skating from | ki ot slemeniary schoo! age ties. The judges' decision Is final. Sey 98 uci Tolophone .0iviinis . - , 9 to 10.80 p.m. . . Re dh a-- i Et } fe ' ! y a -- - eo arin 1 Yomi mt" ug 1 er SEER % Ee 2 3 ¥ STE RT Fala 3 i £540 Fam ah 1 LiF Sa BE pate 3 E Sader ot fr Faels

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