Blackstock The L.0.B,A. held their first euchre party for the season in the Lodge room Monday night. Prize winners were: High lady--Mrs. Hector Short- ridge; as high gent--Mrs. Jas. Gib- son; Low lady -- Mrs, Redmond; as low gent -- Mrs. W. Archer; Lucky draw--Mrs. Hardy. On Monday evening a group of the neighbours and ladies of the W.A. of | the Anglican church spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. John 'Hamliton in honour of a recent bride Mrs, Barry Fisher (Frances Staniland) who was sent on a trea- sure hunt through the house and found a goodly number of beautiful gifts. The Talent Tea sponsored by the W.A. of the United Church and held in the C. E. room Tuesday afternoon and evening was considered quite suc- cessful. The Home Baking and quick sale tables were soon cleared and a goodly number of aprons, fancy work, christmas decorations, christmas cakes etc. ordered, to be picked up at the next evening's part on-Dec. 8th when a programme will also be given, The tea table' was beautifully decorated with yellow mums and yellow candles and each individual tea table had a lovely centre of mums. © As usual all the floral decorations were done by Mrs. Gilbert Marlow. Pouring tea and coffee were Mrs. Leith Byers and Mrs. J. A. Johnston in the afternoon and Mrs, Roy Taylor and Mrs. Rus- sel Mountjoy "in the efening. Msds. Kenneth Samells, P. Romenril, Jno. Carnaghan and W. Archer at- tended the W. A. Presbytery in Al- bert St. Church Oshawa on Thursday. The Girl Guides and Boy Scouts held their Hallowe'en party in the Re- creation Centre Friday night. The evening was spent in games, dancing and exploring the Spook House. Fol- lowing were prize winners: Best Dressed boy--Brian Dunsmore; Best Dressed girl -- Margaret Carnaghan "and Helen Swain, tied; Most comical --Dennis McLaughlin; most original-- Carol Rahm. Evening finished with refreshments of cider and do-nuts. Thirty-six of the Town and Country Club and friends met at Liberty Bowl, Bowmanville, Saturday night for two enjoyable games of Bowling, with Jean McLaughlin winning the prize for ladies high score; Harold Me- Laughlin, high gent and Bruce 'gnd Jean Mountjoy the consolation prize. All returned to the home of Neil and ~ Noreen Malcolm where they were joined by a few others. Minutes were read and adopted. Final plans made for the Smorgas- bord on Nov. 156th. A letter of ap- preciation and receipt for money sent to missions was received and read from Mrs, Tonge, of St. Christophers home, Hong Kong. It was decided to sell Hasti-Notes and Christmas Cards with the picture of our Church and snow scenes. Rev. Romeril read the Scripture ~ "passage and offered prayer. "The committee served a delicious lunch of sandwiches, relishes and cof- fee, followed by a raw fruit basket. Twelve members of Eastern Auxi- liary of [.0.L., Toronto attended ser- vice in the Anglican Church Sunday morning and as a thank-offering con- tribution to mark Canon Ashmore's work for the Orange Order, presented the church with 26 new hymn books and 25 prayer books. Following ser- vice these friends and the two war- dens, George Wolfe and Neil Bailey and their wives were entertained and served lunch in the Rectory by Canon and Mrs. Ashmore. t The Local Association of Guides and Brownies met at the home of Jean Kyte Monday night. Commis- sioner Hamilton opened the meeting with a poem. Secretary and Treas- urer's reports were received. Cap: tain Thompson reported a 100% at- tendance at Guides since opening in Sept. for the fall term, and they are working on First Aid course with Gwen Ballingal teacher. Brown Owl Turner reported 10 new Tweenies, also three collector's badges. A Thank- you note from Mrs. Barnes re ban- quet was read. Log books of the three Guide Companies were passed around to be judged and prizes will be given. Next meeting to be at Jean McLaugh- lin's Jan. 8th, 1962. Sunday afternoon the following -members of the Church Boys League of St. John's Church attended an Evensong service in St. James Cathed- ral, Toronto -- Douglas and Warren Rohrer; Harry Schemilt; George and Donald Downey; Ralph Grace; Doug- las and Floyd Asselstine; Brian and John Wolfe and their leader Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mr. Neil Bailey, Mr. | and Mrs. George Wolfe also attended. A good number from here attended Aniversary services at Nestleton Uni- ted Church Sunday. Service in Black- stock United will begin at 9.50 next Sunday morning as there is a Bap- tismal service. Don't forget the fall anniversary, Nov. 19th when Rev. Crossley Hunter will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Ashmore and Mrs. J. A. Scott attended the Anglican Educational Conference in Bloor St. Church Tor- onto, Friday. Mrs. George Fowler spent a few days. in-Peterboro- -- 'tyn and boys. Mrs. Bert Smith, Toronto and Miss Marilyn Archer, Whitby spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ar-' cher and Mr. A. Dever. Sunday af- ternoon they all called on Mrs. T. Bowman, Newcastle. Mr. W. N. Campbell and Mrs. J. A. Scott are spending this week in Tor- onto. - . Mr. Rupt. Byers and Mrs, Edna Gib- son, Bowmanville called on friends in the village Friday evening. Misses Gertrude Hemry and Doris Griffin, Toronto, were home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pargeter and children of Port Perry spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. M. Gra- ham. Mr. and Mrs. John Mew and child- ren, Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. David Romeril of Delta, spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Dennis. Mr .and Mrs. John Rowland and Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Brown, Mill- brook were Sunday Dinner guests and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Larmer and Bruce, Toronto were afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. George Paite, Brian and Wendy Lou, Toronto were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mus. Harold McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. David Swain, Lo don, spent the week-end with his mo- ther, Mrs. Lewis Swain and called on Mr. Swain in Port Perry hospital several times. . Mrs. Margaret Carley, Whitby, spent the week-end and Mrs. Harold Werry and Miss Miriam Werry, Tor- onto were Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, Oshawa and Mr .and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen and Donald, Eniskillen were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Warren and family of Nobleton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar- Miss Miriam Swain, Oshawa and Mr. Jack Swain, Glen Ross spent the week-end at their respective homes. 17 Mri and Mrs. Harry VanCamp at-| e How LOOKING FOR DIFFERENT IN CHRISTMAS PERSONALIZED STATIONERY, PLAYING CARDS, SERVIETTES, COASTERS or MATCHES? MANY ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS CAN BE SEEN AT The Port Perry Star Office , Agents for the "Bouquet Line" "Order early and-avoid the last minute rush! SOMETHING GIFTS? about eo Yo This is the Key to financial independence in a more secure manner than you have ever had previously ® Your Investment is fully secured in a co-operative offer. 2 RYN NI IIT AN ARAATTTn SIAL Can Realize a Guaranteed Profi of 40% and up on your Investment in NUTRIA offered. oo We operate under government control with assels of $50,000. ® We supply the necessary food, accom moddtions and maintenance if you so desire. } - ® Your investment is insured against fire, theft, disease. ® After your original investment large or small there is no further Jost or time on your part. + NUTRIA RANCH Mon. to Fri., after 6.00 Sat. and Sun, anytime (All replies held in strictest confindence) and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son Heaslip between services. Jack Theurer, Sgarboro spent the week-end with Arthur VanCamp. Scugoy _ It was an ideal evening for approx- imately 60 people to gather in the Head Tea-Room for the Hallowe'en Masquerade. Everyone entered into the spirit of the occasion and two- thirds were in costume. The under 6 group all received balloons and Jolly- pops, In the 6-9 group, prizes were awarded to Sandra Healey as Aunt Jemina and Ross Carter as a Bride- groom and the most original was Susan Healey as an Indian girl. In the 9-12 group awards went to Arn- old Heayn as a young woman, Karen Carter as a bride, and the most orig- inal was Roy Gerrow as a Scotch boy. The best couple was Karen and Ross as bride and groom. In the adult class winners were Reta Reader as a hill-billy girl, Leona Barry with most original costume of scare crow and Irene Carter with Clifford Redman as best couple of gypsies. After the cost- umed people entertained according to their own personalities, and prizes were handed out, all entered into games of action and amusement. The evening ended with lunch and forfeits of 26c from each visitor who had not arrived in costume. On Friday evening the High School students reported a jolly time at the Masquerade Dance in their school, Sunday morning dawned mild and full of expectancy as Head Memorial Church was filled to capacity for the first part of the Anniversary Services, at 3 Rati Col 3 Lv ARE I § : A AAT FEY ala TAs WAS IO SY THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1961-7 tended the Centennial services in -- Janetville United Church on Sunday [4 £ 2 Several former Island residents were present to show their interest and love of their former church life by their presence. We were pleased to again welcome Mrs. Geo. Sweetman and her daughter Myrtle of Toronto, Mrs, Rodman and her mother, Mrs. Ashton of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson and daughter Jean of Burketon, Mrs. Snelgrove of Prince Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Midgley of Utica, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reader and daughter Edna of Port Perry. Thanks to those who sent flowers for decoration, especially to Mrs. Frances Boundey. Rev. Holmes message recalled the Influence of Christianity and re- minded us that the Authority of Faith, like a mighty weapon rules over our troubled lives. The mighty Ottawa River was chosen as a com- parison to our lives and an example to show that we should not give in when life tempts us to be satisfied but through love we should struggle on and be useful to mankind.. The next Head W.A. will be held Tuesday evening, Nov. 7, at the home of Reta Rodman, 285 Montrave St., Oshawa, The Head Sunday School will be at 11:00 a.m. during the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dawson, during the week-end took a motor trip to Cleveland to visit with Mr. and Mrs Jack Day, the latter being a daughter of Hudsons who lived on the Leahy place. ' Kenneth Dowson of Port Perry spent the week-end with J. Dowson. Mrs. Ted Leahy has returned after a J4-week stay in the Oshawa Hospital. We trust she will continue to improve, Manchester Church service on Sunday, Novem- ber Sth will be at 11.15 a.m. Standard Time. Mis. Thelma Woodhouse and son Jimmy of Searborvo; visited Mrs, tank Johnston and family on Sun- day. ' Several from this area attended an- niversary services at Scugog on Sun- day. Mrs. J. E. Holtby has returned home from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Doyle Thompson and family, New market. feeling like a king. Look at that fresh engine--a fuel-shy Thick deep-twist car of new color combi ship of Body by Fis who needs pay mor PORT PERRY A New World of Worth Srom Chevrolet In came the new 62 Chevrolet -- and out went the days when you had to plunk down a big bundle to ride around styling -- clean, graceful, tasteful, isn't it? Imagine opening one of those big solid doors, slipping in, sinking down in those sofa-wide seats and taking in the rich new decor. Now, you switch on your 135-hp. Six or your choice of new V8 vigor up to an optional-at-extra-cost 409-hp. whirl- wind -- and go, man, go. I Isn't that Jet-smooth ride something, though? At each wheel a big steely coil spring turning the road into cream peting. Plush new upholstery in a host nations. And, of course, you're suf--: rounded by the unmistakable, and unbeatable craftsmap- her. When Chevrolel gives so much, e? See 'your Chevrolet dealer today! New Impala Sport Sedan -- fresh-shaped clegance with Body by Fisher craftsman oa ship, Jaunty new beauty with a road-gentling ride! JET-SMOOTH '62 CHEVROLET and over 700 sound and vibration insulators turning the car into one big quiet zone. Ahead of you are front fenders with steel underskirts that give extra protection against rust, slush and stones (what won't our engineers come up with next!). Behind you there's that goods-gobbling deep-well trunk. And, in between, you'll find one fine car feature after another, along with Body by Fisher quality. Really, about the only thing the new Jet-smooth '62 Chevrolet leaves to be desired is--a prompt powwow with your Chevrolet dealer. And inside -- beautiful new ways to bolster your pride! The Impala Sport Coupe interior, at right, shows just a sample of how Chevrolet makes you more than pleased and proud of your exciting new '62 car. Deep soft seats. Watch "Bonanza" Sunday nights over CBC-TV. Check your local paper for time and channel A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Whitewall Tires Optional at Extra Cost C.7620 Find out about the '62 Chevrolet, the new Chevy II and '62 Corvair at your local authorized Chevrolet Dealer's, === = Beare Motors Limited PHONE: 985-7351