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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Oct 1961, p. 4

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NAS vi L . y Wil BAUR AUGER WN Be ok Balad a Se md mer etd, 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1991 THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF ASCENSION Kev, 10 W. Fuller, B.A. Sunday, October 22nd-- 8 a.m. Holy Communion 11.80 a.m.-- Holy Baptism ST. JOHN'S. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderator: Rev. Kenneth I'. MacKenzie, M.A. * (Uxbridge) Minister: Mr. William Perry, B.A. Sunday, October 22nd-- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.---Sabbath School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, October 22nd-- 10 aan. Sunday School 1 wan. Morning Worship 11 aan. Kindergarten and junior classes, Sunday School. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Kev. so hh, Brabam, M.A, B.D. Sunday, October 22nd-- -Prospect Church Manchester Church -Scugog "Head" SS. S. -Seugog Church 10 wan. 10.10 aan. -- 10.10 aan. 11.10 a.m. This will be the last Sunday that we Next Sunday will be Scugog Anniversary we com- We invite will worship at these hours, and the following Sunday mence our New Schedure. you to come and worship with us. 330 PORT PERRY BAPTIST Stewart Mulligan, Pastor » Sunday, October 22nd-- 4.50 a.m.----Sunday School for all uges 1100 wan.---~Morning Worship T.00 pan. livangelistic service MONDAY, 7.10 p.m.--Young People WED, 8.00 pan. Prayer Meeting liveryone Welcome 7 0 Aug. 31 | Greenbank Thanksgiving Anniversary SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th Services at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. Guest Speaker REV. KEITH McMILLAN, B.A., B.D. ® A Cordial Welcome to all --2.~--~0et. 26 I -- Death | boy Scot Coming Events | Take Notice Due to lateness in sending out the Water Bill the discount date has been changed to Friday, October 20th, 3 La x TASS tL ar A CP ALE 41S, ER TENARE RNS ah A BON RES A HY ¥. . BEd" FS SLA el a Se Mra ew Qa Re Red Sn a bus sal dn Service Club The Service Club of the United Church will meet in the Church par- lors immediately following the Tra- velogue being held by the W.M.S, hat will be about Y or 9.30 pan. on Tuesday, October 24th, a Euchre Sponsored by members of Blue Ray" Chapter, astern Star, will be held oll puturday, October 21st at 8 pan. Prizes and refreshments, At Masonic Hall. Lveryone Welcome. Oct. 19 ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE Home Nursing Course u 12 week course will be conducted at the High School commencing TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24th Instruction by Ruth Franssen, Reg. N. Phone 985-2620 Limited registration Octl19 - ou LL Sadie Hawkins Lance On Friday, Octcber 20, in the Blackstock Recreation Centre, spon- sored by Cartwright High School. Music by "The Country Travellers", Prizes for the best Daisy Mae and Ll Abner, Admission 7bc. each. Bingo Sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion will be held on Friday evening, October 20, at 8:00 p.m. in the Masonic Hall, Jackpot is now $105.00, Apple Day October 21, 1961. Oct. 19. Did you Say Curling? Yes it will soon be in full swing again. Already the ladies have had a full executive and committee meeting at the home of the president, Ruth Mitchell, at Brooklin. Arrangements were made for 1961-62 curling. We are looking for new members. Ilease contact Betty Beare or Dorothy Mar- tyn, R.R. 3. You'll Enjoy Curling. Euchre Will be held Friday, October 29th at Iipsom School. 8.15 p.m. Silver col- lection. Ladies please provide lunch. Boy Scout Apple Day -- Saturday, Announcement Mr. and Mrs, F. H., Staniland, Blackstock, announce the marriage of thelr daughter, Irances Marilyn to Mus. Barry Dixon Iisher, Caesarea, Ont, on Saturday, October 14th, 1961 at St. John's Blackstock, . Card of Thanks Tue family the late William tienry Darcey wish to thank Mrs. Kade, Dr. McArthur; the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, rort Perry, Purple Hill L.O.L. No. 39Y, friends and neighbours for floral tributes, and cards. Our thanks also Lo Rev, Romeril, the McDermott-Pana- baker IMuneral Home for their services Card of Thanks In the midst of our sorrow, we wish to express our many thanks and ap- preciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbours for the kind- ness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our beloved husband and fa- ther. We especially wish to thank the Rev. J. K. Braham for his con- soling words, all the donors of the many- beautiful floral-offerings, the pallbearers, the Maybelle Rebekah Lodge, and MeDermott - Panabaker Funeral Home for their kind and ef- ficient management of the services. Blanche Mark and family. In Memoriam NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPING ~In-MEMORIAM- of -Allan- George Raines by. Dad, Mother and Ronnie. Uttober 24th, 1960. : "What joy to know There is no death, what seemeth so Is but an interlude of sleeping, For Christ, who lay within the tomb; Hath burst the prison bars for aye, And low the stone was rolled away On that first glorious Easter Day-- There is no death. i wes * kx of Why should we grieve, and sorrow so, If we believe The loved ones gone are in His keeping? This thought should banish all the gloom, And to our heart sweet comfort bring In moments of our sorrowing, Lf to this great truth in faith we cling There is no death. Canada's Hometown Press NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK 41) «K% | Hortop. -- } The annual convention of Hospital LH ALTAR ¥ < <4 AP a % A 4 4 GS SRT AB PEE TA Lilet, ARTERY | 3 FATE edt inery to print a better newspaper. And he must have a decent wage and pay his employees a decent wage. That is also our way, The community newspaper of today is intensely interested in presenting the news. That is its main job. That is why you pay your subscription or buy it on the newsstand. You pay to get the news, and your newspaper is inter- ested ip giving you all the news. Iu is the right of your newspaper to in- form, and with this right goes the responsibility to inform -- to inform correctly, of events of the town and county governments, of boards doing public business and of issues which are before the people. Your community newspaper also stands sentinel to guard our-way of life. That too is our responsibility, We believe in the heritage of freedom, handed down by our forefathers, We believe in an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. We believe in self- government--that in the hands of the peoplé, our way of life is safe. We believe that no regimented society can replace that which we now enjoy. We - believe in" the welfare of the whole people as opposed to selfish minority groups, or those we elect to serve us, . In this National Newspaper Week of 1961, we invite you to examine your community newspaper, and determine its work to your community. We in- vite criticism, your newspaper may be better able to meet the challenge to greater improvements, = 1 . Women's Hospital Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of the Auxiliary was held at the Hospital on Monday afternoon, October 16th, Mrs. Lavern Martyn presiding in the ab- -sence of our President, Mrs. M. B. Dymond. Once again we are planning our An- "I nual Doll Draw. The first-prize doll| this year will carry with her a fifty dollar Government bond, but the sec- ed as last year--twenty-five one-dol- lar bills on the second prize, and ten one-dollar bills on the third prize. As has been our custom we shall display these dolls in the window of Messrs. Greer and Kelly, Queen Street. The Hopital is like any other household-- always needing something, in fact a great many things, so we are de- pending upon the public to support us in this worthy cause. Mrs. B. L: Wanamaker is convening the sale of tickets, which will be abtainable a little later this month, and may be purchased from almost any member of the Auxiliary, or downtown they could be procured from Miss Sadie Auxiliaries is being held in Toronto next week, and we expect that Mrs. Ernest Holtby will be attending this convention as our representative, ond and third-prize dolls will be dress- |' Port Perry Rod & Gun Club At the last meéting of the Club the officers were elected for the year of 1962 as follows: President--0. 0. Ha- milton, Ace. Nominations for Vice- Pres.--Sam Naples, Stan, Tripp, Hilt- on Simpson, Bruce Shaw. Sam Naples, Ace. Recording 'Sec'y--nominations-- Harry DeShane, Bruce Shaw, both de- clined and it was decided to leave this office open till the next meeting. Sec'y 'Stan. Tripp Ace. Treasurer Harlin Davey Acc. Auditors nomin- ated was Wilbur Vance, Ben, Smith, Earnie Healey, Harry DeShane, Bruce Shaw and Harry DeShane declined. Auditors for 1962 are Wilbur Vance, Ben. Smith and Earnie Healey, Acc. Committees Shooting Nominations--H. Simpson, Cecil King, Hilton Simpson, Acc. Casting Nominations -- Harry De- Shane, Sam Naples, 0. 0. Hamilton. 0. O. Hamilton Ace. Water Safety Nominations--Chas. Lown, Sam. Naples, Bruce Shaw, H. DeShane. Chas. Lown Ace. Membership--Harry DeShane, Acc. Sec. by Harry DeShane that O. O. Hamilton and Harlin Davey form the Property Committee. Sick--Wilbur Vance, 0. 0. Hamilton Bruce Shaw Ace. Conservation--Bruce Shaw ace. with Ben. Smith as assistant Chm. The dinner committee reports that everything is in readiness for the Club annual dinner on October 25th. The next regular monthly meeting of the Club will be held in the Club room over Brock's store on Tuesday evening November the 7th, 1961. It has been a great pleasure for the President of the past year to serve in that capacity. The Club have had a very successful year as they had. many projects which have been very helpful. to the community. ~~~ Property--Moved by Sam Naples, | - New Packaging Of Postage Stamps The sale of postage stamps pack- aged in transparent sealed envelopes is now under way in post offices ac- ross Canada, it was revealed in an announcement made recently by the Postmaster General, the Honourable William Hamilton, nouncement, he pointed out that these packages are another original inno- vation by the Canadian Post Office Department,. as no other postal ad- ministration has ever offered a simi- lar item for sale. . The new attractive clear plastic packages contain blocks of 20 five- cent stamps or 50 two-cent stamps and sell for the regular price of one dollar, They are designed to provide patrons with a more convenient me- thod of purchasing postage stamps in quantities to carry in one's pocket or purse. The packages protect the stamps against dirt, moisture and heat. In addition, the packaged stamp provide maximum sanitary pro- tection from printing to point of sale at the postal wicket. In making the an- It is anticipated that the packages will prove to be very popular with postal patrons since they will reduce the number of calls that are normally made at post office wickets. The packages will also be more convenient to the patron as they can be kept easily and safely in pocket or purse after opehing and in this way, the stamps are fully protected. Mr, Hamilton said the idea for the plastic packs had originally started with the sale of special one-dollar en- velopes of stamps during the 1968 Christmas season. This procedure had been followed since then and had proved to be very popular with pat- rons. The Post Office hopes that patrons will take advantage of the new packaging not only at Christmas time but throughout the year, The Postmaster General said that the introduction of packaged stamps for year-round sale represented an- other step in the Post Office Depart- ment's campaign to offer better, more efficient service to the public. The new packages do not replace the 26-cent booklets of stamps which are still available at post offices and in postage stamp dispensers, ® PVN Ory or POV 3 TENDERS 3 (LA nies will be received for the position of - Icemaker and Caretaker at the Memorial Arena for the 1961-62 season. Information concerning duties which will commence on Monday October.23rd may be obtained from the manager. Tenders should be in the hands of the manager, Chas, Lake, by 6 p.m. on FRIDAY, OCT. 20th, McMullen, Sarah Elizabeth--A't the home of her son, Howard McMullen, Janetville, Ont., on Friday, October 13 1u61, Sarah Elizabeth Graham, dearly loved wife of James McMullen, and dear mother of Vertil of Bowmanville, Howard, and the late Ola (Mrs. K. Sisson), in her 91st year. Funeral from the Chapel of MeDermott-Pana- OCTOBER 15 TO 21 Within a week or so we shall in- sert a notice in the Port Perry Star regarding our annual meeting, which is always held in November. Once again may we ask the public to en- courage us by their presence. We ex- pect to have an interesting speaker. The following donations are grate- fully acknowledged: 'Annual Bazaar - The Annnal-Bazaar of the Catholic Women's League will be held on Sat- urday afternoon, October 28th, 1961 in the Parish Hall, Have you looked at your newspaper lately? Have you noticed the differ- ence? Have you seen the new, modern trend in the newspapers of today? In this National Newspaper Week of 1961, we'd like to tell you that we are striving to make better commun- Bazaar - baker, Fort Perry on Monday at 2.00) November 25th the Christmas | ity newspapers, that we are working Mrs. Mabel Turner, Carroll pm. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, | Bazaar of the Church of the Ascen-|to make better newspapers to keep Manitoba, (in manory of Lifford. sion. Delicatessen and Home Baking |Pace with our communities, and that her sister, Mrs. Minnie --_-- Table. Tea Table. we may be worth more to our com- Real) wungirisriieisionivess $100.00 Announcement Oct. 26 ethic Catholic Women's League, " our newspaper today is one of the Port Perry .....oeeeveninnns 10.00 Mr. and Mrs, Myrle I. Reeson of greatest servants to your community, | Grace United Church W.A., A Oshawa wish té announce the engage- Travelogue Its editor is a devoted man, who seeks SCUOR ovo rsrratreirrrrrsrrsns 26.00 IAL ment of their daughter Diane Beverley above all else to produce a news- : 1% to Mr. Vernon Llewelyn Fenton, son On Tuesday evening, October 24th. | paper that will be in keeping with his Li) of Mr. and Mrs, Llewelyn Fenton of | Mr. R. Peel will show his pictures of community and serve its needs. NOW IS THE TIME to order those ei Port Perry. The marriage to take| Europe in the Port. Perry United| Sure, he must make a profit on his ines for Christmas Gift Sub. oo, Church under the auspices of the magazin. Loy Tigimas ¥ place in the King St. United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, November 11, 1961, at 3:00 p.m, product. This is the Canadian way. He must make a profit to replace, worn-out machinery, to buy new mach- scriptions. Agents-- Port Perry Star Co. Ltd. W.M.S. welcome, Hot Turkey Supper Seagrave United Church, Wednes- day, November 1st, 1961, Turkey and | "| all the trimmings, plum pudding and Admission 36¢ Everyone Rs ~ Your Future's better if you're backed by Bonds! No matter how young or how old -- everyone has something to plan for and "TOP QUALITY MEATS" FORDER BROS. Come To | "THE BEAUTY LOCK" | WHOLESALE RETAIL MEATS : to save for! Whatever your plans, Canada Savings B ds 0 ad pie. Adults $1.50, Children mal 12 : "a . F OR my Damas Yay of building up savings to help or hry oa Siem: ' : ; : . - nd there's nothing quite like a reserve of Bonds ou a ¢ 985 2562 P i p Li Your Per sonalized Coiffur 8. security and confidence in the future| ? > .81v0.950 = fouling of 10 OUR CUSTOMERS: " " : Canada Savings Bonds are a guaranteed invest ent -- cash TO OU Painting in Oils IN full face value plus interest. Coupons pay 4349, Terhune miine o} Anyone who would like to the first year, 4149 for > ; : » : a. each of the next six yedrs, 5% for e f the last t| ; he 8 in gd I A To Hair Style ~~ Permanent || ~~ fon $5005. ii por parson $10,000, rte yous. Position Y > wintér ma hs, please contact | life and landscapes contact Mrs. I. A. . i A $ So sin pe i buy = on instalments or for cash at any bank, investment Ue Se gen Dosti mond Tint or Rinse Payroll Savings Pla. Order yours today] © © 4" YOU company's We have uals Arrangements ! : coven at cost. price pio 550] Hockey by Lloyd dil ® Oo "handling charges. :: B BUY THE NEW Due to the poor turnout at our first ™ meeting we are again calling a meet- ing-for those "interested in coaching or managing a hockey team. This will be held in the Port Perry Arena on Sunday, October 22 at 1.80 p.m. GRADUATE ROUX COLOURIST -e ein Award, Bruno's Advanced Academy of Hair Styling PORT PERRY " CARNEGIE BLDG. TERMS STRICTLY CASH Phone 985-2662 < Free Delivery at 11 a.m. . Phone: 985-2562 ea a a eee CANADA SAVINGS BONDS "se LES

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