Prices Effective This Week-End WED. - SAT. Prince Albert Ont: Blue Bonnet Yellow Quik Margarine .2 for bie. Donald Duck Orange Juice...... 48 oz. Tin Abc. (Gay Liquid Detergent 12 off... SL 595¢. : Clover Leaf Pink Salmon. ......1hTn6 1 CC York Peanut Buiter LB. J........16 oz. Jar 43c. 41c. Granulated Sugar ..................... 10h. lc. Shredded Wheat LY Pit. 19c. © | Shredded Wheat pr Pit. 20. Granulated Sugar ......c.........n BI = CIGARETTES 2 09 ll Cigarettes All Popular Brand. Carton of 200 || MEAT SPECIAL - Chickens Fresh Oven Ready: Grade "A 9 ${ C. : Joien: Fiesh Been esly Graded . Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Reaves Cottage Rolls .........coooovvninns Lb. he. "Tender Sliced Pork Liver............... Lh. 25c. Maple Leaf Wiouers............1 Lb. . Ply 45c. Twin Pack (8 Wieners - § Buns) hoth (reg 74c) 5 3 C. ~ PRODUCE - Now at its Best - Both Local and : < Imported. LUCKY DRAW - A chance fo win one of these Lucky Prizes: One of 2 Deck Chairs One of 4 Shelf Space Savers One of 6 Beautiful Coffee Carafees Two of the Six Carafees fo be given away each day of our Sale. Lucky Draw Tickels available at Stor} © with each Purchase of $5.00 or more. DON'T CARRY HEAVY FOOD PARCELS | Claremont | advised council and the business men's only 31,000 Ibs. Protest Claremont ¢.P.R. Plan Jack Mansell and Chas. were heard by Pickering township council as they protested the removal of the agent operator at Claremont CPR station, and hig vé- placement by a caretaker. The CPR in 1959 a- and in 1960 AL association that freight mounted to only 36,000 1hs, "We feel that the change to a care- taker is the first step of a downward trend," said Mr. Mansell, "We will _ then they ~Liees- Choice Sliced Pineapple. he 2 0z. Tin 2 1 c. FREE DELIVERY Phone: 985-2492 'Anniversary find that there will he a definate drop will seek permission to close the station entirely.' Mr. Mansell continued by remark- of 3,000 saying that only one trucking firm with a Class "A" license was per- mitted to handle freight. Mr. Cooper added to My Mansell's remarks that the present agent at the ctation was "excellent and co-opera- tive". Tle said he felt quite sure that business had increased from August 1960 to August 1961, A resolution was passed by council that its solicitor be instructed to con- tact the Board of Transport Commis- sioners and request a hearing on the matter. JA£ GOOD DR\NEN back shelf: a sudden stop brings the hard hats flying forward, and occu- pants may he struck or the driver may be startled Into making a false: move. Motorists al- ways should remember that heavy or sharp edged articles should not be left loose on the rear shelf. a severe blow, always stop your ear well back from the tracks. The Ontario Safety League warns that cars halted close to the tracks have been bumped into the path of the train by a following auto- mobile, travelling too fast to stop in time. A word from the Ontario Safety League to slow, drivers . JL you are lacking in consideration and courtesy if you drive well below the speed limit and have a clear road ahead, but have several cars lined up close behind, Further, it is' dangerous be- 'cause the following drivers will be- chances trying to pass you. What would happen If .... 2 Men- tally called "defensive Ontario This is says the xr -- BOOKS FOR BANNERMAN Hdoks and more books are_one of the sources that James Bannerman HE. uses to keep. informed-for-his intro- ductions to the radio program, CBC Wednesday Night.. - Bannerman "has PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE STORE HOURS Daily 8.30 a.m. to 9 pam: Tuesday, 8.30 to 1 pm. , Specials been' performing introductions to thia | Trans-Canada network series for 11 years. An avid reader, he has also been a navy intelligence officer, boxer and. playwright, Cooper of p=» come impatient and are liahle to take ask yourself this guestjon_xe-| peatedly when you are at the wheel. driving" Safety League. It] helps you condition your mental re- ee -------------------- I" ent situations, What would happen IF... . the door of that parked car ahead is flung open?; if the driver ahead slams on his brakes to avoid a dog?; if the car coming down the sideroad doesn't obey the Stop sign?; if there's a stalled car, or a cow, just over the brow of the hill ?; if the brakes on the car tailing you are 'as beat-up as the body work? Safety is largely a state of mind. Drive defens- ively and be prepared for the un- expected, Drivers, check your car lights fre- quently. The Ontario Safety League reminds you that headlights, side- lights and front turn indicators can he checked by the reflective glow from your garage wall; or from the reflection from the back of the car ahead, when you are waiting in line ing that Claremont was the focal for the traffic light to change to I point of the north end of the township green. "servicing an area of some 75 square miles, He estimated that the north -- three concessions have a population TIMELY TIPS You can't afford to graze your al- falfa this September if you want a good stand next year, says Dr. W. E. Tossell of the 0.A.C. Field Husband- ry Dept. Plan to graze fields that will be plowed this fall. Studies at 0.A.C. Dninted in: BOSTON, LOS ANGELES LONBON ; THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR... AN INTERNATIONAL [UNIS 44121413 Many construction workers have . B . NAT &) } yy actually been injured by the safety Inter esting helmets designed to protect them. ~ n » ve This can happen, says the Ontario Accur ate Safety League when construction men C ( PET riding in cars put their helmets on the LOompic le International News Coverage The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., toston 15, Mass: Send your newcpaper for the time Enclosed find my check or [J 1 year 320 [1 3 menths §5 checked. money order, [J 6 months $10 "~When-held-up- at a-level-erossing fie toe = Name TT Address H N City Zone i B oo ST (VRP PS flexes to anticipate dangerous aceid- | HE PORT PERRY STAR. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1961-5" show that an alfalfa stand grazed dur- | ing September yielded 1 ton per acre less the next year, Also, 409% of the plants didn't survive the winter. Start to graze again in October, sug- gests Tossell. One caution: you ghould leave a stubble of 4 to 6 inches to pro- tect the plants over winter, TIMELY TIPS Here's a recipe for whitewash that won't flake, Mix up one bag of hyd- rated lime and 7 gallons of water se- veral days before you're ready to work suggests Hal Wright, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture extension engineer, Next disolve 6 pounds of salt in 8 gallons of boiling water, Mix 'the two solutions together when theyre both '| cold. Then stir 3 pounds of Portland cement into the final mixture. Clean the surface with a stiff brush and water. Have it damp when you brush or spray on the whitewash, ri ---------- 'KINDERGARTEN - in order to register. 5th after 8:30 a.m. NOTE : According to S. R. BRUTON, Chairman of the Board PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL ANNOUNCE SCHOOL OPENING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th "+ All pupils will assemble at 9 a.m. in the classrooms they used in June. PRIMARY pupils will assemble acc- ording to arrangements made last June. Group one at 9 a.m. Group two at 1:30 p.m. BEGINNERS who have moved to Port Perry since June 29, 1961 must be five years of age before Jan. 1st 1962 Registrations accepteds in the Principals office Sept. the Regulations school will be held in the morning and in the afternoon of September bth. Department of Education 'R. H. CORNISH, Principal HORSE RACES MIDWAY A. R. JOHNS, President " : ro J BINGO and DANCING Saturday Night, September Ind In the Community Memorial Gardens PORT PERRY FAIR Labour Day, Monday, September 4th LADIES WORK RK, LAMB, Secretary DE PAR 4 oi NT ST ORE _ Children's ___ SCHOOL SHOES Savage -- Patent Strap $5.50 Brown Strap $5.50 Oxfords -- $4.95 -- $5.50 Growing Girls Shoes -- Straps, Oxfords, Pumps $6.95 -- $7.95 Youths Oxfords Boys Oxfords Mens Oxfords Shoes and Clothing, Ladies - Girls COATS by Irving Poslum Girls Ladies and other price lines Boys -- "Mens -- $2.75 $4.95--$5.95 Kio 95 -- $7.50 $7.95 -- $8.95 No Sales Tax on Childrens $17.95 $19.95 -- $25.00 a Childrens Canvas Oxfords $1.25 Running Shoes--Canadian Made $1 00 Mens Socks «-- McGregor ~ Wallpap Regular -- 49¢. roll and up aper -- 1962 Lines All in Stock Pre-Pasted -- 69c. roll and up Savage Shoes, correct for io nildren, are your wisest back-to-school "purchase. We carry a wide selection of . styles for girls . and boys of all ages and specialize in - proper fitting. Visit us soon, PHONE: 385-2521 PORT PERRY v te ee por ie at ben 44 - Derren ri POT me A Sn Pie eh 5 Ey I re