¢ THE PORT PERRY, STAR THURS., SEPTEMBER 7th, 1961 eve tuinbadit lita vu nisiduado dake £ wd, s Rh FI SNIP 35 Bp BA EN BN Ebi sl Be Nae Bi an A 4 = ES 1. 5 r 1] Vad Y et 1 ' at wei tity ' 1 1 5 153 Efe . 1 ¥ a LY FNAL I Spa a ar be bai bedi sh dd IRA TN RA Ca ry aT NS AR At BUSINESS DIRECTORY REAL ESTATE TRY CLASSIFIED Phone YUken 5-2331 CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY MUST BE IN BY © am. WEDNESDAY FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS Y ! h-- Auction Sale. of x . OUR CRISPY FOR SALE--Massey Harrls Clip- S SAT., SEPT. 30t ue Mr. Grant Campbell, Nestieton, Mrs. John Wotten and Elaine Ar. MARGARET BALLARD - per Combine with attachments. Lloyd Brock Motor ales 80 Hereford Cattle, Registered 'and Grade 7 . cher spent 'the week-end with Mr, and - Realtor Italian P Collins, 986-2778. Sept. 7 | High Grade, the property of Herb.| Mr. Neil Bailey, Blackstock, Mrs. W. Johnston and family, a Sunderland, Ont. Phone 49 or 124 1960 Envoy sedan--$1895.00 | Payne, Lot 9, Concession 4, Ennismore Grade 8 any. 1. Jan. §, '63 APEX IN SERVICE or take out @ FOR BALE -- Holstein Heifdrs, freshening first of September, vac- cinated, Ivan Mountjoy, Phone Blackstock 87-r-4. Sept. 7. 1967 Olds. 88 automatic--$1295.00 1966 Pontiac sedan--$606.00 1964 Pontiac sedan, very clean $660. 18568 Chev. sedan--$296.00 'High Grade Cattle. Twp., 1 mile North of Causeway, 9 miles North of 'Peterborough, This is 'an Outstanding Herd of Reg. and They are breedy and in real good condition, Do not miss this' important sale. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 pm. © , Mrs. 'Ivan Thompson, Blackstock, part time teacher of Grade 8 and Grade 2. Mrs. Richard Van Camp, Black- stock and Mrs, Lawrence Malcolm, Nestleton, Supply Teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton spent four days in Windsor last week when Bruce 'attended the municipal Asso- ciation Convention, Sunday guests with the Ashton's wére Mr. and Mrs: Orville Ashton, Lois and Charles of Television & Radio Repaire a Now at i , FOR SALE Port Perr Mod - Enniskillen, as y, MOCeIn [1954 Buick > Port Perry --Phone--985-2282 TRIPP'S SNACK BAR | three bed-room bungalow, convenien- Wighise TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. sey ety Joann mn) J Mrs. Joseph Peel, Port Perty; Mr. } ' -| 19566 Chev. 3% ick-u . ] tf. 986-2452 ces, garage, large lot, excellent coudi ev. Y-fon pic Wisk weeks and Joni Spon thls Wek Rupt. 'Byers and Mrs. Edna 'Gibson, Jeslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 81/61 tion, Near churches, school, shopping. $11,600. 1st mortgage arranged. Also two buildings, 18 x 22 and 7 x 9. Telephone. 986-2446. Blackstock Twenty-three ladies 'attended the end in Belleville, Mr..and Mrs. Royal Whitfield and Miss Evelyn, St. Catherines, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowmanville and Miss Edna Vance, Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers. On Thursday evening, Aug. 31st, FOR GILLAOR & I Mehl ADEN "| August meeting of the United Church Cowting and Roy the neighbours of Mrs. Albeit Gordon ) Johnson 7% H.P. outboard W.A. in the C. E. rooin Tuesday even- ® (nee Shirley Dean) honored her with Real Estate FORT PERRY - ONTARIO HOUSE FOR A - Oehhwe, Elgin 16 K.P. outboard ing. The president opened by read-| Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham visit- | 4 shower at the home of Mrs, R. Ford. PHONE Telephone 985-2841 Apply Wm. Evans, Port Perry, one gin £, outboa ing -- The Christian as a Citizen -- ed her Aunt Mrs, M.- Campbell in The bride received many levely gifts Don S. Smith VICKERY REAL ESTATE 728-6228 )shawa 1.5 Sept. 21, 1961 INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? 985-2421 PORT PERRY _ DEAD or CRIPPLED HORSES © CATTLE, HOGS - } Removed promptly for disposal Phone Long Distance Office: Corner John & North Sta, 1. Dee. Fa/01 ~ Piano Tuning V. P. STOUFFER Plano technician and tuner PORT PERRY, ONT. Phone 985-2834 MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT tailored from the best material at the lowest prices possible, see UXBRIDGE CLEANERS and DYERS UL 2-3471, Usbridge SH. Jp ass, R SALE -- Easy Washing Ma- chine 00. 9856-7782. = FOR SALE -- Crib and mattress, high chair, stroller, bath table and gate; also boys sports jacket, size 6X. -Phone 985-7950. FOR SALE--G50 aeres of good mixed hay, Lot 14, Con. 2, Reach Twp. 986-7464. Reduced prices on boats, motors and trailers GMAC terms to suit your budget Electric Pop cooler--$60.00 BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 78, Sunderland, Ont. Auction Sales Boston Rockers, Power Lawn Mower, Tables, Chairs, Beds, Toilet Sets and Antique Dishes, Full Line of Furni- '| ture with many Antiques selling 'at the property of the estate of the late Mrs, Allie Attwood, Con. 6, East % Lot 28 at Uxbridge (South on Main "Thompson who gave & very fine Citi- which was followed by the Theme Song and W.A, prayer. " Mrs. Hector Shortridge read a splendid devotional paper on Wisdom which had been prepared by Mrs. F. Trewin and offered prayer. The hymn "Come Let us Sing" was then sung. Amongst a good deal of business, it was decided that the proceeds from the Talent Teas of October 24th ahd arrange the 'dinner. Roll eall was "How 1 spent my holidays". Mrs. Mervyn Graham, group leader then presided and ealled on Mrs. Ivan zenship paper entitled "Celebrating Canada's Centenary in 1967". 'Mrs. Reynolds, ford, Port Perry, were Sunday visitors Lindsay hospital Wednesday evening. Mr. Melville Griffin left Saturday for a trip to Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow left on Thursday, by plane for a trip to Eng- land, Scotland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, hay, Switzerland $d France, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright spent Sunday to Wednesday in Oakville and Niagara. boro Sunday for a visit with her sister; Mrs. Franks and niece Mr .and Mr. 'and Mrs, Jack De 'La Matter, Stouffville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craw- ford and Mary Lou; Miss Helen Craw- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butt, Lawrence 'hibit at Port Perry Fair, and a happy time was spent by Play- ing games and a bounteous lunch was served by the hostess: 'assisted by Mrs. John Rahm. a Manchester Congratulations to Manchester W. A. on winning first prize on their ex- .The com- Whatever your insurance neqds Oe, 19-4), FOR SALE--One 1000 x 20 Fleet:| December 8th go towards the debt on[ Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, Orono, spent mittee in. charge: of this project de- may be consult master Tire and Tube, like new. One| SAT, SEPT. Sth--Auction Sale of | C. E. building. The invitation to the oR cad wha Mr.and CAE Mian en en ~ Ad} Household Furniture, Antiques includ- | cater to a wedding on Sept. 80th was 8 k EMMERSON INSURANCE 900 x 20 tire in good condition. Phone ! : Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy went to Peter- | K¢€™ For a perfect 986-2650. ing. Organ, McClary Cook Stove, 8! accepted and committee mppointed to 0 jo y went to Peter Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Dalworth and son, Port Credit, were recent guests of his aunt, Mrs. A. Parker and son Bill. Mr. Peter Zoot returned home from Oshawa hospital after eight weeks there. He: is stlil in a cast-and con- RN ZEnith 32800 . / FoR SAE =ry oe 80-168 St, 1st house past park). Terms| Afier the closing of the meeting ro W, gens Crawford and Mr. and foe to bed but is progresying Yavor-- at our expense S hb h coal & electric stove. Phone 985-7696. Cagh, No Reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. ted an utes : 1€ ard S Mis. Blocry. VRICEID. edijie Many from this area have attended 'ED PECONI"& SON LTD. FOUNDATIONS & SEPTIC TANKS . DUG end BACKFILLED IVAN MOUNTIJOY . Blackstock, Phone 87-r-4 1.56 T.F.. AR a ae aS COMPRESSOR WORK work 'and care of ehild. Full or part time. - Sleep in or out: 985-9246. "Sept. 7 WORK - WANTED--Girl, sixteen, wants work- as: Mother's helper. Good with 'children. Phone 985-2898. Mrs. LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer 6, Con. 6, Scott Twp., 1 mile West and ments, Furniture, Woodworking Ma- "Ford. Tractor, the property of How-~ bee Twp., 10 miles East of Peterbor- ough on No. 7 Hwy. and 2% miles 'ed 'some wery interesting pictures of Auction Sale of Farm. Stock, Imple-{ chinery, Horses, Hay and Straw, 1961 ard Robinson, Lot 19, Con. 2, Otono-{ interesting contest. Lunch was mer- cream, Mr. Gordon Paisley, Dunnville, "Principal 3 Mr. Ray Ashton, Haydon Mr. Douglas: Davidson, Nestleton Miss E. Casson. Fonthill (] and 'Linda have 'returned from two the C.N.E. "School commented Tuesday with the: rib mre egbran f le | following 'teachers--=In High School: . 'ARGYLE Licence No. 69 C 61. AUTO EODY SHOP FOR SALE--12 ft. Combine, self | Sept. 7 ; ved by the group. weeks camping : holiday in Berace Mrs. Way, Toronto has been the LE pF, | (Formerly Beare Motors Body Shop) | propelled, No. 27 Massey Harris, : The Town and Country Club met in| park. guest 'of Mrs. Dolly Roberts. oo SPECIALISTS IN PAINT | Good condition. N. Dudar, R.R. 2,| WED, SEPT. 18th -- Farm Sold, the building Wednesday even- z rn gona JOBS Port Perry, phone 985-2782. Auction Sale of Holsteln Cattle, dl ing with 3%people present. ee > i Free estimates on all work ] Horses, Implements, Hay and Grain, Meeting b with Name the Car- el Co some Furniture, the property of Leop, ton Contest with Eileen. McLaughlin - a R 0 0 F I N G 985-2161 Port Perry FOR SALE--German Shepherd Pup- | Green, Lot 17, Con. 8, Darlington, 1 in charge, % $ 27 > 1.6 Aug. 8/61 | pies. Phone 985-2776. mile West. and 1% miles North of | p.ot presidents Gwenith and Ivan / OF ALL KINDS : Bowmanville. Terms Cash. Sale at wo ried Ciel vati bee / Completely Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding ; 1.00 p.m. as 'Shirle / o-" y- and "Roy Turner 'are on Estimates given on all kinds POE BALE, Ball, Wapat- Sresr TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | pojjgqrt I soveitisle. of work, Ted 'Veenhof RELIEVE TE ___Plans were. made for catering to the WE ol E ARL WALLACE | SS inet Ta -- TUES, -8EPT; 14th -- Farin Sold; Presbytery Oct. 4th, . | +503 Port Daven el - FOR SALE--Girl's Beige Wool and | Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Im-] It was decided to save :Consds: |= Hao Port Perry Ont. 'WELL DIGGING Cashmere Winter Coat, wool pile lin- | plements, Holstein Cattle, McCormick} Packers labels for a coffee. ura for| | 0s ing. Like new, size 10. Phone Carol | B.260 Diesel Tractor, Ford Truck (1§ the" church, Po | Gy TSS FF | CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING Carnegie, 985-2518, ton), the property of Misa Vanek, Lot] Kathleen and Dalton Dorrell show- \ hi) Mountio : Phone Oshawa 728-3864 8 miles North of Uxbridge. Termsftheir trip to England, Ireland and A ) Y : 1.26 Nov. ? FOR SALE--'47 Chev. with radio. Cash, No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. § Scotland in the spring. 4 i B k = $66.00 cash. Phone. 885-7896. Gerald Grahém, Clerk. Rev. Romeril led in Devotions | "HES \ S25 0 ac hoe Service : re REG. JOHNSON; Auctioneer | Kathleen and Dalton Dorrell, Eileeh Ak. ; ~ | and Harold: McLaughlin served a de- 5 TRENCHES - DRAINS TRENCHING & FrAvATING HELP WANTED: Woman for house SAT, SEPT. 16th -- Farm Sold, licious lunch of coffee, cake and ice} SAVE 8 WAYS Fenton. South or 8 Concessions East of Thirn- : This compact, dependial quiet: GORESKI ROOFING enon beck's Store and 2% miles South, Mr, Neil Bailey, Blackstock, taking Ahr rn 3 em hiss be con Poa Asphalt Roofing and Siding " = ESTIMATES (Roads will be signed), Terms Cash, shop work Leried Tom shallow io deep well vis Low i Insulation, Flatroof, Lathing, Water lines -- Septic beds, ce. | WANTED--Ohild's Jorge sae crib. | No Reserve, * Sale at 1, 30 pm, Wm.| Mrs, Dalton Dorrell, Home Econom- v ; first cool : ~Eavestroughiig, Metal Work, - KEN MIDDLETON * |985-2686, Weldon and Ward Holmes, Clerks, | Cdesand gids PF ne moving part. "LOW Phone Port Perry 985-2751 RANE 55 TSL Bint Fhesy CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer;f Public School-- ~~ . Models ore. avo obi: sizes and Wl ineeliotion cont .76 Nov. 9/61 2. Aug. 31/61 Miss Linda Clements, Greenbank; capachies fo be water needs - : ; WANTED---Ride to. Oshawa (OCVI) THURS, SEPT. ) * Grade 1 of the "Samed, frome, all com- "LOW weekdays, arriving in Oshawa 10,30 28th--Farm Sold} py ohn Venning, Blackstock, Blstely assembled, ready 'to Install Sroraling i : am. leaving Oshawa 645 pm. Ride | Auction Sale of-45 Shorthorn Cattle,| 4 Principal and Grade 2 + - asa Sratres eign 3 5 a : 5 3H co " as - Fy » - Dead F arm Stock Doug Coppins {from Réglan or points between Rag- 2 Hommes Sew Tractor, Full line 0 Mountjoy, Burketon, tions. Come in and lef us give you fhe ¥ apa lan and Port Perry would be consider- | ©* Amp! 'Hoy and Grain, the _ Grade 8 : story. : PICKED UP PROMPTLY od, >: | propetty of Geo.'W. Adams, Lot 2,1 0 poo myer Blackstock 7 Highest . prices paid for dead-aad| . FOF. Road Gravel, Concrete - Con. 10, Fenelon. Twp,, on Highway pth a. ' crippled animals according to size [= Gravel, Stone, Sand, Fill. 86, 6 miles North-East of Lindsay, Miss 'Janet' Higginson, Toronto PICKARD S "HARDWARE. and condition. * For fastest services'. And Top Soil. FOUND -- In Port Penty, pullover | Rermas. Cash. Bla 00.07% Wa, art Gr. 4 and Graded PORT PERRY Phone Collect.. - Call Collect, Claremont 216 w 1. | sweater. Owner may have same by | Weldon," Clerk, p 985 - 7968 Mrs, Harold Henry, Blackstock, | Hampton Colfax 8.2721. MARGWILL FUR FARM . - 'Tyrone, .Qntario : ' Sp \ ; - - : License No. 116 Oct, 18, 1961 a C ed Listing ; dnd" tings for good saleable houses . ag - ed Notice fo 4 itors Bungalow Types Preferred 50 HO L ST E I | S 50 SEPTIC T ANES IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Price range $9,000 - $12,000 3 ; J 5 : Ss : OF MADELINE LANCIE H. KEITH LIMITED 0 . Fi 0 ; SE SNOWDEN, DECEASED W. J. Cariegle J. R. Helm. Yler, arm! omplete Dispersal ; PUMP EQUIPMENT: :- Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service. REG, ARMSTRONG Port Perry. Phone 985-2226 1. 26--November 2, 1961 All persons having claims against the Estate of Madeline Lancie Snow- don, late of the Village of Port Perry, in .the. County of Ontario, Married Woman, who died 611 6r about the 25th {day of May, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned . WANTED = Tel. Port Perry 985-2881 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED 1 nend, a representative for my fitm in'this aréa, The opening in this area nay be worth up to $8,000 yearly for phoning 986-7998 and paying for ed. TED JACKSON, ue nen Grade © 1960 - 61 sor av 19 Cows now in 25 A onelied A AA én ED, of BCA. averaging 50 Ibs, of them, a ton a month or more. aohing snd Ihave' been Joveloped here, inated per day with five Many out- ~ HIPPODROME "SEPT. 7, 8,9 Jan, 11/62, "|.on or before the 10th day of October, the right man, Cen: you make shart : : : ; 4 Tee ~ ---- 196i, full particulars of their claims, | auto trips? Full or-part tinie work. OYLERF LLES (Va). 'GERHARD REIDMANN, © WILLIE i AW ¥ BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. | Immediately after the said date the | Can you eall.en Rural, Town & Oty GERHARD REID N Ip BIRGEL i Barrister, Solicitor & assets of the said deceased will. be, dwellers? Ars: you prepared to start Color Cartoon and News Notary Public "Apartment #5, Lakeview Apartment Bldg., Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 985-7168 Saturday: sim.--9 to 12 Evenings by appointment, istributed among the parties entitled. thereto, having regard only to claims of 'which they shall then have notice. DATED at -Port Perry, Ontario, this 6th day of September, 1961. ationes?. Witte Sales Menager, Box 617, London, Canada. ~~. Set 16 | APARTMENT FOR RENT--Self- contained Mving room, one bedroom, Date- - Tues, rn. under: cover-at Farm av, oh ll Bl OF Fo Our Policy TE TT Te is at PICTURES BHOWING -- Thursday, Friday & Saturday tie 1.25 Oct. 19, 1061 GREER AND KELLY, |bathroom, kitchen and utility room. ) hi * Barristers, 4c, | Phone 985-2478. TF +7 Als Raturdiy Mstine 4 2080 pan. ept. 21st Box 181, : : 2 Shows 'Nightly from 7 to 9 For " y and 9 #11 p.m, Continuouy anges 7 vt ad Port Perry, Ontario, FOR RENT:Small heated apartment : Mg 'Poors, open' at: 8.80 pm ja AGH : : Port Perry Star. Solicitora.for the above estate. |peivade eutwarics. Air conditioned. {ifm he SEL John Ballard, Phone 985-7045. TTF = Stan lin.