SRE he a " i a STS TER or PR RE MOR ha, oR aa te ANAS nt ARE " 1.76--Jan, 18/62 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, NOVEMBER 80th, 1961 BUSINESS REAL ESTATE FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS MARGARET BALLARD Realtor Sunderland, Ont. Phone 49 or 124 I. Jan. 5, '62 AI'KN TV "SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry --I'hone---980-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 31/61 INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE 985-2421 PORT PERRY For a perfect MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT tailored from the best material at the lowest prices possible, sec UXBRIDGE CLEANERS and DYERS UL 2-3471, Uxbridge tf. ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. ED PECONI & SON LTD. Highest for dead prices or crippled paid horses, cattle Pigs or small animals removed free. Phone ZEnith 32800. No toll charge, 24 hour service. License No. 69 C 61 Box 11, Argyle, Ont. 2.--Sept. 21/62 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Phone 9852226 Jan. 11/62. WES LANE Plumbing - Heating Port Perry, Ont. Phone 985-2473 2.--Jan. 5/62 trouble starts, Water For Sale Delivered. JOHN NESBITT, Nestleton, Phone Blackstock 986-4739. l.. -Mar, 1/62 'DIRECTORY F. G. Croshy TRAVEL AGENT TOURS, AIR, RAIL HOTEL, STEAMSHIP ULster 2-3853 UXBRIDGE, ONT. . No service charge 1.0 Dee. 14/61 a GILLSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY ONTARIO Telephone 985-2311 Office: Corner John & North Sts. 1. Dec. 28/61 A. E. Johnson OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED PRRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Mary St., Port Perry Wed. 9-12 noon. Mon.-Fri 7 to 8 p.m. Phone for an appointment 985-2383 723-2721 Dec. 21/61 ~ Causeway Bowling Lanes OPEN BOWLING FRIDAYS -- 7 to 11 p.m. SATURDAYS -- 8 to 11 p.m. Lf. TREASURERS SALE OF LAND IFFOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF REACH, County of Ontario To Wit: By Virtue of Warrant issued by the Reeve of The Township of Reach under his hand and the seal of the said Corporation, bearing the date of the 4th day of July, 1961, a sale of "lands in arrears of taxes in the Town- ship of Reach will be held in the Township Hall, at the hour of 10.00 in the forencon on the 12th day of January, 1962, unless the taxes are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the lists of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 7th day of October, 1961, and that copies of said lists may be had at my office. Dated at the Treasurer's Office this 20th day of September, 1961. A. R. JOHNS, Clerk-Treas. Dec. 28th : Christmas Discount Sale We ARE SELLING OUT OUR COMPLETE LINE _OF GIFT LINES, ............ JEWELLERY, ETC. GIVING UP THE GIFTWARE BUSINESS YOW IS THE TIME TO BUY FOR CHRISTMAS AT DISCOUNT PRICES A LARGE SELECTION OF WATCHES 20% Off DIAMOND RINGS, WEDDING RINGS, SIGNET RINGS - [J] Piano Tuning | " V. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner PORT PERRY, ONT. Phone 985-2334 Jan, 2/62--1, MacKaye Jewellers Uxbridge, Ontario Expert-Wateh and Clock Repairs by a_certified- watchmaker. Have your: watch cleaned by the new ultrasonfe method. ; : All work guaranteed one year. ® Scissors Sharpened eo Mail Order Service 20% Off WE WILL CONTINUE TO CARRY ON THE WATCH -- CLOCK AND JEWELLERY REPAIRS ALSO SCISSORS SHARPENED MacKaye Jewellers Uxbridge, Ontario "Nov. 30/61 ASSIFIED or SALE -- 8 pair boys Hockey | Skates, size 4, 7, 8. Phone 985-7937. we -------- FOR SALE -- Pure Bred German Shepherd Pups, 2 months, $26.00. Apply Ken Scott, Phone bo-r-21, Oak- wood, Ontario, 1 FOR SALE -- Toy Terrier Puppies. Will hold for Christmas, Mrs. Ralph Sadler, Blackstock 986-4489. ' FOR SALLE--14 weaned pigs. Phone 9856-7791, Port Perry. FOR RENT-----Three room apartment in house, Reasonable rent. Phone UBH-206Y after 6 pan. or week-end, Dec. 14 FOR RENT--4 roomed apartment, close to downtown area and to Oshawa Phone 985-2288, bus service, PERSONAL OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only 69¢. At all druggists, SWAP--Will trade pony for heifer, steer or bacon hogs. Phone 985-7732, FOUND -- Black and Tan Hound, Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Phone 985-2046. Dec. 14 WANTED -- Old. guns, powder flasks, Swords, medals and Indian relics. Highest prices paid. Apply Box 55, Port Perry Star, or phone 723-2381, Oshawa. (corrected phone number). Dec. 28/61, FOR RENT--2 bedroom apartment, self contained, use of drier, heated, downtown. Available Dec. 1st. W, J. Carnegie 985-2613, Port Perry. TF APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 5 rooms centrally located. Heated, 'newly decorated. -Immediate posses- sion ~~ Phone 9856-7916. TF FOR RENT--2 bedroom apartment, completely self contained. Drier fa- cilities. Apply Bob Howsam. Phone 986-7880. TF FOR IMPRESSIVE BUSINESS STATIONERY call in to the PORT PERRY STAR We can Supply Both Letterpress or Offset Printing FREE One free wheel with each new set of snow. tires. -- Also used 12x 28 tractor tire. FOR Income Tax AND Bookkeeping Services SEE Alex Shepherd Suite 17, Emmerson Motel Phone 985-7031 Tenders Tenders will be received for install- ing a furnace in Utica United Church. |" This must be a combination furnace to burn coal, wood, and oil." Work to be done as soon as. possible. Tenders must be in the hands of Ralph Wilbur, Uxbridge R.R. 4, by December 8th, 1961. . Lowest or any, tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of KATHLEENE ORRILLA ORCHARD, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Spinster. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died November 13th, 1961 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on; or before December 28th, 1961, full | particulars of their claims. Immedi- ately after December 28th, 1961 the assets of the deceased will be distri- buted among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shali then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 28th day of November, 1961. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Barristers, Ete, Dec. 14 Port Perry, Ontario COUNTY OF ONTARIO SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES TO WIT: BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of the Lounty of Ontario and bearing date the 14th day of August, 1961, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Ontario will be held at the Court House, Whitby, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 5th day of December, 1961, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale has been published in the Ontario Gazette in the issue of September 2nd, 1961. Copies of the said list may be had at my offices. ETE DATED at Whitby, this 5th day of September, A.D. 1961. WM. G. MANNING, Treasurer, County of Ontario, 416 Centre Street South, Nov. 30 WHITBY, Ontario. CLASSIFIED ADS & Phone YUkon 5-2331 COPY MUST BE IN BY 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY Auction Sales SA'T., DECEMBER 9th---Farm Sold Auction Sale of- Holstein Cattle, Two Tractors, Combine, Baler, Implements, Hay, Grain, Potatoes, Some Furniture the Estate of Bruce Ashton, Lot 8, Con. 8, Cartwright Twp., on 7A Cut- off, 2 miles South and.l mile West of Blackstock. Terms Cash. Sale at 12.30 p.m. C. Heayn, Clerk. / TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., DEC. 14th---Auction Sale of farm stock and implements, includ- ing 30 grade shorthorn cattle, 40 hogs, 2 horses, tractor and implements, hay, grain, poultry, furniture, ete. the pro- perty of George W. Irwin, Lot 22, Con. 9, Reach Twp., 2 miles north of Port Perry and '1 mile east, via Sea- grave Rd. Terms Cash. Sale at 12.30 sharp. No reserve. C. Heayn and R. Scott, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, Printed <n BOSTON, LOS ANGELES LONDON THE (013 RYN EW N10) I (0D MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL RE DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting - Accurate Complete International News Coverage The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order; [J | year $20 pki [J 6 months $10 J 3 months $5 Name Address City Zone Hoskins, Blackstock, 986-4971... |... 2.--Jan, 18/62 lizing by InterNational For an exciting gift . .. one that is truly personal and practical . . o select a box of "Taly Yours" Personalized Social Stationery PORT PERRY See thts beautiful albom now at... PORT PERRY STAR (0. LTD. 13 Phone 985-2331 r <I ris SAFE DRIVING WEEK -- DECEMBER 1.7 \ of J: Co-operators Insurance Association At 20 miles an hour, stopping takes 10 times i as long on ice or sleet as on a dry roadl If you want to avoid winter accidents = "slow down; keep your windshield free of ice and snow; ow at a safe distance, {If you do have to stop in a hurry, pump your brakes, : : don't jam them. (Power brakes need gent X Holstein Club Annual Banquet The annual Ontario County Holstein Club Banquet was held in the new Christian Education Building, Brook- lin United Church, on Thursday, Nov. 23rd, with around 240 Holstein Breed- ers and their friends in attendance. Mr. Cecil Disney, President of the Ontario County Holstein Club, was the Master of Ceremonies. Besides the annual Holstein Club Banquet this was also a recognition dinner honouring Mr. George R. Mec- Laughlin, President of the Holstein- Friesian Association of Canada. Mr. G. M. Clemons, Secretary Manager, represented the Holstein - Friesian Association of Canada while Mr. Roy Barker represented the East Central Ontario district, Mr. Leslie Smith, Port Perry, made the presentation address to Mr. Me- Laughlin. He was assisted in the presentation of a silver tea service and four pieces of luggage by Mr. Jim McCague, Alliston and Mr. Harold McCaul, Napanee. Both Mr, and Mrs. McLaughlin replied to the presenta- tion and expressed their appreciation for the lovely gifts and for the dinner in their honour, Mr. George Robson, Maple, Ontario, gave a very descriptive talk in an amusing manner regarding a recent trip that he had to Czechoslovakia when he delivered a shipment of Hol- stein cattle to that country. } "Miss Heather Webb and Miss Eliza- beth Hayes provided the entertain- ment. under the able direction of Mrs. Ken Holliday. singing was} ' Manchester On Thursday afternoon, pecombell) 7th the Women's Association will meet in the school room of the church for their Christmas Party. There will be an exchange of gifts. Sunday, December 3rd Will be white gift Sunday here. Sympathy is exténded to the family of the late George Till, Greenbank. Miss Luetta Butson, Oshawa, visit- ed Mrs. Grant Franklin on Sunday. Mis. Jo Bain was in Toronto last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fielding and Mrs. Fielding Sr. visited in Keswick on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Kendall, Utica, visited Mrs. Crosier on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Franklin and Mrs. Grant Franklin were in Toronto one day last week. Rill angi holding tickets on the Hospfldl Auxiliary, Money Dolls, please turn them in by Dec. 7th. Pom hee Jatt clothes dry ZZ Ll-- ha, Wi S/% lectrically| clothes dryer ng lla Saves Work! S020 80808080R0808080R0e0R eC 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION: RE 080808080809080808000 L200 080 00002000 00008 SRT PERRY ARENA | Every Saturday Night : to 10:00 p.m. 35¢ and 50¢ Village "Notice is hereby Corporation of th pursuant to th December 6th, 1961. of ; the Year 1962. for the Village of Port Perry. declarations, an election will 13th day of December, 1961. A.D. 1961. ids are slippery! 6 pumping.) NOMINATION MEETING ul Port Perry en to The Municipal Electors of the illage of Port Perry, County of Ontario, rovisions of Section 45, Chap. 249 of The .S.0. 1960. ; SATE J compliance with these provisions I require the presence of the said Electors at the Court Room, in the Municipal Offices, at the hour of 7.80 to 8.30 p.m., Tuesday, For the purpose of nominating persons for the offices 1 Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Three Councillors for 2. Three Members to serve on the Public School Board cA of Education for two years, If a greater number of Candidates than required to fill the said offices are nominated, and make the required Given under my hand this 28th day of November be held on Wednesday, the JOHN F. RAINES, . Returning Officer, es LL LL ILI III II 1100 0000000000000 0 004 , 1961. S. R. BRUTON, Chairman of Board so orman Heayn, Port Perry on or "t Lowest or anyltender not necessarily accepted. ¥ R. H. CORNISH, = § Prinet - I i po oY 4 4