8--THE yory PERRY STAR, Whitby Twp. Council (Continued from Fron that s action be requested by a letter to the County Engineer fi with a request for the ere tion of ndequate school signs at Myrtle. Page) It was agreed Mr. H. S. Carter, Building Inspector THURSDAY, Eta vd Rl vied Esali aecends OCTOBER 5th, 1961 ete. reported that the current Weed Control Program is almost completed has been returned and the township mower is adequate to look after the remaining requests, The hired mowey 'It was agreed that the portion of Mr. Carter's salary covering the time spent on Weed inspection be included in the overall cost when computing the hourly rate to be charged. Mr. Carter requested that approval be granted to allow his attendance at Argh rv Palestina bre dada M ¥ i EE the 38-day Convention of Plumbing Inspectors at Niagara Falls this week. Mr. Holdershaw, Caretaker of the Township Hall, reported that the Cubs and Boy Scouts are again re- questing use of the hall on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings each week, Mr. Holdershaw advised Council that in the past, the lack of adaquace supervision of these boys, allowed a situation to continue Where the noise riscdpivseidnhestoniio { 25. 1 A A UE level was very high and actual damage to the building and furnishings had | taken place." This was referred to General Business. Mr. Holdershaw again raised the question as to whether or not tne Township would share the cost of a used power mower to be used for both lawns around the hall and Mr, Holdershaw's private use. The Council agreed that if a power mower is need- ed Mr. Holdershaw should renew his request to the 1962 Council and in all probability a new one would be con- | him that this Council is still awaiting a definite decision on the Thickson Road re-construction by the Depart. ment of Highways. 3. A letter from the Board of Trans- port Commissioners for Canada re- garding the Canadian National Rail- ways Crossing of Thickson Road and the C.N.R. proposals to improve the same were considered, Council agreed that the best solution to this traffic hazard- would be-a-grade 'separation rather than the improved approach Applications will be received by the Council for a man for the Works Dept, of the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry, with the view to becoming foreman. Conditions of employment may be obtained at the Municipal Office. grades and automatic protection sug- gested by the C.N,R, Since the letter Correspondence from the Board to the C.N.R, con- 1. A copy of a letter from Mr, Ralph tained the following 'opinion:. 'since MeLaughlin to Mr. Geo. H. Vick re-'this would appear to be an ideal garding insurance. of the Floodlight location for a 'subway should the vol- equipment in the Brooklin Park was ume of vehicular traffic warrant the referred to the Township Parks Com- "the expenditure," the discussion turned mittee for consideration and comment, I to reasons for the light volume of 2, A letter from Mr. J. W, Stewart, vehicular traffic. The two basic reu- Superintendent of this Division of the sons would seem to tie in with lack Canadian Pacific Railway Company of a subway i.e. 1, present condition requested advice on whether or not a Lot crossing would not encourage in: decision has been reached on the pro-' 'creased general traffic and 2. the posed improvement to the sight ines! existing level crossing would not be at the Daigle Crossing Thickson Rd.'of help in-encouraging industrtes to On motion by J. Dryden, Secon- locate south of the tracks and nenge ded by F. Thompson a reply was vehicular traffic would not increase authorized to Mr. Stewart advising'due to industrial traffic. sidered, Applications will be received until 12.00 Noon, October 7th, 1961. : J. F. RAINES, Clerk, Oct. 6th | CHOICE IGRADE "A" TURKEYS Sweet Pickled -- Cryovac Halves COTTAGE ROLLS "Extra Lean, Well Trimmed -- LOIN. PORK CHOPS Ib.69¢ Just Right for Turkey StuffingPure Pork © J Sausage MEAT 1b.45¢ Sunbeam -- Reg, 33c ll GOLDEN STUFFING wv 29 THEATRE -- UXBRIDGE 7 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 6, 7 CAWKER BROS., ANGEL BABY GEORGE HAMILTON, SALOME JENS - Fully Cooked Smoked Picnics . 49°" Ji in Sn |i Sliced Bacon-1's ............. 69" hy : EEE Rump Roast Beef ............. 69°" Our Policy PICTURES SHOWING -- Thursday, Friday & Saturday FREE TOWN 53, _"Extra Lean" . No Waste - By the Plece Peameal Bacon 1b.69¢ Swift's Premium Butterball Turkeys available at Most" markets at slightly Higher Prices <"Also Saturday Matinee at 2:00 p.m. ~ Supreme - Shaker. Size -- Poultry Doots open at 1:30 for Matinee. SEASONING or SAGE 2/25¢ DELIVERY EVERY MORNING URTILG O0L00K 2 Shows Nightly from 7 to 9 and 9 till 11 ee ) . ows Nightly from 7 to 9 an i p.m. - BEST BUY! -- Save 6c -- MAPLE LEAF 28-02. Tin YUkon 5-2221 "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY _ Doors open at 6:30 p.m. IMINCEMEAT 43 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 1lc -- YORK Fancy Quality 14-08. Tins : | KERNEL CORN 651 - BEST BUY! -- Save 4c! == CULVERHOUSE Fancy - 28-0z. Tins oe : [PUMPKIN =~ 235. BEST BUY! -- Save 8c -- BLUE BONNET Yellow Quik -- 2¢ Off Pack -- 1-1b, Pkg. MARGARINE 2-61 | BEST BUY! -- Save 40! -- GREEN GIANT Fancy Quality 15-oz. Tins GREEN PEAS 2-35 Thanksgiving Special} 1 Best Buy! -- $25,000 Contest! -- Save 7c! Van Kirk - Reg. 69¢ 16-0z. Compact Size Dial Soap 4/63] ities "ae Golden Hour Assort. Lb, Box 1 BISCUIT FEATURES! -- Kingsdale Brand CHOCOLATES 89c LT ee-- Peliclous, Tasty ....Cello Pkg, | Choc. Mallows 29: OCEAN SPRAY 25¢ 1-1b, Cello Pkg. Feature! - Maple Leads Saye 8c Falcon Fordor Sedan AF GOOD newsL.. Im, here now ts EE and BETTER, than, ever 5 5 Held : Canada's BEST. selling compagt.. 62 FALCON ii Tenderflake Pkgs, LARD 23% Any Time Is Ice Cream Time Sunspun Half Gallon ICE CREAM - 89c Supreme Fresh Made FRUIT CAKE 1-1b. size 2-1b, size. 59¢ $1.15 Fresh From The Ovens-- Choc. Chips ! Feature! -- Save 3c! -- Monarch Sponge FROZEN FOOD FEATURES, i jo fo 1c Save 15c. - Birds Eye 8-o0z. Tins i PUDING 100 : fird Orange Juice b for 95c I'm 62 ways new from transmission to carburetor ~~" ) = (fh Skim Milk. Pow 3b. PRE. | fibby's Mixed _~ 2-1b, Poly Bag = With ther shifting, ter ride and eve i Instant NU-MILK 93c | VEGETABLES 49: er => a ; PORUIrE! wy SAVE 2001 mn 100 OF Pack TAHT et the things that have made me the best-selling com- ¢ =) fr i jo Ba ew Crop -- Oc t car in Canada. I go as much as 35 miles to the ~~. " 1 NESCAFE 6ozior 89 |" ct CRANBERRIES Lm bi (0 ps v.45. 3 Ib. ok 23 miles between oil changes. There's a new 30,000. : Ly Dinty Moore Stew 53c 11b. pkg. c mile or 2-year radiator coolant. My price is low. ; ny Feature! - Save 4¢! - Sunspun - "49. Nutritious and Deliclous -- No. 1 Grade My trade-in value is highest of any compact in : oy Canada, And my brand-new brother is here, too. . : i Salad DRESSING 49: | SWEET POTATOES EA ao en rs 08 FALCON FUTURA cone J Toke, Pas 4. Mclaren. 2 "49. 3 Ibs. 25¢ appointments, including a smart console compart. cou of he Thunder with i Hs : : t bet th bucket seats. Ni UVES |" 20rd | coe 0 een, Ey vi Dole 0-01, Ting MacINTOSH APPLES up's too long. And Ford Dealers give a Ie Trim. That's the '62 Falcon Futuraan : : ; Fancy PINEAPPLE 39. 9 : or 12, ia warranty, whichever -comes- first, {-gxciting new approach to compact travel, 2 Sf 4 ane 100-1¢, Roll a 25 ; i : | WAXED PAPER 29: | TURNIPS 1b. 5c 62 4 Falcon, and Falcon, Futura, 0 : = No, 1 Large Stalk : . JFOLWRAP Sl | coke Ceikmy Canadas bestaeling compact 7 Giant LIQUID JOY 79: : 2 for 23¢ Corton footurss Mluriroted ore option! of axira coi. oh 8 MANCHESTER MANCHESTER GARAGE i PHONE 986.7341