oN -- Blackstock "a "Shakespearean Twenty-five ladies atended the Un- ited Church W.A. in the C. E. room Tuesday afternoon, President read an article on Christian Stewardship which was followed by the 'I'heme Song and W.A. Prayer. Mrs. Ross Duff who gave a fine devotional paper based her thoughts on the parable of the Good Samaritan dividing it into The Three Attitudes of those con- cerned. The Thieves-- What is yours, we want, we'll take it. The Priest and Levite-- What is mine, I'll keep. The Samaritan--Mine is God's, God's is Mine, So I will share. She said Life is to give, not to take. After considerable business had been dealt with, the three ladies who had "attended W.A. Rally in Oshawa, gave reports, Mrs. Romeril asked all to pray for guidance for the Prov- isional Committee, and stressed that the United Church Women is to be a Witnessing community. Mrs. Archer spoke on Stewardship of Time, and Mrs. Carnaghan said-- | All are to house clean their minds, | preparatory to the new organization. 'Mrs. Dalton Dorrell gave a splendid paper on Christian Stewardship. She spoke of the giver and also the user, dividing it into five catagories. That of being Christian Stewards of th natural world; of our bodies; of our time; of our talents; and of our possessions, Mrs. M, VanCamp, group leader thanked those who had taken part and the meetng closed with the; W.A. Benediction, after which Mrs. Keith VanCaip conducted a contest and: lunch was served by the group: A large number of ladies gathered in the Community. Hall on Friday evening in honour of Mrs. Barry Fisher _ (nee Frances- Staniland), a recent "bride. FL p Mrs. George Wolfe was M. C. and the following programme was given: Piano Solo by Mrs. Dave Wilson; 'burn and girls, in the Royal York, Toronto this Mon- P. VanCamp attended Reading by Mrs. Percy VanCamp, "Santa and the Mice". Betty Lou Stin- son favored with two accordian solos; | Piano Solo--Carol Werry; Vocal solo --"The Money Song" by Mrs. Lorne Thompson; Mrs, Gilbert gave two readings, "Emily Spot" and "Advice to the Bride". Nancy Stinson did two | tap dances. Elaine Mountjoy played =» piano solo. At this point Mrs. Wolfe invited the bride, her bridesmaid, Miss Bernice | Larmer and her sister Nancy Stani- land to the front to unwrap the very! large table full of lovely gifts. The Bride read the verses aloud and, thanked each giver. Miss Aileen Van Camp on behalf of the school friends | and teachers presented her with a lovely coffee table, While lunch was being prepared Mrs. Hector Shortridge gfnducted a "Weed" contest and MrsgZChas, Smith It .e" contest ~ | Betty McArthur of Toronto spent the | joy for a while. i Fred Bradburn, Janetville on Sunday. "Wilson, 3 iy [J Y ne 3 HEE RA i » ' ' ¢ Sha <A ' y y/ SHEA oe . ag of Ie Fels LAL 20 nbohnd, et bral Mia taal AE seid star omamabiinitnt ont ab debubin vated okt Ag 4 160d stabi sgisiosnsd a vdsdaiisnisd A. _ THE PORT PERRY 8 STAR, THURS.,, NOVEMBER 6th, 1961-7 which were enjoyed. A social hour' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ross, Sclence | Worship services, opening with hymn was spent and all viewed the gifts. The United Church was well filled Sunday morning. Craig Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer and Brice Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewin received the Sacra- ment of Baptism. Rev. Romeril took as the subject for his sermon "Over- taken in a fault". ! Myr, and Mrs. Arthur Bailey spent Saturday evening in Toronto with' Mr. and Mrs. A. Dawson. Sunday i morning Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey ! and Miss Catharine took Mrs. Velva Bailey to Toronto where she joined Arthurs and left for Florida. Miss Catharine Bailey is boarding in Bowmanville for the winter, | Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Smith visited Mrs. P. H. Philip at Bay Ridges on Sunday. Mrs. John Wotten moved to the up- stair apartment - in the south east corner of the Martyn Building last Thursday. Harry Sanderson moved Saturday to the apartment vacated by Mrs. Wotten, Watch for the ad. of antiques. Miss Anna Belle Kelly was week- end guest of the Gordon Strongs. Miss Chrystal Fallis of Port Hope is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brad- of Harry's sale Mrs. Wesley. Bradburn has returned from a week's visit with her son's and brother's families in Toronto. Mrs. Dalton Dorrell is attending the Federation of Agriculture Convention day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Graham and Allen and Mrs. Earl - Wallace, Port Perry were Sunday supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Graham. Msds. M. Graham, Chas. Smith and "the Annual Central Ontario Area Women's Ins- titute Convention in Toronto, Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dysart of Fort William and London, also Miss week-end with Dr. and Mrs. McArthur and Ardis. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Rutherford and Allan and Bob Witzel of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer of Pickering were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. George Fowler. } Mrs. Minnie Franks of Peterboro is visiting her sister Mrs. Les. sunt, Mrs. Osmond Wright spent the week-end with friends in Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn, Don- ald and Ivan visited Mr. and Mrs. Miss Chrystel Fallis of Port Hope spent last week and Mrs. Gordon Oshawa spent Friday with Mrs. Cecil Hamilton. Wednesday, Mrs. Hamilton, Miss | Fallis_and Mrs, Velva "Bailey spent in Toronto. STARTING NOV. 3rd o . ADMISSION: 'Every Friday Night te tind a --. . 3080808 ato 0 0 0% oa O 2200000 Ze "or, nga ep ageiagst Se s'ne -- 8.00 to 10.00 p.m. 200800 CS 0% - 35¢ and 50¢ mR THE FOLLOWIN PHONE 985-7951 GETTING READY for WINTER? ITEMS WILL ASSIST YOU PRECAST SIDEWALK PADS COLOUREDEPATIO TOP QUALITY STOVE & FURNACE OIL REESOR FUEL & BLOCKS PORT PERRY Hill and Mr, and Mrs. Bert Knott ot Carlingford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Ms. Glenn Larmer and boys. Utica Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker visited relatives in Cambray on Sunday. Carol Leader and friend of Toronto awa were guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. , Crosier on Sunday. Carol is now liv- ing in Toronto. ' Mr, and Mrs. Mel. Morgan of Osh- awa wer guests of Mr. and Mus. J. Crosier on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. F. Kendall had Sun- day dinner with Mr, and Mrs. J. Ward of Whitby. Mrs. Bext Mitchell, Yvonne and Lou Mitchell spent a day in Oshawa last week, Kay Philips and friend from Ottawa were home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkinson spent a day in Sunderland last week, visiting Mrs. Bagshaw. Ronnie Saunders was home for the week-end and so was Margaret Sut- cliffe. . Mrs. Milt, Parkin and Mrs. H. Stell and' Dougie of Kinsale visited Mr. and Mrs. J, Mitchll on Monday. Don't forget the Euchre on Satur- day evening at the Hall. Manchester Rev. J. K. Braham preached the second in a series of sermons on "The Beatitudes" on Sunday. His theme "Blessed are they that Mourn, for 'they shall be comforted". Mis. J. Dobson visited last week in Willowdale with her brother, Mr. L. Diamond and Mrs. Diamond. Mrs. Weldon and Mrs. W. C. .Pol- lard, Uxbridge visited Mrs. Crosier on Thursday. Manchester W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Crosier on Thursday after- noon, Nov. 2nd. She conducted the Drop in at your Vauxhall dealer's and take a look at the new Victor. This remarkable car marks the beginning of new pleasure in motoring. Inside and out, every detail of the 1962 Victor is inspired by today's awareness of good, clean design. This is the new Victor--boldly original, its lines clean and uncluttered. Available in a range of splendid new colors, in "A Charge to Keep I Have". The Lord's Prayer repeated in unison was followed by the Scripture lesson from 1st Corinthians, 3, 4-17 read by Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. Braham introduced the topic with a poem "Had I one single day" which was etomposed by a friend. "Fach Man's Work will be Manifest" emphasized the working Christian and|- concluded with Prayer. Mrs. Fielding expressed a Message of welcome to everyone present and presided over the business period. The minutes of October meeting were read and approved and the roll call re- corded sixteen members and five vis- itors present, "includingtour tonagen- arian member, Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Crosier gave the Hospital Aux. report. Mrs. Lamb reported recent financial items, including $31.50 from Donlands Dairy. There was a re- minder re penny bags. Moved by Mrs. Crosier and Mus. Bain that we have a Christmas party at our next meeting, Dec. 7, convened by the Program committee. There were invitations to the Prince Albert Bazaar, on Sat., Nov. 4th and to Mrs. Allan Jackson's W.A. at Brooklin this evening, Nov. 2nd; also to Prospect Circuit W.A. rally at 8 p.m. Nov. 16th, the guest speaker to be Miss Ruby Wilson, a missionary friend home on furlough from Africa. Mrs. Bain read the correspondence, including two letters of resignation from Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Field- ing. Our Minister, Rev. J. K. Bra- ham presided over the election of our executive for 1962. On motion the following slate of Officers for 1962 was accepted: Hon. Pres.--Mrs. Braham Past Pres.--Mrs. Fielding Pres.--Mrs. G. Franklin Vice Pres.--Mrs. Croxall Treas.--Mrs. Lamb Recording 'Sec'y -- Mrs. Toombs -Asst.--Mrs. Meta Holtby © Corr. Sec'y--Mrs. Bain Press Sec'y--DMrs. Crosier Fianist--Mrs. Crosier ~ Parsonage Com. -Mrs. Roach, Mis. ) ; Roach, Mrs. Crosier. sisted the hostess in serving refreh. Gray, Mrs. Franklin. Auditors---Mrs. G. Franklin, ment. Program Com.--Mrs. W. Holtby, Mrs. Toombs. -- ree Mrs. Toombs, Mrs. Cawker Hospital Convenors-- Mrs. Crosier, There was an unanimous vote of Mrs. Fielding thanks to the retiring president for Flower Com.--Mus. Stevens, Mrs, | her faithful services. We were pleased to have Mrs. Fred Brooks join G. Franklin, Mrs, Crosier. es - Card Com.--Mrs. Fielding, Mrs. 'G. [ our association. The meeting closed ty with Theme and prayer. Coll. $5.21. Franklin, Mrs. Meta Holtby Food Com,--Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Taylor as- Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. SIRS - | BARE ERATOR ARS MESSAGE T0 ALL F ARMERS and PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIKE TO OWN THEIR OWN BUSINESS No matter whether you are a week-end farmer, farming on a full scale or desire to start your own business -- this message is Sure to interest you, as it deals with guaranteed profits. These profits are in Nutria, Canada's newest & most progres- sive fur industry. Either you can raise Nutria yourself or let us maintain your Nutria for you. Either way we guarantee with a written contract 40% if not more on your investment, large or small, This is your opportunity to get in at the start of this new and growing fur industry. TEN GOOD REASONS FOR INVESTING IN NUTRIA I. Nutria breeding requires less capital to start than any other business having such great returns. 2. Nutria are fully adaptable to our Canadian climate. 3. Nutria are prolific breeders, five litters in two years. 4. Nutria breeding reqiures a minimum of work, a child of twelve or an aged person can easily care for them. 5. ~Nutria are raised out of doors requiring no: temperature control. 6. Nutria are placid and friendly and live together in harmony. 3. utria, are ready to breed at six to eight months of age. LS] . '#re economical to feed, eating only vegetables, no meat. 9. utria, are the only fur bearing animals apparently immune to disease, 10.¥Nutria are clean in their living and feeding habits, they have no obnoxious odours. They are quiet and are not disturbing to you or any close neighbours you might have, \ NUTRIA RANCH For FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE "OR PHONE Box 58 Port Perry Star Brooklin 635 875 RANT ARRNAT ji f 2 ENN ARSBAAZFIN Sa ey "PED cxr= . | Deluxe, Super or Standard sedans, or Estate Wagons. This is the new Victor --with deep-sprung seating, a vast area of windows, provision for safety belts. This is the new Victor --with the world- -proved Vauxhall 4-cylinder engine, flexible 3-speed all-Synchro-Mesh transmis- sion or optional 4-speed transmission with floor change, Vauxhall Victor Estate Wag Vauxhall Victor De Luxe Sedan Jor the prestige car enthusiasts! In these beautiful cars you'll find truly luxurious comfort for six, with vigorous six-cylinder power. matched with two top trans missions --smooth Synchro-Mesh and time-tested Hydra-Matic. The British Car built and backed by General Motors GET BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A'NEW VICTOR--SOON! V.a2c "Bob Archer Motors Limited PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 985-2462 ON Li CT eH ted