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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Oct 1961, p. 6

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EAE falda di 6 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER bth, 1061 BUSINESS DIRECTORY GILLSON & Mc¢PHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2311 Phone YUkea 65-2331 CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY MUST BE IN BY 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY REAL ESTATE FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS CLASSIFIED LOCAL MAN REQUIRED | FOR SALE--Holstein Ist calf heif- garet Johnson in the village of Sand-; Reserve. Sale at 12.00 p.m. Sharp. Municipal Nr a Teh I wa he A Tw - Dor rl et EAI TH MARGARET BALLARD Office: Corner John & North Sts. | ers. Due to freshen. TT. Molloy, | To be our: Representative in this ford (Con. 4, Scott) 1st house south| Hope W.A. will provide lunch. Rex Realtor I. Dec. 28/61 © LR. 3 Port Perry. Oct. 5 | County. Pleasant, dignified work with . of general store. Terms Cash." Sale! Smith Clerk. [| Sunderland, Ont. Phone 49 or 124 ' : -- eee | top carnings, Full or Part time, re- Office Hours at 1.30 p.m. REG JOHNSON, 1. Jan. b, '62. at sales year after year, no lay offs LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer WALTER ATKINSON, Auctioneers i . SALE. Building Car- peat sales year after year, ae ! ' f 4 N San Yop SA1Y-Puildiog Jub on 03 no slack seasons, age no barrier, car MON. to THURS. --9 am. - 5 p.m. Oct. 12 Uxbridge FRIDAY--9 a.m. to 6 p.m. SATURDAY--CLOSED Brock Motor Sales THURS., OCT. 19th--Auction Sale of Purebred Scotch Shorthorn Cattle, Farm Machinery, Hay & Furniture, Case Model S. Tractor, Case Cultiva- Apply Box Oct. 6 negie Ave., 66 x 1560 ft. ee Territories are filling fast, 54; Port Perry Star. needed, Territories arc g rush your name and address for full information. No obligation. Devel- opment Director, Box 817, London, Piano Tuning /. P. STOUFFER . \ i APEX SERVICE Piano technician and tuner } o ) PORT PERRY, ONT. FOR SALE--Baffin cloth ski suit, WED., OCT. 18th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, 80 Hol- stein Cattle, High Grade and. Pure- Jt (ta rs = So a P Ah i i ; p ess p ) kshutt Manure Spreader, the fd) o . . ' 5. all quilted, size 12; also velvet dress | canada. Oct. 20 bred, Implements, Furniture, M. H.,| tor, Cocks e Sp A 3 felevision & Radio Ropaire . Phone 985-2334 size 12. Phone 985-2344. : a -- --_-- Ferguson, McCormick Tractors, M, H. | property of the late William Morrison, 75 Port Perry Phone 985-2282 Oct. 19--1. -- WANTED ( 1960 Chev Biscayne sedan, very low | Combine, 'New Holland Baler, New | Lot 13, Con. 3, South Monaghan Twp., 5 service M TTT eT 3 oT FOR SALE -- Boy's snow suit, 6] 1... =] * mileage wr Holland Hay Crusher, etc. the pro-| 10 miles South of Peterboro or 4 niiles Af Leslie McDonald, Service Man For a perfect 08. § -- stroller: play pen: Listings for good saleable houses | 1960 Envoy sedan perty of Gordon Bond & Son, Lot 12, | East of South Monaghan Store. Terms Fd Dec. 31/61 MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT | 0% 10 © et wood condition. Bungalow Types Preferred 1957 Olds 88 automatic Con. 4, Gwillimbury Twp., 1% miles | Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 12.30 oN remem {tailored from the best material at primp ' Price range $9,000 - $12,000 1954 Pontiac Sedan, very clean East of Sharon, % mile North on the | p.m. Jim Lewis, Clerk. Roy Whit- We ol the lowest prices possible, see | H. KEITH LIMITED 1954 Buick sedan ban Mills Rd. or 4 miles Nop gest tington id Pedigras Anno msemants, 5 4 iE CLE D 2 V. J. Carnegi J. R. Helm 1960 Chev. '-ton fleetside of Newmarket. erms Cash. No ! uctioneer. bh A. E. Johnson UXBRIDGE CLEANERS and DYERS | 00 op Gin 8 piece cont set. . Carnegie 3 | S00N Chun. 8 tem outs : ' 3 AE ET FE UL 2-3471, Uxbridge tf. zal is Tel. Port Perry 985- C% pickup OPTOMETRIST oo Red with grey fur. 4X years. 985- . - 1956 Chev. 3-ton stake ERE RRR FOR SOPORCRORORORCH I m--mhm nm. EYES EXAMINED - - John Deere 14T PTO baler used $695. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Mary St, Port Perry Wed., 9-12 noon. Mon.-Fri, 7 to 8 p.m. } Phone for an Appointment. 985-2383 723-2721 Sept. 14/61. T.F. INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? 1.0 Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE 985-2421 PORT PERRY ED PECONI & SON LTD. Siebarth's AUTO BODY SHOP (Formerly Beare Motors Body Shop) SPECIALISTS IN PAINT JOBS I'ree estimates on all work i -------- \ Port Perry Aug. 8/61 Ted Veenhof WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING- COMPRESSOR WORK Phone Oshawa 728-3864 Nov.? O8H-2161 1.0 1.26 BOAR FOR SALE-- Phone 985-7470. FOR SALE -- Riding horses and colt; pullets and roosters; Belgian shepherd pups and grown dogs; billy goat. CEDARDALE FARM, opposite New Haven Drive Inn, 1 mile North of Manchester, Hwy. 12, : FOR SALE--Pinno, upright Willis. Good condition. 985-7439. FOR SALE--Medium Size Oil Space Heater, Marchand, in fair condition. 985-2400. FOR SALE--2 new McCormick B- 275 Diesel Tractors, complete with live power take off, hydraulics, 3 point APARTMENT FOR RENT---Four large rooms, self contained, private entrance. Very reasonable. Phone 986-7078. TF. APARTMENT -- Port Perry. 2 bedroom, self contained, Apply W. J. Carnegie, Phone 9856-2513. TH. APARTMENT FOR RENT--Self- contained living room, one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and utility room.| Phone 985-2478. TF FOR RENT:Small heated apartment, private entrance. Air conditioned. John Ballard, Phone 985-7946. TF - HOUSE FOR RENT in Epsom-- Arthur Taylor, 985-7734. 2 new John Deere balers, buy now and save at bargain prices Johnson 7% H.P. outboard Elgin 16 H.P. outboard Used 15-foot cedar strip boat Reduced prices on boats, motors and trailers. GMAC terms to suit your budget, BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 73, Sunderland, Ont. Auction Sales WED., OCT. 11th--Auction Sale of Furniture, the property of Mrs. S. Rodman, Lot 23, Con. 6, Scugog Is- land, 2 miles East of Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 pm. C. 'e 0% 0% 3% 2% pe % oe 0, POT CRS OPOPOPOBORORORSORORORORO RE--CHANGE OF HOURS DURING WINTER MONTHS Closed all day Monday--except holidays Open Tuesday - Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Open Friday & Saturday--9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Open Sunday -- 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. ENJOY THANKSGIVING DINNER WITH US The Nightingale Restaurant 2" $"0 0% 2% a" 4 Togo oo Sees op 0 Ses eo ae hitch. Have been used approx. two Heayn, Clerk. ® FALL SPECIALS eo Doug Coppins weeks, New warranty. $2000.00 each.] APARTMENT FOR RENT -- § TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Se Rete . Oliver Beach and Sons, Uxbridge, } rooms centrally located. Heated, Wi : ALDSWORTH CLEANERS Highest for dend| Ontario. Phone UL 2-3473, Oct.12| newly decorated. Immediate posses- 84% py Lei Sh Auction I res or crippled For Road Gravel, Concrete sion. Phone 985-7916. Oct.19 | S28le- of 60 Cattle, Reg. Shorthorns, prices Pi Gravel, Stone, Sand, Fill \ ae : : : : pringer Sows, Holstein Heifers and WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THEIR ' 3 asp FOR SALE -- Hot air furnace in : BE tocker Cattle. th ) ty of Cl paid horses, cattle and Tap Soil. ood diti R nable. Apply Rvs Yo 5 SALE OF ocker Cattle, the property o ar- good condition. Reasonable. Apply} TREASURERS § ence P. Tink, Lot 20, Con. 4, Darling- Pigs or small animals removed free. 2 Phone ZEnith 32800. No toll charge. Call Collect, Claremont 216 w 1. 1.26--November 2, 1961 Port Perry Shoe Hospital. Phone: 085-2498. . LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF REACH, ton Twp., 1 Mile West of Hampton on Taunton Highway. Terms Cash. Sale FALL SPECIALS 24 hour service. License No. 69 C 61 : at 1.30 p.m. SUITS--$1 19 PLAIN DRESSES--$1.19 WORK WANTED--Will do ironi County of Ontario joneer. , ' bos Bl Ark, Oat. Notice fo Creditors in my home. Con pick up and FI To Wit: PED IACKSON Murtianssr, FALL COATS--$1.19 WINTER COATS--$1.39 2.--Sept. 21/62 Phone 985-7797. By Virtue of Warrant issued by the| SATURDAY, OCT. 14th -- Auction PANTS--.59c. PLAIN SKIRTS--.59c. ROOFING Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds IN THE ESTATE OF BRUCE JOHN, ESPIE, ._ the County of Ont., Factory Worker. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died September 17th, 1961, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on in Port Perry. i IE ~«--HELP WANTED -- Secretary for late of the Village of Port Perry, in Port Perry High School office.. Re- quire Grade XII diploma and com- mercial training with speed and ac- curacy in typewriting. Apply to principal. Telephone 986-2571. under his hand~ andthe seal of the Reeve of The Township of Reach said Corporation, bearing the date of the 4th day of July, 1961, a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town- ship of Reach will be held in the Township Hall, at the haur_of 10.00 inj.the forenoon on the 12th day of Sale of Household Furniture includ- ing refrigerator, electric stove, piano, dining, room suite, bedroom suite, chesterfield, television, radio, vacuum cleaner. Full line of furniture selling at the property of the late Mrs. Mar- Oct. 26 ~~ FORFREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY ~~ ~~~ Phone our Agent HERB PAYNE--985-2720 or 985-7124 January, 1962, unless the taxes are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the lists of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the Tth day of October, 1961, and that copies of said lists may be had at my office. i . Dated at the Treasurer's Office. this |" 20th day of September, 1961. & A. R. JOHNS, Clerk-Treas. Dec. 28th DAY CARE FOR CHILDREN, 2 to 5 years. Fenced in yard. Apply Mrs. Magee, across street from High School. of work. WALLACE Ont. or before October 28th, 1961 full par- ticulars of their claims, Immediately after October 28th, 1961 the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry ,this 26th day of September, 1961. } HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Barristers and Solicitors, Port Perry, Ontario LITLE ELLE EE ELLE IEE IES SLE SSI SI TIEIILSILILIIIN ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES Port Perry High School TUESDAY NIGHT -- 7.30 to 9.30 7 REGISTRATION FEE -- $5.00 Register with the High School Office - a about the 18th day of July, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send to the Telephone 985-2571 by OCTOBER 17 undersigned on or before the 31st day = for -- H s EARL Port Perry ive Better Electrically WANTED -- Old guns, powder flasks, swords, medals and Indian relics. 'Highest prices paid. Apply Box 55, Port Perry Star, or phone 723-2382, Oshawa. Dec. 28/61 Mountjoy Backhoe Service TRENCHES - DRAINS FOUNDATIONS & SEPTIC TANKS DUG and BACKFILLED - IVAN MOUNTIOY Blackstock, Phone 986-4737 1.6 T.F. [Sa = a a Sa Sa a a a GORESKI ROOFING Asphalt Roofing and Siding Insulation, Flatroof, Lathing, Eavestroughing; Metal Work. Phone Port Perry 985-2751 Oct. 12 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OFF MINNIE REAL, DBCEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of Minnie Real, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died; on or 75 Nov. 9/61 of October, 1961, full particulars of TYPEWRITING SEWING : ) their claims. Immediately after the TTT T7777 7 | said date the assets of the said de- BORRLIEII RIT Ti: LESTE CRALT i ceased will be distributed among the u H Dead F arm Stock parties entitled thereto, having re-|#§ PUBLIC SPEAKING Grade 13 TRIGNOMETRY § gard only to claims of which they "I'shall "then have notice." DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 2Gth day of September, 1961. GREER AND KELLY, PICKED UP PROMPTLY "Highest prices paid for dead and crippled animals according to size and condition. For fastest service . Phone Collect, : "Grade 13 HISTORY CLASSES BEGIN OCTOBER 24 WM. BEARE, GRANT MacDONALD, SIGN OF THE TIMES! The Medallion Symbol of Electrical Excellence Oct 12 ster, Sc. (Vie nod Hampton COlfax 3-2721. ; aya Lisp, fo Chairman. Principal MARGWILL FUR FARM DE 3 Uriain, Oct. 12 " Solicitors for the above estate. H Tyiofe, Ontario insists License No. 116, Oct. 18, 1961 This Hydro-approved Medallion tells you 'ro-2 : tel recovery, two-clement, flameless water heater that progressive builders are providing for .. ready to keep an abundance of hot water : cleaned by SX Cominit and convenience_through a "on tap" at the lowest possible cost, 7 ints ME new high standard of electrical living... : : F i PUMI EQUI MENT rn Meet Ce hea When yo LIGHT CONDITIONING. Another im- 7 Have your tank checked now before . buy or build a new home the Medallion will portant "extra" is the planned lighting tix > a "trouble starts. 24 hour service. } "help to protect your investment in these which adds charm™ amd beauty both inside important ways: and out , . . makes work and play areas a i REG. ARMSTRONG brighter and safer. : 85. Port Perry, Phone 985.2226 | POWER CONDITIONING, A 100 ampere A "Gold Medallion" Home is all-electric, ATH: Jan. 11/62. service entrance and a "full housepower" including heating. A MLA distribution panel-provideé the capacity ~~ Information about the Medallion Electrie- . needed to operate your household services Homes in your community can be obtained o from your electrical contractor or your local "BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. Hydro office. Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public Apartment #56, Lakeview Apartment Bldg., Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 985-7163 Saturday a.m, 9 to 12 "wu. Evenings by appointment, 1.25 Oct. 19, 1961 : Ts . efficiently, economically, and safely . . . now 47% of all home fires In Canada are caused by careless smokers; 16% by and itr the Nukire. favity heating equipment; 12% by rubbish and trash; 10% by electric wiring. Why not check your home for fire hazards today and make sure you don't give fire a place to start! : OCTOBER 8-14 IS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Co-operators Insurance Association APPLIANCE CONDITIONING. Circuits and outlets for those work-saving, times . saving appliances are plentiful. Every Medal lion Home anticipates your future needs, And at your immediate service is a new fast- HYDRO: is yours 5 Dh At i Bd BERR L Ce i n sa Aein o n S 2

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