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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Aug 1961, p. 8

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Nis A wee e § . 8 "THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1961 Li hinin Kills Ashburn Mrs, Carl Sellers of Agincourt were frozen or liquid ready-diets 50 popular | 0f M Thi long time behind the iron eurtain.| Each day that the sun rises should g | 1 the god parents. Following the fwith calorie counters. Liquid: ready- any ngs- They enjoy and appreciate the free- | find us filled with gratitude to be alive } ' Christening a few well chosen woras | diet is drunk from a glass and its . dom and abundance they find here in| and breathing, with friends and fam- . M . Beware Misses Diane and argaret Fisher | by Rev. Chapin, a tasty lunch was| frozen counter part is eaten with al by Ambrose Hills Canada -- enjoy it more than we ily close by, and work to do. We - have returned home on Sunday after | served to guests from Unionville, Ag-| spoon. Both contain vitamins, min. | ON THE EDGE OF DISASTER |ntatives do, who take so much of it| should live as if this were the last day Lightning is a killer. When a rain- spending six weeks at a cottage on|incourt, Meaford, Walkerton, Cedar|erals and high quality protein han | for granted. granted us. What a difference it storm burst over a rifle range reently, Lake Simcoe. near Stroud. Brae, Greenbank and Brown Hill. will help increase youthful vitality. Poets and. other sensitive people] Life is a hazardous business and would make! four soldiers were killed and 16 others Philip Doble, of Toronto, spent the Frederick Russell Jones is the grand- ee | tell us that if we wish to live fully | nothing should be taken for granted. > - injured from a lightning bolt that] week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Till of ' | we should always be aware that life : \ , ricocheted off a large tree as the men} Douglas Ashton. . Greenbank and Mr. and Mrs. Fred : i : ii Ri started to take cover. A few days later So and' Mrs. Stewart Hivent of Jones of Brown Hill. Dninted in: | is lived on the edge »>f disaster. i A : i a N eight persons were Killed when pe Wd AT i ® BOSTON, LOS ANGELES Disaster struck our normal placid K E R B R 0 S fics aR ¢ ning struck a small building on a N. home of Mrs. W. Hopkins. TTT - = LONDON lives last. week when our pony, Mite . . A Ww ° \ . Carolina tobacco form. ' ! ' (short for Dynamite), took sick with 3 ToL, Ni Paul L. Gasbarino, Canadian Regi- Mrs, Nelson Ashton, and Miss Vera A Good Idea - ) the colic. We were all fond of Mite; 3 : . 9 onal Manager of the Allstate Insur- Leach accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Wes" . | and my- daughter, Kathy, who owns : a . LH ance Company said, "From the begin- | Routley of Brooklin to Haliburton on ro interested i wi OF him, was crazy over him -- but she 5 # and A. i ning of time, lightning has terrified [ Thursday. ik Pushin ores a . TEEN didnt quite realize it until Mite was Fresh Beef Liver Se MSS 39 i ay 3 its wnsattily sid Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Walter Downing of | we note an item in the Lindsay Watch- S( TENCE nearly lost. rs u uy; : 9° Ib orce. Since you drew your last breath, |, ora" fbr wi Aor vertrding 'ticul- \ Yl - MGT 2 i Nettning ry struck the earth a hun- Toronto were Sunday vvisitors with | man Warde: regarding. the Horie : ! = ' To-day, Mite is well .again, and Prime Rib Roast I A IE - SA. dred times." Mr. and Mes. Prod Daw, Jui) Seclery vidio ato afing-der 8) MONITOR doubly loved and enjoyed. Having ¢m fo WN More deaths, in an average year, are Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stephen, Brook- day Lo Devan Signe eng hai AN INTERNATIONAL nursed him. to survival through one Rump Roasts Beef EEE PE EE EI 15 JN . caused by lightning than by tornadoes | lin, visited at the home of Mrs, W. A. R : . DAILY NEWSPAPER dangerous night, he'll always mean i "or hurricanes. Several hundred people Kerr last week. Any brouk in the wid: of 2 tree ip to Ww And io the goo Atighbut : ( vo ki eds e injure " ermits the entry of insects an who stayed up most of the night wi NH are killed and hundreds more injured Mrs. Russell Taylor spent last week permits | i ; iE annually as a result of lightning in| ¢ the home of her son, Douglas, in disease and will ultimately shorten Interesting us to keep him on his feet. FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING A the United States. Guelph. ¢ the life of the tree. Brerytuios that : When trouble comes, we find things UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK a Unfortunately, Gasbarino pointed can be done to protect our trees an : Accurate out about life and its worth. There : ; , E Y 3 out, many superstitions and false facts © Ingress the public Ysiangss 7 ought to be some magic attitude that YUkon 5-2221 "The Family Butcher" PORT PERR yi about lightning have been passed - - thei: va. Be £0 our community ighon Complete .| would keep us aware of such values = 3 Ne along through generations. In some Christening . h the whole year through, in good times 4 areas, for example, it is commonly Let's do all we can to retain the International News Coverage or bad, so that we would react more \ believed that lightning rods should not \ sleasant appearance of our fine no -- -------- -- -- St Sn (a . ' A ; -- oy vid ete Une Sights The home of Mr. and Mrs, Morgan DE iL pp Te CRI Sens taniiot deeply to friends and neighbors, fam Mh ") used beets 3 Jones of Brown Hill, prettily decorat- ; y. One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. ily and surroundings. of ing. i : | \ / Toe Allstate Safety Crusade - wih bouquets of sweet Peas an ----@ -- Send your newspaper for the time | Perhaps life lived at such a pitch : nationally recognized program of the prisies made a lo%e) setting for the Joa herbed, SoclAv) $in0 py check o would be a strain on the nervous : : : : CA toss Christening of their son Frederick your children are growing so rap- . t I doubt it. I think die : ty - N iy sur No : s, eau 3 hs $5 system. ou " MINK we die a " Allstate In ar gril | Russell, with the Kev. R. T, Chapin of | idly that they never seem to lose that Ey: monnn=510 Eg menis little during the placid lulls in our on top Quali - ctrikes the highest objet. the Unionville officiating, on the after- "skinny" look, you can supplemtnt Sir --_-- lives. We are keener, finer, richer | : [| ¢ immediate vicininity; that's why you |" of July 30th, 1961. Mr. and. their diet with Borden's tasty new, when we face trouble and see some- Ue : { should not be in the middle of a : es | "Address thing valued on the point of departing. ! : 1 fliWay on & wilt FERS, oF wher AL) emsemcemm Cit = : Te | This weekend I watched a group of i a i tall tree during a thunderstorm. A Y Rowe mErS a Canady Soteting oh 4 5 building sitting among taller buildings Ct aan nae -- - sliceh ) 7 a mms pROVINCIAL TAX RECORDING co Ca |edit e Suki Buy now on speclal 'blue coat i duct lightning, is omparatively'imm- . - i Cesstind save! % i) une from being hit by lightning. On SIMPLIFIED - = : = - 3 i the other hand, a building with a high a TT rrr rl rpyooontryaanarrnest ioarattatanrssioanl : a spire or w building sitting on top of a $ i . : 1. Save money! You get big special dle- ; 0 hill is a prime target." a 2 ) . WITH E T T L . i bug TO THE STAFF HOLIDAYS THERE WILL BE i : eount by ordering 'now! ai el "Lightning rods are inexpensive PARA E TO A 3 0 DELIVERY FROM AUGUST 26 TO SEPT. 5th. - : 2. Save worry No big winter bills, Buy SU and effective protection, provided they - : THE STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN. EI now --pay later on easy installments! : . A are installed by experts and are prop- SMITH CORONA CASH REGISTER : . : 3 ; : ! : "a Save time! No last minute rush=you erly maintained. On the other hand, - \ $ Th Ww k-E d S 1 . ; lightning rods which do not go to : 1S i ee : n pecCla S Sass next winter's coal safe in your proper np cokuiios Be Ay The Smith-Corona Cash Register is a low-cost, high quality : "Chocolate Date Layer Cake" - Call us today! are useless, but could ye * Vy . . . , 5 H . [1] " - noreasing the height of the building machine ideally suited for recording and totalling Fo Coffee Rolls" i n Provincial Tax and amount of sale in one operation © Bh {| REESOR FUEL & LUMBER _ lightning." at the same time printing the commodity code i GERROW S BAKERY : "Tall buildings with steel frames number. Two totals are provided--one for : : ' : PORT PERRY 34 Phone 985-7951 comin re hit SPT . the Provincial Tax and one for the' : Phone; 985-2172 : - G. M, GERROW §| Ee ---ges.- A steel frame. extending mito. tac -- 3 . [TMNT ¢ojor:hlind about coal -- buy 'blue coal' ground acts as a lightning rod and Bacio Caginsitisseoy must : Hh ~ - usually conducts the lightning safely . epressed to record trans- into the ground without harm to the action on tape (enforced a ---------- building or its occupants. Remember, ' designation) locked _0- i you are not just buying conductors out total. Nit but safety of your own life and : > Lawre nce' S for Finest Cr 00 UF ies ? property," Gasbarino, said. | RAYE Fo i Allstate points out that properties SMITH-CORONA MODEL 10MEX CASH REGISTER B : in rural areas are particularly vulner- : SPECIFICATIONS BE 4 . _ ol of : g y able to lightning because they so often SIZE 15" " 1 L | oe Math | 1 A C : ] Rr imate eee 8. 10) ; /, wid 1 Ak : are the highest object in the immed- C SE by hy deep. : + Fi auren an i ER ema 1Ca rayo a : eeves : jate vicinity. Approximately 379 of igh impact plastic c case. il C 1 ir : : C W C 1 : , all farm fires, for example, are from Steel cash drawer. © Penci rayons ns uments rayons R ater. 0 ors. a HR) lightning. In areas where electrical KEYBOARD: S 3! : : ELE : ; : Split totale 65 storms are intense, people moving : oh Cc. - Cc. 5 C. Cc. -- C. co or 0X into ranch-type, bilevel and colonial Left side -- $99.99 total (Provincial Tax) ; . We | y houses may fail to. realize the in- Right: side -- $999. 99 (Amount of sale) R and Sl. 98 $1 50 ~--and 45¢ ri 85¢ 2 creased danger from lightning and the PROTECTION: Separate locks for cash drawer and cover | : Hi . . : greater need for safeguarding them- . over tape. Enforced designation. : --4| 1 1% To : : selves and their property against this : | - C ifi d I J = : enn PRICE: $279.50 Eo erlifie arler's Black Leather Vanguard E "If the" new home is the highest ob={} Penmaes enci S Mg... | oe W LJ : ject in the immediate vicinity, it is Pp Pe K3 Co Li TH B. Pe ils India Ink S hool Bags . --Clip B ard MER advisable to check with local light- ort erry far v. d : rd x C ) 0 § ning rod experts. 1 h- b f 29 35 $2. 98 15 . The Allstate Safety Crusade rec- } PHONE: 985-2331 C. eac or. c. C. . C. ,s ommends the following precautions to : - he taken during thunderstorms: : . : ' 5 7 . 1. Stay indoors and avoid being| ~~ ~~ ~*~ dw Sh } ff ) ras SEE ane a RT : ' Sh ff ; ray : ig near screens, windows or metal ex- . : ea er To Values In . ea er terior doors.- Avoid touching electric . B Il P P p 1 C : id P 2 telephones or plumbing. ' } | 9 d oint ens - 5 ; : ariri ge : "ens - pores or nee wana) START THE COUNTDOWN (F 2IPPER BINDERS Eley trees, wire fences, hilltops, large open +e «+ $1 00 - $1. 95 ! 185 $2. 95 1 nares SI NOW THAT WILL LAUNCH - | : shelter in a cave, a grove of trees, a , d $2. 95 ith 2 C iri d | ravine, or at the foot of a cliff. : YOU OUT INTO A an ~ Finest Quality RE wi ariridges 3. Automobiles with metal tops provide good personal protection; keep \ : Lc I f Bir id Hi Ir ; ER FER WONDERFUL CAREER! ooseLoaf Binders| $2.08 - $3.90 - $4.98 Milroy icle, don't lean out of the 'window or . : y S 3. Ring Siz >E i allow timbs to project. ~~ 18 Your inquiries are cordially invited. FREE Literature. © ® 9 - 41. 95 - $10 50 xercise ooks tall tree or other object which may be .Get the Facts -- then Act -at once -- Register for the . T5¢. ~ 98c. » . ; k of 5 - Bc. the highest point in the imodiate - F A LL T E RM : ; fo . - P g. area. at the REE Ray 2 : ; 5. Stay away from beaches » on ade ; ; A out of the water during a thunder- OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE C ~ Madison : ; ge : PIR oh ot 0s Yoen ampus som | Coil Back © Special Gasbarino concludes, "Don't under- | ff" Th d S 5 h 1961 L I y R fills T iti : estimate the enormous energy and . : ues ay, ept. i ! | ! 00se ea e Ypewr ng Is potential destructive force of light.|( Eight Day School Courses -- Individual Instruction 2c. - 59 Table Lxerc ¢ ook: Exercise Books : ii pe We Daley to deliver prac Modern Equipment -- Placement Service for Graduates : Cc. ; al els : % -- Ys 'aniancousy. Specializing Business training is the most direct route d Be. 25 2 - 45 15¢. " he : A for 3 ' © oi | Gna to a wellpaying. sition, ay ; an 3 C. ~ C. fhbdubaic, BYU oT ik Hy. i i 10 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA. toh 725-3375 r x . Hedrically.... |} om om em -- -- ry en ounfain Pen Pencil Cases Brawisg Pencils bal WR WE Send' Free Literature without obligation: to: rE 08 SONGS I 19 : All d SZ 16e 2A ; ooniet Rees with an. ELECTRIC Lili Cc. (comp ete) Toc. | Allgrades lic. | $c. | WATER ' Name ...... SITTIN TIIL HR SP IT y : ; Fas | : bes HEATER BAAR 1... eeirsiveniiimirisiiasaisaimsiasiis ios mrasslssedensibosiomsy . ] SHOP EARLY AND SHOP IN COMFORT ; REE | A. M. LAWRENCE Phone ...... weed arr BER Gabi ~ DIAL 986 - 2231 PORT PERRY La 4 tt PPO) " \ 4 He 3 i - "

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