& v, a 44 PLE iN 4 1h WE ELS TIA RC FANN REA EE Sh as Syrah Fl . £25 iN LE I a vis PPAAT A , pA +g . : : 4 . DETERS BME: LAH RY IER RT Ri hie Abia sade Sp ini anh Ae A THE PORT PERRY STAR PORT PERRY, ONT, THURS., NOVEMBER 80th, 1961 $2.00 Per Year, Single Copy 6¢ £38 cugoy Reeve And Floodlight Fund _ ' iad 5 Council Elected hy _ Acclamation | teaches 3,883.3 a "Authorized as Seon Class Mail by the Post Office Dept. Ouawy, for payment of postage in cash" Ce DR. DYMOND AT SUNDERLAND MEETING Sr ---- Incidentals ........c..o...corvurnannn. $ 57.18 Ross Sweetman, Treasurer. J. Jemmett coon, 2.60 Nomination meeting for Council and, The candidates were introduced in light. Pond moved closer to the goal] Joo Martin ewer 190 School Area Board, was held in the order of their nominations; Warden | °f $6,000 this week, when the canvass- Jack Wallis von £09 Town Hall on November 25th at 7.00 { Anson Gerrow gave a report on | ers reported an up to date figure of Mie Hyde ee 5.00 pm. Meeting opened for nomina- [County work in the past year, and| $3,883.80. Some canvassers still have pier Conn SRE 5:00 ons at 7 p.m. and closed at 8 p.m. thanked the Council for their co-oper- " . \ ; BEOE crocs - ti A t 7 d closed at 8 hanked the C il for thei p a few calls to complete and donations Ra ee 0 Nominations for Reeve-- ation in the seven years of his office| . | ON ein . are still coming in to various members Earl Jackson 25.00 3 nd Cecil Fralick as Reeve. He stated his intention to . } Br] JACKSON o.oo, . Anson Gerrow a Cecil Fralick. resign at this time and thanked his |°f the Committee. If you have been Don Carnegie ..... . 16.00 Nominations for Councillor-- proposer and seconder. missed in the canvass you can still Carol Tanton ..... .. 10.00 Victor Aldred, Glen Hood, Cecil le donation at the Flamin Bob Huntley ..... a . 5.00 Fralick, Clarence Carter, Joseph Mur. Cecil Fralick gave a few words font _ © a y oy go Mr. and Mrs, C. Boyd..... 3.00 ? 3 Dowson, Milton Demara and Alvi reciati estaurant or the llizabe op or ' Ontario Riding Progressive Conser- | seated on the stage are some of the | Fadyen, Mr. A. C. MacKenzie (re- Honor, ? Rane Alvin of Spiresiaiien to hse pauing thelr with any member of the Citizens] JOM LACH nner 10.00 vative Association held their annual | speakers of the evening. Left to right, | elected Secretary-Treasurer) Mr. Ray ' i. y p i J Fay & Donna Holtby ............ 6.00 " er hew Dy d Those qualifying were: of Reeve Anson Gerrow. He also| Committee. iol Aarne meeting in Sunderland Tuesday even- | Mr. Robert Kenny, (newly elected Pre- | Ferguson and Hon. Matthew ymon I Pickard Hardware 10.00 ing, November 21st. Shown here |sident of the Riding), Mr. John Me-| (M.P.P. Minister of Health for Ont.) | Reeve--Cecil Fralick. spoke later when called on as Coun- Mary Sweetman 12.00 ng, November «lat. : Eis ' A Council--Victor Aldred, Glen Hood, | cillor, as did each of the other mem- Clarence Heard ................... 2000 Hugh Hitz... 2.00 , Slalenies Carter,' and Joseph ors the Cone hug! the es SAM CAWKEY wees 1000] Bert Weeden 10.00 - au . candidates nominated for Council and} , ~~ 7 SCHL AVECAEN co y th COR ocirsmninimmvrminisivisissinss 26.00 Joe Sher in eres ct tmmmerreres . PORT PERRY COUNCIL NEWS In Service Training This being the required number to | School Board. i" ox lemy 5.00 poetor fj ndel 2 on : form the Council for 1962, the candi-| My, Raymond Fralick High School EDD 0A LINN sommes, N Ken Butenmn a 5.00 Minutes of regular meeting of the, fore, ask you to proceed with this F T h dates were elected by acclamation. Representative for the Township, gave| Alf: Prentice winnie, 2.00 ph BAPTA wo RAY 5.00 Council of the Village of Port Perry, | work, beginning Nov. 27th and finish- or eac ers Following the nominations the|a report on the proposed Vocational Mrs. J. Taylor ne... 1.00 BE: PRIRIEOT oor 7.00 held Nov. 26th, 1961 at 9 a.m. ing up not later than Sunday, Dec. Clerk called on Mr. J. L. Sweetman, a | School to be built in Uxbridge next Art Colbear ......... 2.00 Miss Donna Hea -- 25.00 3rd, 1961. i i -aining | former Reeve and Councillor and one | year. 8! + 2b. i . J. Gib ' A science In - Service Training ' . ; Mrs. J. Buxcey 2.00 Ron Peel ....ooooooevvivivnii, 25.00 rN Re) fy lor Sincerely, Course for elementary school teachers | time Clerk of the Township, to act as{ Mr. Jos. Dowson reported on the D308, COLBERNE corer seen 30.00] Fred Canning 1.50 CRO W. G. Haviland, took place this fall in Port Perry|chairman for the remainder of the [new equipment installed at the hospi. 3 We lloaah Keith Fielding .... ee 2.00 MINUTES of Nov. 11th and Court Secretary-Treasurer"| pyplic Sehool. This six - meeting | Meeting. tal in Port Perry, namely the X-Ray[ IF. W. McCullough ............ OL Skinner 2.00 of Revision Monday, Nov. 13th were PRICES of lowering ceiling and course was sponsored by the Port| Mr. Sweetman made a few very ap- Machine and the Auxiliary Lighting Ba Woods J oe ANONYIIOUS wooo 50 adopte don motion. Carried. covering with tentest: Perry Group of the Federated Women | propriate remarks and comments, re-| Plant. Marl Tunionds TTI es 2.4¢ Miss Margaret Rodd .. 5.00 REPORT on Work at Canadian H. Lake Scugog Lumber, without Teachers' Association of Ontario. lative to Municipal affairs in general,| Mr. Everett Prentice BYORI us up Hosur ibson i oe Fred Real ee, 5.00 : ! " while introttucitig the candidates. He| to date on the work ete. done at the| Bob Crozier we o Walter Sand 10.00 W. Gossard Factory by I. A. Boyd. installation .....c.ceninnen wen $1400. | pp president, Miss Gladys Joblin, stated that the paved county rond on | Public Schools on the Tul Hnsdiy Avsairtine 5.00 alter ¢ Riv 1 oon He reported on having fixed the kit- John Ballard Lumber Co. with presided at each meeting. Mrs. Nancy the Island, constructed over the past It would be encouraging to see more Wes. Lane conceive 156.00 Joe Tse oo chen ceiling at the Gossard Building installation ................ brennan 1600. MacMillan, secretary-treasurer, was in : ! d leted this vear | ole Ray Birkett 10.00 Cam Aldred cocoon, . : Thi i the 1 seven years and completed this vear,| electors out next year to nomination, . Carter Bros. ...cooeeriivenenn, 10.00 and 18 pri on pr oo on » ON RESOLUTION -- That the renova-| charge of registration and attendance. represented as much road work as was | however a very successful meeting | J. Purvis 1.00 George Samells ... 5.00 (ing of he sot ing and covering w tions of the Town Hall buildings be At the first meeting on October |done in the previous one hundred was concluded by singing-- "God Save Harold Martyn srr 5.00 Don Ashbridge 2.00 acoustic tiling. | undertaken by the John Ballard Lum- 12th, Miss Lotta McNeill, Inspector of | Years on the Island. the Queen". fad Chapman ................... S00 Cliff Redman 5.00 'RESOLUTION--That the following | ber Co. at'the cost of $1600. Carried. Ontario No. 1, introduced the guest rE. p » Cone 3.00 Chas. Reader ........ 200 accounts be approved for payment: |" pRgOLUTION -- That the Account| speaker, the former Science Masterat| C EAC soo] Nelson Reader ....... 5.00 General ....ccocnniinrisnrninnins $26,614.38| the Paymaster Corporation in| Toronto Teachers' College, Mr. Frank Obi i M : Ey i Loo] Laverne Martyn 3.00 Froperty & Parks ........... 220.800, "oo nt of $42.50 for the period | Hedges. At present he is Organizer 1 uary- arriage Cl Wo 500] Heuyn's Bros. ... ... 10.00 Waterworks ................ 602.29 -| of Television for Metropolitan Tor- are Howsam 5. Getrow Bros. 1000 Jan. 18, 1962 td.Jan. 18, 1964 for in . Ira ( 46.00 Street Maintenance .. 263.19 J irance and maintenance be paid. | onto. These telecasts are presented MR. ALEXANDER RUSSELL 'WEEDEN - WATSON pil ng ew r------ aon Ao BOR commen 2.00 . 3 0 > or NO 8 8 B Welfare. ............ ER ih Carried. ) each Monday 2M Wednesday by the Mr. Alexander Russell died on Mon- On November 24th, 1061, at St. W. G. Raines ....o.ooovvivennnn. 5.00 Mire 0. BALE coe 200 E Tiule & Trsstor Act, 6.682.04 RESOLUTION -- That 2000 Daily Department of Riusation. day, November 20th at the home of | Augustine of Canterbury Anglican| TI. Mahaffy eee, son] Ross Luke... 5.00 + TER Hydro nat tribfune ' 7 Conti bk SY Cash Reports be printed for the Hydro At each meeting Mr. Hedges pre-| his daughter, Mrs. R. J. McKinney, | Church, Toronto, the Reverend N.| D. Forder ... 65.00]; I. Andros crm 15.00 oy Project $0 ns he: S a ps a cost of $29.10 plus Pro-| sented interesting facts from the field | Ridgeway, Ontario. Bracken officiated at the solemniza-| Ww. Taylor ......... 3.00]: on po Cm 10.00 § Yon & Developlien ye of Science. Some of the topics-were: A . | tion of Holy Matrimony, when Helen| R. Armstrong ... 5.00 | A 1 0¢ FCC ses Co kL Hh. Mun. Parks, Approved vincial Sales Tax. . Carried. i. Hever eta Het Iineraler rosker) Deceased was born in April 1872 in Carolyn, only daughter of Mr. and| H. Mack 200] W- Malenowski 2.00 E Oct. 20th, 1961 ........... 442.16] TAX Installments discussed and a a Tainers Proton township, Grey County, where Mrs. Wentworth R. J. Watson ue Ta Fern 100 Miss Grace Davis ......coccno.... 5.00 E: A co } : ; H i . i 1921. ) . Davis nn, d pig 00 hed over trees; plants; wild flowers and seeds. he engaged in taiuing ont: 1 Perry, and Albert Edward Weeden, Mrs. D. Hope ........... 1.00 Yd. Baio 50 Carried. $34,775.98 On mntion Connell. Adjourned Operating a steam threshing outfit son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Weeden, Port| John Leahy aop| Stewart Lane 6.00 ial Statement r 5 - ' The almost perfect attendance at|he became widely known throughout Perry, were united in Rrire. an wile Ata I JE TE i -- 5.00 Copy 95 Vinansia one : each meeting verified the fact that in- | the township. In 1921 he moved to ? I iy hs a 500 Mrs. J. Popert women, 5.00 nontination meeting for the perusa EE terest among the teachers in Science | Preston where he remained until 1946 The bride was given in marriage by ow B a mmm 500 Mr. & Mrs. Chas: Fopert ...... 25.00 of Council. d ith was keen. Teachers carried their in-| when he came to Reach Township in| her father. Miss Sheila Watson of \ G : re WARY a tpginoeet 1.00 Henry Slater ne. 10.00 The estimates in accordance nm Bantam Hocke | sporations to their pupils and, accord- | the Utica district. In 1954 he re-| Willowdale was bridesmaid. hy arvey ye ' Ron Robertson ......ooccocveevvennn. 1.00 the 1961 budget were compared with NE ....ye r T rrrerd ws r rlgnr dep ryi rf eeeear, WAS_ DTI Mrs. Hattie Wallace 1.00 o > i dat a ' * ing" to reports, curiosity in Science | turned to Fioton and Tived in retire: 37. Pentel Ceeton wath el id J PVT 1 2.00 the actual expenditures to- 3s and "s : was aroused to the extent that class- | ment in the village of Hopeville. fon Diet ol ceden was best man lly 3 Beceroft --------"s aoe] Ken MOOre wn 3.00 were found to 'be running close News gi: rooms became conglomerated with ) Ms Jone A : Ross Hutchinson .........ooon.. 5.00 schedule : : ' ta ; Mr. Russell's wife predeceased him \ . Mrs. Don Geer mms... 1.00 30% Leal oh . ; rock collections, leaves, seeds, aquari- in 1958. after which he moved to Following the ceremony, a wedding ETL TO 5.00 Boh Robertson eer ' LETTER from Port Perry Chamber The Port Perry Bantam Hockey, ums and terrarium, | Ridgeway and divided his time be. | TccPtion was held at the Westbury | yi" p "Vo rool rH FREbetl ns : 961. 1, Trt. Hot asi lmallaniia aay F. Joblin ones 5. of Comper Aited Ne oe 55 lon Yiisy Dan gs of Erin, During the course, lunch was served | tween the home of Mrs. McKinney oul orn. Weeden will reside | Mr. J. T. Hayes .....cocoovennnnn. 5.000 oo Ron 2.00 On behalf of the win November : 4 erry. hoys| .i coffee break by the Evening Auxi- | there and the home of Mrs. J. C. Grier| "T° ' 3 en will reside in | 101 & Lorne Smith wo. ............ 300 L. Leahy 2 00 would like you to pass on to Councillor ended up on the wrong end of a 7 - 2 h ort Perry. , ne 1000] Mrs Lo Leahy oe 2. > i d y liary of the Port Perry United Church, | of Utica.- os 08 EET ST ------ . ine Bovd 10.00 Bob Kenny, a special word of 'Thanks' gscore. The Uxbridge boys struck fast | Living Boyd oi . ' J i The Guide Mothers and the Anglican A . Oy -- Rupert Lee omnis 10.00 Allan Luke for the many hours he has spent in in the first period, getting 4 goals and, Ladies. He is survived by four daughters-- + Greer & Kelly, Law Office ... 60.00 Allan Luke the past six weeks in connection with 'scored another goal in the second | Ann (Mrs. R. J. McKinney), Marie - . Mrs, MAFEATot FOO) oo soo] Hurold Forder one the ditching and road building pro-| period. The Port Perry boys matched | A fitting climax was reached at the | (Mrs, J. C. Grier), Eileen (Mrs. F. G. Ladies ur ling J. G. Porter, Can. Imperial Pah Sony Th gramme going on in Port Perry. a pair of goals with Uxbridge in the! last meeting, when the group met a' | Roberto) of Lochlash, Ont., and La- Ey ' mere A100 Murray Gibson ... We are fortunate to have on Council ! 1ast period. Little Dickie Stephens | the Presbyterian Church for a ban- verne (Mrs. A. G. Peiffer) of Preston Lady Luck was out on a spree as Bert DeShane ... Te 00 D- Hogg coer other gentlemen like Mr. Kenny who | ccored both Port Goals. quet. Mrs. Elaine Bailey led a sing| Ont.; two sons, Clarence of Ottawa [the girls threw rocks with vim and Mr. & Mrs Chas. Like roel" "J Bell - are willing to take time from: their Bantams played host to | S0"8 With Mrs. Eunice Hunter at the | and Alex of Turner Valley, Alberta | great glee on Wednesday last, and a Jeffres Dr TARE emer 10.00 Ww alsh Radio & Elec. businesses to look after municipal af-| Port Perry aljams pave M Wh piano. "Mr. Stuart Lane thanked Mr.| A son, James, predeceased his father | Thursday too. The ice was good--but J pv s Y cman 3.00 Al Bond ns fairs. Seldom do Councillors receive | the Uhre Bantams oR a: Hedges. He related a saying he had |in March of this year. There are the air was blue. The scores below Black ns Motors "10.00 Miss Ada Stevenson any recognition for the many hours Nov. 27th an a wiih 8 oie overheard, "Oh, he's terrific", and| also fourteen grandchildren and twen- [ mean nothing at all, but win or lose B ae D Ee Store penne £5.00 Mrs. Hoppett eee they spend on Village business." improved game, with the score being stated that the Course had been a|ty three great-grandchildren. A bro-|--we sure have a ball. TOeh'S Lepl, SOI wos in 2 Eunice Harris ....... > : tied at 6 goals apiece. The Port J : John Doupe ................. 5.00 John Scott . : ; : ot | benefit-to-all.--Mr. Hedges responded | ther, George, still lives in Mount . € " John Scott oon, LETTER from Twp. of Reach giv-| Perry lads put on a drive in the laat £5 Tin. visual Wuimorods manner: ME Tet I. Mitchell--7 N. Kenny--8| Kenny Devitt .......coccccocii. 500] pred Crawford : ing permission to install a water ser-| 8 minutes and scored 3 goals. Two of Roy. Cornish thanked the ladies Loy . M. Hayes--3 E. Doyle--:¢ | Jim Hadley ....ccooocoevrerveeernnnn. 2.00) farold Hocken .......... a 2.00 vice into the residence of Mr. Ed.| these goals were scored by Jim Mac- the very lovely banquet The funeral service was held at the | Hilt Simpson . 5.000 Mis. Ross Sandison 10.00 Oyler. ) Master and one by Bill Beare. Dickie ) MacMillan Funeral Home in Dundalk ' R. Mitchell--7 R. Bruton-- Ernie Hayes ...........cccceovvevvennn. 2000 Ped WHItGEr ooo 2.00 P.C. dated | Stephens assisted on all 3 goals while| Immediately following, the teachers | Thursday, 23rd, inst., and was con- V. Buller--10 H. Thompson--! Jim BOWEr .ooveeveeveenricerenannnn, 10.00 LETTER Jeon the HE. interim | 288isting on another goal and scoring assembled upstairs where slides of | 4, ted by the Rev. D. R. Sinclair of NE ; i Ivan Haugen ..... 5.00 (Continued in Next Issue) Nov. 14, 1961. You Present nierim | one his self for b points, Terry Ad-| Wild Flowers were shown by Mr. |g oo Presbyterian Church, Dundalk. A. Cox---3 M. Snooks--7| Frank Hastings ......ccoeene. 10.00 rate of 43.30 De kilowa pat, Yat derley and John Vernon scored the | Hedges. Immediate relatives assisted the un- J. Gray--7 D. Beare--¢| Stan Ploughman ................ 3.00 will be Applicable or ail other two goals. Gord McMillan pick- In retrospect, this unit in addition | dertaker in laying away the mortal -- Murray Gilbert SPN 2.00 J in the forthcoming. year. ed up two assists and played A ¥o to its educational value proved to be | remains, beside those of his wife, in B Terrett--8 C. Martyn--9 win Mmiord sa Lo Hilltop Herald LETTER from L. Vernon Walker, | steady defense. His team-mate Bobby | 5 [leasurable social event. Many | Esplin Cemetery. i A. Dawson--2 G. Love--3 mot Walker ........cooooneenne. , dated Nov. 14th, 1961 Re: Accident of | Wallis played a much inpreved galls thanks to those responsible for its oh Paskland Fes TRE co Hello Folks: November Gth, 1961 at the intersec- | Tommy Hockin played a very good |i angement and organization. 158 WOON vorrei vereriricrissininns : } 9 . : J 26.00 Activities at the High School have tion of the Ontario County Road No. | game in goal and is showing a lot of Id t ) 14 4 k Ci Tp Dr. John Diamon Ae " 2 and Highway TA in Port Perry, in- | promise. or e oC e u Allan Smith cocoon. 2.00 heen curtailed this week due to the . ard Colbear ...........co..... 2.00 fact that the tort s days of exams volving: GW, Swosts Se Dei. To Cari-lake, Manager, Dowswell Re-- FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1960-61 | Equipment, new, Repair, fo y Evans 2.00 are amon ig The only. time ay aen » « HJ). args : Pp } serene FETT I TIITIT IIIT TAT . ar : 8. JX a ol : y a FINES f th RECEIPTS Droste for-Gharmpjonsliip 539.60 Golo Robertson... 5.001 much activity is noticed is When pu- ' STATEMENT of or mon El ted R f MMS vn, . Mrs. A. King icin BO pils are feverishly comparing exam | of October, 1961, $50.00, the municipal ) ec eeve 0 Flayers Paying 26c. per game $666.90 | 100 Time & Referees 1,646.26 | Bill Carnegie ......oovcreiiveeen 10.001 papers and answers. We will return EF Fliod. ; -- Gate Receipts from all teams 1,487.81 Printing & Advertisin 260.20 paper: od share being $24.88. WC Y raw Uxhrid e Tw Donations 571.80 | Medical First Aid E 2 ce ' Murray Hall ..... 1.001 t a more normal existance next week : SAVERY &FARW $$ | HIivhritisre Burm 0 | Donations ooo, . , 2quip. | Joe Tacbitt oo 5.00 a " LETTER from the Canadian H. W. u i Pp. Receipts from Chocolate Bars 193.81) yyoqnital Stitches and Joe Tut 1 | 50.00 when the exams are over. | # Gossard Co. Ltd, dated Nov. i ja. Winner On Monday, November 27, Mr. Earl Shot Gun Draw A Lacerations ...........coo........... 145.40 H. H. Mulligan ........ccooevvveen..... 10.00 Friday, a "Hard Time" Sadie Haw- | -_"To_confirm our conversation jin Sos Dowswell was re-elected as Reeve of 50-60 Draw wove . 180.001 Entry Fees O.M.H.A,, O.H.A. Mrs. Ethel Whitter von... 2.00 | kins Dance was held at our gymna- pt Ya ask gx, y Fair Day Receipts 114.85 - / your office on November 16th, 1961 Winner of last week's Lucky Draw Usbridge Township Last year's' Dop- Rott Perry Fair Day p Coaches & Managers, Mr, & Mrs. V. P. Stouffer .... 5.00[sium. The yearly dance was well You requested formal instructions | at Beare Motors for the $10.00 1.G.A. uty<Reeve, Robt. Nesbitt was defeated "1 Travelling, Meals, pall EE 5.00 | attended and those present had a very regarding the lowering of the ceiling | Food Voucher was Mr. Norman Powell by Norma Hoge TOA] icinrnniniminmiirn $3,442.92] [06t Time from Work ...... 726.28] Orval Stone ............. ... 5.00| enjoyable evening. at our location in Port Perry. of Port Perry. : : MIL 2 GHSEMEN Rod & Gun Club weer. 10.00 Ke 3 hav reing ta aig ing Brin . ETT i i ! F Alvin shaw, and DISBURSEMENTS 3 n The plant will be ciosed starting|_ The draw was made by Mr. Jack oF Coghell, Alvi Red Ho Total ssivriririmrsssrsisosens $3,376.00 John DO wceeevvvcrvvvcessserennrririnnene 15001 other capacities, this concludes this i November 27th through until the fol- Hope. =. Cha Forsyt e were re-elec Flowers, Sick Baskets, Bal. in Bank to Start Emmerson Insurance ... wee 25.00 week's news : "lowing Monday, Dec. 4th, when we| Next Draw will be made at 6 pm. | along with a new member Donald Rentals, Postage and 1961 - 62 Season -- $67.92, 8. E, Beare ........corrrvenn . 16.00 : will resume operations. We there- | Saturday, Decem Jackson. W, TT, Behl wiv cimsirits 16.00 John Williams. 3 PORT PERRY Tues., Dec. Admission-50' & 25° Game Time - 8.30